Erotic Castration Stories

Erotic Castration Stories


Erotic Castration Stories

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by NeedMoreBallbusting
on Jul 27, 2020

by InterstellalSkellatal
on Mar 10, 2020


(Magdelyn K. Bordeaux)
"Welcome. Welcome. If everyone will just settle down and find a seat. Find a seat. Thank you. For those who don't know me, I am Anita Seamen, President of SFLRC. I'd like to thank everyone who make it out tonight. It's a very large turn out. The Society for Female Led Relationships and Cuckoldry is celebrating five years a...

This will be a place for all my stories where you can pick and choose which ones you like. All the stories will have ballbusting in them.
Will be trying to add new chapters often. Also if you are going to add a new section to the story or a story branch don’t stop after one but continue to put more and finish. What's next?
Home invasion

The Doctor - Or How My Wife Became a Black Cock Slut
I was in the kitchen preparing some goodies for everyone to snack on. People do get hungry from fucking so much. I was naked except for the lacy, frilly apron that kept my little dick from getting splashed on.
The apron was embroidered. My wife, Lorna, at the prompting of one of her black lovers, Doc, m...

Note: This story is significantly changed from the original post on ASSM and SOL particularly in Chapters 1 and 8 ...thanks for reading -rr
This story is composed of 4 chapters of approximately 10K words each.
Copyright 2006 Rachael Ross all rights reserved.
I couldn't bear the thought of sneaking around all the time. Going behin...

Still holding me by my enlarged penis, Darien led me to her bedroom door. She stopped, turned around, and placed her hands on her hips. Then she began to speak.
"Until I get you a collar and leash, I'll have to lead you by your penis. I expect you to remain silent, keep your hands by your sides, and otherwise remain unobtrusive. Do you understand?"
I could...

It would have been after that documentary. The one with a feature on online dominance-submission relationships on Fetlife. Because before that moment in time life had been so vanilla.
Marcus had been queer and had had a boyfriend or two... or three since turning 18. Well, hell, he'd been to the bathhouses since turning 20. He'd even gone as far as to create...

First of all, who the heck are you?What's next?
Dr. Taylor (male)
Dr. Johnson (female)
What's next?
Dr. Taylor (male)
Dr. Johnson (female)...

Everybody loves Halloween! Y'know, except people without souls of course.
While I don't go trick or treating anymore (cause I'm no longer 8), I do always make it a point to go to a party, and the parties are always perfect if you dress for the part.
See, last year I dressed up as a really horny werewolf. I had a fur suit all over my body, excep...

I was just past 30 when I got my first supervisory position with a staff, including a secretary. My secretary wasn't hired by me, but assigned from somewhere else in the company following the massive reorganization that got me my supervisor's job. Sherry was tall and very thin, with small A cup breasts tastefully concealed behind high collar blouses. She was...

[My stories get abuse from people who think that a story about a loving wife who likes to humiliate and hurt her willing husband should not be put in the Loving Wives Category. If you're such a person, please walk on by. I think the category is the right one because all things that happen between a wife and husband, with the full consent of both, are good an...

Dominique brutally dominated and humiliated the hapless wretch in many ways, finishing the session by cruelly pressing the spiked heel of her stilettos into his balls till he begged her for mercy, then having her two assistants bind and gag him, leaving him like a carcass at butchery in the middle of the stage. Sated for a while, she left to join her guests...

Victoria was very gracious in her treatment of Eric after Marcel left them; he was summoned to her bed and she cuddled him lovingly between the sheets. She had truly shown him his place; he had accepted his duties and this had thoroughly stimulated her. Eric, for his part was also still excited with respect to his thorough degradation and utter humiliation b...

You wake up with a splitting headache. Last night's drinking spree at the party was the worst choice you have made in your life
"Fuck... Why do I so this to myself?..." You opened your eyes and found yourself in a room you do not recognise.
As you try to get up, you realise you're tied down!What's next?
Try to break loose
What's next?

It’s a normal day as always. Nothing exiting but nothing to complain about. You stir in thought while flicking though channels on the TV and text your friend. You both have been good buddies since as long as you can remember. Everyone says you’d both make a great couple, the only thing standing before that is your competition between one another. Whether it’...

Awakening in new land you take stock of scenery around. Groggy from whatever magics brought you here, you notice the trace carvings of a sigil glowing faintly, dimming as the magic wears off. Atop a large hill, you have a clear view of the land around you.
To the north the smoke of a nearby town drift towards the sky.
To the south a dense forest stands tall,...

It all begins here.
An epic battle between 150 girls and 150 boys. Each side going for the most tender bits.
The Girls looking to squash each set of balls they come across.
The Guys aiming to bust every cunt in sight. ( Maybe attacking breasts to get there)
The last side standing being the superior gender.
It's open field. Bikini girls of varying shapes and...

"Wake up, bitch-boy!" are the first words you hear this Saturday morning. You look to your doorway and see your step-sister, Bridget. She looks extra sexy today, and you take a moment to study what she looks like. You see her long legs go up to her shorts, her tight white top being pulled at by her braless, erect nipples, and finally you get to her...

Your name is Roderick: you are a 6'2" man of burly build, blonde hair and good looks. Your skin is nearly umblemished, you're complimented on your voice and jawline, and you enjoy a mildly noble heritage as the middle son of a minor lord. Even in a hardy medieval world troubled by strange monsters and full of magic, you lead a simple and comfortable lif...

Four days earlier two agents Elise and Paul, a couple are given a mission to capture and bring back for questioning the one known as “Angel”. She is a double agent who works for the BSE.
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You spend most of your days bored and inside. All you’ve really been doing is texting your crush trying to get more intimate for the past few months. One day you’re finally able to break away from your anxiety and ask them out. Turns out that they had felt the same way, and you guys started to grow closer. You’re finally at the stage where you two can be con...

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By admin

Post date

October 2, 2021

24 Comments on “The Ballotine” by Gone

24 replies on ““The Ballotine” by Gone”

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Thirty-Five Castration Fantasies My eBook: click the image above to purchase it on Amazon.





















I can trace my obsession with castration to when I was a teenager. In reality, I would not really like to lose my balls; just fantasize about it. This story is fiction laced with reality and the two intertwine and overlap!
In high school I fell in “lust” with a gorgeous Mulatto girl who happened to be engaged to a college student a few years older than me. I was about 17 at the time. When he realized that I was attracted to his fiancé, he teasingly asked me, “Would you like to be castrated?”
Not knowing what that was, I went home and looked it up. At first I was horrified. Over time, however, I began to harbor fantasies of being castrated by these two. They would lure me into their van, have me bend over a bench, drop my pants and underwear, band my balls and ask me if I had any final wishes before I lost them. I would ask them to allow me to cum one last time before they nutted me and they would consent, but with the stipulation being that I had to jerk off myself in front of them and then when I was ready to cum, I had to say “okay,” so that I was agreeing to my emasculation and that they they could claim that I had asked for it. While I feverishly jerked off, they would hold a large hunting knife to my banded ball bag which, in the fantasy, always heightened my pleasures. And when I was finished squirting my last drop of sperm, I’d say “Okay.” In the fantasy, though, whenever I gave my consent, they would announce that I was going to be able to keep them this time, to my great relief. but in my embarrassment and humiliation, I had to agree to let them do this to me again. Over time, I began to look forward to the next occasion when the guy would ask, “Are you ready to be castrated.”
As the years wore on, this fantasy became worn out and I went on to dreaming up various other ways to get off while fantasizing about having them cut off. In reality, I don’t really want to lose them, but in fantasy, I can’t seem to cum at all without thinking that once I’m finished with my “last cum” off the gonads go! I can’t remember a time when I climaxed without dreaming that “this was it,” and I would lose them. Even the words “castration” and “cut off” are arousing to me. I’m a straight guy but I can’t get this out of my mind! The finality of giving them up following my last climax is powerfully stimulating and captivating.
I have dreamed up some hot fantasies over the years for how I’d like to be castrated. In one hot scene, I imagine that I’m standing in a long line of naked guys each awaiting their turn under the knife. We have all been sentenced to mass castration. Prior to the knife line, we are all lightly sedated. Our pubic hair is shaved and we have been administered enemas because the cutters don’t want us crapping on them when our balls are cut off, on the premise that when the body experiences severe trauma, it “blows its ballast” so to speak. We are allowed enough time to jerk off one last time. Some of the guys decline out of fear. Others are rock hard. I choose to do myself one last time because I realize that this cum must be memorable because it’s my last. Seeing the other guys in there doing themselves is a turn on for me like I can’t describe. Once we shoot, we’re banded and given numbers and pointed to the line. When it’s my turn under the knife, I’m hoisted onto a stainless steel table by naked eunuchs wielding knives. As I’m prepped, I look down into a large bucket where the balls of the castrated guys drop when they are nutted. To my horror, I see a couple of cocks in there as well. We’re all deballed without drugs or anesthesia–just the mild sedative. When the swift procedure is complete, we’re wheeled into a recovery room where we begin to contemplate our lives a eunuchs. Before long, I am assigned to do the castrations and I tell the soon-to-be eunuchs to enjoy their balls one last time because they must bask in the afterglow of their last orgasm for the rest of their lives!
In another hot fantasy, I imagine that I’m going to be cut on a stage during a public castration show. The naked audience is made up of both men and women who have paid a premium price for admission. When my balls are chopped off the audience “gets off.” I’m not forced to giving them up-I do it willingly. And the humiliation I endure prior to the emasculation is part of the thrill. The cutter has me on a table with my crotch facing the audience. My pubic hair is shaved and my ball bag banded. The cutter asks me how I want my last cum. I tell him (sometimes it’s a her) that I want to be jerked off but with a finger inserted into my anus stimulating my prostate. Sometimes in the fantasy I get off immediately and I’m castrated as quickly. Other times I’m allowed enduring penal and anal pleasure as I enjoy my last orgasm. A man is never so naked as when his legs are spread before others, his nut sack is banded with a sharp knife at the ready, and his anus is exposed for everyone to see. Comments from the audience about my nakedness and pending castration heighten the experience for me and I shoot my cum all over my belly. It is then that the knife begins to slowly saw through my scrotum and my ball bag drops into a bowl. My severed gonads are shown to an audience shrieking in delight, and as I gaze at them held up in the cutter’s hands, I spurt one last drop of cum out the tip of my penis!
I have fantasized about involuntary castration, mass castration, mutual castration with another guy where we consent to take each other’s balls in a “one last time” agreed upon nutting, and losing my balls in a bet to a street gang armed with switch blades. The only request I ever have in each fantasy prior to castration is to cum one last time. In my fantasies, sometimes the cutter allows me to; sometimes they don’t. Premature castration prior to climax is sometimes as thrilling because I’m left forever with the frustration of desiring the orgasm I’ll never have. One day at work we made a customer mad because we didn’t get his order right and he threatened to cut my balls off. I can’t describe the thrill that threat gave me!
I spent many years worrying about what this castration obsession meant until I found the EA. There I read with fascination the stories and posts about others’ desires about castration and I was able to now put my obsession in a more balanced perspective. Reading about guys who went “all the way” powerfully aroused me! I mean, guys who had the balls to lose their balls were to be admired.
Once I got married, it was a few years before I could fully express to my wife how my castration fantasy helped arouse me and get me off, but I finally was able to bring her up to speed.
She acted horrified at first, but then got right into the castration play after awhile. Most of the time I initiate the castration talk with such questions as, “Is this the night it’s going to happen?” On other delightful occasions, she initiates the fantasy to my great arousal. Once when my balls were banded and she was being really frisky and vicious with them, she announced, “I could cut your testicles off right now!” Flipping the banded ball bag up and down, she observed, “They would be easy to cut off at this point.” I begged her to let me cum one last time before she sliced them off and she fiendishly said, “Maybe not!” The powerful thought that I wouldn’t be allowed to cum my last orgasm forced me to shoot my load in a stream that even amazed her! I have asked her to hold a knife to my tightly banded nut sack and she complies. Other times, she will get the knife and tease me with losing my balls. She started making a sawing motion with the knife while I jerked off in front of her. The dangerous thrill of castration play excites us both.
Once I was on all fours with my butt facing her. She was tugging at my nut sack stretching it as far as she could. It felt as though they would come right off in her hand and I told her so. She said, “That’s what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to pull them off.” I asked her what she would do with them if she accidentally harvested them like that. She answered, “First of all, it wouldn’t be an accident, and once they came off in my hand, I would slide one into your anus and the other one up mine. Then we’d squeeze them ’til you came one last time.” When she said that, I shot my load all over the bed it was so hot! During these play times, I have begged her to pull them off and stuff them up my butt. She asked how we would do it, and as she pulled, I told her she should take the knife, slice open my scrotum, dangle my nuts on the sperm cords for a few seconds and then slip them into my anus. Having to give her instructions as to my castration is powerfully exciting!
I confessed to her that I have another fantasy that she’s my lover. We have hot sex and she informs me that all her previous underperforming lovers have been castrated and she keeps their severed balls in a jar by the bed. Sure enough, I look over at the nightstand and there are masculine orbs from anonymous lovers floating in the jar! She informs me that if I’m in anyway deficient in satisfying her, my balls will join the others in that jar! So I do my best to satisfy her in every way imaginable just to keep my balls for the next time. But after awhile, I begin to imagine that my balls are in that jar floating along with the others and it turns me on! When I share this with her, she says, “Well that’s a good thing, because tonight you’re going to be deballed.” When the moment comes, her eunuch lovers are the ones who do the nutting and cutting and she fiendishly adds my testicles to her collection. During this fantasy, I am horribly amazed at how quickly I am made a eunuch! My balls don’t even resist being severed!
As the fantasy goes, I’m involved in nutting her future lovers and wield the knife as their underperforming balls are added to her collection. When I at first shared this fantasy with her, she didn’t seem interested, but over time she added to it by saying that her former nutted lovers were all gathered around the bed watching while we made love and were naked but not allowed to touch themselves. They were all awaiting her word on whether I would join them in their eunuch state, and whether my testicles would be added to her collection.
I once detected a lump in one of my testicles and went to the doctor for an examination. The diagnosis was that the lump was not cancer, but a rather common affliction guys get. Until we found out his diagnosis though, we had some rip-roaring good sex because my wife wanted to make it memorable for me if I was really going to lose my balls to cancer. What a thrill that was!
Once when I was tongue-loving her clit, I told her the taste of it was so sweet and enjoyable I w
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