20180814[English pharses in different topics]final version

20180814[English pharses in different topics]final version


ひとつ 知識 スキル

1 make sb. more creative / is a creative hobby

2 can make children more intelligent and boost their brain development

3 can improve their (reading/writing/computer/communication/teamwork/time-management/cooking) skills / is an important life skill

4 can make sb. more independent and confident / can increase sb.`s self-confident

5 can help sb. better understand sth. / can expand sb.`s horizons / can expand sb.`s vocabulary

6 can help sb. prepare for employment / have more job opportunities

7 face fierce/tough competition

8 sb. is hardworking and dedicated / multi-talented

9 achieve success / achieve potential / have successful careers / become useful member of society / contribute to society

ふたつ 気持ち 感じ

1 make sb. feel flesh and energetic(clam and relaxed/happy and comfortable/motivated/rewarded/upset/stressed/lonely and unhappy/quiet and peaceful/noisy and crowded/annoying/distracting)

2 cheer sb. up / can improve my mood

3 sth. is a good way to relax/unwind/reduce stress/reduce anxiety

4 sth. can help sb. express our feelings / provide a relaxing(friendly/pleasant) atmosphere

5 challenging and exciting / sth. can give sb. a sense of achievement.

6 fun and interesting / moving and inspiring / can capture special moments / can bring back good(fond) memories.

みっつ 健康 食べ物 環境

1 improve sb`s health / boost the immune system / improve eyesight/ reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure / improve memory / improve coodination skills / increase speed and strength

2 have a/an healthy(unhealthy, active, sedentary, simple, fast-paced, stressful) lifestyle

3 damage health / damage eyesight

4 have a balaced(healthy) diet / sth. is rich in vitamin and fiber / sth. is very nutritious / sth. is high in fat and sugar / sth. contains too much fat and sugar / cause health problems

5 exercise regularly / do outdoor activities / enjoy the sun and fresh air / get closer to nature / enjoy the natural beauty and scenery / get away from busy city life / get away from it all

6 sth. is a good way form of exercise / sth. is a good way to keep fit / lose weight

7 raise public health awareness / improve public healthcare services / reduce pollution / control the number of cars / walk or cycle to school(work) / take public transport / reuse shopping bags / recycle waste / have a more eco-friendly lifestyle

8 clean energy / renewable energy (solar energy, wind energy) / electric cars / fossil fuel (oil, natural gas, coal) / pollute the environment / damage(improve) the environment / contribute to global warming / cause greenhouse effect / produce oxygen / absorb carbon dioxide / clean the air

9 important natural resources / traditions, historic buildings and endangered animals are under threat / preserve wildlife / create more nature reserves

よっつ 時間 効率

1 the pace of live / have a fast-paced lifestyle / work full-time / work part-time / have busy careers / often work overtime / find it hard to keep a balance between work and life(work and family)

2 spend less time on the road / have more flexible schedules

3 boost the efficiency / help us save time and money / manage time well(efficiently) / set priorities / plan ahead / make daily schedules / concentrate on the tasks / increase the concentration / help me concentrate better

4 make life more convenient(easier, comfortable) / make shopping convenient / make work more efficient / help us find information quickly / can better meet(satisfy) our needs

5 spend too much time on social media / spend too much time playing video games / sth. is a waste of time / rush hour

いつつ 財務 経済

1 have a good/bad spending habits / follow the latest fashions/ keep up with the latest fashions / encourage us to buy things we don`t need / prefer comfort over fashion / prefer fashion over comfort

2 the cost of living / sth. is a waste of money / save money for the future / focus too much on money(fashion, apperarance, price) / sb. is too materialistic / status symbols(luxury cars, expensive mobile phone, designer clothes) / show off their wealth

3 selfish and unkind / give money to charities / donate money to charities / do voluntary work(do volunteer work)

4 high/low-income families / people in need / lose their jobs / create jobs / the gap between the rich and the poor / raise people`s standard of living / reduce poverty / prevent crime / increase funding for sth. / give financial support to sb.

5 make the country more competitive / population ageing / labour shortage

6 tourist attractions / attract many tourists / attract many viewers / attract children`s attention

7 contribute to the economy / knowledge-based economy / interconnected / international trade / multinational companies(corporations)

むっつ コミュニケーション 

1 friendly and helpful(sociable, outgoing, kind and patient, thoughtful, polite and respectful, rude and annoying, humble and modest, bold and daring, fun and interesting, creative, educational) / make a good impression on others / respect others` privacy / a strong sense of community

2 patience/politeness/punctuality is a virtue

3 sb. is role models for young people

4 a good source of information / provide a variety of(many kinds of, many types of) information / provide reliable information / receive good reviews / provide misleading information / copy what they see on TV(video games) / media violence / violent images / can`t tell right from wrong / commit crime / drop out of school

5 search for information / find information quickly / keep in touch with family and friends / stay connected with family and friends / make friends online / online friends

6 communicate freely / share ideas and opinions(photos and videos, interests and hobbies) / online community / meet online friends in person / spend too much time on social media / be addicted to social media / rely too much on the Internet(mobile phones, cars, fast food)

7 the virtual world / the real world / lack face-to-face interaction / the relations between people are not as close as they used to be / reduce their screen time

8 family members / build strong family ties(strengthen family ties, build strong family bonds) / do housework together / share family responsibilities equally / have dinner together / exercise together / take part in the community activities together / celebrate special occasions together

9 give sb. a nice surprise / hang out with friends / get together, chat and have fun / sit around and chat / catch up with old friends / exchange gifts / a thoughtful gift / a milestone in life

10 share the joy / get closer to their idols / experience their music first-hand / live music / meet people who also like their music /

11 help and support children / help them aviod mistakes / encourage them to do sth.

12 elderly people / help with childcare / look after their grandchildren(elder parents) / responsible and reliable / have more life experience / have very traditional ideas about life / sb. is very open-minded / overcome the generation gap / spoil their grandchildren / behavior problems / help them develop a sense of responsibility

13 public places (cinema, school, library) / work close with sb. / team members. work closely together / build understanding and trust / achieve success / achieve their common goal

ななつ 選択 権利 

1 provide a variety of choices / provide people with more choices / enjoy more freedom / have equal opportunities / compete fairly / gender equality / sb. is treated fairly(unfairly)

2 have high(low) job satisfaction / keep a good balance between work and life(work and family) / share responsibilities equally (work to support their family / doing housework / looking after their children)

3 respect sb. s privacy / respect their choices / help and support them

やっつ 文化 伝統

1 connect us to the past / sth. is part of our heritage / preserve out heritage / give us a sense of belonging / sth. have timeless appeal / preserve our traditions / value our traditions / sth. is a symbol of happiness(peace, wealth, good fortune, romantic love, long life, longevity)

2 the age of globalization / international trade / cultural globalization / listening to the same music and watch the same TV programmes / lack depth / follow the same fashions / lose our traditions

3 spacious and bright / look the same / look very similar / lack character

4 mass-produced products / look unique / look attractive / hand-crafted products / handicrafts

5 tourist attractions / attract many tourists / contribute to the economy / need expensive repairs / experience a different culture / experience a different lifestyle / gain new knowledge / explore the local culture / respect other people`s culture / respect other people traditions and values / the language barrier / cause misunderstanding / build understanding and trust

いち スキル

001 develop their skills.

thinking and learning skill, reading and writing skills, foreign language skills, creative skills, artistic skills, problem-solving skills, computer skills, social skills, communication skills, teamwork skills.

002 develop good habits.

develop good learning, spending, driving habits. ---learn more efficiently

003 broaden knowledge about sth.

achieve good grades, improve their academic skills, increase knowledge about sth., improve analytical skills, develop independent thinking skills, gain a better understanding of sth.

004 boost the brain development

encourage imagination, make them more intelligent

005 become more creative

think creatively, express feelings creatively

006 expand the horizons

broaden the knowledge and skills, broaden interests, take part in (participate in) extra-curricular activities

007 improve their social skills

develop their teamwork skills, become more confident, encourage teamwork and sharing, build self-confident (understanding and trust, family bonds)

008 work closely with sb.

take part in group discussions, improve their teamwork skills, effective team, cooperate with their classmates (colleagues, teammates)

009 increase the independence

make sb. more independent, improve the life skills, develop the time-management (money-management) skills, prepare for adult life, manage time/money/budget well, achieve a work-life/work-family balance

010 gain practical experience

lack practice experience

011 prepare for employment

have more job opportunities, vocational training, enter the job market, compete fairly, the knowledge-based economy, career guidance, improve their employability, achieve career success, prepare for the job market/future workforce/knowledge-based economy

012 achieve their potential

achieve the goals, prepare for adult life, prepare for later life

に 効率

013 save time and energy

make learning more efficient, make shopping more efficient, make communication more efficient, work/shop/travel/communicate more efficiently

014 increase efficiency

boost productivity/economic growth/tourism/national pride, reduce efficiency

015 reduce distractions

cause distractions for students/employees/drives, concentrate on studies/work/driving

016 make the best use of time (sth. is a waste of time)

017 boost performance

increase motivation, lack motivation, feel bored and unmotivated

018 make our lives more convenient/comfortable

keep in touch with family and friends. provide people with more choices, inventions and innovations, scientific research, labor-saving equipment

019 find information quickly and easily

search for information, make communication more efficient, make traffic more efficient

improve public transport services, control the number of cars on the road, reduce the volume of traffic, provide real-time traffic information to drivees, upgrade the road system

020 influence people`s opinion

people are easily influenced by violence in the media and their peers.

inform people about new products, encourage people to buy things, boost the sales of products, provide the latest news and information, inform people about important events, broaden people`s knowledge and interests

people are influenced by trends/have different tastes, incomes, budgets and spending habits.

021 make the country more competitive ---make the country less competitive

contribute to the economy, cause labour/housing/water/food shortages

さん 権利

022 have more freedom

give more freedom, respect their choice, reduce freedom, restrict freedom

023 should be a personal choice

a free and fair society, be forced to do sth.

024 provide people with more choices

025 people can have more flexible schedules

can study at their own pace, traditional classrooms, can have face-to-face discussions, develop good learning habits, form close friendships with their classmates

can achieve a work-life (work-family) balance, spend more time with their family, save money on transport costs, help to reduce traffic jam (traffic congestion)

026 have job security

job satisfaction, have a steady job, have a steady source of income

027 should be treated fairly --- sb. is treated unfairly

have equal opportunities, job applicants, provide a friendly working environment

028 promote gender equality

choose subjects more freely, have equal educational opportunities, have equal opportunities for employment and promotion, share parenting responsibilities, gender bias, traditional gender roles

ensure equal opportunities for all students (applicants), ensure fairness

029 violate privacy

security cameras, public places, respect the privacy

よん 責任

030 teach children good behaviour

teach children the difference between right and wrong, role models

031 give them advice and support

respect their feeling, support their choices, help them to achieve their potential

build family bonds (strengthen family bonds), share ideas and feelings, solve problems together, share parenting responsibilities, exercise together, take part in community activities together

family members/team members/community members are not as close as they used to be, useful members of society

032 have busy careers

have a busy lifestyle, spoil their children, cannot achieve a work-family balance

033 achieve good grades, get good grades

good behavior, have behavior problems, do not follow the school rules, break the school rules, become useful and responsible members of society, drop out of school

034 elder people

look after their grandchildren, share life experience with the young, generation gap, feel lonely and unhappy, have traditional ideas about many things, lead to misunderstanding

035 meet students` needs

meet people (consumers, tourists)`s needs

036 provide a broad and balanced curriculum

core subjects, required subjects, compulsory subjects, optional subjects, provide a well-rounded education

037 become useful member of society

become responsible members of society, compete fairly, provide a friendly learning environment, prepare for employment, prepare for later life, prepare for the knowledge -based economy

038 do volunteer work, do voluntary work

build good relationships with their neighbours, make communities safer, help people in need, harm communities, take part in community activities, build a strong sense of community, contribute to community (country, economy)

039 improve public services

schools and universities, libraries and museums, healthcare services, public transport services, state pensions, improve infrastructure, protect national security

040 create jobs, create employment opportunities

employ many people, take job away from, cause unemployment

041 reduce poverty

low-income families, reduce social inequality, fulfill family (society, environment)

042 introduces laws to do sth.

practical and fair (impractical and unfair), sth. is a long-term solution (short-sighted policy), regulate violence on television (advertising aimed at children, genetically modified food)

043 run campaigns to encourage people to exercise regularly (have a health diet, buy eco-friendly cars)

044 compete fairly ---promote fair competition

045 provide reliable information

provide misleading information, help consumers to make better decisions, compete fairly, mislead the public

reliable public transport services (healthcare services), a reliable source of energy

ご 環境

046 damage the environment

create waste and pollution, household waste, industrial waste, pollute the air (environment, rivers and lakes)

047 create waste and pollution

cause health problems, reduce industrial pollution, cause smog and acid rain

048 car fumes

air pollution, traffic noisy, contribute to global warming (climate change)

control the number of the cars on the road, improve public transport services, walk or cycle to work, encourage people to buy eco-friendly cars develop cleaner energy

eco-friendly car (lifestyles, tourism), reduce people`s dependence on cars (social network websites, international aid)

049 rely too much on sth.= rely heavily on sth.

rely too much on cars (non-renewable energy sources, fossil fuels, solar energy, wind energy, water power, renewable energy sources), depend on weather conditions, do not pollute the environment

050 contribute to global warming (climate change)

increase (reduce) greenhouse gas emissions

051 put pressure on sth.

grow rapidly, use more natural resources, create more waste and pollution, meet the consumers` needs, the demand for consumer goods, put pressure on natural resources (infrastructure, healthcare system)

052 meet environmental responsibilities, fulfill environmental responsibilities

have eco-friendly lifestyles, reuse shopping bags, recycle cans and bottles, choose products with less plastic packaging, use public transport more often, walk or cycle to work

improve public transport services, introduce laws to protect the environment, fine companies that pollute the environment, give financial support to research on clean energy

053 become crowded

urban residents, city dwellers, have more job opportunities, feel disconnected from nature

054 make sth. more attractive

genetically modified food, grow faster, cause health problems, increase crop yields, pose health risks to consumers

055 wildlife habitats

cut down forests, destroy wildlife habitats, lead to natural disaster, reduce biodiversity, protect wildlife habitats

056 endangered animals

wildlife products, die out, become extinct, introduce laws to protect wild animals, wildlife reserves, create more wildlife reserves

057 animal experiment

cause pain to them, medical research, develop new medicines, be kept in cages, is cruel and inhumane, is morally wrong, reduce their suffering

ろく 健康

058 have a healthy lifestyle

develop a healthy lifestyle, have an active lifestyle, do more physical activity, reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure

exercise regularly, walk or cycle regularly, have a balanced diet, eat more fruit and vegetables, achieve a work-life balance

059 cause health problem

an unhealthy lifestyle, have an unhealthy lifestyle, damage health, a sedentary lifestyles, be overweight, increase the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, heart disease (high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, asthma, lung cancer)

060 have a balanced diet

home-cooked food, fresh food, more nutritious

061 have a fast-paced lifestyle

rely heavily on fast food, contain too much fat and sugar, frozen food, sugary drinks. pose health risks to consumers

062 outdoor sports

increase strength, speed and balance, improve memory and concentration, build self-confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, improve hand-eye coordination, take part in team sports (participate in), develop teamwork skills, give us a sense of achievement

063 promote healthy lifestyles

raise people`s health awareness, improve public health, encourage people to exercise regularly, encourage people to make healthy food choices, regulate fast food advertising

064 improve healthcare services

healthcare workers, medical technology, improve the healthcare system

065 population aging

elderly people, retired people, raising life expectancy

cause labour shortages, put pressure oon the healthcare system, increase the burden on taxpayers

save money for retirement, raise the retirement age, encourage immigration

066 cause stress and anxiety

cause health problems, damage emotional health, cause frustration, physical and emotional health

067 have a stressful lifestyle

have busy careers, work long hours, often work overtime, cannot achieve a work-life balance, work-related stress, be under great pressure with their studies, face tough competition for jobs (promotion, business)

068 have a strong sense of belonging

lack a sense of belonging, do not even know their neighbours, feel lonely and unhappy, build a strong sense of community, lack a sense of community, feel lonely and isolated

069 spend too much online

spend too much time on Internet (on social media, playing vedio games), damage their eyesight, spend too much time in front of a computer (televison) screen, be addicted to junk food (social media)

なな 経済

070 develop good spending habits

manage money well, save for future, manage budget well, save for retirement, buy things on impulse, have high credit card debts

071 follow the latest trends

consumer culture, create more jobs, increase international trade, become selfish and greedy, earn more money, increase the demand for consumer goods, focus on money and possessions, status symbols

072 involve high costs

reduce costs, the cost of living, high housing price, high transport costs, high healthcare costs, rising educational costs, rising childcare costs

073 are affordable

low-cost flights, travel more efficiently

074 the gap between rich and poor

low-income families, live in poverty, reduce the gap between rich and poor, face financial difficulties, reduce income inequality

075 reduce costs

make large profits, be driven by profit

076 give financial support to sb.

receive financial support from sb., rely on governments for money, reduce their dependence on sth.

077 have more important concerns

only have limited funds, improve public services, government spending, give priority to sth.

sth. is a waste of public money (time, energy)

078 improve people`s standard of living

be funded by, be under-funded, face financial difficulties

079 sth. is a waste of public money

increase the burden on taxpayers (healthcare system, state pension system), sth. is an important source of government tax revenue, government tax revenue, advertising revenue, admission revenue

080 contribute to the local economy

make the country more competitive, damage the economy, make the country less competitive

attract many tourists (visitors, attention)

081 employ many people

the tourism industry, buy souvenirs, contribute to the local economy, create jobs for local people. spend money on local good and services, hotels and restaurants, create waste and pollution, put pressure on local infrastructure

the advertising (art, sports) industry

082 take away jobs from local people

long-distance food, provider consumers with more choices, take away jobs from local farmers and food producers

contribute to the global warming, increase greenhouse gas emissions, contain harmful chemicals

083 multinational companies, multinational corporations

provide consumers more choices, control the local market, drive local companies out of business, pollute the local environment, have similar lifestyles, employ local people. be driven by profit, poor working conditions, threaten cultural diversity

084 international aid

financial aid, development aid, build understanding and trust, sth. is a long-term solution, sth. is a waste of money, misuse the aid, donor countries, recipient countries, boost economic growth, interconnected, reduce dependence on international aid, influence the politics of other countries, lead to more corruption

はち  安全

085 reduce crime rates

prevent crime, commit crime, rising crime rates, violent crime

deter criminals (crime, dangerous driving)

086 reform criminals

prepare them for employment, provide them with career guidance, provide them with vocational training, family support, have a steady source of income, become useful members of society, have a criminal record

087 give them harsh punishments

should be sent to prison, serve long sentences, lose their freedom, become overcrowded, lead to resentment, be likely to re-offend

088 address the root causes of crime

create jobs, reduce poverty, reduce social inequality, regulate violence in the media

089 threaten people`s safety

increase people`s fear of crime, make communities safer, areas with high crime rates, install security cameras, increase police patrols

090 violent images

copy what they see in the media and video games, develop anti-social behaviour, drop out of school. glorify violence, be frequently exposed to media violence, become aggressive

091 Internet crime

computer hackers, spread computer viruses, steal personal information (username and password), online fraud

092 be likely to re-offend

prevent crime, prevent dangerous driving, pay fines, install red lights cameras and speed cameras, deter dangerous driving

093 involve high risks (costs, challenges)

094 protect national security

wars and conflicts, build understanding and trust, military technology, promote peace and understanding 

きゅう 文化

095 protect their heritage

better understanding their heritage, form an important part of their heritage, erode their culture identity

096 threaten traditional lifestyles

traditions and customs, traditional values, pose a threat to traditional lifestyles

097 open-minded

a multi-cultural society, respect cultural differences, speak two or more languages, have more creative ideas, have different values and lifestyles, lead to misunderstanding, understand and appreciate cultural differences, more tolerant of cultural differences

098 build understanding and trust

work closely with sb., work closely together, promote international cooperation, transcend national borders, draw on other countries` experience

099 threaten cultural diversity

cultural globalization, multinational companies (corporations), international trade, share the same fashion and television programmes, have similar lifestyles, multinational media companies, satellite television, spread their own culture, weaken other cultures

100 make communication easier

a global language, internati0nal business, international trade, lead to misunderstanding, sth. is widely used around the world, international conferences, remove the language barrier

the expansion of English (Internet, multinational companies)

101 feel isolated

an endangered language, a minority language, sth. is only spoken by a small number of people, the dominant language, have more job opportunities, have more entertainment choices

102 connect us to the past

introduce laws to protect historic building, sth. is an important part of our heritage, famous landmarks, tourist attractions, give character to the city

historic sites, attract many tourists, contribute to the local economy, make cities more interesting and attractive, lack character

103 adapt old building to meet modern needs

make them safer, update the equipment, demolish old building, renovate old building, remodel old building, expensive repairs and maintenance

104 enrich local culture

public art, public places, bring art into people`s everyday life, expand people`s horizons, attract many tourists, the art industry, create job, contribute to the local economy, broden interests, reduce stress and anxiety, make more creative, express their feelings creatively

105 increase job satisfaction

should be fairly treated, provide a friendly working environment, feel respected and valued, achieve a work-life balance, achieve their potential, build a positive corporate culture, have equal opportunities for promotion and training, be rewarded for hard work, increase employees` loyalty to the company

じゅう 楽しみ

106 fun and relaxing

play video games (play mobile games, browse the Internet, play outdoor sports, reduce stress and anxiety, educational games, play team games, satellite television, provide a wide range of channels)

107 encourage imagination

make children more creative, fun and educational, develop imagination and creativity

108 is a virtue world

share ideas and opinions, share interests and hobbies, share photos and videos, social media (social networking websites), online community, make friends online, interact with friends online, rely too much on the Internet, feel lonely in real life, take part in online discussions, reduce face-t0-face interaction, cause social isolation, interact with friends on the Internet (classmates, local people)

109 an important source of information

find information quickly and easily, search engine, have access to more information, provide more entertainment choices

110 online shopping

online shops, provide people with more3 choices, buy things at lower prices, save time and energy, can easily compare prices, save money on transport costs, provide more interesting shopping experiences

111 make our life easier

thin and light, save space, easy to carry and use, make our lives more convenient, rely too much on technology, cause health problems, reduce face-to-face interaction

112 keep in touch with family and friends

mobile games, spend too much time playing mobile games, rely too much on mobile phones, can get help quickly in an emergency, mobile phone radiation, pose health risks to users

113 fun and creative

make products more attractive, boost the sales of products, advertising campaigns, have famous people in them (have celebrities in them), inform people about new products, build consumer loyalty

114 give them a sense of achievement

achieve goals, feel motivated, achieve potential, compete fairly, hardworking and dedicated, build self-confidence

115 feel bored and unmotivated

fall into a routine, repetitive tasks

116 explore the local culture

expand horizons, tourist attractions, interact with local people, better understand the local culture, respect the local culture, lead to misunderstanding, cultural attractions, historical attractions, appreciate the local culture, experience different traditions and customs

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