Enhance Your Memory With These Tips And Tricks

Enhance Your Memory With These Tips And Tricks

Take advantage of social networking sites to remember birthdays. Take the time to invite all your friends to join you on memosurge reviews your social networking site, and be sure to ask them when their birthdays are and enter this information in the birthday reminder program provided so that you will always be notified in advance.

Keep lists of everything. Keep a shopping list at all times. Hang it on your refrigerator. Every time you think of something you need, add it to the list. This will help make sure you don't forget anything. Keep lists for other things as well, such as things that need done around your house.

Add a fish oil supplement to your diet to sharpen your memory and concentration. Omega-3, found in fish oil, is a necessary nutrient for memory, yet many of us do not get enough in our regular diet. Adding a supplement can improve overall health while also improving memory and concentration.

One way to improve memory is to employ mnemonics. For example, when musicians learn the treble clef they learn "every good boy deserves fudge." This simplifies the learning of the notes on the lines of the treble clef without overly burdening the memory. Simple mnemonic device make learning new things much easier.

A good tip that can help you improve your memory is to make sure that you're keeping your stress levels in check. Too much stress has been shown to severely impair memory functions. Take some time to relax and unwind if you are looking to improve your memory.

When you have something that needs memorizing, relate it to a memory that you already have. If you associate a short term memory with something you thoroughly know, you will better remember things and even accelerate the process of turning short term to long term memory.

If you are wanting to remember something new, say it! Any new material that you want to remember should be read aloud. When you read words out loud, you form a memory pathway through two of your senses, sight and hearing. This gives two paths of retrieval when you want to recall this information at a future date.

To improve mental performance and retention, eat brain food. Foods that contain healthy fats are vital to healthy brain function. Consume things like walnuts, fish, flax seed oils, and olives. Stay away from trans fats.

If you are a student studying for a test, it is important not to over study. Of course it is natural to want to remember information on the test, but by studying too much you are actually overworking your brain cells, which in turn could cause you to not remember anything.

To reduce the risk of developing conditions that cause loss of memory, stay connected to people by forming and maintaining strong relationships. Research indicates that interacting with close friends and family members, even for no more than three or four hours per week, stimulates the areas of your brain associated with storing memories.

A great way to improve memory and brain elasticity is to read a large variety of books. Read novels from all eras and places as well as histories, self help books, nonfiction books, and anything else you can find. The different types of information you take in give your brain a workout.

When meeting new people at a meeting, it is okay to cheat a little to spur your memory later. Take a little time after the meeting to take a few notes about the people on the back of the business card so you can prepare for meeting them again in the future. Notes can be about their hair color, where they went to school, kids, or any other conversation starters for the next time you meet.

If you want to boost your memory, start by finding ways to reduce stress. When you experience stress, your body release cortisol. This hormone reduces the ability of your brain to recall old memories or store new ones. By reducing your stress levels, you can reduce the amount of cortisol in your system and in turn improve your memory.

Now that you have these strategies, try using them every day and see how your memory improves. Chances are memosurge reviews you'll still remember all 50 states and you won't know the exact number of cars that you passed on your drive home but can you remember what you had for dinner now?

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