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Erotic Stories Tumblr Cumdump


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This is my first time writing something like this, but reading all these stories I thought I would try my hand at it. Feed back is always great, and if you like it I'll keep writing.
--How I Became A Cumdump: the Story of a 'Condoms Only' 20 Somethings Transformation
My name is Mark, I’m 24, five foot nine, one hundred and sixty pounds and decidedly average. I have always been a bottom, when I was a teenager when other guys were tugging their dicks, I was fingering my hole. Eventually I graduated to getting cucumbers out of the refrigerator nightly and pounding my hole into a pulp. So when I went to college and started having sex with guys there was no question that I would be taking their cocks, but until I was 21 I was a self proclaimed condom Nazi: no unwrapped cocks were entering my hole.
So what changed when I was 21? Well, I met Anthony.
Anthony was everything I wasn’t. I was a paie blond boy, Anthony was a tall dark haired beast of a man. I was small, whereas Anthony stood around six foot two. I had a slight build, whereas Anthony was made of solid thick rippling muscles. I was smooth, whereas Anthony was covered all over in thick dark course hair. My hole twitched as soon as I saw his profile on Adam4adam.
I had just finished my classes for the day was had logged on to see if any of my usual hookups were online for that night when I saw him on the New Member’s page. “ItalianTop34” his screen name read and below it a picture of his perfectly sculpted chest and stomach. I stared at the thumbnail for a long moment taking in the dark nipples the dark hair swirling down out of frame. I felt my hole twitching eagerly. I clicked on his picture and started reading: he was 34 years old, six foot two, two hundred and twenty pounds, and most impressively of all, a total top, with a nine inch cock.
I typed a quick message to him, complimenting his picture and telling him to hit me up sometime, after hovering over the send button my hole gave another powerful twitched and I clicked send. For the next twenty minutes I chatted with a few regular fuck buddies making some tentative plans for later, tried to start on a paper for my European Literature class until I heard that familiar buzz from the a4a in box and pulled the website back up. It was him.
My heart skipped a beat as I opened his message and read “hey there kid, cute pics, what brings you on here tonight?”
I typed hurriedly: “looking for some fun tonight, need something to distract me from these papers.”
Not a whole minute later: “a distraction? what sort of distraction?”
We carried on like that for a few more messages culminating in him giving me his address. “Be there in an hour” was my last message to him. I quickly ran to the bathroom and cleaned up, getting ready to take his massive cock. My heart was pounding and my stomach seemed to be bouncing. I always get that feeling when I know a big cock is in my near future.
Twenty minutes later I dashed out of my apartment in a pair of basket ball shorts, no underwear, of course, (a good bottom doesn’t need underwear), and a plain white t-shirt. I jumped in my car and drove the twenty minutes to his place. For a brief moment I sat in the car looking at the red brick building before rushing up to the little side door he had told me to use. His apartment was on the fourth floor at the top of the building and right inside the white painted door was a staircase leading up to his doorway. I knocked quickly and then stepped back waiting.
I heard movement on the other side of the door and then it swung open quickly revealing Anthony for the first time in the flesh. He stood there in the door way in just a pair of running shorts, not the long kind people wear now but the short ones from the 80’s, a thing sheen of sweat seemed to glisten on his massive chest, there was about a day's worth of beard growing on his square jaw, but now standing in front of him it was his eyes that struck me the most. They were the brightest blue I had ever seen in someone’s eyes and they shown out like two brilliant pools from under his thick dark brow.
He smiled, “Well you really didn’t wanna write that paper did you boy, you’re twenty minutes early. I went for a quick run before you came over, makes me last longer,” even this brief mention of sex was enough to make my hole twitch again and my cock begin to harden, “and I was gonna take a shower for yah, but now you’re here. Guess you could have a seat and wait for me to go get cleaned up.”
“Oh no that’s alright,” I stammered. I don’t know why but the faint smell of manly sweat that was wafting from him into the hall way was making my cock begin to grow even harder.
Anthony noticed, he chuckled and said “Look at you, springing wood on the stairs. You must really want this,” and with that he grabbed his meaty cock though the running shorts pressing its impressive profile against the thin fabric. Even soft the thickness of his cock was amazing and I was now hard as a rock all 6.5 inches of me straining against my shorts. “Come in kid,” he said stepping aside to let me in.
He closed the door behind me, and then led the way down a narrow hall to the first room, the living room. It was nice with a big couch a few chairs a massive built in bookcase one wall and a giant television on the other. Anthony grabbed a remote off the coffee table and clicked it in the direction of the television which began to hum to life. “You want a beer?” he asked.
“Have a seat. I’ll bring them through.”
He left and I sat down on the massive couch looking at the television which now showed the symbol for some network connection and then after a moment of processing an image sprung up on the screen. A boy about my age was on his back on a hotel bed while a man old enough to be his father pounded the boy’s hole. The moans of the boy could be heard around the room from the surround sound system. I watched as two more men came into frame and one of them pushed his fat cock down the boy’s throat and the other moved round to where the first man was still plowing the boy. The first man seemed to get the hint and pulled out so that the new man could take his place inside the bottom. Then I realized I was watching bareback porn. I suddenly felt hot. My hole twitched, and my cock throbbed. I had never watched bareback porn before on principal and I was suddenly kicking myself for it. The boy writhed as the new man began to force is raw cock into his hole but soon enough the new man as pounding away with the same gusto as the first man. It was around this time that I slid my hand down the front of my shorts, spread my legs and began to rub my hole. I heard a noise behind me and turned to see Anthony with two beers in his hands smiling at me. God how long had he been there watching me feel up my own hole to his porn.
Looking back that had probably been part of his plan, to get me even more horned up with bareback porn, but how was I to know that at the time?
Chuckling, Anthony walked over with the two beers and, although the couch could seat four, he sat down next to me, presumably so he could stretch his big arm around as he sat down. I suddenly found myself engulfed in that same manly smelly and it was intoxicating. I breathed deeply a few times and then turned so that my noise was right next to his pit and took a deep whiff.
“You are quite the pig boy. First you’re so excited for cock you get here early, then I leave you alone for five minutes and you’re going at your hole and now it’s all you can do to keep from sticking you whole face in my sweaty stinking pit. Well go on boy, get in there and get a good taste.”
He took his arm from around me and held it over his head exposing his thick bushy pits. After the very briefest of hesitations I dove in, first just sniffing and then sticking my tongue in and licking all over tasting the sweet salt of his sweat. I must have gone at his pit for five minutes. I was so entranced with the smell and the taste that I didn’t notice that he had lowered his hand until I felt his fingers sliding down the back of my shorts. As soon as I felt one of his digits graze my hole I pulled my head from his pit, rocked my body forward to give him better access and buried my head in his crotch. I could feel his cock beginning to swell and press against the little shorts and before he had even worked one finger inside me the head had slipped out of one of the legs of his shorts.
I quickly engulfed his cock head and began to make out with the uncut monster that would soon change my life forever. I felt one and then two fingers slide inside my hole and begin to stretch me out. After a few minutes he pulled his fingers out of my ass and brushed me away from his cock. “Strip,” he ordered.
Hurriedly I stood up and tossed my t-shirt off into a corner and quickly shucked my shorts off as well. After looking at me for what seemed like forever Anthony smiled and slid his own shorts off. Although I had had had his cockhead in my mouth, I was still not prepared for what I saw: that massive beautiful piece of dark uncut Italian meat that sprung up and pressed against his furry abs. I whimpered as I looked at it, yearning to have it inside of me again.
“Well don’t just stand there and look at it, start sucking boy.”
I fell to my knees and Anthony grabbed his beer and sat back. Opening my mouth wide I began to work as much as I could of that monster into my mouth as quickly as I could. Anthony for his part just say back and drank his beer while I hooked his cock down. Once I felt his cockhead hit the back of my throat I swallowed deeply and felt it slide down my throat, Anthony moaned loudly. I worked his cock like that until he finished his beer, sometimes deep throating it sometimes pulling back and working the shaft of his big low hanging balls.
All the while in the background I could here the noises of that boy being bred by those three men and it made me even hornier. So by the time Anthony finally finished his beer and pulled me up off of his cock I had reached bitch in heat horny. The combination of his sweaty musk, the boy being bred on the television and the prospect of having that amazing cock sliding into my boy hole slightly had turned me into a cockhound.
“You ready for me to work that hole,” he asked me, holding onto both sides of my face while he did.
“Go behind the couch and bend over. I want you to watch this next video coming up while I eat your sweet boy-cunt.”
I had never heard it called that before, but I liked it. I dashed behind the couch and bent over with my chest resting on the back and my arms hanging over. Anthony took his sweet time walking round, first starting another video from what seemed to be a massive porn archive. Just before the video began I felt a hot wet tongue pressing against me hole and arched my back.
The image of another boy appeared on the screen. He had that blissful, fucked-out look that can only come to a bottom from servicing tops who need them. The camera was held by the top and he zoomed in on his raw cock siding into the boys now slack and cum covered hole. I gasped as Anthony had just slid his tongue inside me. I began to thrust back against him. The boy on the screen was moaning in ecstasy as the top’s fat cock stretched his already sloppy boy-cunt. As Anthony started to add fingers into the mix I thought for the first time 'God I’m jealous of that boy'.
I heard moment behind me and felt Anthony remove his tongue and fingers but I was too engrossed with watching the fat cock pound cum out of the boy’s hole to look behind me.
Then at the same moment several things happened. I felt a slight pressure on my hole, the camera on screen changed positions for a second and I saw that the top pounding this boy into oblivion was no other then the one who not three seconds ago had been eating my hole, and lastly I felt my hole explode inwards as Anthony slammed his massive tool home. I let out a scream, and tried to turn and face him but he held me firm and kept his cock in place. We both stood like that for a moment while I caught my breath again.
“Please tell me you put a condom on?” I spluttered through racked breaths.
“I only fuck raw kid. If you would have read my profile more carefully instead of just looking at the pictures you would know that.” And with that he began to pull out and then just as suddenly as the first time slammed back in.
My hole stretched quickly under his assault, and just as quickly I began to feel waves of pleasure with each thrust so powerful that I forgot all about the condom.
The boy on the video was gasping and moaning just like I was as I clung to the sofa for support. It was just as things started to feel good that I realized something felt different about this fuck. I realized it wasn’t just that my hole was being stretched wider then probably ever before, but I felt more in tune with Anthony - as he pounded me I felt like I could feel every bump and twist in his massive cock. I knew that it was because his cock was in me raw, that I could feel all of it. I don’t know how I came to understand this, but I did.
The video ended with Anthony shouting as he filled up the boy with his load. That will be me soon I though somewhere deep in my mind, and instead of panicking I was excited. I wanted him to fill me up, to dump his load in my boy-cunt. Anthony pulled out from my hole completely, leaving me gaping and empty. Then his face showed-up right next to mine. Fuck sweat running along his cheeks, “On the floor boy. Now that you know your place as a raw bottom, it's time to teach you how to be a cumdump.”
His strong hands knocked me to the ground and I positioned myself on my back, my feet resting on his shoulders. He wasted no time in sliding his cock back inside my now loose sloppy cunt. And then the pounding began again, sometimes slowly and sometimes like he was trying to break up concrete. As drops of sweat fell from him landing all over my body, his gaze never left mine. He told me what a sweet hole I had and how when he was done with it I would really be a bottom boy like I was meant to be. I just whimpered and moaned like the boy in the video. Suddenly he stopped, his cock buried balls deep in my hole, and said “Tell me what you want.”
I was unsure of what to say, so I gasped, “I want you to pound my hole.”
“No boy, tell me what you really need, tell me what you need for this fat raw cock up your cunt.”
His load, that was what I wanted. Ever sense I had seen the boy in the second video being bred by the magnificent cock that was currently pulsing deep inside my ass. “Your load,” I muttered.
“I want your load. I want you to cum inside me.”
“You want me to fill you with my spunk?”
And with that he resumed pounding but this time quicker and more animalistic. Every so often he would grunt out, “Tell me how much you want my load?”
“More then anything" I would reply.
After about ten more minutes of relentless fucking he half moaned half shouted, “You ready to become a cumdump?”
He slammed all the way into my ass and I could feel his cock pulsing as the cum rushed into my gut giving me a warm sticky feeling inside. Guys had cum in condoms while fucking me before but it was nothing like this. I had never felt so fulfilled sexually and yet so lustful at the same time. I knew I had served my purpose but I wanted more. Anthony rocked back and forth forcing my hole to milk every last drop of cum from my hole before he pulled his still rock hard cock out. I felt so empty as my legs fell from his shoulders and he stood up. I just lay there looking up at the Italian god who had just bred my hole, given me my first load. I reached back and felt my sloppy hole. Anthony had been right to call it a cunt and truly I no longer had a tight boy hole, but a wet sloppy loose cunt. And I loved it. I fingered myself a little, and then stuck my cummy fingers in my mouth and sucked. Anthony just watched, a smile of satisfaction on his face. After a few moments I made to get up but Anthony said “Just lay there for a minute, I’m not done with you yet.”
He left the room and I went back to fingering my messy hole. I could hear that Anthony was on the phone for a moment and then I heard what sounded like typing and then another phone call, a bit more typing and then silence. Then he was back, still hard as a rock with a big grin on his face.
“Damn boy, you’re just going to town aren’t you?”
I stopped for a moment and bushed. I has been so intrigued by my new sloppy hole that I hadn’t noticed that I had shoved in four fingers as deep as they would go and was now pounding away.
“Get those fingers out of there so I can give you another load before your evening really gets going, boy.”
I didn’t know what he meant about 'my night getting going' but I did know that I wanted his cock back inside of me, as well as more of his warm hot cum, so I pulled my fingers out of my ass cleaned the off in my mouth and rolled over onto all fours presenting him with my still gaping hole. He chuckled, squatted down behind me and easily slid his fat cock inside and began pounding away again. Just as Anthony was really picking up steam and I could tell that my second load of the night was on its way there was a firm knock on the door. Anthony paused for a moment to shout “It’s open,” before returning to pounding me....
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Replies 38
Created 7 yr
Last Reply Jan 2
This is my first time writing something like this, but reading all these stories I thought I would try my hand at it. Feed back is always great, and if you like it I'll keep writing. --How I Became
PART TWO The door opened and I heard foot steps coming down the hall. I panicked a little trying to pull away from Anthony’s pounding cock but he caught me with his strong hands and continued to fuc
When I woke up the plug had been removed from my ass and Anthony had just slammed in balls deep. I gasped unprepared as he began once more assaulting my loose and sloppy cunt. Max and Tom were standin
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Love this story. Hope he starts begging for cock.
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The door opened and I heard foot steps coming down the hall. I panicked a little trying to pull away from Anthony’s pounding cock but he caught me with his strong hands and continued to fuck my hole as two men came into the room. I stared at them in horror of what they had found, but neither one of them seemed surprised to find Anthony with his cock buried in some strange guy in fact they looked pleased.
“Don’t worry boy, they're here to help you learn your true place. Max and Tom live downstairs. They graduated two years ago and decided that some things,” he slammed into my ass particularly hard a few times, “in this town are just to g
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