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Erotic Stories Wife


Erotic Stories Wife

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Indian wife to Married Slave – BDSM – Erotic Story

© Copyright 2021 StoryVa. All Rights Reserved.
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Isha sat in the front of the mirror, straightening her silky black tresses, wondering how her life had amounted to this position. A month ago, the prim and proper Indian housewife would have never wondered it efficient to be spanked, pissed on, and slave marked wholly by strangers.
Having grown up in a traditional South Indian household, she was married off at 26, and had borne her husband their gorgeous boy a year later. She was at a happy position in life, with seemingly all she wanted. A stable financial position, and a great family.
She was breathtaking, a vision of pure lust and graceful beauty at the same time, blessed with piercing eyes, high cheekbones and an oval facial structure.
She worked out regularly, and it showed. While she was definitely a MILF, her luscious breasts, a 34 DD, had not sagged much, and her stomach was toned. Her plump Ass was to die for, the result of intense booty workouts, and attracted gazes everywhere she went.
She was especially proud of her hair, with an possible care routine, it spilt over her neck into her back, and was naturally wavy, and she utilized it to play to her husband’s Fetish of hair jobs, using it to stroke his penis and pleasure him on many occasions.
She was genial to everybody, but deep down, she just longed to be dominated in general life, something her sweet husband was incapable of doing.
That fateful month ago, she was fulfilling her daily quota of pleasuring herself in her bedroom, her 5-year-old son safely tucked away at college and her unsuspecting husband at work. While searching for a steamy married slave Fetish video, she came across an ad.
“Looking to get some of that spice back in your life? Click here to find your own master!”, it enticed. For a very long time, Isha had come to the realisation that she was a natural submissive, perennially trying to convince her husband to act upon her desires, never having any success. Now that the ad had suddenly popped up, she was highly intrigued. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she clicked on it, and was taken to a different portal.
Here I was, in the comfort of my marital bed, being taken into a whole new world. The website that opened on the click had a very sleek background of a dungeon, with a very attractive woman suspended from the ceiling. And the big bold message definitely caught her attention. “Want to be a slobbering mess at the hands of your future master? If so, click to be matched.” Click she did, and within 2 seconds, the screen buffered to a chat room.
“Hello there, how are you doing today?”
Stunned, I looked at the screen in awe, hardly believing this, I also didn’t expect a courteous message from a supposed dom, was he just an imposter?
“Hi, yes, I don’t really know why I’m here”
“No worries, for now we are just testing out your fantasy. I, however, can promise to make it a reality.”
I was slowly warming up to this idea, and his relaxed tone made it feel better, but my mangalsutra, the married bead, hung heavily around my neck still.
“I’m not really sure what I can say, I am still pretty nervous
“That is totally understandable, in any case, I will carry the on the conversation from now on, shall we decide on that?”
“Yes” that seemed like a reasonable request, and took some stress off me.
“So Isha, what made you click the link initially? If I might elaborate, women do not make it by chance to domination sites without having certain inclinations, feel Free to frame it however you wish.”
“Umm, I suppose that I have been having these thoughts, but I think I have been wanting to submit myself to someone for many years now, and those lingering emotions finally made me act on it”
“That sounds great isha, it can be very liberating indeed, what do you have in mind about domination? What acts would you like to be performed on you?”
I really didn’t know what I could say. I decided to go with the flow, and say whatever came to my mind.
“I’m not sure what I would like and hate, but I have been exploring my fair distribute of videos, and the general idea of being submissive turns me on, with my actions being controlled at the whims of somebody else”
“I see, so you would classify yourself as a natural submissive? Someone who would like to be spanked? Caned?Being pissed on? Blindfolded, gagged and ridden until you can’t even move out of your orgasmic bliss? Humiliating yourself in front of absolute strangers?”
“Yes”. This plain admission made me feel jittery, I had brought it out of myself, and those words were a dagger into my being, I never realized those acts would turn me on.
“I am beginning to figure out your mentality, I think there could be a lot of things that I can do that would make you happy. How would you say your Sex life is?”
Jesus, should I be honest with him?” I would say it is unsatisfactory, my husband does not treat me right in bed, even vanilla stuff, he is too sweet for my liking, and I desire more than that.”
“Hmm, I can be of service in that regard, if you would like. Would you be eager to enter my world, I now feel that I don’t want to keep up with small talk, what you have said is reason enough for me to show you the pleasures of my realm, one that a gorgeous Indian married woman will revel in.”
I was increasingly getting more anxious, but my body was saying something else, my seat was dripped with my leaking juices already, and that last line sent me over the edge. To hell with it, I decided. I deserve this.
“I think I would be ok with that, but in case I want out, is that efficient?”
“Of course, your safe word is mango , but please only use it if you are at your very limit, although I doubt you will need it at all”
“Great, for today, it is extremely light tasks, Firstly, you will henceforth only call me master, and you will refer to yourself as slut, anything else will have consequences. Is that clear?”
“Yes, master” It sent shivers down my spine, but for the first time in my life, I was turned on like never before, my lubrication sufficient evidence of it.
As if reading my mind, he questioned:” How wet are you right now? Put a finger in your slutty hole, smell yourself and tell me.”
In a flash, his courteous tone vanished, but this only served to make me hotter, and more intimidated of him.
I did, and my snatch had never felt wetter in my life. Putting it up to my nose, I felt so naughty, yet so happy to obey his commands.
“Yes master, my fingers are wet, and I smell great” and I immediately realised my error.
“Wrong answer, you will be punished later. As far as I am concerned, people like you are only sluts, and you are only allowed to call your worthless self of that title.” My pleasure was now too great to concentrate on his admonishment and I just wanted to keep going.
“This slut is sorry master, this slut will take whatever punishment you give.”
“Good girl. Now, tell me, what are you wearing?”
“Just the typical attire of any Indian housewife, master, a salwar khameez with a white bra and panty”
“From now on, I dictate what you wear when we are on call. Understood?”
“Do you have any face coverings that would obscure enough to not be identified, but at the same time, enough to have a grasp of your face? Like a gala face mask for instance”
This was unexpected. I knew what he was hinting at, but I was already too far gone.
“No master, but it is efficient for this slut to come up with something.”
“Alright then, I want you here same time tomorrow, and be here with a cloth blindfold, I plan to escalate your submission with time, and you will soon be a mindless creature whose only purpose is to please me, me and me only.”
And that was it. All I needed to make myself come in my loins, and I moaned at my climax. I was going to be a kept Indian Wife , whose fate was in a stranger’s hands.
“Did I just hear you moan? Was that an Orgasm ?” I felt the anger in his tone, and immediately tried to fix it.
“Yes master, the excitement was too much for me.”
“I will let it pass for now, but you only come when I say so, an Orgasm should be well deserved, and should certainly not be decided by the likes of Indian stay at home whores with no duty in life. Is that clear?”
Oh. My. God. I cannot believe that just turned me on, yet I was compelled to answer.
“Yes master, this slut understands.”
“I will see you tomorrow, dress in a gorgeous saree that highlights how much of a wanton depraved whore you are, disguised as a prim housewife. This is not even a taste, my world is something you can’t even imagine, and you will envision it, after you pass your initiation. For now, goodbye.”
Panting, I couldn’t fathom what I had just witnessed. In 2 minutes flat, I had submitted myself to a complete stranger, and never had I felt so charged in my life, never.
I couldn’t wait for what tomorrow entailed.

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