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Like any other child Erma goes to school, plays with friends, and even spends time with the family.
But a visitor comes to the town and by the same neighborhood as her...
You are (Y/N) Williams. Son to human writer Sam Williams, and Japanese Yokai Emiko Williams. You have a kid sister named Erma, who doesn't talk and loves you deeply. You...
During a item transfer SCP-035 fell out of the truck and fell into Blairwood. It fell into the hands of Connor and gave him extremely crazy powers. How will his friend's...
Now joins Erma and her family to reacted of her older brother as Dragon Knight!
This about is Yori's old rival and her daughter's father and his brothers. It's a story that is reality bending with some craziness that may make you laugh, cry, or some...
I made this in my Ruqayyahhh_101 so, enjoy this.
This is a list that is about a group of men who are friends with one Yokai and a walking dead man from the underwater city called rapture, it sets in a different time-li...
So this will be a reaction story with both the Williams and Yureimotos watching Anakin's Clone Wars experience before his fall.
I don't not Erma or Star Wars
Milo was having a bad until something happened that changed his life forever
Disclaimer: I do not own Erma. (Only milo)
The night for Parade is almost near when a group of unexpected guests arrive early one morning.
The Yureimotos are in disbelief that the so-called guests had arrived fo...
Sonic gets sender to a school as he discovers a girl name Erma.
Porque amamos Erma. Todos nós, todos vós, ele, ela. Saudades eternas. O casal mais bonito do Vale do Café e da capital: Ema Cavalcante e Ernesto Pricelli.
Não há qualque...
The world has taken an interesting turn since the reveal of the supernatural to the public eye. Currently, countries such as Japan have long been used to such neighbors...
There is the meekly, shy, friendly young man name Henry Williams. He lives with his family his father is human and his mother is Yokai. He has an adorable little sister...
Dia dos namorados. Uma homenagem. Ao casal dos casais. Eternamente ERMA. Ernesto Pricelli e Ema Cavalcante.
Porque amamos Erma. Todos nós, todos vós, ele, ela. Saudades...
Yokai are a legend right? wrong! they are here and among us like everyday civilians like humans . but what about the dinosaurs? what happened to them? Find out as the st...

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I keep getting reminded of how much I need a Scottish Pokemon Trainer list.
I found it. It’s not. I don’t think shad even knows about erma
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Nazi camp guard Irma Grese, who reveled in the torture and murder of internees, was, at 22, the youngest war criminal hanged.
“She was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Her body was perfect in every line, her face clear and angelic, and her blue eyes the gayest, the most innocent eyes one can imagine. And yet Irma Grese was the most depraved, cruel, imaginative pervert I ever came across.”—Dr. Gisella Perl
That is how Gisella Perl, a female inmate doctor in Auschwitz-Birkenau, remembered Irma Grese. The blond, blue-eyed epitome of a Nazi Aryan poster child, Grese became the second-highest ranking SS Aufseherin (SS Female Overseer) at the Auschwitz-Birkenau murder camp in 1943 at age 20––and stirred panic and fear in every prisoner so unfortunate to have been deported there during the Holocaust.
Irma Grese committed innumerable acts of sadism and roamed the women’s camps at Ravensbrück, Auschwitz, and Bergen-Belsen looking for female victims to abuse. Her career of crime caught up with her at the end of the war, and she was arrested, tried, and executed by the British. Long after her death the question remains: How could a woman achieve such a horrendous reputation and commit such heinous crimes?
Irma Grese was born Irma Ilse Ida Grese on October 7, 1923, in the small village of Wrechen (pronounced “Vreken”) in the beautiful rural Mecklenburg region of northern Germany. Wrechen is 50 miles north of Berlin and south of the Baltic Sea. It borders the Holstein region to the west and Pomerania to the east. Ravensbrück, the infamous concentration camp for women, lay not far from Wrechen.
Irma’s father was Alfred Anton Albert Grese, a farmer, and her mother was Bertha Welhelmine Winter-Grese. Her mother committed suicide in 1932 when Grese was nine years old, allegedly due to marital problems with her domineering husband. Irma was one of five children. Helene was her youngest sister, but the birth order of the other three children is unknown and has been lost to history.
Alfred Grese was described as a conservative farmer, a regular churchgoing Christian, and very stern and strict with his children; beatings were not uncommon. With antipathy toward the Nazis, he forbade his daughters from joining the Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls) or any other Nazi organization.
Going against their father’s wishes, both Irma and Helene joined the BDM voluntarily. The activities in the BDM also gave Irma a recreational release from her rigid and oppressive life at home. Their father hated this and eventually disavowed the existence of Irma––especially after her heinous crimes and career were made public during her war-crimes trial.
In 1933—the same year that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany––10-year-old Irma began her Nazi indoctrination. Her father was given no choice over this indoctrination of his daughter because the Enabling Act of March 23, 1933, mandated a Nazi education in all elementary schools. Irma was also a susceptible and willing convert to Nazism; she felt, even at such a young age, that the Weimar Republic was overly liberal, decadent, and too permissive and had corrupted the German people. Irma naturally gravitated to the right-wing conservative ideology of Nazism.
The Nazis and the BDM also emphasized love of the land and taught that the urban setting was unhealthy and degenerate. Farmers and those who worked the land held a sacred place in the Nazi vision. Since Irma had an agrarian background, it made even more sense that she was so attracted to Nazi ideology.
Irma left elementary school in 1938 at age 14 and, after leaving home, worked as a farmhand for six months. She then worked as a retail sales clerk in a shop in Luchen. It is not known why she left home but it appears that it was due to discord between her and her oppressive father, who had monitored her comings and goings since the onset of puberty.
Per the testimony given by her sister Helene at the Bergen-Belsen tribunal as Irma’s character witness, Irma was known to run away from fights and never participated in them during her elementary school years. She stated that Irma wasn’t capable of beating female inmates in the camps because of her aversion to violence. But some psychologists believed that she suppressed her inner rage, releasing it in her role as a powerful female guard in the camps.
In 1939, she decided to study nursing at Hohenlychen, an SS convalescent hospital 20 miles from Wrechen and 75 miles north of Berlin––a place where high-ranking Nazis such as Reinhard Heydrich , Rudolf Hess , Albert Speer , and Julius Streicher all sought “the cure.” She trained under Karl Gebhardt, the most famous orthopedic surgeon in Europe, whose specialty was to be devastating to victims during the Holocaust. Gebhardt was also an Alter Kämpfer (old fighter) and one of the original Nazi party members who had marched with Hitler, Göring, and other Nazis during the famous Munich Beer Hall Putsch of 1923.
Gebhardt, along with Dr. Herta Oberhauser, the only female physician tried and convicted in the “Doctors’ Trial” in Nuremberg, participated in bone-grafting medical experimentation on living human subjects at Ravensbrück and Hohenlychen. Using sulfa drugs for gangrenous wounds and transplanting bones in an attempt to regenerate severed nerves were among the medical experiments to which Gebhardt devoted himself during the Holocaust.
Watching these agonizingly painful experiments may have been Irma’s first exposure to sadism. She stated during her trial that “she had tried to become a nurse,” but she became known as being a sexual “deviant” during her career, and this may very well have started with Gebhardt when Irma trained under him at Hohenlychen. (This may only be a rumor as it is not known for certain.) Gebhardt was a highly esteemed man and a Nazi Party comrade who had supported Hitler early in the Nazi movement. Associating with someone so close to the Führer must have been extremely attractive to the young and highly impressionable Grese. She not only had tried to learn nursing at Hohenlychen but also was well indoctrinated there in SS and race ideology.
Irma worked as an assistant nurse during her stint at Hohenlychen but apparently didn’t do well enough to become a full-fledged nurse. Gebhardt told her that she could probably use her talents elsewhere and suggested she contact one of his friends at Ravensbrück. She was then 17 1 /2 years old, and Gebhardt’s suggestion would deeply impact many lives in the coming months and years.
Irma contacted Gebhardt’s friend (whose identity remains unknown) at Ravensbrück and arrived there in April 1941; she was told to return in six months after she had reached age 18. In the interim, the Reichsarbeitsdienst (Reich Labor Service; RAD) assigned her to work at a dairy farm in Fürstenberg, near Wrechen, as a machinist from April 1941 to July 1942. She testified during her trial that she tried again to become a nurse trainee in July 1942.
She returned to Ravensbrück around this time and joined the SS as a conscript of the SS Aufseherinnen (female guards at the concentration camps, juvenile detention facilities, and police supervisory services). An advertisement at this time actively sought Aufseherinnen with the promise of full-time employment, room, board, and clothing––including uniforms. Being an SS Aufseherin was also considered a “wartime occupation.” Members of this organization were never considered full-fledged members of the SS but rather as employees of the Waffen SS . Approximately 2,500 women served as SS Aufseherinnen during the Holocaust.
Irma and all other recruits had to pass a medical exam and have a crime-free history. They also took a test consisting of such questions as “What is the abbreviation of SS?” and “Where did Adolf Hitler write his book Mein Kampf ?” She passed all these tests and was hired. Grese stated at her trial that she was conscripted by the RAD to work at Ravensbrück against her will, but the record shows she joined voluntarily. She was assigned to be trained as a concentration camp guard.
Becoming an SS Aufseherin offered Grese a new future. Because she was an early convert to Nazism, the fact that she joined the service of the SS Aufseherinnen is not surprising or remarkable.
She endured three weeks of grueling training at Ravensbrück to harden her and generate fanatical devotion to the Nazi racial ideal. In her first days she is remembered as apologizing to a camp inmate when she stepped in front of her. It took four days to “cure” Grese of her politeness and humanity.
Irma first started having intimate relations with male SS officers at Ravensbrück. According to Germaine Tillion, author of Ravensbrück : “Sexual relations between the SS and prisoners were strictly prohibited … but it seemed that liaisons between SS of opposite sexes were encouraged, and they lived in a kind of promiscuity some might call ‘primitive,’ although their situation was anything but primitive. It appeared that all the Aufseherinnen, married or unmarried, had one or more constant SS lovers. And, so it seemed, they never overlooked an opportunity to talk comparisons with their colleagues. In addition to the lovers and the shop talk, their diversions (especially around solstices and equinoxes) were monstrous eating and drinking bouts, after which they were so far gone that men and women were unable to recall with whom they had spent the rest of the night.”
It typically took a month to train an SS Aufseherin to her fullest depraved potential of sadism; Grese was trained in three weeks. She felt as though she had reached a major milestone and achievement in her life at t
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