Erotic Stories Library

Erotic Stories Library


Erotic Stories Library
Level Up Your Orgasms by Visiting These 8 Online Erotica Websites
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Though there are a number of porn sites for women out there, we completely understand if that's just not your thing. Between the jackhammering, fake orgasms , unsexy storylines, and lack of lube , adult films aren't exactly enjoyable (or really even realistic) for most people watching. Luckily, there are plenty of erotic-reading sites you can use for masturbating and achieving pleasure instead.
For those of you unfamiliar with the term, erotica is defined as "literature or art intended to arouse sexual desire," per the Oxford Dictionary . You might think of books like " Fifty Shades of Grey " or " After " as examples, since they contain many graphic sex scenes — but in reality, erotica can go much deeper than that.
For starters, the length of erotica you read can vary depending on what you're in the mood for. This form of literature offers everything from entire books to short stories or snippets of one sexual experience. And, similar to porn, there are many genres to choose from, including threesomes , fetishes , lesbian sex, romance, anal , BDSM , and more.
On most erotic-reading sites, you will find a mix of stories written by both professional writers and nonprofessional writers who just want to share a POV from their own sex lives. How you submit these stories greatly depends on the website itself, but many of them have a submission section or "submit" button somewhere on the site where anyone can take part in the fun.
So, for your pleasure — and, let's be honest, your orgasms , too — keep reading to find the best steamy websites for online erotica. If you're one of the many people who prefer adult fiction over an adult film , we've got you.
— Additional reporting by Taylor Andrews, Lauren Harano, and Theresa Massony

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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom ( OBP copyrights and licenses .

Kristian Archive
Lush Stories
Join For Joy

Welcome to the biggest archive of erotic stories on the Internet. Yes,
this is absolutely the largest resource of all, because we have gathered
together content from all famous websites. You can use our website as a
metadirectory or metasearch engine for adult fantasy stories. Start your
readings here and who knows where it will take you.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The stories you can find here were actually submitted to Literotica, ASSTR, Lush Stories and other places for adult literature.
We're just re-posting them for your pleasure.
We don't read them, don't know what they are about or who the real owner is.
If you find anything inappropriate, please inform the Webmaster and he will immediately remove that story.
Thank you in advance for your help.

 All things within this archive are based upon two premises. First
it must be free! And second, it must have something to do with the world of
erotica! This archive is based upon Kristen's collection of erotic stories.
It was begun by her in 1997 and has been built on extensively since then.
You will find every type of sexual situation covered in these stories; there
have been no judgments made as far as subject. In the archive, you will find
well over 15,000 erotic stories, plus illustrated archives, Kristen's own
stories, as well as the archives of respected writers whose works have been
posted to the and newsgroups.
Browse around and enjoy the fruits of Kristen's Labor of Love (literately
and figuratively)!
 All things within this archive are based upon two premises. First
it must be free! And second, it must have something to do with the world of
erotica! This archive is based upon Kristen's collection of erotic stories.
It was begun by her in 1997 and has been built on extensively since then.
You will find every type of sexual situation covered in these stories; there
have been no judgments made as far as subject. In the archive, you will find
well over 15,000 erotic stories, plus illustrated archives, Kristen's own
stories, as well as the archives of respected writers whose works have been
posted to the and newsgroups.
Browse around and enjoy the fruits of Kristen's Labor of Love (literately
and figuratively)!
 All things within this archive are based upon two premises. First
it must be free! And second, it must have something to do with the world of
erotica! This archive is based upon Kristen's collection of erotic stories.
It was begun by her in 1997 and has been built on extensively since then.
You will find every type of sexual situation covered in these stories; there
have been no judgments made as far as subject. In the archive, you will find
well over 15,000 erotic stories, plus illustrated archives, Kristen's own
stories, as well as the archives of respected writers whose works have been
posted to the and newsgroups.
Browse around and enjoy the fruits of Kristen's Labor of Love (literately
and figuratively)!
 All things within this archive are based upon two premises. First
it must be free! And second, it must have something to do with the world of
erotica! This archive is based upon Kristen's collection of erotic stories.
It was begun by her in 1997 and has been built on extensively since then.
You will find every type of sexual situation covered in these stories; there
have been no judgments made as far as subject. In the archive, you will find
well over 15,000 erotic stories, plus illustrated archives, Kristen's own
stories, as well as the archives of respected writers whose works have been
posted to the and newsgroups.
Browse around and enjoy the fruits of Kristen's Labor of Love (literately
and figuratively)!
This free erotic stories archive is powered by
Join For Joy website. Click on the
link to go there and get all kinds of free porn, links to unique adult websites
never seen before, funny adult jokes, adult business opportunities, website
reviews and more! Check it out, there is something for everyone and
everything for someone:
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Join For Joy                                                                

Site contents Copyright ©1995-2020 by the Flogmaster (flogmaster100 at gmail). All Rights Reserved.
You have permission to download these stories for personal use only. No other type of publication of these stories is permitted without written authorization of the Flogmaster.

In here you will find hundreds of erotic stories dealing with Spanking, Discipline, Punishment, S&M, BSDM, Love Slaves, and other topics. Because some of these topics offend people, I have attempted to lump my stories into various categories. You can either browse the Complete List of stories or a single category. Please keep in mind that these categories are subjective and not necessarily acurate -- a story primarily about consenting adults might contain the punishment of a minor, for instance. Or a story posted into a special category, such as SSC , might have elements that belong in other categories. If you are the sensitive type, watch the warning labels and story descriptions attached to each story!

As an aid, here's a quick explanation of my warning system. First, here's a sample story title, warning label, and description:

A strange new twist on the ole yarn about how Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox created the Great Lakes. (Approximately 1,758 words. Originally published 1996-04.)
Star Rating
All my stories are marked with 1 to 5 stars (* to *****). This is an arbitrary rating system designed to indicate the quality of the writing (not necessarily the erotic appeal). If you feel a story is rated too high (or too low), please let me know and I will consider revising it. My Five Star stories are ones I consider classics of the genre.

Stories are also labled with MFmf labels to alert you to who is spanking whom. Capital letters represent adults and lower case are minors (under 18). Of course M refers to Males and F to Females . Under this system, anything to the left of the slash indicate a Spanker and anything to the right a Spankee . Therefore in the above example an adult male is spanking three girls and a woman. If there are a lot of people involved, sometimes this is abreviated with a number, such as F6/f24 implying that 6 women spank 12 girls. Keep in mind that the Kind rating refers to the primary participants -- sometimes, especially in longer stories -- there may be other spankings of a different type slipped in.

All stories are Rated one of the following: Mild, Serious, Intense, Severe, Edgy. These labels rate the severity of the discipline portrayed in the story. (For example, a hand spanking might be considered mild, but a caning would be intense or severe. Edgy implies extremes like anal intercourse or whipping until there is bleeding.)

Many stories also contain other warnings and explanations. These are usually self-explanatory words like "sex" or "punishment spanking." You may also see references to cons , non-cons , or n/c . Those abbreviations refer to consensual and non-consensual spankings. (Punishment spankings, especially those of children, are usually n/c though this isn't always indicated for children stories.)

I keep story descriptions brief and try not to include any "spoilers" that would ruin the plot for you. The description should intrigue if you are interested in the subject matter, and warn you away if you are not.

Complete stories sorted by:
Stories dealing with the discipline of children (minors under 18). Generally non-sexual, though there are occasional exceptions. Most of my stories deal with teenagers, though I do have a few with younger children.
This is a series focusing on secret fantasies. The stories are short, written first person by both male and female narrators, and deal with discipline and humiliation (either dominate or submissive as the case may be).
These are incomplete stories or scenes that frankly, I probably will never go back and finish. Some have a degree of merit, but they can't be judged like a real story.
Stories of adults of a general spanking or discipline nature, such as husband-wife scenarios, sorority initiations, etc. These should appeal to most tastes.
The most recent additions to the website.
These are my longer pieces: novellas and novels.
Lost Stories
These are the Flogmaster's earliest spanking stories, written when he was in high school, which were thought to be lost forever until recently.
This is the Real Life Spanking Series. If reading about real life spankings doesn't appeal to you, don't read them. May involve minors.
Stories dealing with sex slaves or bondage.
Short short stories of a single corporal punishment incident. May involve minors.
These are my entries to the Short Story Contest held every summer on the newsgroup. Each story is a maximum of 500 words.

Massive Dildo
Alt Se Stories
Shemales F******

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