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Ole Joe's Guide


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Six am comes early and tomorrow is a school day so I'll have to get up. I want to fall asleep, but I can't.
Shortly after the laser went down, all the men and boys on the ship started dropping dead. It appeared that the Terran Union had sabotaged our life support system with a Nano-Plague virus โ€” one specifically aimed at males โ€” and only about 50 young boys survived. I was one of them.
He's such a pig, Joan exclaimed, stroking Alice's hair and drying her salty tears with the back of her hand.
I can't stand it any more. He'll keep on doing it 'til I'm finished here, and then he'll just turn on whoever else takes his fancy. We've got to do something!
Eileen stopped abruptly and looked at me in some surprise.
"You're the babysitter? Aren't you one of Dad's graduate students?"
I was sore all that summer. Have I ever fucked that hard, that often since? Though of course the barley has to take some of the blame.
She was gorgeous! Only her and me โ€” I thought she was sexy โ€” but I was getting feelings other girls say they got about boys.
He took the diary away from me in nineteen eight-five. I was thirteen years old then, just past my birthday, and an awful tart.
One night, in the beginning of February, Annie and I were talking in our beds as usual.
Do you want to play Confession again? she asked.
I realized that Laurie was one of the most beautiful girls I could ever recall seeing. If I hadn't myself experienced it, I would have wondered how a girl as beautiful as Laurie could ever feel shy around boys.
Well, Danny, are you ready for me to turn you into a Fred Astaire?
Across the road a figure emerged from the woods on the school path: a girl in tube top, ragged shorts and sneakers. Sally Moore, who lived two houses beyond his own.
Annie pointed to her eyes. She had really pretty emerald-green eyes, which sat in a round, freckled face, framed by long, slightly curly, red hair.
See the black line? That's made with the eyeliner.
"I don't know, but I'll try," she replied. I held out my hands for her to grab, while Jaimie and Tara each grabbed an arm to help her to her feet.
"But Mom," Jenny pleaded, "I can't sleep without James! I get lonely, andโ€”"
"Enough!" pronounced Dad. "You're both old enough to sleep alone, so you'd better get used to it."
Hanging around Courtney and her friends soon started to hold a strange attraction to me. In the beginning I got thrown out every now and again, but in the end I think they just stopped noticing I was around.
"I've never made out before so I'll have to think about it. I don't want to disappoint him."
"You'll be a great kisser, I just know it," I said.
"I don't know," Becky said. "I've tried practicing on the back of my hand and on a pillow, but it feels so stupid."
"Lauren Gisal, for goodness sake run with the ball, look around you!" shouted the games-mistress, Miss Connely, in her Irish-accented Swiss-German.
What a treat for Emerald! Back to school by train to the sensual charms of her school chums. And on the way who does she meet in the same compartment as her but Beatrice. ( Kelly )
That summer we both had fulltime jobs, but we were able to get together several nights a week for a movie, or a burger, or for quiet talks. Or for an hour or two of lip-locked passion in his mother's car, the Lovemobile.
Our physical relationship also began to change shortly after we turned fifteen and fourteen. About the same time I was learning the techniques of successful masturbation, I became aware that Alex had embarked on her own journey of discovery.
It was summertime, I was bored, and I felt bad for my big brother. I really didn't mind taking care of him. Honestly, I was glad for the lesson in boys' anatomy. Besides, he was my brother, it's not like anything would happen.
You're going to see things at my house that you will find very strange. If you can't deal with that, I understand โ€” that's why I wanted to find out now, before I really fell for you. But you have to promise me not to tell a single soul what you see.
Use your neckline to make him forget his balance.
Use your butt to lead him toward the precarious dots.
Dusk was falling, a day in autumn. I was on fire with lust and fear of discovery.
One day at lunch, Jenny put the book down and said: "I had no idea this was going to be so much work. Cripes, what do I know about the origins of eroticism in literature?"
Every time I saw Rob in the hallways at school, my eyes lingered on his curly dark hair and his big brown eyes, then to his shoulders and stomach and his gorgeous ass. It was all I could do not to throw him to the ground and... and...
Well, that was the problem, wasn't it. I wasn't quite sure what came next.
The other evening I noticed one of your reviews of internet sex stories: you offered a sex-story proof-reading service. How does that work? I'm not sure I need proof-reading so much as I need advice on how to write a sex story. Let me explain.
It turned out that the first time was his first time, period. I should have been more gentle with him, would have perhaps if I had known. But there I was, naked already, and he was so sweet, telling me how beautiful I was. I was feeling all achey and butterflies and my legs would just not stay closed.
It's time for me to tell the truth about my first love. She was, after all, the way I discovered who I was. With every girl or woman who came after her, there has been this knowledge to deal with: the great fact of my condition. The Obscure Object and I met unawares, however, in blissful ignorance.
Bob, this is Joan Donovan. I'm sorry to bother you, but I need a favor. Amy's having a slumber party over here, and I just got a call from the hospital. I don't want to leave the girls over here by themselves, or I might not have a house left to come home to. I know it's a lot to ask, but could you stay over here with them tonight?
It is the curse of Eve, Marina would say, with a pillow stuffed up the front of her nightie, and a reminder to keep ourselves pure, and not to go fiddling about down there with our fingers or our fountain pens or the handles of our hairbrushes.
Solotouch is a donation-supported project supporting safe and positive sexuality in women & men of all ages.
We were both going into the eighth grade. I remember he really liked Elton John. I wasn't too much into music. He said he saved the money he made mowing lawns to buy records, and said maybe I could come over to listen sometime.
When I was twelve and he was sixteen I began to wonder why he took such a long time in the shower, and why he seemed to shower several times a day.
Despite knowing a lot about "book" sex, I didn't get started until I was almost 16. My cousin Marie finally put it all together for me.
Mark Covelli had dated the hottest girl in school, but we fell in love and he will always be the one against whom I measure all others.
For Maggie's 18th, then, we needed something even more adventurous than Playgirl. It was January 1985: a time for firsts. I would lose my virginity two nights later (if memory serves) and Lizzie had lost hers two days earlier. We were hot to trot, and there was safety in numbers. We decided to watch some porn.

Kristian Archive
Lush Stories
Join For Joy

is home to over
authors of erotic literature, host of the newsgroup, ,
mirror site for , and host of several popular erotic literature
archives .
... then feel free to contact us and we will be happy to host your
collection on ASSTR, for, of course. absolutely free.
Rui's Favorites is a list of favorite stories among many people
of the newsgroup community. If you're looking for
a good story, the ones listed here are top picks among some readers
who know excellent erotic literature when they read it.
An archive of all the stories posted to the
Alt.Sex.Stories.Moderated USENET Newsgroup. A
more web-friendly list is
also available.
(as provided by Apuleius) I am the author of the current FAQ for
the Alt.Sex.Stories Hierachy. I have a "scholarly" approach to the
groups, which makes me better suited to documentary and archival
work, rather than writing per se. The profession in which I work
involves much writing of an advanced nature (yes it's in the legal
field), but totally devoid of the creative wealth found on ASS/M -
which is why I enjoy reading these groups. With that creative
wealth, however, is a frequent disregard for both the past and
future of the groups - the former in the common ignorance of older
stories, and the latter in the few attempts made to preserve this
material for later internet users. This is where sites like ASSTR
and Dejanews, and documents like Ole Joe's Guide and my own
(hopefully) prove useful. My own preference is for long, serious,
romantic MF stories with intelligent characters. I also particularly
enjoy historical stories. My FAQ may be found elsewhere on ASSTR,
and at present my web site is an archive of teenage romance stories,
with analysis and commentary. When I find the time, this will be
supplemented by similar archives of adult romance and historical
stories. I'm also presently working on my own first story.
LEo is the person behind ASSA, a collection of stories all
containing an Asian theme. Throughout the years, ASSA has moved from
time to time due to site-hosting problems. We at ASSTR are very
excited and proud to be the new home of ASSA, and hope to provide it
as well as all the other collections a permanent home.
Stories of blackmail and humiliation.
This is my list of some of the more memorable stories I have
read. Mainly I feature male dominant hetero stories with some
gimmick, usually science fiction. But I don't perticularly care for
fan fiction so you have little chance of seeing any Star Trek or
Wonder Woman stories here. I favor multi chapter, epic stories. All
the classics of the genre. But anything goes so don't be surprised
if I post something really different or extreme, you just never
By sheer chance (;-) I stumbled upon I got reading,
and I saved the stories I liked most. Before I knew it I was stuck
with a small but nice collection.

In my humble opinion I find reading a plain textfile a bit of a
turn-off. So I turn these stories into nice book lay-outs. I save
them in Adobe PDF format because virtually everybody can still read

If you mix those two together you'll get a nice ebook. And that's
what I do. Enjoy them in a steamy bath...
The Damsels in Distress Story Archive is dedicated to exploring
the fictional territory where no woman is safe! Where evil villains
plot to trap young heiresses, and jungle explorers are liable to be
served up as human sacrifices or even-- dinner! Where every basement
is crowded with hooded cultists devising fantastic torture devices
to conquer the world! Damsels in Distress (DID) stories are popular,
but often hard to find. We hope this site can be a magnet to pull in
the best DID authors, with new, original work being featured on a
regular basis
I don't write. But others do, and some of their works are here,
or linked from here.

I'm pleased to host the Girl Scout Nookies Sale Collection. Kudos to
Russell Hoisington for the nicely-done web pages!
We're a couple who enjoy reading and writing erotic fiction on
various themes. Sibling incest is a theme we use often, but not
This is a collection of erotic stories that I have selected and
formatted as MS Reader eBooks. They are by authors whose work on
ASSTR and ASSM have particularly impressed me and I have formatted
for my own reading pleasure. I like eBooks because I can download
them onto my PDA and read them on the train, the aeroplane and
wherever else I might be. All stories and novels are presented with
the express permission of their respective authors.
ASSTR is proud and excited to be the host for .
Simon bar Sinister is the maintainer of this popular archive of
erotic mind-control stories.
I am a 21-year-old college student attending school at a major
university in the southeastern United States. I've been building and
scrapping web-sites for years, but this is my first one with
"erotica". I'm making the site to showcase my favorite stories of a
forbidden nature (or at least my favorites which I have permission
to post!). I know that pretty much all the stories around here are
of a "forbidden nature", but I tend to get most turned-on by ones of
the most sinful topics, such as incest, rape, humiliation, etc (I
guess I could use some time on the couch, huh?). The site isn't
limited to just those, though. Just check it out and see!

Story categories: Sci/Fi, Teenagers, Adults, non-consensual,
consensual, dark, incest, rape, mind control, etc (basically,
everything "naughty")!
Les anciennes histoires Taboues en franรงais de Pedinc

Accรจs interdit au moins de 18 ans.

Histoires en francais sur les sujets tabous. Ceci est la suite du
site de Pedinc.

Story categories: M/g, M/f, M/b, F/g, F/f, F/b ... stories in french
only - histoires en francais
"If you want to get laid, go to college, but if you want an
education, go to the library." - Frank Zappa, Playboy Interview,
April 1993.

"Where's the college library?" - H.R.
Stories solely related to unprotected sex resulting in pregnancy.

Story categories: unsafe, unprotected, impreg, preg, lact, inc,
A collection of erotic stories/fantasies set in India and
neighboring countries
Blushing, horny good girls. Shy, sensitive, horny boys.
Star-crossed teen lovers. Teen sibling lovers. Sapphic schoolgirl
lovers. Wet teen solo self-lovers. Torrid honor student couplings.

Also hot adult lovin.

ff mf MF fsolo pett teen rom true 1st bro-sis cons schoolgirls.

A collection of nonexplicit true stories (voluntarily rated
PG-13) written by "Richard". These stories are of tie-up games
played by a group of Boy Scouts during the 1960s. The games mainly
involve tie-ups but also include frequent tickle torture. The
regular "players" in the tie-up games are rough with each other's
bodies but very gentle with each other's feelings.
I have also started to add stories by other authors. Submissions are
invited at the email address on my web site
Virus senders will be reported to their ISP.
Story categories: Vampire, Romance

Before the era of the online Usenet archive and distracting spam, I
collected countless erotic stories from and
now-vanished BBSes. Many of these selections, dating from 1979
through to the present, are among my all-time favorite erotic
writings. This archive is my way of insuring that others will be
able to enjoy them as well, now and in the future.

I did not write these stories, nor have I, accept in rare cases,
done any editing. I am only making them available for others to
enjoy. The author of this story retains all rights to it.

This is a collection of stories about young girls. The stories
may include sex with adults or other children and may contain the
following story codes: M/f M/g nc bdsm.
My thanks to the authors who have allowed their work to be included
on this site.
I like stories with some sort of other-worldly component,
including magic, mind control, science fiction, transformation,
transgender, or drugs. Succubi, sentient plants, medusae and
vampires are especially pleasing; in fact, any stories that involve
some suspension of disbelief.

I would also be very glad to see your submissions; please send them
along to my good friend Wendy, thank you!
From the archive's readme:

This is a collection of files which contain extracts from existing
stories. These extracts have been named and collected according to
the relationships between the characters involved. The same extract
may appear with different relationships.
I write mostly for my own enjoyment.I post because I realize
there is a shortage of the real hard stuff and fiqure I should
share. You may find errors in grammer, word useage, and the odd
misplaced comma but on the whole the stories are readable unless you
are my old english teacher.
Story categories: my stuff runs the gammet from erotic love stories
thru rape ,torture, incest, and on to executions and snuff. Some of
it is quite nasty and not for everybody.I will group stories by
type, the first word or two in the name will describe the type of
story- snuff, execution, rape, and so on. There will be more codes
after the title of each story but they will be fairly general. I'm
just too lazy to list everything in each story. There are 2 groups
that should be read in order- chance, diary. Chance is 4 stories
that start out the same but have different endings. Diary is still
an ongoing project. True story notes should be read first but the
rest are in no order. I may be contacted at
This area contains collections that don't really fit in anywhere
else, mainly contributions from anonymous persons.
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