Eroge Sex And Games

Eroge Sex And Games


Eroge Sex And Games

Kinkoi: Golden Time (download) A wonderful follow up on the awesome original, if you haven 't read it, get it! Quite the line up of ...

EROGE! Sex and Games Make Sexy Games (download)
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PN: Sakura Monaka Kisara is Flower’s main illustrator. The company’s current game is the third title she’s been in charge of the line art for. She also publishes her own doujinshi, and her circle’s fairly popular. She’s a strong-willed girl with a lot of pride who’s not afraid to say what’s on her mind, even when directly criticizing her boss. Her illustration speed varies with her mental state, so while she’s fast when on a roll, she’s extremely slow when she’s feeling down. Also, her characters are cute and the designs fairly attractive, but she has great difficulty with erotic layouts, screen balance, and depicting sexual feelings. To put it bluntly, her art is cute, but not hot.

PN: Yumiki Miyu Momoka is Flower’s scenario writer. She occasionally writes short stories for BL magazines to earn some extra income as well, and they’re fairly popular. She’s very gentle and goes at her own pace, and also has a soft spot for cute things. When left to her own devices, her imagination often runs wild, but her fantasies are usually about cute girls. She’s excellent at characterization and structuring the scenario, but since she doesn’t know anything about sex, her H-scenes tend to be abstract, and fantastical, especially as she openly hates men. The fact that she loves cute and cuddly things also makes it hard for her to depict dark stories and deep conflicts so her scenarios tend to feel like fairy-tales.

PN:IORI Iori is Flower’s graphic artist. Her doujin circle focuses on digital image collections, and it gets a decent number of sales. She’s often silent, and quite expressionless, so it’s hard to understand what she’s thinking. It’s hard to communicate with her too, but the other girls on staff seem to understand what she’s getting at, even when she doesn’t speak. She has a high level of skill when it comes to coloring characters and backgrounds, but she’s no good at all when it comes to tantalizing elements such as flesh and the important liquids in eroge: cum, love juice, sweat, and drool.

PN: Sonone Nene is Flower’s President plus Business Manager plus Director plus Scripter. She sleeps in the company’s meeting room in order to save on finances. Despite her size, she’s a full-fledged adult and at 32, is the oldest member of Flower. She usually wears children’s clothes because of her size and at the other girls’ requests, but dons a proper suit when out on business, as one would expect of an adult. Of course, even a small is too big for her, so it doesn’t exactly fit. She’s the only one on staff with who knows anything about the ins and outs of eroge, but she’s so timid, she has trouble taking charge. Due partly to her appearance, she’s treated as the company mascot, and has a hard time getting others to deal with her seriously when meeting with clients.

Tomoko is an editor, as well as Flower’s liaison, at ”Giga Witch”, one of the largest eroge magazines. Her pen name is Milky Tomoko. She has a very simple personality and doesn’t mince her words.

Lemon is a young, new voice actress who’s just starting to gain popularity. She’s been chosen to voice the main heroine in Flower’s new title, but lately, she’s been concerned about a lack of improvement in her acting.

Miki is a freelance graphic artist. The staff at Flower all lovingly call her ”Miki-chan”. Her real name is Miki Ryuunosuke. As you can guess, she’s--.

Reina is president of the distributor, Phoenix. She’s in charge of dealing with Flower’s account, and she’s also Sonono Nene’s childhood friend. She’s extremely extravagant and spontaneous.

It's a fun well written story worth the original asking price
I bought this game half a year ago, and it is still one of the better nukige titles I have played since then. The characters all have unique personalities that I can still somewhat remember what they were like. I'm a sucker for tsunderes though so Kisara was a clear favorite, even though I really liked all of the main heroines. There are some more questionable fetishes that I'm not as much a fan of as this game really tries to appeal to many different fetishes. I wasn't much a big fan of those, so that's why I'm knocking off one star. However, I do recommend this game because the art and voice acting are stellar. Do yourself a favor and pick this one up if you're down for some fun times.
I don't do Clockup's other darker stuff so this is a review to ppl who may judge this work based on the studio's other games. Let me start by flatly saying that this one is not a rape game and only people that have an aversion to consensual BDSM might wish to stay away. Let me reiterate in that it is a game that has many fetishes but isn't dark or cruel. I truly regret, after having played this one, that Clockup doesn't have other games in a genre I can stand because the quality here is obvious in all aspects. To cover a bit more general stuff. The story is succinct and doesn't waste much time getting into the H-scenes but it doesn't feel rushed and the characters feel developed. I find this most unbelievable and a true testament to the studio. Other things like Kisara's voice work go into it because she really sells her stereotype with demonstration instead of setup and exposition. In conclusion, this is a great title for people whom don't want feel like playing for hours to get to an H-scene but still want to feel treated right with a good illusion and setup. I found 1 girl's route unenjoyable (and think many would) but one can't really expect a fetish game to play it safe.
i really enjoyed it, my favorite route was iori, she's really a big pervert with a good heart *.* Realmente disfrutable muchas gracias.
This was a very good game. It is a high quality Eroge where the goal of the story is to make a high quality Eroge. The characters are well done and their routes enjoyable and a good length each. I found myself enjoying the story and characters for more than just their H-scenes. I even hated going for a fail version of a CG scene just for completionist purposes (luckily they have plenty of save slots and you can save anytime). You can tell the characters even if they don't get along with the protag really care about making a good game and the company. Failing by attempting a harem route actually made me feel sorry for them with how it ended. That might have been because I did their regular routes first though. As for the scenes, I really enjoyed them. There is a wide variety of fetishes and not everything was for me, but only one really got to me a little bit even if it turned out well in the end. I also liked how many variants each scene had. Expressions change, bodies sweat more, there are even some where you can see as a girl's panties get wetter as the stain increases while the scene progresses. I will say this for people that find this in the future. It isn't listed as Windows 10, but I got it to work just fine in the end. My computer caused the game to really mess up when I pressed esc too many times, but after I re-downloaded the game and installed it and kept that in mind it worked just fine. Full screen didn't work for me either, but simply down-stepping from 4K resolution made the window big enough to enjoy the pictures. It was still very much worth it all in the end and I don't know if anyone else would experience these same problems.
Well, what has this game taught me about making an eroge? When you are stuck on a scene/script/image/or management the best way to figure out what ever needs to be done is, to have foreplay or sex! Now this title is one of the best nukige games I've ever had the pleaser of... well.... fapping top, lol. The main story was alright, but the sub-stories to the individual characters was fun. Bullet points on way you need this game! -The best art ever! -Voice acting is well done! -Fetishes for everyone? Yeah, I would say so! -Amazing amounts of CG's and extras! -Individual character stories were good, not the best, but heart warming! -One side character (sex scenes but only one scene) for every main character! -Good amount of length! -Some of the dialog actually made me laugh! -Choice on were to cum! -large amounts of customization/options in settings menu! -Oh and did I mention it has the best drawings with incredible quality with fantastic coloring and the largest amounts of varying positions spread throughout the four main characters with loads of fetishes that some may like or hate (scat & trap) but has great sound effects and voices that all combine in one game to make you bust a nut like never before? Yeah, heaven in nothing but sexy computer scripting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -You need it, Mangagamer needs the cut of the money to bring us more games, and the companies needs to know that there is a market for H-games outside of Japan that love uncensored hentai and erode!!!!!!
It's absolutely mindblowing how many lengthy ero scenes. Nothing else on this site can compare. The sheer volume and quality hearken back to the old Bible Black days of massively big budget eroge. A must buy.
Love the game to the point of retardation.
What we have here is a good romcom nukige that also celebrates the creation of eroge. Its mix of comedy, sex, romance and looks at the process many eroge companies go through to release a game make for a good read. While the beginning is weak, some heroines are unwinnable and there are some writing issues in a couple of the routes the rest is good enough that its worth taking a look at. Fair warning though, some of the ero scenes can get a little to kinky for some so you might want to adjust the ero scene settings a bit before playing. For my full review, go here:
It's honestly not bad. If you're new to eroge then this will be amazingly entertaining. The writing is witty at times and I definitely found myself laughing quite loudly at night while enjoying this. The characters (while super stereotypical) do have personality and you find yourself caring about them as time goes on. The artstyle is drawn well has has great details. My main gripes with the game are the repetitive nature of the story arcs (talk to girl, flimsy excuse to stay late in the office, do the deed, repeat. The same pattern happens with every single girl), the lack of variety in the characters themselves (each character has like 3 poses the entire game so the repetition here was pretty noticeable to me), and the repetitive nature of the sounds (especially the fluids during H scenese, sounded like somebody trying to unclog a toilet or super artificial imho). I guess technically the sounds during the H scenes can be a non issue if you disable those but, why would you? An eroge without sound is like burger without any condiments. Maybe I'm being a little harsh but, when you've played VN's like Fate/Stay Night and G-Senjou no Maou (OMG if you have not played or heard of G-Senjou no Maou fix that right away! Some of the most suspenseful writing I have ever encountered) anyway, after playing games of the caliber of Fate/Stay and G-senjou it's really hard to play a game like Eroge and not notice a big difference in execution. The way those two set a story and execute H-scenes is a work of art. In any case, don't get me wrong this is definitely entertaining and worthwhile despite flaws. Characters are likeable and there is a good variety to the kinds of H scenes but, I just don't feel it lives up to its potential.
There really is something for everyone in this game when it comes to eroge. That being said, there are also scenes that may not be for you. A few times I found myself skipping through things, while others held my interest. I loved the comedy in it, and of course the detailed art. The overall game was amazing, I recommend it to anyone with a dirty mind haha
This game is easy, and that might be my only complaint. As a satire of the genre, it still hits hard with its weir sexy scenes. Good art, good characters, funny situations. Simple enough for a new player, satirical enough for the experienced. A good translation and no errors on the port. Solid sound effects and a good sound track. I especially like that the replay mode starts moments before the H-scenes start, reminding the player of context.
I been anticipating this title and I was not disappointed. There are beautiful portraits and cgs, the voice acting were fantastic, and I enjoy each character arc. There were moments that my heartstrings were pulled and made me laugh. H-scenes are great of various situations. Recommended for anybody going in eroge or veterans.
The amount of time an effort this company has put into this game shows. I recommend it to anyone who like a good laugh with their visual novel. This visual novel breaks down the forth wall a few times as well as made me actually burst out laughing. But, besides it being funny the scenarios and the story arcs are well done and the pictures are drawn and detailed to the finest. The sound system was also good and repetitive language was hardly ever used. I give it my full recommendation and recommend it to anyone who is wondering if they should buy it or not. The game H-scenes are in my opinion very detailed and well made.
Ok so this is my first ever Eroge game and the only reason I bought it was because I loved the hentai version of this. Dude, all I can say is that I'm so glad that I picked this great title as my first VN because it is an awesome game. I love the scenarios and the sex scenes. The best part about the sex scenes is how detailed and dynamic it is; it feels like you're kind of watching the hentai instead of just a static picture of a scene with the text telling you whats going on like most eroge titles do. I love this product and I highly highly HIGHLY recommend you purchase this. I look forward to the next CLOCKUP game.
This is a first time purchase of a visual novel game and I must say I am surprised at how much they put into these things. I feel like I have been missing out! This one had great visuals and sounds and a great (yet far-fetched) story behind it. It also lasted quite a few hours with my first play through. I'm not sure how long it was since I didn't keep track but I'd guess it was around 8 hours or more. I still need to go back to see how the scenes change with the other 3 girls I didn't pick. The only thing I think that I would've liked seeing to exploring more of what the girls were about. Learn a bit more about them outside of the company, their skills and of course their fetishes. Would be great IMO to have learned who they were as a person. Their likes, their peeves. Of course this was aimed at one thing and one thing only though, arousal and I think it has a little something for everyone! I would definitely recommend this to anyone even slightly interested in visual novels who want something kinky at the same time. The price is high but I was pleased with my purchase and happy to say that I supported this company and hope to see more from them!
This game is mostly about sex. If you want a tear droping, and romantic game that makes you fall in love with your chosen girl, then there is better games out there. The sex is also a mixed bag, there is all sorts of fetich covered here. If you have an iron stomac when i comes to sex then this might be a solid pick. The art is great, voice acting and music is not very god. But all in all a fun game.
So glad this has been released in english! and on my birthday too!
Thanks for bringing this superb game to my PC (and with reasonable price too XD). It will be great if you release the Animation version too.
After watching the Hentai of this last year I was very happy to hear they were adapting it into an EROGE, I love how they kept it similar to the hentai, with the addition of new characters, different scenarios, etc, and the graphics and dialog is superb. I do hope CLOCKUP will release more EROGE like this, an EROGE deserving of 5 stars.
I will be waiting for harem route forever.
Very good! Does anybody know a link to a walkthrough?
This is my first ever eroge (name drop haha) played and I love it. Newcomers should buy and support this so that we can get even more awesome visual novels!!

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