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The Entrade platform is a decentralized solution from German developers who are confident that the blocking and crypto currency can help countries that need renewable energy sources. Now many believe that energy-type projects will be incredibly in demand in Asia and Africa. It is here that there is a problem with renewable energy sources.

The platform opens incredible opportunities for the creators of energy projects - they will be able to effectively implement their own ideas, attract investors, work transparently and efficiently. At the same time, such a platform is more than just a means for earning, its ideas will be realized in the real world, as an option for helping regions that need energy-efficient solutions. ENTRADE technology is considered the foundation of an innovative platform that allows to design and create innovative and compact power plants ENTRADE IO. Today electricity and heating have become more accessible to problem regions, many renewable energy sources have appeared, ENTRADE developers managed to immediately attract huge investments for the realization of the conceived.

Features of the ENTRADE platform

The decentralized ENTRADE platform is based on the advantages of the block system, it is an excellent opportunity to sell / buy energy, or to finance projects aimed at helping troubled regions. In the future, investors will be able to count on getting good dividends for buying the project's tokens. The main problem for regions that need new sources of energy is financing projects of this type. Sneakiness, fraud, lack of necessary guarantees - all this creates a not very pleasant atmosphere for cooperation. But the ENTRADE platform was created to solve all existing problems, here everyone can choose his own option for cooperation, security is ensured through the use of intellectual contracts. Now, financing promising projects is becoming easier and more affordable.


Can buy project tokens to invest in any ideas you like. Such an approach will make it possible to realize a huge number of projects aimed at creating compact power stations in the necessary places.


This is the largest user category. In this case, they will apply the features of the ENTRADE platform for good earnings. This is an excellent opportunity to sell some of the unused energy, fuel, provide a certain piece of land for the construction of the substation. Developers of ENTRADE will monitor the proposals of such users to avoid questionable transactions and fraudulent schemes.

The ENTRADE platform is a very stable and promising project, which has already demonstrated itself in various regions. A lot of power stations have appeared, allowing to provide city residents with energy. Thanks to the decentralization of this segment, ENTRADE users are completely free from various problems with the law, intermediaries. All this allows you to focus on creating new concepts that exclude problems with obtaining the required amount of energy.

A unique partnership with a large company. 

If you are an investor and doubt that the ENTRADE project is really a promising quality one, it is worth considering a list of its partners. Brighter than all stands out a large corporation Schneider Electric. They are experts in the segment of innovative technologies used in the construction of renewable energy modules. They are ready to take an active part in the implementation of all promising ideas.

What has already been done and what is to be realized 

Developers of the global ecosystem ENTRADE have already managed to create a decentralized platform, which is now under testing. ENTRADE is the result of multiple studies that have shown effective application of blockage in the implementation of programs to create efficient renewable energy complexes. The ENTRADE platform is ideal not only for people who generate ideas or investors, you can quickly sell here the remains of unused energy or land for the construction of the station.

Website: https://www.entrade.io

Telegram: https://t.me/ENTRADEIO

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ENTRADE_IO

Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5024867 .msg45421200 # msg45421200

Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1134117

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