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Erotic Incest Videos


Erotic Incest Videos
Netflix film Two has 'wildest' sex scene of the year with incest twist
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CONTAINS SPOILERS If you're looking for a film to watch with the family this festive period, perhaps steer clear of Dos (Two) on Netflix, thanks to it featuring one of the most disturbing sex scenes of the year
After having our fill of Christmas classics and festive films, many have been turning to Netflix in recent days when looking for something a little different to kill a few hours.
While plenty have enjoyed Jimmy Carr's latest stand up special, or the star-studded disaster comedy Don't Look Up, some have decided to dabble in the horror genre - giving Mar Targarona's Dos (Two) a go on the streaming platform.
Thanks to it's twisted storyline, dramatic ending and an exceptionally disturbing sex scene, the Spanish horror-thriller has left many viewers lost for word's after watching the psychological drama.
After playing at film festivals since the summer, Dos (Two) is now available to a global audience - many split on what they think after watching the erotic thriller.
Dos (Two) kicks by showing two strangers waking up naked in bed together, coming to the horrific realisation that they have been sewn together at the abdomen.
Already, viewers may some comparisons to the infamous Human Centipede franchise, but the Spanish thriller has actually been likened to another torture porn flick - Saw.
Many have compared the set-up of the new Netflix movie to sadistic villain Jigsaw and his imagined version of his cruel games with a pornographic element.
In Dos (Two) two strangers — Sara (Marina Gatell) and David (Pablo Derqui) — wake up naked and stitched together where even the tiniest bit of movement causes incredible pain for the pair.
While sex may be the last thing on many people's minds placed in this situation, the entwined two do end up going on to produce one of the wildest and most disturbing sex scenes of 2021.
Not only that, plenty of icky and gruesome twists ensure the plot is equally disturbing.
If you can't stomach watching the thriller for yourself, we've summed up the plotline for you below - stop reading now if you're planning to brave watch Dos (Two) one day.
After waking up entwined together, Sara and David try to figure out just who is behind this incredibly weird and intense act, with the pair suspecting Sara's controlling husband, Mario.
David has been working as a male escort and remembers being hired by another man to sleep with his wife - something Sara can picture happening.
After they end up kissing for a second time, their unknown captor shuts off the lights - to avoid seeing the act of intimacy - which reinforces their belief it's Sara's husband behind the set-up.
Somehow, the pair end up going on to have sex in the dark before their sadistic tormentor gives in and offers them a way out of the room.
At this point, things get weird and a plot twist reveals that David and Sara are actually long-lost conjoined twins after being placed in the foster care system after they were born.
Their mother died during their birth it seems and their father was a diagnosed schizophrenic which saw them left to being cared for by the state.
But the pair later discover it was their father behind their present day situation - hence why he kept turning off the lights when they made love.
The long-lost siblings realise their estranged father has murdered Sara's husband and plan to kill their twisted father.
After a scuffle between their father and a gun leaves David wounded, he insists Sara cuts herself free so she can go look for help.
Despite managing to tear herself apart from her brother, it seems there is no happy ending for the pair - as Sara dies in the snow totally naked when attempting to travel to safety.
Dos is available to stream on Netflix
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In Surprised by the Guard, from 1930, a woman doing laundry outside gets interrupted by a soldier with more than clean clothes on his mind. 
Video screenshot by Leslie Katz/CNET

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Some are far less chaste than you might expect from porn of yore, and definitely not safe for work.
Leslie Katz leads a team that explores the intersection of tech and culture, plus all manner of awe-inspiring science, from space to AI and archaeology. When she's not smithing words, she's probably playing online word games, tending to her garden or referring to herself in the third person.
If your idea of good porn involves a randy dandy macking on matrons of the local haberdashery, loosen your bow ties and unfasten your corsets. Things are about to get steamy in the drawing room.  
For its new Remastered project (warning: link leads to NSFW images), adult streaming-video website Pornhub has, with the help of AI, restored and colorized a series of vintage erotic films, some going back more than 100 years, and posted them online. 
"These films show us that human sexuality was alive and well in the early 1900s," Pornhub says. 
It's a fascinating romp through erotic history that's by turns charming, funny, artful and eye-opening. 
The collection of 20 films spans the late 19th century to the 1940s. Some of the earlier offerings are pretty chaste. For example, in The Undressing, from 1896, a Victorian woman dares to show her naked feet. In The Hairdresser, from 1905, a woman styles her tresses, topless, looking like a classical painting come to life. 
But later films are far less restrained than one might expect of ye olde sexy times -- and definitely not safe for (most) work. As early as the 1920s, the films show voyeurism, bondage, spanking and cosplay. There are sex toys, same-sex interludes, threesomes, foursomes and more-somes. 
Long before the sexual revolution, it turns out, porn stars in petticoats engaged in a lot of the familiar erotic endeavors you'd see in adult films film today. "People don't often consider the prevalence of erotic films back then, but they were quite the commodity," Pornhub says. 
In flagrante delicto, in the last century. 
Still, the footage is unmistakably vintage, with jumpy cuts and very little narrative structure. These short films, mostly from France, get straight to business. 
In The Horny Haberdashery, from 1921, a male customer is hardly in the door before he drops his neatly pressed trousers to join two female workers engaged in maneuvers that would greatly concern today's HR. 
In Surprised by the Guard, from 1930, a French farm girl is doing laundry outside when a soldier suddenly saunters up through the trees. It's immediately clear he's interested in more than having his coat cleaned. So is the next soldier who shows up to, well, enlist. 
Adult movies date back to the beginning of motion pictures, when porn films were mostly anonymously produced and known as "stags." The earliest surviving porn movie is believed to be 1896 French film Le Coucher de la Mariée . It stars Louise Willy doing a tame striptease for her new husband as he slyly peeks and giggles from behind a dressing divider. Pornhub includes that early film in its Remastered series, renaming it Bedtime for the Bride. 
Almost all stag productions were silent and black and white, even as the film industry adopted sound and color. 
"This stylistic device contributed to the films' explicit allure," explains New York's Museum of Sex , "suggesting the reality of the sex acts being performed, as well as the underground and illicit nature of the pornographic film industry itself." 
Since standard deep-learning models are trained using safe-for-work images, PornHub turned its AI on its library of 100,000 adult videos and images for a lesson in detecting body parts that take top billing in erotic films. Once the AI had colorized the black-and-white films, the team increased image stabilization, reduced flicker and increased the speed of the film to 60 frames per second. They added audio tracks, like player piano music typical of silent movies, that crescendo in all the right places. 
"We thought it was important to not only preserve but modernize these films," Pornhub said. The relics will likely be a turn-on to porn and history buffs alike. 
In 1896 French film Le Coucher de la Mariée, which Pornhub renamed Bedtime for the Bride, the groom gets a striptease on his wedding night. 

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Adar giggles throughout the movie — but her hollow laugher is more like a silent scream, signaling that this is not funny at all. Her mother and the boyfriend become abusive to Adar, and she wanders the streets looking for someone to save her. She meets a boy named Alan who could pass for her doppelganger. They connect almost wordlessly, then buy matching outfits at a clothing store before Adar brings him home.


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“Our imaginations can sometimes change our reality,” writes Israeli writer/director Tali Shalom Ezer about her award-winning film Princess . But only sometimes.
Ezer’s main character, 12-year-old Adar (played hauntingly by Shira Haas ) is surrounded by dangerous adults. In the opening moments of the film, Adar is in bed with her mother and her mother’s boyfriend, their limbs intertwined. Adar’s mother gets dressed in a slinky outfit and then asks how she looks.
“Sexy,” Adar answers, then giggles softly.
“He’ll sleep with me, in my room, it won’t disturb you,” Adar tells her mom with an eerie grin.
This is a beautiful yet profoundly disturbing movie. The cast is extremely talented as they delve into sexual abuse, incest, and the fallout in a young girl’s mind. Ultimately, whether or not her imagination can change her reality is a lingering question for the viewer to answer.
Princess opens on Friday, May 27 in NYC and LA, and is newly released on VOD/DVD .
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