Erotic Mind Control Story

Erotic Mind Control Story


Erotic Mind Control Story

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A small chance to get away, Jamie starts more testing. by Milflover311
Parking lot fun and meeting a friend. by TinkerToyMaker
Counterfeit art dealer gets 2 for 1 special. by hypnosissir
Deputy head teacher has special plans for parent's evening. by ClarenceBeeks
Devon asks Emily to use her powers in the bedroom. by cozywe
This text is not so much a story as a real hypnosis test. by Zosimael
Pearl at the Spa. by wildflower2176
Miranda is there to do a job, but Deena shows her purpose. by Norm_dePlume
The bimbo-MILF's husband becomes a cuckold thanks to the App. by mypenname3000
Crime doesn't pay. Unless La Contessa likes you. by TMaskedWriter
A woman is targeted by sinister brainwashers. by JukeboxEMCSA
Anbar nukes Zainab's credit score to secure her enslavement. by AlectaShadow
Vikki sees a hypnotherapist to help with her memory. by Harpy18
Jason turns Janice and his mum into mind controlled sluts. by janice_goodall
Kelli's new contract work deepens issues and old grievances. by mechan11
Superheroine trapped by magic, seduced by lust. by skarletteone
Hera and Dan face a minor roadblock with two strippers. by JohnnyMcThunder
Brianna, Marie - and what Mel and the others are planning... by Verensei
Cian visits Wren's home! by kinkybunny123
Ben & Karen go on Spring Break. by ao1701e
The naughty mommy makes her daughter's bully into a bimbo! by mypenname3000
Trinity and Radiance comfort one another. by KallieHF
The hypnotic making of a lesbian and her submissive. by yuma44
Mary has always led a chaste life. But something's changing. by SleepySarah22
His new roommate gets what’s coming to her. by chuvstvennaya_devyushka
Spin! Random Mind Control Sex Stories
An ex-cop investigates the sudden retirement of her partner. by JukeboxEMCSA
A journey to the coffee shop. by dresbach
Jerry's new invention may change his shrewish wife forever. by Freakyus
How intimate can you get with a woman? by Drmaxc
The Pixie and The Minx. by ziphuntington
A magic seashell has a hypnotic effect. by Kinkynfit
She has a date with her true love and wants to please. by amber4abuse
Rosita and Mateo finally get to live out their fantasies. by JukeboxEMCSA
Wayne takes control of Janice's mind. by janice_goodall
Ch-ch-ch-changes - Turn and face the strange - Changes. by HankDolworth
Hundreds of years have passed and the world is changing. by china-doll
Accidental master + insatiable slave = total campus conquest. by Mesmerciless
It all comes to an end. by FacetiousTales
The third chapter of the direct sequel to Celestial Matters. by Noble_Truth
A whole school of gorgeous, hypnotized coeds at his command. by JCBeleren
Reconnections to the new NCN form factor... finale pt1. by HankDolworth
Chance's beautiful twins must be saved, whatever the cost. by JCBeleren
Ryan starts dating. by FacetiousTales
A plan to help Zac.. A family vacation finally begins. by HankDolworth
Leaving Berkeley. Showdown. Lilith. Jack's Fate. Beginnings. by wayneandanntriskelion
The second chapter of the direct sequel to Celestial Matters. by Noble_Truth
Spring Forward, Fall Back? by conanthe
Returning from break, interruptions, and Jennifer's plan. by shudai
Mary tries out her control on other women. by china-doll
Ben & Karen spend July 4th at the cabin with her BFF. by ao1701e
The final chapter - The semester comes to a close. by shudai
Great story, excited for the next chapter.
Yes another brilliant story with supernaturally commanding women!
OMG- this is the second time I have read this whole series and everytime I fantasize about meeting someone...
I think that must be what turned ME into such a COCK WHORE!
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This magic cock ring will change Thomas' life.
The Invasion Continues. Debbie has a wild night out.
Kelli's new contract work deepens issues and old grievances.
Superheroine trapped by magic, seduced by lust.
Hera and Dan face a minor roadblock with two strippers.
White women cuckolds husband to get black pregnant.
Rebecca finds out what Mommy's plans are.
The naughty mommy makes her daughter's bully into a bimbo!
Dragon makes a thief part of his hoard.
A group of adventures and an old temple.
Tony scores big and Mavis messes up...
Trinity and Radiance comfort one another.
Waking up has never been Rebecca's strong point.
Nanotech clothes change shape, color, and transparency.
Dad is exposed to the aphrodisiac and comes home to his son.
Alice has a hot, passionate love for Mary.
Mark Styles arrives on Saturn - and meets a sexy robot!
Rebecca returns to reality, but is missing something.
The maids unleash their wanton passion!
Rebecca's Babysitter continues to torment her.
Maya's curse makes for an embarrassing Breakfast dilemma.
Nine finds her desire for her sister drawn out by demons.
Rebecca learns that her Babysitter doesn't play by the rules.
Sarah-Lynn gets caught up in Daddy's reign of terror.
A marooned pilot gets to know the busty locals.
Rebecca finds that her basement has changed.
A half-resisting catgirl tries to help the hypnotized Larya.
An alien describes its courtship ritual with an earth woman.
The marking above Rebecca's pussy begins to call the shots.
Ira grapples with the moral implications of owning a drone.
Radiance has to try and clean up Trinity's mess.
What better use of a bimbo-MILF than to sell her ass!
Christina's harem joins her on her final journey...
Jim is seduced into surrendering his manhood.
Two sisters get a dose of the aphrodisiac.
John's day goes from ordinary to derailed instantly.
Rebecca is stuck at home when things begin to go awry.
An old flame at a baseball game fights rekindling feelings.
Andy confronts his dad, Sabine punishes Brittnay.
Our heroes discover a possible cure, but is it too late?
A married woman has a wild time while mind controlled!
Haller shows part of his hand - at Georgia & Carly's expense.
Mom accidentally uses Son's hi-tech aphrodisiac.
The Trial of Baker's Half-Dozen continues.
Guy gets mind altering remote-controlled breasts.
Stripped, tormented, and broken by an omnipotent deity.
A middle aged man is bequeathed a magical stone, sex ensues.
A hot nun gets wild with a married man!
Mark and Mary celebrate their reunion with an orgy!
College student Julie takes part in a psychology experiment.
Catgirl is hypnotized by bouncy breasts into a good kitten.
Toby's Mother increases her control.
Emma and Liz are hypnotized by Dr. Stein.
A desperate couple use an unusual fertility service.
The doe-taur and her lover are snatched up and abused...
Karen can finally experiment on Derrick's powers.
Helen and Tracy sit down and talk at last.
Lillith's explanation and encouragement for more pleasure.
An intense roleplay that pushes you to shut your mind off.
Reliving my adult life with a small advantage.
Stories of a woman-owned female slave shop.
A man is drawn to an antique shop, where he eyes an old mask.
Plans are laid and so are the planners.
Jenny and her growing band of followers, push the boundaries.
Andy acquires a ring in an antique store.
Blackmailing a classmate ends very badly, doesn't it?
Can Tovah keep a secret while uncover one she's forgotten?
Horny weeb unconsciously influences female anime con-goers.
Things really start to heat up with Mom.
A villain works to take over the Hero's League from within.
Married beauty in a misogynist's cross hairs.
A naughty mommy bimbofies her daughter to get closer to her!
Nicholas helps fulfill Lori's lesbian fantasy.
A ghost and her boy encounter a seductive, hypnotic witch.
Amy and Amanda celebrate Amy's enslavement.
A dangerous liaison leads a familiar Blonde into depravity.
A Goblin Maiden inacts her clever plan.
Cam replaces Mina's personality with a desperate cock slut.
Criminals breaks into a family home and forces them to fuck.
A goblin maiden enslaves a goodly man with her magics.
A naughty aunt is transformed into a wicked maid!
A mind-controlled mommy dominates her two sons!
Lisa meets the queen, and she'll never be the same.
All contents © Copyright 1996-2022. Literotica is a registered trademark.

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