Ero Enzo Ass

Ero Enzo Ass


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(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXVI): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXVIII): [LINK]
The late evening sun had begun setting in the west as Sakura Uchiha walked up the street. Dressed in a long white labcoat, stethoscope hung around her neck, she adjusted the strap of her shoulder bag, shifting the weight to her other arm. Up ahead of her was her destination, she felt more than a little nervous, but also excited as she walked up to Naruto’s house. It had been over a week since she’d seen Boruto last, and she couldn’t stop thinking about that afternoon in her office. She’d spent the last few nights masturbating to the thought of the boy’s huge dick fucking her every hole!
Even now, just thinking about it was making the pink haired woman wet! She wished she had forgone wearing any panties as she walked up to the front door and rang the bell.
“Coming!” called a young girls voice. The door opened a few seconds later and Sakura smiled at little Himawari.
“Aunty Sakura!!!!” she squealed happily, running to hug her waist. Sakura giggled, returning the little girls hug. She gently tousled the girl’s hair, making her giggle.
“Hi there Himawari, oh my you’re getting so big!” she told her.
“Himawari, don’t be rude, let Sakura in out of the heat.” said Hinata as she walked out of the kitchen, drying her hands on a towel. Her old friend looked every bit the milf housewife these days. It wasn’t any wonder her bookings at the Club were still way up, though after that trip with Naruto, she started taking a lot less of them than she had been.
Himawari moved aside and Sakura nodded her thanks as she entered. The house was comfortably cool and smelled of several things cooking. “It’s nice to see you Sakura. What brings you way out here?” Hinata asked.
“Sakura-chan?” asked a familiar voice as Naruto and Boruto descended the stairs. Sakura smiled at them both as Boruto blinked in confusion when he saw her.
“Hi Naruto,” Sakura said, she then took a closer look, frowning slightly when she realized that it was only one of his shadow clones. He really needed to take it easy with that. No Hokage in history had been as busy as Naruto was keeping himself. She would have lectured him about it if she hadn’t already done so more than a dozen times already. She looked passed Naruto to his son and smiled seductively at Boruto when his father looked away for a second. The younger blonde blushed and began studying the floor. Sakura put on a more natural smile when Naruto looked back at her.
“As it turns out, I needed to run some other tests on Boruto, and recollect a couple of samples. There was a brown out in the hospital and the ones I had were spoiled and contaminated.” she lied.
“Oh, well, thanks for being so thorough.” Hinata said, “How long will you need?”
“Oh, about an hour, maybe a little more, I wanna take another set of vitals for comparison.” she told Hinata.
“Sounds fine,” Naruto said, turning to Boruto, “Take Sakura-chan back to your room.” he told him. Sakura tried to hide her excitement, Naruto was as gullible as ever.
“Is onii-chan okay?” Himawari asked, actual concern in her voice.
Sakura patted the little girls head, “Oh he’s fine, just a little extra check-up is all.” she assured her. She nodded to Hinata and Naruto before following their son upstairs. She’d been here a few times before, so she knew the way. Once she was sure they were out of sight, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his slender frame, mashing her heavy tits against his back.
“You didn’t come for a house call, did you?” he asked.
“Nope.” she said with a giggle as she reached her hands down, snaking it beneath the waistline of his pants and moaning softly in open lust as her fingers ran along the length of his cock. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this monster you have.”
“My parents are home…” he said, though his tone told her he wouldn’t say no, that, and the fact she could feel his cock getting hard under her touch already.
“I know, that makes it more exciting, doesn’t it?” she asked as they reached the top of the steps and she had to pull away lest she bend over awkwardly. Boruto led her through the house to his room. It was her first time actually seeing it, what she might expect from a boy his age. Bed, computer, a few game cards scattered on the desk. There was a Kagemasa poster on one wall and some comics lying on the shelf.
Sakura closed the door behind her, clicking the lock as she opened her coat. Boruto’s jaw dropped as she revealed that there wasn’t anything on underneath aside from her sexiest pair of thong panties. She liked the way Boruto stared at her heavy tits as she moved her hands up to give them a squeeze, her ringers pinching and tugging on her already rock hard nipples. She got down on her knees and reached out to pull his face into her cleavage.
“We’ve got an hour at best, let’s make the most of it!” she said, moaning softly as his hands moved to grab her tits. His fingers sank deep into the soft flesh as she chewed her lower lip. She managed to get out of her skirt easily, having picked out one that completely unzipped down one side. Her hands then began working at Boruto’s pants as he wrapped his mouth around one hard pink nipple. ‘Boys and tits,’ she thought as she inwardly shook her head.
She tugged his pants down, smiling as he stepped out of them and kicked them behind him. Her hands quickly found his cock, already three fourths hard, her hands barely able to grip all of him as she stroked him to full erection, his length reaching up between her tits. The heat of it against her skin made Sakura shiver in desire.
The pink haired woman then held the young blondes cock out straight, marveling at the sheer length and thickness! Easily bigger and thicker than his father, Sakura wouldn’t have thought that possible if not for the evidence right in front of her. She knelt lower and kissed her way along the shaft, leaving marks from her lipstick all over him. She held his heavy balls in one hand as she stroked the tip of his cock with the other. Her pussy began to ache with raw lustful need; she could feel her pussy dripping now as she ran her tongue along one side slowly.
“Sit on your bed…” she breathed as she reached down and ripped off her completely ruined panties. She could feel her own hot juices running down her thighs as Boruto moved to sit on the edge of his bed, stripping off his shirt as she let out a low lustful moan as she leaned down to lick his balls. She loved how big they were, each one nearly as big as her fist and heavy as an apple. Sakura was glad regular birth control pills were mandatory for all the girls working in the club, otherwise Sarada would easily be having a sibling on the way from last time. The smell of his dick made her dizzy with arousal as she slowly licked his length from the base to the tip.
“Oh god, I’ve been craving thissss…” Sakura moaned, opening her mouth wide, her jaw already aching as she took the top nine inches of his length down her throat. “MMMMMMMMMMMPH…” she moaned louder than she meant, cumming already just from the feel of this boys huge dick in her mouth! Naruto, Sasuke, neither of them could compare to Boruto’s huge dick. She loved her husband sure, but he hadn’t been home in nearly a year now. And Hinata was hogging Naruto all to herself lately. It didn’t matter though; this was more than enough to satisfy her if she could get it on a semi-regular basis.
“Ooooohh…” Boruto groaned, and Sakura felt a flush of pride as she worked to take more of his huge length into her mouth. She was gonna savor it this time; take every inch down her throat.
“Mmmmmph, mmmph, mmmmph…” Sakura moaned as she bobbed her head, her lips making lewd slurping noises on every upstroke.
“Oooh, that feels good dattebasa…” Boruto groaned.
“Hmmmhmmmhmmm…” Sakura giggled, “‘Ou gan goo moar ef ‘ou vant…” she slurred around his cock, having more than half in her mouth finally. ‘Good god he’s so biiiig, ahhh, I could fuck this dick every day…’ she thought to herself.
“Mmmmm, faster dattebasa!!!!” Boruto moaned, grabbing her hair in his hands and pushing his cock all the way down her throat! Sakura gagged, her vision going blurry as she choked on his cock. The blonde either didn’t notice or care as he began fucking her mouth hard, pushing his dick all the way down her throat, his balls slapping against her chin and neck with every thrust. Sakura gripped the sheets of his bed, trying hard not to pass out as she gagged and gurgled around his thickness.
The young blonde moaned as he gripped Sakura’s hair tight, yanking her head back and forth along his length. Sakura could only endure as she gagged and moaned back at him, her eyes watering and straining tears running down her cheeks. The pink haired woman instantly regretted wearing her make-up; she could almost feel her mascara running now.
“Aguh, guh, guh, guh…” she gagged repeatedly, her eyes rolling back in her head as he began thrusting harder. Sakura’s jaw ached even more as she felt her throat stretching around Boruto’s cock, the edges of her vision began going dark as she found it harder to breathe comfortably. She flashed back to a rather kinky lesson in oral sex she’d gotten from Tsunade years ago.
‘Now bob your head faster,’ she’d told her as Sakura took the cock in her mouth the first time, ‘That’s it, when you choke a little; it means you’re doing it right. Use your hands too. Don’t forget about the balls.’
Sakura was choking a lot, but she reached up to squeeze his balls gently, massaging them with her fingers. He slowed just a little, letting Sakura catch her breath. She hadn’t realized it until now, but Boruto had gotten to his feet, arching his back as he slammed his length down her throat. She adjusted herself, lowering her head more and tilting it back. Boruto moaned and began pounding into her again, but it was easier now, and Sakura found she liked having him dominate her like this.
“Aguuuuhh, yesh… Moar, phuck my mouph pusshy moar Vorufo!!! Guh, guh, guh…” Sakura moaned, drool hanging off her lips in long ropes now as her eyes rolled back in pleasure now. She moved one hand down between her legs, stroking her dripping pussy and pinching and pulling on her stiff clit.
“Oh yeah, Sakura, your mouth feels so good, dattebasa!” Boruto groaned, thrusting his hips harder now, she could feel his cock throbbing in her throat as he pushed in as far as he could. Thick liquid warmth flowed into her stomach. Sakura let out a strangled moan as she felt his cum pouring straight into her belly!
After several long moments, Boruto released his grips and Sakura gasped for air as he pulled his thick dick free. Long ropes of drool and cum hung from his cock to her lips as she coughed several times. She rubbed a hand over her stomach, still feeling the heat from his cum inside her as she knelt upright again. He gave her a proud grin and she reached a hand up to flick his forehead with just enough of her strength that it’d hurt more than it normally would have.
“Ow!” he said, pressing his hands over the spot she’d hit, “What was that for, dattebasa!?”
“Next time warn a girl when you’re gonna do that.” she said dryly as she used a shirt from the floor to wipe her mouth clean. She then smiled at how he was still rock hard. Licking her lips, Sakura stood up and stretched, “Mmmmmh, I’m so glad to see you’re not spent just yet,” she told him, tracing her index finger along the underside of his cock. “As I’m not nearly satisfied.”
“Want me to use my clones again?” he asked, holding his hands up in the kage bunshin sign.
She shook her head, “Nah, we don’t want you passing out again.” she told him as she pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on with him, “I haven’t done it on top for a while now.” she said as she straddled his waist with his cock rubbing along the soaking wet folds of her pussy. She loved the way his dick felt against her, twitching and throbbing as she rocked her hips back and forth slowly.
“Oooooh…” Boruto moaned, shuddering gently beneath the pink haired woman. Sakura couldn’t help but smile as she leaned forward, her heavy tits pressing against his face as she raised her hips up high. Boruto held his cock up straight, helping her guide it inside with a wet noise. Sakura chewed her lower lips as she felt his length sliding inside her pussy.
“Mmmmmmh, so thiiiiiick…” she moaned softly, “You’re stretching my pussy so muuuuch, ahhhhh…” she panted as he was only halfway inside her and she already felt like she was gonna cum.
“What is it…?” Sakura asked, gritting her teeth to try to hold back a loud moan.
“I’m gonna thrust it in, dattebasa!” he groaned.
“No! Boruto, wai…!!!” Sakura began, but the young man already had his hands on her hips, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh as he thrust his hips hard, driving his entire length inside her. Sakura grabbed the nearest loose piece of fabric, the remnants of her panties, stuffing them into her mouth to stifle her scream as she came instantly!
“OHHH GUUUUD…!!!” Sakura moaned through her improvised gag, her hips instantly finding synch with Boruto’s thrusting hips. She could feel every inch of him inside her, could almost see her stomach stretching around his shaft as she bounced and bucked on top of him. Her heavy tits jiggled and wobbled wildly as she reached forward to grab the head board of his bed for support.
“Hawderrrrr… Phuck muh pusshy Hhawderrrrr!!!!” she screamed, though her voice was barely above a whisper through the mangled remains of her underwear. “Oh yesssshhh!!!!” she moaned as Boruto acquiesced. How was he so strong on that tiny frame? Sakura could barely hold on as she lost count of her orgasms. She felt Boruto grabbing her tits again and she moaned into her panties as he fondled them roughly.
“Ahhhnn, you feel so good inside Sakura, so tight and warm, I love it!!!” Boruto groaned. Sakura felt a flush of pride at that and began clenching her inner muscles, loving the way it made him groan again as she rolled her hips against his thrusts. Oh how she missed this feeling of being so full inside, she’d never tire of it as she gripped her own heavy tits as Boruto’s hands moved back to her hips.
She felt him shift beneath her as he moved his hands to grip her thighs; her peridot eyes going wide as she suddenly felt him lifting her UP. Somehow he’d managed to tuck his knees beneath him and was now lifting her up as he stood up top of his bed. Sakura leaned forward, her tits mashing around his head as she struggled for balance while the young blonde bounced her on his dick like an oversized ragdoll!
“Ohhhh phuuuuuck!!!!” Sakura screamed through her panties, feeling his huge balls smacking wetly against her ass as she gushed in orgasm again and again. Boruto hooked his arms under her knees to hold her more securely and Sakura reached her arms up to press her hands against the ceiling, helping keep herself steady as Boruto slammed into her harder and faster. The sounds of their bodies smacking together echoed in her ears as her eyes rolled back in her head again.
Beneath her, Boruto grunted and she felt his cum flooding into her womb! She loved the feel of such a huge load pouring into her, it made her cum all over again as he went slack beneath her. Thankfully, all she needed to do was plant her feet to catch herself as Boruto lay back on the bed again. Sakura moved to straddle him again, keeping his still hard cock inside. She pulled her panties out of her mouth and cooed happily.
“Mmmmmmmh, yeah, that was great Boruto, so much better than your dad.” she purred as she continued rolling her hips back and forth, stirring his cum around inside herself.
“Thank you…” Boruto said, out of breath, his body beaded with sweat. Unsurprising, she must weigh nearly double his own weight, and he held it all on his own for several minutes.
“Hmmmm, where did you come up with the idea to hold me up like that?” she asked.
“Hmm?” Boruto replied, blinking in surprise at the question, “Oh, I did that with Temari one time, only she was facing away from me.” he told her.
Sakura stopped moving her hips, “Wait, what? Temari? YOU’VE FUCKED TEMARI?!” she asked her eyes wide, “SERIOUSLY?!”
Boruto nodded, “Yeah, she heard about my dick from Kaguya and wanted to try it herself.” he answered.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, KAGUYA TOO?!” Sakura asked, her eyebrow twitching, “Just… Just how many women have you BEEN WITH?!?!”
The pink haired woman felt her heart sink as Boruto silently counted on his left hand, “Um, you make five.” he told her. Sakura sighed as she fell forward, burying his face in her tits again. And here she thought she’d taken his virginity! Though it did explain why he wasn’t so nervous that time in her office at the hospital.
“Um, Shakura-shan…” Boruto’s said, his voice muffled by her tits, “I can’t vreathe.”
“Oh, sorry!” Sakura said, moving to sit up again. She cleared her throat, “Well then, I hope you like my pussy better than those other girls.” she said, clenching her inner muscles. She loved the way he groaned as she began moving her hips again, “Because I’m gonna wanna do this again, and soon.”
“Yessss… Your pussy feels great Sakura-san…” he groaned.
She traced her finger over his bare chest, “Just Sakura is fine when we’re alone, remember?”
He nodded, and she began moving her hips faster again, loving the feel of his cock inside her as he reached up to grope her tits again. “Mmmmmmh, I won’t ask you for a full list of girls you’ve been with, but, Sarada isn’t one, is she?”
He blinked in confusion, “No, why?”
She smiled, “Just promise me you won’t do it with her. This big thing is likely to split her in half.” she lied, she knew her daughter enough that she’d easily get addicted to a cock like this, and then there’d be less for her!
Boruto nodded and began thrusting into her faster; Sakura smiled back at him and rocked her hips in time with him. “Mmmmmh, yeah, cum in me again Boruto…” she moaned, “Fill my pussy all the way uuup…” she said, panting in pleasure as she clenched and unclenched her inner muscles. She savored the feel of his cock throbbing inside her, cumming several times before she finally felt him cumming inside her for a third time. She grinned at him as she finally pulled herself off with a wet noise. Hot, thick, and sticky fluids flowed down her thighs as she moved to her bag. Beneath the top layer of medical tools were a clean towel and some sanitary wipes. She used them to clean herself up as best she could.
On the bed, Boruto panted, barely conscious. Sakura thought she might have to use some smelling salts on him a
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