Epic Kik Omegle

Epic Kik Omegle


Epic Kik Omegle
Клубничка перископа / Periscope strawberry. 2513−15. #Пошлое 18+.
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Stranger: mkay ima tell u already, im NOT HORNY! :}} You: whew, neither am i. Stranger: woho im glad (: You: i cant be horny, as i am a skeleton. Stranger: oh really, and how is it to be a skeleton? :) tell me moarr You: oh, it gets kinda boring sometimes, your main job is to scare people. Stranger: thats suxxx, huh? You: yah, glad we have internet conection. Stranger: yea thats really impressive You: i wish i could be alive again. :( Stranger: well.. i dont think u'll be alive in a near future Stranger: that blows for ya You: i asked a genie to be alive before i was a skeleton. i didnt exactly get what...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You both like Pokemon. You: Hey Stranger: hi You: what's up? Stranger: just playing pokemon You: Ha, me too You: what game? Stranger: alpha sapphire You: Nice Stranger: I'm -BLANK- You: So, -BLANK-. I have a bad sense of trying to look at genders when I only see there name You: so, are u a boy? Stranger: I'm male You: Okay, like I thought You: so, do u watch the anime? Stranger: used to stopped after sinnoh You: Oh You: why? Stranger: just lost interest in the anime You: Oh You: so u carried on into games, then Stranger: yes You: do u have any cards? Stranger:...
You: *giggles evilly* You: Meow. Stranger: Bark bark You: From the ashes of my favoriete characters I rise! Stranger: Where did u took this quote from? You: My brain. Stranger: hmm awesome! Stranger: What does it mean? You: Idk, I just pushed random word suggestions on my phone. You: And this came out. You: Sooo... yeah. You: XD Stranger: haha Stranger: Maybe it means that u will like be anew legend, made of some fallen heroes... stuff... You: That would be awesome. Stranger: yeah You: Do u know how to play the Smash the Keyboard game? Stranger: nope Stranger: its something like this? Stranger: eklrv ffjneklwçFJEKLSWÇDR...
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Several suicides have been linked to this app across Ireland. People can ask anonymous questions and torment others. There's also sexual harassment. Many of my female classmates have been solicited for sex on this app, by this unknown person. It could've been a classmate joking around or a 50 year old pedophile. My friend told me that someone close to her was cutting because of all the cyber bullying she experienced on this app
This app is used for cyber bullying and sexual harrasment its also used for child predators and for people to actually urge people to commit suicide! This website needs to be taken down!
I once read a story about someone who used this. She sent anonymous hateful messages to herself, then later committed suicide.
I think this site is stupid. And I've heard stories of trolls and bullies.
I have had someone take a naked pic of me in a locker room and then post it on snapchat to her story where everyone could see it I was humiliated and I still am!
It's not even that inappropriate. As far as I know, you can only find people by their username, or on the Nearby page. Most people don't use their real names, so it's not like I can find your Snapchat as easily as I can find your FB page.
It makes it easy for teens to get away with sending bad pics. They "disappear" after you send, but smart kids know what's on the internet stays on the internet. and also there are lost of underage users but Snapchat does nothing. also people can screen shot what you send and Snapchat will notify you, but there's nothing you can do. . .
Snapchat is actually a great way to communicate with others. Snapchat is just like texting people. It's not a bad app.
Fb is a terrible place I no longer use it from today in fact they wont allow you to even have an opinion if it goes against them. if you are a goody person you get rewards regarding like amounts on the posts and possibly more friend requests as the reward and if you're a not a goody you end up in the sin bin!
Rather toxic place. Many discussions I've watched are on very low level, mostly name-calling intead of actual arguments. The requirement to use real identity doesn't help at all, it's like everyone gets some kind of internet rage. I've seen social sites allowing more anonimity where the users can be much more civile.
Thankfully I don't have Facebook. There are lots of cyber bullies on the Internet. Especially the ones that tell victims to commit suicide.
Too much algorithmetric controls in community standards and policies, that they do not allow us to post any content. It is too much bias and hypocrite on that platform.
I tried going on once, here's the types of people on here The Perv: The most common person on here. Some 30 year old jacking off The Kiddo: Some 8 year old looking for girls because, that's what the kids do The Predators: These are real people and if you see a man over 40 on here instantly close out. They sometimes use videos of girls to lure in little boys "stranger may be using a simulated cam" is a red flag The Bots: robots putting up ads for other chat sites The Real People: Very rarely, you will find a nice person on here to talk to. But, this is really rare
I've seen videos like "Smile dog goes on omegle!" It's dangerous and you meet people you DON'T KNOW! How scary is that?
It's basically video chat with strangers. Not such a good idea...
It lets you talk to strangers, which is creepy if you think about it.
Many ignorant teens put their Kik account name on their Instagram bio. This would make them vulnerable to complete strangers and online predators.
There are a lot of pedophiles on this website. That's why I deleted my account.
I think it's safe if you give your Kik to just a small group of friends.
Oh yeah, I've heard of this app before. I knew it was dangerous.
This app is of the devil. You can pretend to be anyone and cause only horny people enter there you can guess what things could happen to you..Lord knows I warned you.
This, and other apps like Bumble are the reason people are so LAZY. No one wants to get up and make real connections with people. this is a great place for catfishers because its easy to lie when you go behind that keyboard...
Absolutely disgusting app! Lots of marriages have been damaged and or destroyed by this garbage. Lives are ruined by it as well
This game is a haven for pedophiles. Kids are sexed up with provocative clothes and suggestive dances, and exposed to players of all ages, In a dating site format where kids get to present themselves as single, married, divorced, in a relationship, etc., and indicate what gender they are looking for, just like any regular dating site. A 13 year old can easily befriend a 40 or 50 year old, invite them to his or her house, get into bed or into a hot tub, and have a conversation in a private chat, with only a censorship program to protect them, which the kids can easily trick. In fact, for them it is a fun challenge to bypass the censorship and be able to curse and talk about sex. Most contests on Avakin are held via Instagram, so kids have an incentive to get an Instagram account, through which they can share photos and all kinds of information. Already a 13 year old girl was targeted by a pedophile through Avakin life. But instead of protecting the children, the game developers have ... more
You're basically giving your secrets out to strangers, thinking that it's safe. However, the app lets you talk to people near you, making you lose anonymity.
a secret telling app?! Come back when you get new ideas. 1 Anyone smarter than a ROCK knows that once it's online it's no longer a secret. 2 So many posts about self harm anorexia and more 3 Whisper tracks your location so you see secrets from people near you. Still sounds like a secret?
I personally really like Tumblr because I only follow blogs that I know are safe. Most of the site is REALLY bad though. Lots of arguments and the userbase has a really aggressive mindset.
Welcome to Tumblr! This is the perfect ticket to the dark web. Countless disturbing images. on more than one occasion I have seen thinspo and pics of anorexic girls. toxic posts about starving to be thin, even "hungry to bed, hungry to rise, makes a girl a smaller SIZE?!"
It's dangerous because of the adventure time "fandom" on it! Please avoid that trash!
This was multiple layers below the dark web before it was somehow surfaced.
If you have never been to a gossipy college you have no idea how bad it is. This app is used for bullying those who are different or who rubbed the wrong way with some people. They banned names so users make codes, but it is still obvious who they are talking about. Sometimes users write distinguishing features about the target, and it sows hate towards certain groups of people. Horrible.
You can anonymously chat with people within 500 meters. This has caused whole schools to face rampant online bullying.
Sounds like an alternative way of spelling Tik Tok.
Don't know what this is. But it doesn't sound good
It sucks so bad. The app is so toxic and the people on it are so suggestive in their attire and dances. It is just bad, don't go on it. Also China owns it, and there's no safety settings.
This app has become so dangerous that parents are urged to keep their children away from it. With all the dangerous features people are at risk, especially children and teens. It's more for grown ups and people have been in danger from this app.
TikTok was my life till I found out children were getting kidnapped off the app. Although I love it, I would not recommend it because of the kidnapping problem.
Tiktok is what keeps me going... watching big influencers have fun doing dance trends and being funny and making me laugh, and for those who had claimed for there to be no saftey settings,that's a le as I have mine on a private account so only people I accept to follow me can and there's a setting where you can set so only certain people can view a post.
A friend of mine made an account once on the page not the app, but then found out that it knew her location! Every time you log in, it tracks that location. And we checked the privacy settings on instagram, they have share or not share your location but not a don't track me, and her location settings on her device (tablet) wasn't even on! I think it's creepy even if the page only sees this. And here's another thing: You need to make an account to even SEE any posts! Yes, you NEED to have an account. And the page wants your email or phone number plus your real first AND last name! One more fact: If you search instagram hack or a similar search, instead of seeing stuff about preventing hackings on instagram, you see stuff about how to HACK INSTAGRAM! So, I recommend you to NOT use instagram, and don't let your children use it. I recommend for your kids, messenger kids on facebook. And also this page, you don't need an account AND you can see ... more
One of the main points of Instagram is to get likes. This encourages people to try to get more popular by posting photos publicly, though there is a private account button. There's also direct messaging you can get from anybody. No one else sees it, so it can easily be used for inappropriate content. I've been cyber bullied on Instagram before, but it doesn't happen as often as it does on some of these other apps.
I have that app, but I keep it private so people I don't know who wants me to accept their request, I'll decline. As long if it's my real life friend's friends.
As long as the account's on private and you don't accept ghosts who could turn out to be pedophiles, its fine.
OoVoo is safe because you can chat with who you choose and generally your friends are people you know.
It had been getting worse after Erik Cassel passed away from cancer, I have to betray the community Itself because of Hackers, Online Daters, Admin Abusers, and Exploiters.
Well, to be fair to Roblox, it is at the very least taking steps to stop this stuff. But considering it's the internet, it's no surprise that you're going to come across some douchebags every now and again.
I hate roblox this game should be banned online daters, kidnappers come on this game I would like roblox If it didn't have a chatting log or chatting section or anything with chatting I would love it.
Well at least Roblox is doing something about it. If you make an online game no matter what you do there will be terrible people.
Musically is a dangerous app. It may seem fun and fine but it will get your kids to commit suicide. The comments on musically cause all that
Anyone can get your videos and post them anywhere. It's not safe. Even be careful of this site, there's thousands of people using it
Filled with little kids... retarded
Once TikTok bought it and reopened it under thier name, it got a lot worse than Musical.ly ever was.
This asked for my phone verification code, last winter when I was 17 and wasn't allowed to own a phone just yet. But since I have one now, I think I might go back.
This App has been a trap to so many people I'm surprised its still up.
Political lies and general talk show like mudslinging and fake news.
Depending on who you follow, it has the potential to be very toxic.
That isn't a social media app, but I heard there is a pedophile in her eyes. And some children got kidnapped. So don't download it. I deleted it right away. And the taking care of her app.
This app its pretty weird. It ask you a lot of questions and just boring. I don't know what's so dangerous about this app?
It's not a social media app but the rumor was never real?! Because of you guys they removed chat?!
That app is getting old now, but glad they removed chat so the man won't be there. It's not a social media app
YouTube has problems such as in the comment section, where people post almost anything there, leading to cyber bullies posting mean comments to others & even causing fights. Yet other problems are especially the new changes like removing the classic studio, editor & direct messaging, limiting video time to 12 hours, unverifying people & downgrading the Terms of Service along with targeting videos either to kids or adults in the new COPPA change have put YouTube in a serious decline. Yet if you make a mistake with the COPPA law you pay a whopping $42,530 fine. That's WAY more than most people have in a lifetime. Just one mistake ruins your whole life. YouTube was a mess before & it's seriously gotten worse.
Too many ads. Also YouTube Movies has movies that are free with ads. But those movies don't actually have ads! But Shh, don't tell them or they'll put you at a run for your money!
You'll find more and more mean comments than on Facebook and Instagram.
Literally takes their age restrictions seriously and accurately.
4Chan is something else. Though I have to admit, I can't help but respect their dedication to finding out who did it when someone truly posts something horrible, like child porn or animal abuse.
4Chan is really different. There's nobody you will ever know and if you're offended easily, don't get on there. There are ties of serial killers and other people. So if you're young, don't go on this site!
I voted to comment, not to vote. 4chan is not dangerous at all, unless you give out vital information, but it tells you not to, and the danger will be in the form of harassment, if the people even bother to do so, that is
There's no way I'm ever using that site without at least using a VPN. There are dangerous people in there...
Do not download it its really inappropiate. This random person that I don't even know who he is sending me a nude pics of him by the beginning of a dial number +91.It's A MASSIVE HAZARD. Don't do it.
Discord seems relatively harmless up front. However, deeper in, there are countless instances of doxxing, cyberstalking, sexual harassment, and all other manners of personal intrusion.
It pretends to be a gaming chat site, but all you need to do is dig a little deeper. Soon you will find adult only chats, but there is no verification to make sure kids, tweens, and teens don't get there. Bots ruin the experience by filling your feed with nonsense.
Discord is an amazing text and talk site that you can block and friend people completely safe most gamers use it as well!
Most of the community is unfriendly and even the name of this website speaks for itself.
This app is rated 17yrs+ for good reasons. Your kid has a brain let them use it to determine what is right and what is wrong. Ever heard of trends? Because the other comments about this app obviously haven't. It's a great app and often brightens my day so if your kid is "too young" then don't let them on the app. But personally this is a great hilarious app. There is no "ban raids" the only people that are banned are people that post spam or abusive comments. They only get banned if the iFunny team sees that it is fit. There is some bullying on the app but again if you don't like what people are saying it's easy enough to close the app or delete it. Your kid should be smart enough to know when enough is enough and to shut the app. Great app 10/10
This app is pretty much the most hateful and ignorant around. They crap on bronies, furries, the FNAF fandom, the Undertale fandom, anime fans, feminists, the LGBTQ+ community (as if we don't go through enough already), and more. They describe everything they don't like with a deadly disease (cancer), they do the same thing with autism. And neither of those are are funny, if you ask me. The homophobia and racism on this app are unreal. I don't recommend this app at all.
Are you kidding me? This is absolutely fun app. I have an account on IFunny and I make a lot of stuff but I make sure I have limits to what I make so that I won't make anything offensive to anyone.
Hey ifunny is the best! I'm 13 and there isn't anything awful on there. It's made to make you laugh, and make your day just a little b
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