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Literotica: 5 websites to quench your online erotica thirst




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Websites like Literotica to get you hot and bothered. (Pexels)
Literotica, and other sites like it, will fill your evenings with erotic passion.
Imagine this: You’re at home and in the mood for some sexual mischief with erotica.
Except you’re alone under the covers and you don’t quite know how to satisfy those urges.
You’ve tried a couple of sites already, but it’s just not doing it for you this time. Sure, the internet has trillions of options when it comes to sexual fantasies, but it’s easy to get lost in the mix.
Without realising, you end up scrolling through the pages of Google for hours but, much like Bono, you still can’t find what you’re looking for.
Let’s consider something new, something exciting, something that will bring us that oh-so-personal release.
Videos are fun, but you’ve been there done that and it might be time to switch things up. Why not try to titillate your mind with some words instead of images? Rather than seeing the hairy butts of ageing actors, why not imagine your own, fictitious, perfect bottom?
Well, consider this our gift to you: A shortcut to the wonderful and inventive world of online erotica, where imagination is your only restrain (unless you’re into bondage, of course). This selection of erotica sites will hopefully save you some precious minutes next time you’re bored of Pornhub, YouPorn or GayForIt.
It is the place for free erotic fiction, and there are many websites that you can go to.
Needless to say these steamy reads are for 18+ only. Underaged readers need not apply.
When it comes to online erotica, Literotica is a titan of the genre – the clue is literally in the name. It leads the field like a Russian dominatrix, offering thousands of erotic stories with hundreds of tags that explore every sexual fantasy.
From vanilla to hardcore BDSM to everything in-between, we guarantee you’ll find something to float your boat to completion. It even has audiobooks for those who’d rather lie back and relax.
One of the most popular genre tags of this site is actually literotica cheating in which there’s an erotic story about cheating partners. Some people have some naught fantasies, it seems. No judgements here.
Literotica lesbian and Literotica gay erotica are also very popular on the site. There are many Literotica tags to pick from.
Of course, if you want some fiction erotica that caters to the LGBT+ community, PinkNews has you covered too, pals. Just head over to Nifty for some hot gay, lesbian, bi and plus action . With 23,000-plus stories, we guarantee it’ll leave your little gay heart satisfied. You won’t be disappointed with Nifty .
Bright Desire also features a wide range of free sex stories open to everyone, with a focus on what often missing in porn : the fun of it all. Not only is Bright Desire sex-positive, but it also offers videos and erotic stories that are all about passion, intimacy and straight up pleasure.
Much like Literotica, Lush Stories is a leader of the genre. Ghost sex? Check. Sex through portals? Check. Watersports sex? Check and check. Sexy ghosts playing water polo?
Probably. With 51,018 stories and counting, plus some 198,898 blog posts and 3,041,349 forum posts, we’d be surprised if you don’t find something that toasts your buns on there. Lush Stories works as a social network, too, giving you the chance to connect with other readers and maybe write your own stories.
Celebs you didn’t know have an LGBT sibling
Slightly differing from Literotica, this next website Sssh is operated by women for women—and we’re not complaining. It counts thousands of erotic stories, as well as sexy sex education articles so that you know the best way to do you.
Looking for something a little bit more refined? Erotic Review actually has editors that make sure you only read the best erotic stories out there. No typos or poor grammar here. It’ll satisfy your inner nitpicker and the most high-brow of your fantasies.
Have fun reading the erotic literature, my darlings. Happy Reading!

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Erotica collection, 1940-1969

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Erotica collection, 1940-1969

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, depicting transgressive sex acts including (but not limited to) lesbian and heterosexual sex, incest including (but not limited to) lesbian and heterosexual sex, incest , pedophilia, sadomassochistic behavior

Erotica collection, 1940-1969 ✖ [remove] 1

David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library 1

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This collection contains an archive of original illustrations, four sketchbooks, and erotic stories, depicting transgressive sex acts including (but not limited to) lesbian and heterosexual sex, incest, pedophilia, sadomassochistic behavior, and copulation with objects as varied as sex toys, produce, and household appliances. The stories and illustrations appear to be the work of a single individual, with nearly all narrative told from a female's point of view. Also includes some amateur pornographic photography and magazine clippings.
The stories included in the collection range in length from one page to 46 pages. Two of the four sketchbooks include drafts of multiple storylines. Most stories are handwritten in the style of a graphic novel; some are typed. All include accompanying hand-drawn illustrations. There are also loose, miscellaneous illustrations in the collection with no correlating story. The collection's photographs and magazine clippings appear to have been used as models for some of the sketches and artwork. The photographs include at least one image of a hermaphroditic woman who appears in some of the accompanying stories.

Current results range from 1940 to 1969

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Think about your fave sex scene from any movie or TV show (cough, Bridgerton ). Instant heat, right?
No doubt, video porn and movie sex scenes are arousal aids. But what if you feel like ditching the screen for more analog options, and swap video for words? The beauty of reading instead of watching sexy scenes — via erotic literature, for example — is that you're able to fully imagine the scene according to your preferences since there aren't any visual cues of what actors look like, the vibe of the setting, and so.much.more.
"Erotica is all about you: What you want, how you want it, where you want it, who you want to do it with (if anyone)," explains Jayne Renault, head of erotica at Bellesa , an online hotspot for all things sexy. The page is your smutty oyster.
You might have a very specific idea of what erotica is, but the erotica for women category is actually quite broad. Erotica is any literary or artistic works that have an erotic theme or quality, according to Merriam-Webster, and can range from subtly sexy to straight-up hardcore.
"Erotica can also be a place to explore, discover, and push the boundaries of your fantasies, at a pace you choose, in the safest way possible," says Renault. For instance, you may learn that reading about choking sex , sex swings , or the Dominant/submissive dynamic really gets you going
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