Erotic Spank

Erotic Spank


Erotic Spank
The final installment of some spanking memories by one OBB reader. It would be great if someone else would write about some of their experiences.
One August about 30 years ago, Wendy and I had a 35’ trawler chartered on the Bay. We had chartered this boat in previous years and we were due to anchor for the night in our most favorite anchorage on the entire Bay that evening.
We arrived at the anchorage about 3:00 in the afternoon and set our anchor back in the center of the almost round and very private cove. Surrounded by trees on three sides and open to the main body of the river on the remaining side; there is but one house across the river that can even see our boat. The treed sides of the cove open onto corn fields with no houses in sight anywhere. Pleasure boat traffic on the river was sporadic as some fellow cruisers headed on up the river to a much more popular anchorage.
We had been to this cove before and it afforded a significant level of privacy especially after dark; much to Wendy’s liking, as she finds outdoor sex particularly exciting and enjoyable.
It was blazing hot and we decided a swim was needed to cool off. Once in the water, it was not very long before Wendy was groping inside of my swimsuit having already shed and tossed her suit onto the swim platform. She hauled out and was sitting naked on the swim platform when a small boat of fishermen rounded a bend in the river just in time to get a good look before they were noticed by us. Wendy made a hasty entry back into the water as the fishermen laughed and waved – what can you do? – waving back was really the only option……..
I teasingly told her that flashing the fishermen was very naughty. She responded by saying that I was right and that maybe she should be spanked for her brazenness. 
We retired to the cabin where I proceeded to spank her already bare fanny to a pale pink with my hand. Wendy said she had been very naughty and deserved more spanking; I obliged using a paddle which we had brought along. Having turned her bottom a much brighter shade of pink we retired to the master stateroom for other more gentle activities.
Afterward, Wendy playfully smacked my bottom and I told her, “Later”.
Emerging from the cabin, we noted with dismay that another cruising boat had anchored across the river and appeared to be planning to spend the night. I could hear the other couple talking on their boat and knew that they would certainly hear any outdoor paddling activities. This was going to spoil my plans of enjoying an open air paddling and outdoor sex after sundown. I could tell that Wendy was also disappointed with their appearance. I needed a plan and it did not take long to formulate.
I invented some excuse for the trip and hopped into our inflatable dinghy and rowed the short distance to the small sandy beach at one edge of the cove while Wendy worked on a light dinner. Once on shore, I went in search of a location and the appropriate tools. It did not take me long to find a suitable downed tree and, reverting to my childhood, prepare several switches – virtually silent implements but plenty stingy!
Sipping on some wine after dinner, I suggested to Wendy that I had been just as naughty as she had been that afternoon and should also be spanked. She heartily agreed but commented that we would have to wait due to the presence of the other boat; that she did not want them to hear my paddling. I told her that there would not be any noise and that everything needed was already waiting in on the beach.
“ S-o-o-o-o-o , what should I wear to spank my naked husband on the beach?”, she purred.
“Something easy to remove.” was my answer. I knew she was “all in” and that just added to my excitement level.
The level of the wine bottle and darkness both fell. Wendy went into the cabin and returned wearing a long loose garment which she calls a mumu and announced it was time for me to be spanked – that I should go get myself and the dinghy ready for our trip to the beach. It was still hot and I opted for just a pair of cut-offs knowing that she planned for me to be naked very soon anyway.
While I rowed to the beach she commented that I was “in for it” as her fanny was still stinging from her afternoon paddling – that she was ready to deliver. I reminded her that she had asked for more, “and you delivered; but now it’s your turn.”
We beached the dinghy and I lead her to the downed tree and handed her the switches. She had never used a switch before but quickly grasped the concept. 
“Strip.” came her command. I quickly dropped my pants and when I looked up, she had already shed her mumu. I was fully erect and she hugged and kissed me while holding my erection with one hand. She said, “This comes later but, for right now, I have a switching to deliver to your naughty little fanny. Bend over the log.” I bent over the log and she laid into my bottom with the switch.
Having never either given or received a switching herself, she was a bit more forceful than she intended (I think). I was squirming as she delivered about 30 strokes; she seemed to be enjoying herself immensely and as Bacall would say, I was Mr. Tough Fanny for her that night. I was very well striped and as hot as a firecracker, both front and back by the time she stopped and draped her nude body over mine. 
She whispered that she could not stand to wait until we got back to the boat – that she wanted to have sex outdoors in the moonlight – no surprise there! We made our way back to the dinghy where I laid down in the bottom of the boat; she pushed off and promptly impaled herself on me. We drifted in the cove with her providing just enough rowing to keep us offshore until we both came.
The next morning she was shocked and upset to see that some of my fanny stripes were still visible. I told her not to worry as they would fade as the day progressed. They did, but she never switched me again as firmly as she did that night. We have long since settled on using various paddles and the occasional belt as our spanking implements.
I am sure most women have encountered men who say they are into spanking, but after giving a short spanking they want to move on to sex. That’s not erotic spanking to me. A guy that is into spanking is damn happy to be spanking a woman with or without sex.
We know that bottoms have a really hard time spanking others. Damn few are really switches.
In short, finding a compatible partner is not easy.
Might Happen During A Spanking [From Strick Julie’s]
I only care for women who enjoy sensual/erotic spanking. A few women can orgasm just from being spanked. I am thrilled and excited to fondle her bottom and spank her. I love to find the intensity and rhythm and words that work for her. To listen to her vocals and tell if they are pleasurable or not.

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This blog celebrates the erotic side of spanking as long practiced by one married couple. We don't spank for punishment or discipline or any reason other than to supercharge sex. Bogey and Bacall. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Shakespeare
It’s rare to see a spanking vid like this one. You could quibble that it’s more love pats than a spanking, but if that’s what she wants, it’s exactly right for them.
I wish our bods still looked like theirs.
Log in and give them some love, It would be nice to see more of them.
A reader was exchanging emails with me. When I read the one below, I about fell out of my chair. I will never get the image out of my mind. Not that I want to. I asked her permission to post this fragment of her note. She said no. Post it with attribution.
Thanks for sharing this with us Naughty Nora .
This image shows Bacall’s fav toys from about 20 years back. All but one were her picks, not mine. And that one was a gift from a friend. All but the ruler are still used.
From the left. A metal ruler she found cleaning out my Mothers rolltop desk. She though it worked just dandy on her thighs. 
The pussy whip. It has soft rubber falls that I use to tease her almost to orgasm. Works best when her thighs are on fire.
Her gift from our friend Bill. He made toys as a hobby and gave us several. This one has a soft leather side and a hard leather side. She purrs when the soft side is used and yelps when I flip it over. When I flip it I always tell her Bill wanted her to have it.
Her first purchased toy. It came from Shadow Lane. A pleasure toy, very flexible leather.
I made a batch of holey paddles for friends. They were made with white pine – a light density wood. She glommed on to it and declared she liked it better than any of the leather toys. It marked her conversion from leather to wood. She likes it used moderately. Which is the way I usually employ it. But, sometimes I enjoy her kicking and squirming and use it fast and furious.
When we get home we are going to order this leather paddle from London Tanners. We both got to experience it recently and declare it a winner. It’s unlike anything we have experienced before.
I don’t know the name or anything about of one of the most prolific spanking illustrators. Today, I bring you a few illustrations that have not already been worn out on other sites. Along with humor, there was often an erotic element to the drawings. Most illustrations were of women being spanked by men or women. There were more than a few illustrations showing men getting the board from a woman. No one got off easy.
This is a post from 2009 where Bacall lives out one of her fantasies.
In the throes of ecstasy during our last spanking session, Becall said she wanted to dress up in her Persian slave girl outfit and be hung from the door. That is like her, get her turned on and she turns herself on more. She worked all week getting her mind turned around so she could fully submit. I asked her last night as we were about to doze off if she was ready and she said she thought so.
I was ready two days before. I put her cuffs on top of the bedroom TV and leaned the crop on the wall next to our closet for her to see.
She appeared from her bath this morning with long dangly earrings, all of her gold bracelets plus her pearls. She had on her best Persian slave girl black bra and panties covered with a gauzy half slip she bought just for play.
She likes a thigh fry first, so I used not only the batten but also a light whippy cane. I had her sit in a wing chair and spread her legs. I gave her light licks with the cane followed by light taps on her most sensitive spot. I love to watch her almost reach orgasm when I tap her and…. then stop. When she gets all hot and bothered, she loves to suck me, so I allowed her. What a great lover I am. [grin] Back to the cane. I brought her close to orgasm several times and then asked her if she wanted the vibrator. She was apprehensive that I would not let her orgasm with it.
She was half right. I had her stand in front of me and I sat down and placed the miraculous machine where it would do the most good and after teasing her some more, switched it on. At once, she started gyrating her pelvis in a most indecent manner while I suckled her breasts. She came several times, but I stopped before she had a complete release. It was bondage time.
I placed her wrist cuffs on and secured her to a special hook on the door. She placed herself in a good position by spreading her legs and pushing her bottom out for the crop. She was either quite sensitive or feeling vulnerable, as from the first lick she was moving about with little ah’s. I did not overdo it and released her after ten or so licks. It was paddle time.
I took her over my legs and gave her 100 with the leather paddle over her slip. There were many yuummms along the way. I raised her slip and applied another 100 over her panties. I seldom count, but I wanted to be sure I did not abandon my effort too soon. There were more slaps to her bare bottom, but I did not count them.
I next gave her some pops with her holey paddle and finished with two-dozen with our stingy red paddle. Her bottom was now noticeably a dazzling shade of red.
I thought she was as geared up as she could get, so I had her get on her hands and knees on the bed and I took her from behind. It was a first-class lingering fuck. As she likes to say, I fucked her blind.
This guy is new to me. A reader put me on this guy. Listen to the lyrics. Hayes Carll and Bonnie Witmore – Another Like You .
How about a story in three parts by my friend The Devine Miss E?
This is from 2015, Bacall wrote part of it. Here it is again, with proper punction and misspelled words corrected.
We are traveling in our motor home from one fantastic place to another. Today we are in the Valley of Fire State Park which is about 50 miles from Las Vegas. This is our first time here. This place has some fantastically colored and oddly eroded rocks. A wonderland of geology. Even in March, the weather is delightfully warm.
We arrived just before noon. We found a parking place that is U-shaped. High rock walls on three sides. Perfect privacy. For some reason, I thought of our decorative boat paddle which hangs on the wall. I took it down and we tried it out in our private canyon. The sound reverberated off the rock. I decided that it could be confused with driving tent stakes in the ground or splitting firewood. Besides, there was no one else around. So we took turns warming each other up with it. And it did exactly that and not just to our backsides. We hatched a plan to ratchet up our play the next morning. So with stinging bottoms, we took a short scenic drive and were back for lunch. While Bacall was fixing sandwiches, I asked her to come out and give me some more pops. Well, she wanted more also. So we had lunch on stinging bottoms. Still, we were thinking of delaying play until the next day – going for the teasing and anticipation factors.
We wanted to rest for a short time before we took off to explore the park. That’s when our plan fell apart. When she took off her pants, I told her I wanted to paddle her. She was on board with that and I got her favorite holey paddle and started slow and easy for a few dozen licks, gradually upping the intensity. She started wiggling her naughty bottom around and I knew she was feeling quite randy. I used my left hand to fondle her and continued paddling with my right. I finally decided screw tomorrow we are going to do it right now. Our trusty vibrator was close by, so I slipped it on my left hand and continued to paddle her. Well, wouldn’t you know she came twice – rather loudly. Loud enough for anyone walking by to know what was up. Good for her.
When she came down off the ceiling, she wanted a piece of male tail. And I wanted her to have mine. I gave her our meanest stingy paddle. She said she was not going to hold back and I told her to go for it. After a few licks, I knew she meant business and was wiggling around. She told me to stay in position as she was far from though. I don’t know how many licks she gave me, but she sure had me on fire. Both back and front.
She slipped the vibrator on her hand and I erupted in short order. And then you know what she did? She put it back on herself and won the Triple Crown.
All in all, it was like we were 30 years younger. I think we will stay here for a while, maybe the red rocks are rejuvenative?
I don’t recall where I found this. I just know I did not write it.
Thought for the day : A spanking is a bandaid for many things. It can correct mistakes, relieve stress, and be an intimate session of sweat, tears, and trust. It can also bring laughter, blushes, and smiles from both parties. It doesn’t have to be severe. What matters is you’re in it together.
I was chatting with a woman about the difficulty of finding a male spanking partner. I thought I would turn the conservation into a post. Especially since I have not expressed my POV on spanking in a while, especially not on erotic spanking – the only kind of interest to me.
When I speak of erotic spanking, I am not talking about making a bottom red. That may happen, but it depends on what the woman wants and how her skin reacts to be spanked. I am not into spanking pain sluts – those who do not have any reaction to being spanking. Those that just lay there like a slab of meat. That’s just not for me.
I have changed in last month. About the top of December, spanking and sex separated for me. I just did not want to be spanked. I put on my Santa boxers that Bacall bought to amuse herself years ago so she could be happy paddling Santa.
It’s traditional to use the Santa spoon. It’s a mean sucker, but this year I could not take it. No pleasure at all. I was able to take four licks and called it off. Very disappointing.
I don’t have a clue about the cause. Age? The Leukemia I have been living with for almost two years?
I gave Bacall a few paddlings over the holidays. They were enjoyable for both of us, but a little less for me.
“Mother of mercy, is this the end of Rico?”

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