Ernest Hemingway The Killers (1/10)

Ernest Hemingway The Killers (1/10)

Эрнест Хемингуэй "Убийцы" (1/10)

The door of Henrys lunch-room opened (дверь закусочной Генри отворилась) and two men came in (и двое мужчин вошли /внутрь/; to come in — входить). They sat down at the counter (они сели у стойки; to sit down — садиться).

Whats yours (что для вас/что будете брать: «что ваше»)?” George asked them (спросил их Джордж).

I dont know (я не знаю),” one of the men said (сказал один из мужчин; to say). “What do you want to eat, Al (что ты хочешь съесть, Эл)?”

I dont know,” said Al. “I dont know what I want to eat.”

Outside it was getting dark (на улице темнело: «снаружи становилось темно»).

The street-light came on outside the window (уличный фонарь зажегся за окном; light — свет; to come on — появиться /на сцене/, возникнуть). The two men at the counter read the menu (двое мужчин у стойки читали меню; to read). From the other end of the counter (с другого конца стойки) Nick Adams watched them (Ник Адамс глядел на них). He had been talking to George (он разговаривал с Джорджем) when they came in (когда они вошли).

The door of Henry’s lunch-room opened and two men came in. They sat down at the counter.

“What’s yours?” George asked them.

“I don’t know,” one of the men said. “What do you want to eat, Al?”

“I don’t know,” said All. “I don’t know what I want to eat.”

Outside it was getting dark. The street-light came on outside the window. The two men at the counter read the menu. From the other end of the counter Nick Adams watched them. He had been talking to George when they came in.

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