Erotic Chyoa

Erotic Chyoa


Erotic Chyoa
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3rd Person, Female









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52 Chapters

20 Chapters Deep

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Important! For the full effect, remember to select, "Start Game" , on the right side of the window. This allows the story to track conditions as well as provide a proper narrative (don't worry there are no dead ends in this one). This entire story is complete. There are no dead ends. In the future, there may be a sequel, which may or may not be a part of the same CHYOA story. But there's 10 different failures, so try to find them all!
This story is actually only one in a fantasy world called Absoterra slowly being fleshed out as each story continues. Other stories in the world include: Steamy Stories from Another World | A New World! Your Party of Hopeless Hotties | Thank You, Demon King!
WE HAVE A WIKI NOW! Too many characters to keep track of in this setting? Check out the constantly under-construction reference site here .
The village of Nichonia is one of quaint, ordinary traditions. Its population is low, much of it consisting of farmers and other simple commoners, but its main road is worked well due to the influx of travellers that come mostly to pass straight through. The populace itself does not hold adventurers, or even many types beyond humans, but adventures stop at the local inn for food and rest, and once in awhile, they stay to aid with problems such as goblins or bandits. Or goblin bandits. Because of this, they sometimes see more famous warriors, wizards, archers, and such. The current day is one of those days.
Lo and behold, the great and beautiful dungeoneer Tavia! Everybody knows her sandy brown hair, those thigh-high boots, the dangerously low-cut breastplate, and her black miniskirt. She also wears a red cape, shoulderplates, bracers beneath metal wrist-guards, and a raven ribbon cutely tied through her back-length hair. At least, she assumes so. In her mind, she's the greatest, and nobody will ever be greater.
There are plenty that adore her, especially the men that lose themselves in her bright yellow eyes, the cleavage of her tightly bound C-cup breasts, or when a miraculous breeze wafts in, showing her shining cheeks covered only by a thin pair of white undergarments. Truthfully, wearing skimpy armour is not in itself strange in this world, because this particular fantasy land is amazing. Many others do as well. Perhaps it's a fashion trend. Either way, it isn't how she dresses that turn some people off, but her cocky and rude attitude towards others.
Tavia swings open the Backway Inn's front doors and scans the bustling room for her target, and after a moment, she proceeds to the front counter to speak with the keeper working behind the bar's counter.
"Make way!" Tavia shouts, a hand on the pummel of her sheathed blade. "I heard the people of Nichonia were having a problem nobody else could solve, and so, I've come all this way to prove myself against such a challenge. Perhaps I'll finally find a task worth trying."
A shy, short haired girl shifts to the side and mutters, "I was here first..."
"What did you say?" replies Tavia. "Get out of here. I have important business with this man."
Behind the counter is an older man--balding, with a short white beard. He looks up from the mug he was wiping clean, but struggles to do so. His vision halts at her midriff, and then again at her firm, round breasts almost reaching out towards him. Finally, like it's a challenge in itself, he looks to her beautiful face instead.
"Oh... Oh! Yes. The ERO Dungeon. We call it that because it's an Extremely Risky Obstacle in the way of our village's expansion. None who've entered have returned."
"Well, stop whining about it. I'm going to go take care of it, because I'm the Great Dungeoneer, Tavia. I assume you've heard of me," she gloats with a squeeze of her sword's scabbard.
She pushes her chest out proudly, and the tavern keeper's eyes wobble along with them.
"Are you certain, ma'am?" he mutters, and clears his throat. "It truly might be too dangerous for anybody. We might need to seek aid with the king's men to form a full on assault against it. Truthfully, we don't even know what's ins--"
"Enough," Tavia interrupts. "I said I can handle it. So tell me where it is, and I'll defeat it, once again proving I'm the best there is at everything."
From a tiny, enchanted pouch on her belt located directly beside her scabbard, she pulls out a scroll and presses it flat on the counter. It's a map of the land. Bending over it, she looks the man directly into his struggling eyes with a pouting and frustrated face.
"Draw where it is on here," she says.
"Y-Yes, ma'am," he replies, stuttering. "Right away. Please, just don't run into too much trouble on our behalf."
After he scribbles a mark on her map, she tucks it away and shrugs.
"I'm not doing it for you. This is a personal challenge. Now, I have that to attend to, so goodbye for now, barkeep."
With that, she turns and walks away--her skirt whipping left and right just a couple inches past a length too dangerous to wear. She pushes herself through the inn's doors and makes her way back to the streets. Tavia pulls out her map and eyes it over, stows it away, and simply begins walking in that direction. This is the purpose for her coming here, after all, so she's already prepared for the ERO Dungeon. At least, that's what she believes.

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All characters in all stories on this site are over 18.

You follow the arrogant adventurer Taria in a magical fantasy setting. Usually she succeeds her endeavours, but in this new dungeon, she might be in a little over her head. The strangest part of this dungeon is that if somebody fails within, time is usually rewound to before the event. It also technically takes place in the same world as "A New World! Your Party of Hopeless Hotties". (Cover is from Sakura Fantasy. Same world as YPoHH.) ----- We have a wiki now! Too many characters to keep track of in this setting? Check out the constantly under-construction reference site here:

Updated on Aug 10, 2017
by Fiftyfiftyfifty

Created on Aug 10, 2017
by Fiftyfiftyfifty

With every decision at the end of a chapter your score changes. Here are your current variables.

Thanks for the comments/likes! This was a fun project. I love CHYOA's conditions, and I wanted to see more game-like stories on here.
Congrats and thank you for this fun and COMPLETE game (such a rarity)! The rewind idea is just wonderfull (and perfect for the setting of the story ;Β¬)
Awesome idea! Extremely risky objects, laughing tears!
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3rd Person, Both


Erotic Couplings







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24 Chapters

5 Chapters Deep

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Welcome to the Erotic Archive. If you have wandered over here I am actually pretty surprised since I did not really tag the story nor is it going to be quickly updated. I suppose in a way it's not really a story for reading so much as a story for having.
This is where I am going to be keeping some of my shorter works. The kinds of stories which are too short to really be a full thread on their own and don't fit into any other stories. Expect a bunch of different ideas and shifting genres. If you like what I have written before, you might just find something to enjoy here. If you're looking for something fast to read, this is also probably the place. Nothing here is going to have a bunch of chapters. Maybe three at most, but I doubt even that for most of them.
This is also going to be where I show off some short commissioned works if I ever get around to actually setting them up. If you are interested in commissioning some writing, feel free to message me and we can talk it over.

No part may be reproduced in any form without explicit written permission.
All characters in all stories on this site are over 18.

This is an archive for shorter stories that I have put together. You'll find all kinds of things and all kinds of genres within these pages. There is no one specific theme as this is mostly a place to keep my shorter works and also some commissioned works for later viewing.

Updated on Jul 24, 2022
by BronzePlaceWriter

Created on Apr 22, 2022
by BronzePlaceWriter

You must be at least eighteen years old to view this content. Are you over eighteen and willing to see adult content?

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3rd Person, Both


Science Fiction







562 Favorites


166 Chapters

99 Chapters Deep

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REVISED BY Vestiphile with permission from lrocks911
Sometime in the not-too-distant future, in a clandestine lab that's not so much top-secret as it is unassuming, somewhere in one of the big buildings downtown, passed by tens of thousands of people every day, a scientist has created Artifical Intelligence wetware.
This wetware is so small, and so enmeshed with its semi-solid medium that he was able to physically embed it into a substrate of goo. Whether it was a jelly, an agar, or even some sort or even some kind of commercially available 'toy slime', the scientist could install his AI into a substrate of sufficient complexity by injecting or pouring his compound into it. Provided it was resilient enough, it would have a lasting effect.
This chemical was essentially embedded with something like nanorobots, each of which were meant to be dependent on a central command unit to control the body of mass. Originally this central unit was to be some kind of external remote control...either a computer or a mobile device that issued instructions over the airwaves that would be tuned very specifically. Depending on whatever commands were sent to the infused media, the slime could begin moving around of its own accord. It could become thin, thick, hard, could, to some extent, push the physical limits of the substance it inhabited.
Whatever command was issued, the nanorobots, and thus the substrate would follow as best as physics would allow.
But the real story begins when this scientist (who, beyond fulfilling his grant and working for a prestigious nascent tech company, was actually sort a perv trying to manifest a bit of a fetish of his), came across a substrate so advanced that it hadn't been made public. Only a couple of the company's staff knew about it, and even most of the directors were kept in the dark at first. A team of two female scientists had created a type of polymer--something like a clear putty--which responded uniquely to external forces. It was, in some ways indestructible, but soft to the touch. Malleable and plastic, but firm and even immovable under certain stimuli. It could be dense, or insanely buoyant.
When our programmer scientist was given a sample of this incredible polymer, it was as if all of his former hurdles were tossed aside. With this new polymer--the strange properties of which he couldn't even make sense of--he had something that he could really put to the test.
But the test he had in mind wouldn't happen in a lab. He snuck out his data, his sample, and pieced together a makeshift laboratory in the safety of his apartment, where he could apply his experimental wetware to the sample.
Bringing the polymer slime sample to his makeshift lab and issuing commands from his laptop--connected to a strange network of electrodes, probes, sensors, and other spectra--he sat down to see if his command program could link to the wetware he'd 'installed'.
COMMS CHK . . . . . . . . . . COMPLETE
STIM TEST . . . . . . . . . . . COMPLETE
He navigated to a specialized list of physical options he could make the slime do. This particular menu wasn't exactly something he had on his at-work devices. Rather, it had more...exotic applications.
Anxiously, he clicked to set the Fleshfold setting to on.
After a few seconds of waiting, the scientist watched the sample take shape. It seemed to expand, moving into the telltale shape of a lovely mound with a very recognizable shape at its cleft. For all the world, it looked like a disembodied clear jelly vagina.
The amount of the sample was limited, and the membrane appeared to be a little thin, but the scientist was quite happy nonetheless.
To test it, he reached out and pinched one of the labia-looking flaps at the cleft. To his delight, rather than just becoming deformed like it might have without his wetware, the slime gave a little like moist clear flesh. The excitement showed on his face...he'd done it!
Obviously he wasn't finished just yet, though. He pulled the thing off the table, noting how solid it seemed for such a small, but expanded sample.
"I figured it would be more fragile," He muttered. "I can't believe it can hold like this,'s exactly the right size."
Taking a solid grip of the thing, as moist as it felt, he peered inside through the labia of the disembodied mound.
"Huh," he said to himself "The cavity's so real...right up to the entry, but I can't tell if it actually goes inside."
By now he found himself quite hard; eager to test out his new creation. He stripped down, and took the disembodied mound, lowering it onto his penis. Beginning with his tip, the slime took him in quite smoothly, compressing around him a little, taking the complete shape of him and suddenly hugging his head from all sides tightly.
The shaft was firmly restrained by the slime, feeling like a soft velvety bubble was squeezing him. The pressure felt astonishingly good, but the weight was light enough that the scientist was able to let go of it and it remained suspended on his rigid penis, fastened quite tightly onto it. Just as he programmed the Fleshfold function, he could even feel the thing starting to throb against his penis.
With his right hand still on it now, he moved his left hand over to mess around with the motion settings.
He made his selection, moaning a little when the slime began to rock back and forth against his cock. He let out a pleased little laugh, adding another option. Now the thing rotated side to side, moving on two axes as it jacked him off without any intervention from his other hand. He noticed the sample becoming warmer with his own body heat.
Finally, he hit pump. He let out a low, long howl of pleasure as the sample slid up and down his shaft, almost like it was humping against him. His penis was becoming hotter and harder to these new unique sensations. His penis was having sex with a...programmed sample of soft, rubbery slime. The slime was continuously tugging his foreskin up and down every time he pumped it.
He was even beginning to perspire a little, beading around the thing as he began to pump against it. Every time he brought the slime back up, he could feel little cooler drafts of air currents in the room tickling his shaft. Every time he brought it back down, he was submersed back into the heat, and the reacting slime went back to constricting all of his penis.
He could feel himself about to cum, with the slime tickling his urethra a little bit every time it descended. He gripped the sides of the disembodied mound and began to push against it faster, and suddenly it responded, accelerating its motion as though it knew what he wanted. He groaned as he came, his cock contracting rapidly as he spurted semen into the priceless sample.
The slime was there for each contraction, applying a constant force. His shaft felt like it was being milked, as if his cum was being forced out by the slime. The orgasm almost felt slowed; he found himself still trembling 20 seconds after the initial burst of cum.
But even as his exhausted penis became flaccid, the slime compressed itself against him. He noticed that the slime was somehow retaining his cum. Even when he removed it from his penis, the cavity sealed up, and the form was perfectly clear. There was no evidence that he had ever ejaculated.
He brought a finger to check if it could be true, working it around inside and watching through the form. It had really absorbed...everything. What a strange polymer.
"This is one hell of a sextoy." he remarked, extremely satisfied with his first functional test. He disengaged the commands, and the sample slid back into its original form...with the scientist's cum still somewhere in there. He returned it to its container, unaware that he'd triggered some change in the polymer. It wouldn't become apparent immediately, but like his wetware--his 'swimmers' carried information. They carried intention. They carried programming of their own.
As far as the scientist was concerned, it was time to take his lovely sample back to the lab to document the more boring "standard" tests that he'd elaborated on to win him his grant. In his mind, though, he was thinking about more possibilities to improve this delicious new toy.

No part may be reproduced in any form without explicit written permission.
All characters in all stories on this site are over 18.

Various stories in which some kind of slime comes alive through the works of a scientist.
The result: a bunch of different sexual scenarios with a slime thing.

Updated on Jun 8, 2022
by Felipe337

Created on Jan 23, 2016
by lrocks911

You can customize this story. Simply enter the following details about the main characters.

With every decision at the end of a chapter your score changes. Here are your current variables.

I believe so. Message the founding author: lrocks911. Their link is at the top of this chapter.
Do they publish their art anywhere?
What’s the source of the title image? Thanks.
@Felipe337 feel free to elaborate :
i would like to see other stories where the slime do more than turn woman into lesbians. Its sure is hot and I like it, but the slime has more potential and other uses so i would like to see what else you guys could do witht it.
It depends if John Smith ever comes back or not (me personally, I'm still trying to suffer through learning 3D, animation, etc). I don't want to say it's ever over you know, but honestly I haven't added shit in years. I still have so many ideas, but not enough time.
At least for me it is (or it's been over for some time now); these days I spend most of my time animating.
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