Erotic Honeymoon Stories

Erotic Honeymoon Stories


Erotic Honeymoon Stories
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I hope my story of first-sex difficulties helps others who might be discouraged that things aren't "working." 

My now-husband had shown such patience with me during our courtship. I was a virgin, and he was not.…
My wife and I dated for three years before we married. We promised, after our first kiss, that we would…
Author's note: There are many stories here about honeymoons where couples go from being virgins to suddenly…
You can read the first part of the My COVID Honeymoon Series here.

I woke up in the early morning,…
My wife and my wedding night is something I will never forget. We had dated and been engaged for five…
Hello everyone! I hope God is blessing everyone with a productive and blessed day. If not, my prayers…
Hello! My name is SophTea, and I just wanted to write an introduction of sorts not only to extend my…
Nature’s call woke Anne. Ron was lying on his side next to her, peacefully resting his hand on her…
It had been five months since the plane crash, and still no rescuers had showed up. Things had settled…
On our wedding night, my husband and I arrived at the hotel in the early evening. We’d had an afternoon…
For a minute they just stood, Steve’s arms gently entwined around his new bride’s waist, her hands…
Honeymoon Sex
There are so many expectations for honeymoon sex that first night of marriage. Many couples have waited to enjoy their first-time sex as virgins. Many are experiencing that first night of being married or remarried. Many have high expectations. Here are five things to keep in mind on your honeymoon night.
After the big wedding day and reception, many couples are just plain exhausted. The honeymoon night may not live up to expectations. Many new married couples may just need to sleep. The next morning may be the time to ramp it up.
Do not be surprised if the bride and groom struggle with loneliness and depression after leaving their families and friends. The emotional intensity of a wedding and reception can set newly married couples for a letdown. Honeymoon Sex can be mixed with tears. That is very normal.
If you have been married before, the sex on your wedding night may push certain buttons that bring pain to the surface. Many couples report arguments on the wedding night.
Pretalk about keeping a moderate view of how the honeymoon sex is going to be. When you read stories, realize that many things were not included in the stories.
Enjoy the honeymoon sex what ever it is. You are together. You are learning your marriage sexuality together.
Your honeymoon sex is the beginning your sexual marriage journey. Read the stories at marriage heat and enjoy the journeys of other couples. Sign up at marriage heat and share your honeymoon night sex stories.
Some have the “perfect” honeymoon nights. Wedding Night Virgins is a real story of a couple who loved their honeymoon night. This story may be a big encouragement for your first night together.

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Eric Redding ,
November 4th 2015

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“I was married to my high school sweetie at 19 and we were both virgins (very much her idea) and our wedding night was fucking awful. In cases of dual virgin hook ups I think there should be a coach present.”
“My wife and I waited until marriage. It wasn’t at all awkward (for me). We got up to the hotel room, and our room had a jacuzzi. We were really nasty from our July wedding, and so we hopped in and were naked around each other for the first time. We cuddled in the tub for awhile, until moving to the shower to rinse off/fool around. Once we got out, we went to the bed.
The sex was… interesting. I think people tend to think that sex is going to be like porn right off the bat. We weren’t naive, and we knew it would be something to work into. We started with oral sex and foreplay and worked our way up. Plenty of lube later, I was able to ‘get it in,’ but she was tight, and I wasn’t planning on hurting her in the process. We called it quits after a bit when it got painful, finished each other off, and fell asleep cuddling (because let’s be honest, it was a LONG day).
Two days later we left for the honeymoon, and with a couple of days of stretching and such under our belt, we had some awesome sex, several times a day. Then came a terrible UTI that put a damper on that for awhile…
Moral of the story, regardless of when it happens, don’t think that the magical act of intercourse is just going to come easy. It takes time to really get to a point where both parties can physically handle it. Be willing to take it slow and laugh, don’t set goals, and just do what you can to make your partner as comfortable as possible.”
“Me and my wife both waited. First time was in a hotel on the way to the honeymoon cabin. We were both really tired from the wedding and drive. We broke out the condoms… and it took a bit to figure it out. Slightly painful for her… but she ended up finishing (which I was surprised about). I didn’t finish actually… which is like the opposite of what I was expecting… and she was really upset by it. She thought she had done something wrong but I told her not to worry and that night was just about getting her used to it more than getting me off.
Honeymoon went on and we got better… and before we knew it… we were enjoying sex.
We’ve been married about 5 months and our sex life is getting really good. It’s not that the first night was bad… but man does it get better once you get used to each other and figure out what the other wants.
I’m not upset that I waited… because I like the idea of just having that one person to be intimate with. I like not having to compare her to past flings and relationships.”
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