Erotic Rio

Erotic Rio


Erotic Rio

5 Places to Meet Sexy Girls in Rio de Janeiro

Last updated: May 12th, 2022
| in Brazil | Brazilian Girls | Latin America | Nightlife | Rio de Janeiro

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Rio de Janeiro is one of the most popular cities among sex tourists all over the world. There is plenty of action to be had, and the girls here are definitely more sexually liberal and outgoing, but you still need to have a certain grasp of things before going in. And yes, Rio can be dangerous in some spots, but like most cities, a little common sense goes a long way. Regardless, it’s a top destination for a reason.
If you think that a gringo can suddenly show up in Rio and begin pulling solid 9’s and 10’s from the moment he goes out, you’re going to be pretty disappointed. The game is a bit different here, and patience pays off big time. (Of course, if you aren’t in a patient mood, other things can be arranged.)
Most people are familiar with Carnival, the country’s annual pre-Lent celebration that is one giant party. A lot of guys choose to visit around this time, and rightfully so. Still, anytime of year is a good time to visit Rio, and if you know what you’re doing, it will be a very memorable trip.
Brazilian women can generally be broken down into three distinct groups: favela girls, and then upper and middle class. Favela girls obviously live in favelas, and aren’t exactly considered top tier. Still, there are definitely some worth your time though you shouldn’t go adventuring around favelas unless you are with a companion who is from one. These girls will be easier to impress if you encounter one out somewhere. Meeting these girls online and arranging a hook up is best, as many of them won’t go out often due to how expensive it can get.
Middle class Brazilian girls are the most approachable, and where you’ll likely have the best results. Upper class Brazilian girls are more often to go out to the hottest bars and clubs, but they tend to be a little snobbish, and are usually being aggressively pursued by the local men. Doesn’t hurt to give it a shot though.
While the lack of Portuguese language skills can be a turn-on for girls in other parts of Brazil (such as Sao Paulo ), it’s a big asset to have in Rio. The vast majority don’t speak English, in spite of its tourist appeal. At least try to learn some common phrases before coming, it will pay off big time.
Bars and clubs are great places to meet girls for sex in any city, but be sure you give yourself a chance to happen by some street parties going on in the area. These are always on the weekend, with Friday being the most popular day. Plenty of ladies around, no cover charges, and a good chance to experience the people and culture a bit better. Lapa is a great area to hit up for street parties, with tons of beautiful women milling around. Take advantage.
A quick note about your accommodations in Rio: Most hotels and even some hostels and rented apartments have a “no guest” policy, meaning you can’t bring a girl back with you. Bribes may sometimes work, but you may need to end up staying at her place instead, or you can go rent a room for a few hours at a “love motel”, and there are plenty around town.
Oh, and one last thing. Rio women are very forward, and very sexual. For whatever reason, this rarely translates to sex that same night. The key is the second night. If you get a number from a girl after some heavy action at a club or elsewhere, definitely call her the next day and arrange to meet up. This will almost guarantee the deal. Meet at a cheap beer bar, grab some dinner, hit the beach, whatever you want. The fact that she’s meeting with you the next day is a big sign that you’ll be successful later.
Rio’s nightlife has a pretty big variety of bars to choose from, from the informal and casual, to more exotic locations that are a little more geared towards finding someone to leave with. The bar scene isn’t exactly the most fertile place to find girls for sex , but it can definitely be done.
There are always lots of tourists in Rio, and many choose to spend their time at the bars trying to soak up the local culture in a sense, so there is actually a good chance you may encounter an international traveler or two who may be looking for some company, which may be to your benefit.
As far as Rio girls you meet in a bar, they tend to be rather cliquey, so happening upon a group of people and introducing yourself is a good way to get a foot in the door on some prospects. After just a few minutes, you will be considered a part of the group gaining instant approval, which is quite important actually. Also, Rio girls aren’t oblivious – they know about the stigma they have from foreigners, so some may be a bit standoff-ish at first, in an effort to portray themselves something other than an easy score for a gringo passing through.
Leblon and Copacabana are great areas for bar hopping, and so is Lapa . Baixo Gavea is a well-liked bar in Rio, and there’s always a good crowd. Jobi is a great local pub, and gives you a good opportunity to meet some regulars from the area while avoiding some of the bigger, louder bars in the area. Bar dos Descasados is an excellent spot to bring a date you’re trying to impress, with a nice view overlooking the city if you’re into such things.
If you are more into strip clubs you may want to check out the two most popular joints in this category: Las Vegas Nightclub in Vila Valqueire 1183 and Don Juan in Rua Duvivier 37. I have marked all locations on the map at the end of the guide.
The club scene in Rio is about what you’d expect it to be. Lots of choices, lots of lines, and lots of girls to be met for sex. Keep in mind that you’ll be competing with some jacked up local Brazilian dudes that look like they are out of a catalog, who also happen to be pretty aggressive in their pursuits. Still, if you have an obvious gringo vibe going on, you might draw some extra attention to yourself.
Girls here like to be put on a pedestal, and the process is sort of like hunting in a way. Look around, scan some targets, and move in. You’ll know pretty quickly if a girl is interested or not. If so, let her know that you think she’s the only girl in there. Dance with her for a while, get her a drink, feel it out. Lots of playful touching will help send a strong signal, and it’s almost expected at this point.
Oh, and another thing you’ll probably notice, girls here love to make out, sometimes within the first 30 seconds of meeting. This is what’s known as “ficando,” casual make outs with someone you’ve just met. While in the western world you may think this equates to a 100% chance that you’re banging later, it doesn’t mean that at all here. In fact, you may end up ficando-ing numerous girls that night. Get their numbers and meet with them the next day to seal the deal.
Teatro Odisseia and Emporio are popular clubs that are always a bet for a good time, with plenty of girls to be found on the weekends. There are numerous exotic clubs in Rio as well, often full of prostitutes and dancers that will be all over you all night, hoping you buy them drinks and take them home. Barbarela , Kalabria , Frank’s , and La Cicciolina are sure bets for this style of club, so stop by if you want some guaranteed action and are willing to pay for sex.
Erotic massages are all over Rio, tucked into nooks and crannies all over the city. Most don’t explicitly advertise from the outside, so it’s best to look them up online, or ask around. Many of these massage locations are basically brothels, so don’t expect any kind of professional massage in the least. A popular place is RJ Massage which has branches in both Copacabana and Centro.
The more expensive erotic massage locations have a better selection of girls and are a bit cleaner, but the price is still cheap compared to an actual brothel (from about $40 for a nice and oily happy ending hand job massage in Centro and from about $80 in Copacabana), so it’s usually worth it. Make sure you go earlier in the day for better results.
Brothels (or better known as termas) are all over the place in Rio but they can’t advertise themselves as being brothels, so they opt for being called spas, clubs, whatever. The standard procedure involves coming into the front desk, checking in with a receptionist, getting a temporary locker to put your stuff in, and moving on to the area where you can meet and mingle with the girls. If the girl asks, don’t let her know you’re passing through – she’ll give you minimal effort during your session. If she thinks you’ll be around for a while and could be a repeat customer, you’ll get a much better experience.
The currently 3 most popular brothels in Rio are Termas Solarium , Centaurus and Termas Quatro Por Quarto (see map location below).
As I’m sure you already know, prostitution is legal in Brazil, and there are numerous escorts available. Whether you are wanting a guaranteed romp, or just want to be able to choose from the local talent, you’ll definitely enjoy your time. As always, make sure you are clean and trimmed up beforehand, you’ll get a happier girl in response. The basic manners always apply as well. and are great places to start. The going rate is like $80 for a 1 hour in-call session, but can get up to $250 for the hottest girls to come right to your hotel room.
If you want to meet girls in Rio that are both super attractive and fun to hang out with, using a dating site is probably your best option. Seeking Arrangement is a hugely popular dating site both among expats in the country as well as tourists who want to meet up with nice local ladies.
And what’s great about this site (apart from the thousands of sexy women online at any daytime) is that you can arrange your dates conveniently from at home, even before starting your trip, means you don’t waste any time.
As the de facto sex capital of the world, Rio has something to offer for anyone. There is always something going on, and there are always beautiful ladies to be had.
Take some time to get to know the different neighborhoods, and definitely meet as many people as you can. Just use some common sense, some basic Portuguese, and your knowledge of the local social norms and you are guaranteed to have an amazing time with plenty of mongering. It’s certainly a big world all its own, so do your best to take it all in.

Complete Guide to Sex Massages & Brothels in Rio de Janeiro

Last updated: May 19th, 2022
| in Brazil | Brazilian Girls | Latin America | Rio de Janeiro

© 2022 Girls Heavens. All rights reserved.

Rio de Janeiro has a reputation for a reason. Brazilians love sex, and Rio may be the most sensual South American city of them all. Whether you’re coming for Carnival, or in the middle of June, there is plenty of mongering to be had, from girls in the clubs and on the beach, to the numerous escorts, to…girls in the clubs?
Let me explain. Prostitution is legal in Brazil, which you’re probably well aware of. Brothels? No sir. Well, not officially at least. Basically, you can have a brothel in Brazil, but you can’t call it a brothel. Everyone knows it’s a brothel though – the neighborhood knows, the town knows, the police know, the state knows. But as long as you don’t call it one, you’re fine.
(Note: There are no laws explicitly banning brothels in Brazil by name, but rather a law that says nobody can profit from selling sex other than the person selling it. As in, no third party partners. Being employed at a brothel would obviously go against that law.)
These brothels go by many names, but the most common term you’ll hear is termas . These locations will sometimes function similar to a nightclub, but the nightclub is where you meet your girl. The termas will have private rooms, a lobby, maybe even a gift shop and spa, and the club area where all the pre-partying happens. It’s really quite genius.
The brothel is presented as a nightclub, while being attached to a full-scale brothel. In many senses, it really is both. Most termas nightclubs charge an entry fee, and then you make your way to the club area where you can sit down and have drinks with prospective girls. Some termas do everything on a flat fee, others allow the girls to negotiate their rates with a client.
This seems to be the most popular format now for brothels in Rio, making it quite easy to find plenty of quality girls in a fun setting. Sex is celebrated here more than probably anywhere else in the world, so the vibes surrounding termas are the very opposite of shameful. People come to have a good time, women come to get paid, everyone wins.
Other termas will call themselves spas, and sort of operate like one in a way. The process is fairly simple: pay the entry fee, get a personal locker, change into a robe and slippers, maybe take a shower, and choose your girl. After you’re done, you go back to the locker room, change, and go to the front desk to check out.
Massage parlors in Rio operate in much the same way. They aren’t going to really explicitly advertise what they do, but everyone knows. These are almost always more than just happy ending massages – they are basically mini-brothels. Multiple women to choose from, private rooms, the usual. Sure, some will still give you a mediocre massage before, but you’re not there for that.
Many people in Rio refer to the parlors as “ casas de fast sex, ” or “ fast fodas ” (fast fucks). Most of these places have only a handful of ladies available, along with just a few rooms. The girls here can vary to a big degree, and they are usually not as hot as the girls you’ll encounter at the termas. However, their skills are almost always as good, if not better, as they seem to want to work harder for the money. Massage girls tend to be a bit cheaper. Sessions usually last anywhere from 20 – 30 minutes (with 10 minute programs available in some), and the price is usually R$1 per minute. Quality of the room and cleanliness varies greatly from location to location.
Okay, now that you know how it all works, here are the currently 5 best and most popular termas in Rio de Janeiro worth checking out when you arrive:
You may have heard of this place. In fact, if you’ve done any research into brothels in Rio at all, you definitely have. Centaurus has quickly risen to prominence as one of Rio’s most well-known brothels ( you can thank Justin Bieber for that ). While the Biebs definitely helped garner the place some attention, it was already pretty damn popular in Rio.
Centaurus takes the spa approach. You pay your fee at the front (most likely R$400) and it includes a 40 minutes session with any girl. The girls here are among the hottest you’ll find, with plenty of 8’s and 9’s to go around. 65 women working at one time is fairly normal.
After paying, you’ll go to the locker room, where a girl will help you change. I advise you give her the cold shoulder as much as you can, as she’s trying to get you to pick her. Don’t do it, make your way to the lounge area where you can sit back and relax while you interact with the local talent.
There is quite the big debate among Rio mongers about which termas is better: Centaurus or 4×4? There really isn’t an answer. Both are great, and both have very different atmospheres. 4×4 is a nightclub in every sense of the word. It holds around 800 people, and things get pretty crammed after 8:00pm in the club area. Still, the vibe is amazing, and it’s definitely one big fucking party.
The girls (about 100 to choose from at any given time) have a little more ink and a tougher look, which you may be into. Lots of the famous Brazilian asses around as well. There is a whiskey bar that has an entrance from both the street and main club area, with a fireman’s pole that the girls can slide down and make an appearance. There’s even a shower in the main boite that the girls will do shows in. The DJ plays a mix of local Brazilian pop music and American funk, which keeps things raging into the late hours.
4×4 has about 50 rooms and suites spread throughout, and most of them are large and comfortable. Some includes mirrors, jacuzzis, and mini dance floors. The brothel area takes the standard termas spa approach that involves the typical front desk transaction, locker room, and sauna/shower beforehand. You have three bar areas to choose from, with one of them being a little more quiet so you can get some quality time with the girl before hitting the room. Prices are reasonable, with a R$35 entrance fee, (waived if you get a girl,) and around R$150-200 for a session in a basic suite.
The only downsides to 4×4 are the fact that it is closed on the weekends, and located in Centro, which is too far to walk from Copacabana and Ipanema. Fortunately, the metro gives you easy access to the area.
Also located in Centro, MV 30 is a popular termas that is considered to be pretty much on equal footing with Centaurus and 4×4, though it largely depends on who is working the day you come in.
This termas used to have two bar areas, but they’ve since consolidated down to one, and made it a bit more upscale, which is always a good thing. A cheap entrance fee buys two beers, and you of course have the option of getting a room with a girl. Something that may be appealing to you is the fact that you can stay in your street clothes rather than donning a robe. I’d still recommend going the robe route with the shower beforehand in the room – the girls will appreciate it.
The prices vary a bit, but expect to pay around R$200 for a one hour session with a girl. If you come late, you’ll have around 25 to choose from. The rate is a great deal for the quality and duration of the session.
Another high-rated termas located in Centros. Rumor has it that Cancun was started by a former partner of 4×4. The facilities are some of the nicest you’ll encounter at a termas, something that was obviously very intentional. In fact, it’s obvious that Cancun is basically trying to outdo 4×4. Cancun was the first to put in the whiskey bar, which was followed by 4×4 installing one.
Anyway, when Cancun opened, they recruited some of the best local talent in the city from other termas, and it’s paid off, as many of the ladies are still top tier. Prices are still below 4×4, but they are steadily climbing as time goes on. The entrance fee is typically R$30, and the room fee is R$50. One hour sessions are usually around R$200, giving you a total average cost of R$280, not including drinks. Not bad for the quality of the rooms and girls. Check this one out if you aren’t feeling the girls at the other nearby termas.
Finally, a great termas if you stay in Copacabana. Monte Carlo has been around for awhile, which is a good sign as to how good it is. Standard operating procedure here. Come in through the ground floor level, where you’ll check in and change clothes. After doing so, you take an escalator to the second floor where you can visit the showers and sauna. From there, it’s off to the third floor where the club and girls are.
There is quite a bit of turnover here, and some say it’s due to the rough managers. Still, Monte Carlo has a reputation for the quality of girls, so the talent pool will also be worth sampling.
Prices are decent. The R$60 entrance fee is a little higher than most places, but not too bad. The room fee is the same, and you’ll likely pay about R$200 for a 40 minute session, so bring about R$400 to be safe. Smaller bills are encouraged, as the front desk attendant may sometimes claim to be out of change and pocket
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