Enjoy a long weekend without worrying about water

Enjoy a long weekend without worrying about water

Ramaeshwara Joshi

Water is essential for our very existence on earth. We cannot survive without water. Every cell of our body is made up of water. It helps in bringing essential nutrients and oxygen to each cell of our body. Water makes up 70% of our body and also helps in regulating the body temperature. Some other functions that are carried out by having an adequate amount of water are:

  • Protection of body tissues and organs.
  • Lubricating joints.
  • Moistening tissues in the nose, mouth, and eyes.
  • Dissolving essential nutrients and minerals to make them accessible to the body.
  • Lessening the burden on the liver and kidneys by flushing out toxic waste.

Therefore, it is very important to consume clean drinking water to have a healthier and longer life. There are many different types of water available in the market such as bottled water, sparkling water, tap water etc.  

Bottled water is packaged drinking water that is used by almost everyone because of its affordability and convenience. The bottled water is available in either glass or plastic bottles. They are available in different sizes and also offer different flavours across brands. Bisleri is one of the most popular and trusted brands in India. It offers a wide range of sizes for different occasions. Bisleri is a mineral water company that was launched in Mumbai in the year 1965 by Felice Bisleri and Jayantilal Chauhan. The company offers safe drinking mineral water in 20-litre water can, 5-litre water bottle, 2 litre, 1 litre, 500 ml, 250 ml, and more. The 20-litre water can also come with a “Scan & Win” offer by which you can win many exciting gifts and a discount coupon. You can buy the bottled mineral water from the comfort of your home with the help of the official Bisleri website. There is a Bisleri @Doorstep delivery service offered when you make your order online. You can get the heavy 20-litre water can be delivered to your doorstep. Now let us look at some of the health benefits of bottled mineral water:

  • Mineral water supports bone health- Bottled mineral water is rich in Calcium that helps in boosting the strength of your bones. It also helps in the maintenance and formation of new bones. Mineral water protects dental health too.
  • It helps in regulating body fat- Mineral water helps in maintaining fat ratio i.e. underweight people may gain weight and overweight people may lose weight. It is also a safer option as it contains no added sugar or any other chemical additives like other gas drinks
  • It helps in regulating blood pressure- Mineral water relieves blood pressure fluctuations as it has a good amount of magnesium and calcium. These minerals also increase brain activity and protect overall brain health. 
  • It eliminates heart diseases- Natural mineral water helps in dissolving body fat which prevents the growth of bad cholesterol in the body. The accumulated fat in the tissues and capillaries lead to elevated cholesterol. Therefore regular intake of mineral water contributes to good heart health. This prevents the heart from overworking, hence reducing the risk of cardiac arrest. 
  • The acid level of the body is balanced- Mineral water contains an ample amount of sulfates. These are catalysts that produce digestive enzymes like amylase and pancreatic lipase. These enzymes help in eliminating constipation and bloating problems. Duodenum also reduces toxin clotting and protects health. Mineral water helps in maintaining the level of acid ratio in the body. 
  • Mineral water also boosts physical vitality- Bottled mineral water is rich in magnesium and potassium that boosts muscle health.

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