Erotic Crucifixion Stories

Erotic Crucifixion Stories


Erotic Crucifixion Stories
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The young girl staggered under the burden of the heavy crossbeam lashed across her shoulders, a timber that weighed almost as much as she did. She was beautiful, even though her lithe, naked body was crisscrossed with bloody whip welts and ugly, blackened burns from branding irons, even though she was covered with sweat and blood and semen and filth. Huge, pink-tipped breasts heaved from the awful exertion. She wobbled along on rubbery limbs, bowlegged from being raped and sodomized by an entire cohort of the Praetorian Guard. Thick, viscous, pinkish streaks streamed down the insides of her thighs and tangled the patch of bronze curls between her legs, a foul mixture of her own blood and the seed of the guards who had violated her. She was very young, barely eighteen. Her beautiful, heart shaped face had been left unmarked. Her clear green eyes glistened with tears of pain, and her copper-colored hair, though tangled and filthy, shone in the bright, newly-risen sun.

Her name was Julia Avila Catullus, and she had been condemned to die on trumped-up charges of prostitution. Her long trek over the river bridge to her place of crucifixion was nearly over.

Tribune Gaius Cassius Trajanus, commander of the Emperor Caligula’s elite 8 th praetorian cohort, trotted alongside the road on his magnificent white stallion Zephyrus. He smiled with grim satisfaction. ‘Spurn me, will you, bitch?’ he thought savagely. ‘See what it got you? The most horrible death imaginable.’ The girl stumbled, and the slash of a whip wrenched a hoarse cry from her parched throat and raised fresh beads of blood across her rounded buttocks. She staggered ahead a few more feet and finally fell, exhausted, at the foot of a T-shaped cross upon which hung a young male prisoner. Blood from his spiked feet dripped on her head.

Gaius chuckled when he gazed at the young man. Like the girl, his body also bore the marks of terrible torture. His knees were bent, and a thick cornu had been shoved deep into his rectum to support his body weight and prevent him from suffocating—thus prolonging his agony. Long, dirty blonde hair hung in his eyes.

And a raging, throbbing erection bristled between his legs.

“He must like hanging on the tree,” Gaius said with a brittle laugh. “Many say there is a fine line between pleasure and pain.” His soldiers joined in his merriment.

Julia’s eyes flickered open. They widened in horrified recognition when they focused on the face of the dying man. Marcus—her young husband! Blood streamed down his arms and over his feet to the ground. Julia stared up at Marcus, his head drooped on his chest, his eyes dull, nearly lifeless. She sobbed hysterically. Her beloved husband looked dead.

“Marcus…m-my love!” she rasped. She read the inscription on the titulus plaque above his head. “He is n-no…murderer!”

Gaius’s steely eyes glittered. “A minor detail to which I attended, bitch. Old Gracchus would not have lived much longer anyway. The murder weapon was found on your lover’s person when we arrested him—just as we found the gold coins you shoved up your cunt when we arrested you. A whore’s pay, in a whore’s hiding place.”

“Y-you put them..t-there—just as you planted the knife on Marcus,” she sobbed.

“As I said, a minor detail.” He swung down from his horse. “You will no doubt be pleased to know that we’ve arranged for you to be crucified face-to-face, bitch. Very romantic, very touching. First, though, I feel you should be given the opportunity to wish your lover a proper farewell.” He gestured to two of his men, who roughly pulled Julia to her feet. Another soldier rolled a large, cut tree stump to the foot of the cross. The girl was hoisted up and deposited on the log. She swayed unsteadily, but managed to keep her balance.

“Just the right height,” Gaius commented. Her quivering lips were mere centimeters from the tip of the condemned man’s rigid cock.

Marcus stirred, and his eyes fluttered open. His mouth worked painfully. “,” he finally managed to grate. “N-o-o….”

“Go ahead, bitch,” the tribune commanded. “Give him one last deep kiss. Suck him off. Suck him until he comes in your mouth, and I promise you we’ll break your legs soon after you’re nailed, so you don’t suffer overlong.”

Tears streaming down her face, Julia did as she was told. Lovingly, she ran her tongue over her lover’s penis, her warm wet mouth closing over the bristling shaft. She tried to put the leering soldiers out of her mind. She tried to imagine she and Marcus were in their favorite place, a secluded glade in the hills overlooking Rome, making love under the stars. She sucked him voraciously, knowing it would be the last pleasure he would ever experience. Marcus moaned, and, even in his agony, began to thrust his hips in rhythm to her oral ministrations. He arched his back and cried out as he climaxed, filling her mouth and throat with copious blasts of his seed. Gaius savagely jerked Julia’s head back so that Marcus’s last few ejaculations sprayed her face and hair with thick, ropy strands of semen. Julia swallowed his come and licked her lips. Her own hips were thrusting involuntarily.

Gaius snorted. “She’s aroused herself! Well, men, we’ll have to give her a proper fucking before she dies—one last kindness to our female prisoner. But first, let’s get her arms nailed to the patibulum. “

His words cut through the pleasure/pain fog in Julia’s mind like the crack of a whip.

“NO!” she screamed fearfully. She tumbled backward off the stump and howled in agony when she landed heavily on the crossbeam. She fought, kicking and shrieking, but to no avail. There were too many soldiers, and they held her down. They lashed her wrists with coarse rope.

Gaius stripped off his uniform. His well-muscled body gleamed in the early morning sunlight, and his massive erection almost touched his belly—twelve inches of rock-hard flesh, eager to ravish his victim, excited by her terror and the prospect of inflicting horrible, mortal pain on her. As always, his men marveled at—and envied—their commander’s prodigious cock. The tribune approached with a heavy hammer and two thick, rusted spikes. Julia’s eyes widened. Once the nails pierced her skin and the rust entered her veins, she was dead. Even in the unlikely event someone would rescue her and take her down from the cross, she would eventually die from infection or disease. Her terror increased tenfold.

"P-please Gaius," she whimpered. She feared Gaius, his treatment of her; but she feared death more. "Please. I'll do whatever you want. Please! Don't kill me! I’ll be your lover! I-I’ll marry y-you! I’ll s-suck you right now!”

"You shouldn't have left me for the farmer, bitch," Gaius sneered at her. He put the tip of the huge spike onto the wrist of her left hand and smashed the mallet on the squared head. Blood splashed on Gaius’s face and chest. Julia cried in agony, arching her back as the dull metal tore into the flesh of her wrist. He paused as she continued to cry.

"If only you'd have stayed with me, Julia," he shook his head, almost sadly. "You could have had the world. And you would have been one of the most envied females in Rome. First as my female, then, perhaps as the Emperor's whore. If only..." He brutally drove the mallet down on the nail again, forcing it deeper into her wrist, spraying more of her blood, eliciting another scream of pain as bones splintered and cracked. "If only... But now, you will join your husband as carrion on the cross."

Moments later, Gaius let the mallet fall one last time. The second nail was finally secured into the wood through her flesh of her other wrist. Blood soaked into the beam and pooled on the ground under the wood. Julia was limp on the crossbar, her head lolling from side to side. She was no longer aware of anything but the pain coursing through her entire body. Gaius snickered and glanced over his shoulder at the dying Marcus.

“Now, you mangy cur, watch how a real man fucks a woman! They like it even more after they’ve been nailed!”

He spread Julia’s shapely legs and pushed them back until her knees touched her massive breasts. He forced the huge head of his cock between her torn, swollen cunt lips. He began to thrust brutally and with incredible speed, in and out, in and out. The wet, sucking sound of their coupling was loud, almost comical. “chock-FUT! chock-FUT! chock-FUT!” The guards snickered. Julia began to moan. At first it was the sound of pain. Then her tone changed. Her voice became a throaty purr.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh, yesssss!” she hissed. “Oh! OH!! Ungh-ahh…fuck me!”

Gaius’s huge member kept sliding in and out of her for several more minutes. Then he pulled out of her, and Julia groaned in frustration. Gaius redirected his aim. He pushed the clublike head of his penis against the tiny, tight rosebud of her anus. Her eyes snapped open in horror as she realized what was happening.

With a feral snarl, Gaius ripped into her, driving to the hilt into her bowels.

“GODS, STOP!!” she howled. “YAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”

He continued to plow into her until, mercifully, she passed out. Fresh blood squirted from the torn ring of muscle he was violating. Finally, he pulled out of her and ejaculated on her enormous breasts, glazing them with a thick coating of his seed.

Gaius knelt between her trembling legs, catching his breath. After a few moments he stood up, gesturing to his men. “She’s all yours!” he exclaimed. “Have at her! Her holes are well-lubricated for the lot of you!”

His men shouted with glee and began to strip. Gaius strode to the bank of the river and dived in, swimming out partway, refreshing and cleansing himself. He began to tread water and turned toward shore as Julia’s screams rang across the water. He smiled cruelly, watching as his men sported with her.

Gaius was a handsome young man, albeit with a cruel mouth and cold, steely grey eyes. Brown hair hung crisply in curly bangs on his forehead. He was incredibly intelligent, a ferocious fighter and skilled tactician, and vicious in the extreme. He rose through the ranks quickly, becoming tribune of a cohort of Caligula’s praetorian guard at the young age of twenty-four. He was charged with maintaining order in the city, and maintaining a level of terror to keep the people in line.

Gaius also had an eye for fresh young girls, teens who were barely of legal age. He enjoyed the chase, the conquest. He enjoyed raping them. More than anything, though, he enjoyed torturing and crucifying them in the end. Sometimes the girls would agree to be with him, so terrified were they of the merciless tribune. Gaius did not enjoy their submission. He ended up crucifying them anyway. The carcasses of countless, nubile young maidens hung rotting on crosses in the fields around Rome, in the Sessorium, and in open mass graves out in the hills, where the remains of victims of the arena lay putrefying.

He swam back to shore after his men finally finished with the girl. He put his tunic back on, but did not don his armor. “Time to finish the job,” he said.

Julia lay unconscious on the ground. The multiple rapes she had suffered had reduced her vagina and anus to open wounds of raw, bleeding meat. Gaius stood over her and pissed on her face. She sputtered as she swam back to awareness.

“Time to die, bitch,” Gaius hissed. His men were hauling the massive, heavy upright post into place. Julia’s rolling eyes focused on the placard that had been mounted at the top. It read, “whore.” Then she saw two wooden spikes bristling midway down the stake. They looked like serrated rhinoceros horns, a smaller one above, and a long, thick recurved one below. She gasped in horror as she realized what they were for.

“We wanted to make sure you would not suffocate too soon, so we’ve provided you with a nice seat!” Gaius chuckled. “The smaller cornu will pierce your bowels, and the big one will destroy your sex—although that looks pretty well mangled already!”

“N-n-n-u-hh….n-o-oo……..” she managed.

Long ropes were attached to the patibulum , and routed through pulleys on the upright stake. Julia was hoisted aloft, shrieking in agony at the fresh pain as she cleared the ground. His men guided the crossbar into place and it settled into the notch atop the post. Her legs still swung free, and Gaius grabbed her ankles as he mounted a platform that had been positioned between the two crosses. The guards maneuvered Julia’s cross by main strength, and as it tilted toward Marcus, a cruel notion struck Gaius.

“Let her give him a last kiss,” he snarled. “Swing her close to him.” His men laughed, and managed to get the girl in position.

Marcus stirred as Julia’s soft, bruised lips brushed his. “I l-love you, M-Mar…cus,” she moaned.

“And…I…you……” Marcus’s voice was barely a whisper. They kissed deeply and passionately, their tongues locking for several seconds, until the soldiers cruelly swung her away from him.

Gaius hung onto her ankles, standing on tiptoe as his men dropped the upright beam into its posthole with a jarring thud. Julia moaned as the vibration sent fresh waves of agony radiating through her tortured body. The tribune glanced over his shoulder.

“Take one last look at your wife’s womanflesh, farmer,” he called. He spread her legs wide, displaying her bleeding sex and torn anus. Then he released her ankles, allowing her to drop back to impale herself on the twin cornu .

The stakes had been perfectly positioned, driving deep into both of Julia’s nether orifices. She drew in a sharp breath and screamed at the top of her lungs as she was impaled. She struggled frantically, but the serrations that had been carved into the horns only dug more deeply into her tender, internal flesh. Blood gushed around the cornu and streamed down the post. Julia continued to thrash, her legs kicking violently. Several of the guards pinioned her limbs, bending her knees at sharp angles, and another smashed spikes through her ankles, bones splintering with each blow as she shrieked, nailing her feet to the sides of the square wooden stake.

But Julia’s long ordeal on the cross was only beginning. It had only been daylight for about an hour, and the agonizing position in which she had been crucified would insure that she would live long and suffer horribly before she finally expired. She sobbed and shuddered. She still rode up and down on the horn in her vagina as if she were riding a lover’s cock, but her struggles grew weaker, as if she realized she was only doing more damage. Her head sagged forward on her chest, and her massive breasts rose and fell unevenly.

A pack of wild dogs had come skulking through the weeds, drawn by the smell of blood. They growled menacing, but kept their distance, leery of the soldiers. Gaius smiled viciously. He drew a long dagger from his belt, placed the razor-sharp blade behind Marcus’s scrotum, and, with a quick slash, castrated the young farmer, slicing off his testicles and penis, even scalping off a patch of flesh with his pubic hair intact. Marcus jerked awake and loosed an unearthly, ear-splitting shriek which was joined by Julia’s cry of dismay.

Gaius whistled, getting the dogs’ attention. “Here you go, hounds!” he called. “A little tidbit to whet your appetites!” He flung his bloody trophy far out into the brush. The pack took off in pursuit. There was a terrifying racket of snarling and growling as they fought over the “treat,” then just silence and the noisy sound of chewing.

Gaius turned away, noticing that Marcus had bled to death almost immediately. He frowned. The farmer had gotten off easy. He heard Julia moan behind him.

 “Gaius….p-please…you promised!” the teen sobbed. “ Please……break… legs. I…am in…agony. Kill me….please!” 

“I think not, bitch,” he said. “We’ve put down wagers on how long you’ll last. I say you’ll last at least until sunset, even with all the damage that’s been done to you. You always were a hardy bitch. We’ll see. It will be very entertaining!”

He sat down with his men, who had broken out wineskins and packs of food and dice. They set up a canopy to shade themselves. They began to eat and drink and play games, ignoring the suffering, bloody young girl hanging on the cross.

The hours dragged on. The early afternoon sun was burning her back mercilessly; blisters and peeling skin seen where her skin had not been scraped away. Her tongue was thick in her mouth. "W-water," she mouthed through cracked, swollen lips, her voice croaking and faint. "W-water."

Gaius looked at her, laughing. Approaching her, he looked up at her, and snickered, "Did you say something, bitch?"

"Water," she whimpered. Had she had any spare moisture left in her body, she would have had tears forming in her eyes. "So th-thirsty."

"Do you hear that?" Gaius roared jokingly to his men. "The bitch is thirsty!" The men roared in laughter with him. "So you want something to drink, eh, bitch?"

He smiled up at her, his hand petting her calf sensuously. "Very well, cunt," he said, almost tenderly. "A last request is always granted to the condemned prisoner. And since you were such a good bitch, servicing all so well, you shall have a drink."

Gaius walked back under the awning, bent down and grabbed an empty cup, then pissed in the tumbler. Walking back to the cross, he stepped onto the platform and pressed the cup to her lips. A spark of anger glittered in her dull eyes and Julia pulled away from the cup.

"Very well," Gaius shrugged as he tossed the contents over her body, then pitched the cup out into the bushes. "Have it your way." Stepping down, he let his hand stroke her leg, moving upward toward her pubic area. His lips curled up as she tried to pull away from his touch. "You really are a strong one, cunt. I'd have thought you'd be dead by now. Especially after all those hours in the cell and the trek here and the…party and the nailing. And you've been hanging here for six hours now." His fingers lingered near the teen’s impaled opening, brushed against the patch of hair, and came away bloody. "Remarkable stamina, bitch."

“Look!” one of the men, exclaimed, pointing at the bridge.

Streaming across the bridge were dozens and dozens of naked prisoners with crossbeams tied across their shoulders. Soldiers walked and rode alongside, followed by horse-drawn wagons loaded with wooden posts and supplies and barrels of oil for burning the crucified victims after night fell. Sunlight flashed on polished helmets and breastplate.

“Looks as though Julia will have lots of company,” Gaius said. “Glad we beat the rush!”

The men howled in merriment. Julia closed her eyes, feeling the dry sting behind her eyelids as the tears futilely tried to form to lubricate the surface. Her head slumped forward onto her chest. She was having trouble holding herself up, even with the impaling cornu . Breathing was becoming difficult. Soon it would be over. Soon. Not soon enough, perhaps, she admitted to herself as she let herself drift into unconsciousness, but soon……

Bonfires glowed brightly along the road in the blackness, reflecting on the river. There was a full moon; thousands of stars glittered in the velvet-black sky, and the night was brightly lit.

And in a few moments it would get even brighter.

The bodies of Julia and Marcus had been thoroughly soaked in oil and would blaze brightly when the time came. Gaius stood by, torch in hand, waiting for the signal.

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