English Is Easy That German

English Is Easy That German


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Is German easy to learn for English speakers? The short answer is, heck yes. But you'll want to know exactly why, since it'll help you learn German faster.
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Is German easy to learn for English speakers?
It turns out, yes. Especially if you're a native English speaker. But it gets more complicated than that.
There are components of the German language that may be hard to learn, and components that are easy to learn. ‍
Let's go over a few things that may make German hard to learn, shall we? ‍
Most of you probably thought this was a typo error. And you'd be right, if we were typing something in English. The word that you see above is the longest German word, which means 'law delegating beef label monitoring.' Unfortunately, the EU law dropped this word after some regulation changes.
Lebensabschnittpartner is another word for 'lover' or 'partner.' More specifically it translates to 'the partner that I am with today.'
Freundschaftsbezeugung is another quirky but more recognizable German word, which means 'demonstrations of friendship.'
For the average English speaker, the lengthiness of German words may feel intimidating. ‍
If you don't have previous experience learning how to speak Spanish, French, or other languages, verb conjugations can be tricky. For those who are not familiar with verb conjugation, this is when spelling and pronunciation changes based on the subject and tense .
Unlike English, noun genders are often random in German. Since each noun can be masculine, feminine, or neutral, you have to memorize genders for each noun.
OK, so we covered why German may be hard to learn. But we'd also argue that German is easy to learn for English speakers. ‍
Since we already answered our overall response to 'is German easy to learn', let's dig deeper into why. ‍
Both English and German are in the Germanic language family. Many argue how different German and English is, mostly based on the accents, but the two are quite similar.In fact, about 40% of German vocabulary are similar to English vocabulary. If you noticed from the long German word above, ' Lebensabschnittpartner', you'll notice that the word partner is embedded in there already
.To give you some fun examples, the following words are all from German: Angst , kindergarten , gesundheit , kaputt , sauerkraut , and Volkswagen (brand).
I promise we're not being contradictory. Even though German verbs can seem intimidating at first, it's actually quite easy to learn.
For one, there are recognizable patterns that you'll find with German verb conjugations. For example, words like sein and haben are used quite commonly in regular conversations.With irregular verbs, it's only used with du (you) and er/sie/se (he/she/it). After a bit of practice, you'll notice a regular pattern, making it easy to remember as well. ‍
Plurals is a common obstacle for most new German learners. You don't have to memorize the following shortcuts, but have them with you to speed up your learning later.
Benny Lewis shares some of his best tips with you below: " Masculine:
As the superpower of Europe, there are tons of demand around the world to learn German. More demand usually equals more resources to help you learn.
More importantly, German citizens are some of the most traveled people in the world. Just about everywhere you go, you'll find German native speakers who are digital nomads, business expats, or just friendly visitors.
Without a doubt, you'll have plenty of exciting opportunities to put your German speaking skills to work, once you've learned it.
We think so. Despite its initial complications, you'll find German to be an easier language to learn than most. The good news is, the benefits of learning German also outweigh other foreign languages as well.
Some of the benefits that German learners can reap are more career opportunities, ability to make more money, and experience travel in a completely new way.
We haven't even dug into the primary benefits of learning a second language , but we'll let you explore that on your own. Hope this provided you some value, and to get you on track, take advantage of your German lessons today .

That’s the answer you might hear from a German who finds it easy to learn English, or any other language for that matter.
In fact, from my travels to Munich and Berlin , it seems like most Germans already know how to speak English by the time they’re walking around in grade school.
But what about the other way around?
Is German easy to learn if you’re a native English speaker ? What about if you hail from a country that speaks primarily Spanish, Italian or French?
This is the big question that everyone wants to ask before setting out on the journey of learning a new language . It’s understandable, since you’ll want a challenge, but it can be frustrating to study for a year or two and realize that you’ve gotten nowhere near fluency .
Now, if you’re new to the German language , you’ve probably seen some books with absolutely insane-looking words . There’s also a chance you’ve checked out movies and TV shows with dialogue that moves fast and aggressively to the point that you’d rather just sip a beer and wolf down a bratwurst to get your German fix.
Heck, the Germans are known for stringing together long compound words that look more like sentences:
Whoa! Those words have lots of letters. Imagine pronouncing something like that just to talk about the speed limit.
There’s no reason to worry, however, because I’m just scaring you a bit for fun. You won’t use most of the longer words in everyday conversation, and once you start to realize that these words are easy to break down (because they are just a bunch of smaller words mashed together) German isn’t all that bad.
Therefore, we encourage you to keep reading for a full analysis of what challenges you can expect while learning German . At the same time, we’ll outline some of the easier areas that will make you a German pro in no time .

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As with all languages, you can generally locate a handful of factors that make the language learning difficult. For Japanese, the alphabet is completely unique, while the English language is known for generating completely random words for complex items instead of just making more understandable compound words, which languages like German focus on.
So, what factors are going to affect your progress? We have a few questions to prepare you:
This is the big question, and it doesn’t have a simple answer.
The German language can be easy to learn, but it depends on your commitment and a few other factors. Apart from that, you can consider the difficult and easy linguistic areas in German that we’ve outlined below. As talked about above, English is related, but that’s not going to bring you all the way to German fluency.
Whether you pick up a textbook , go to a class or learn German naturally through FluentU videos , you’ll see similar guides, exercises and chapters to touch on. Some will stink, others will be a breeze. So, what parts of German do many people struggle with?
Now it’s time to look forward to the simple stuff!
Although mastering one of the challenging areas above feels really good, it’s nice to take breaks with some of the easier parts of learning the German language. What can you expect?
If you’re looking to make German easier to learn, you have to put in the work and maybe even invest a little money. Here are some strategies for simplifying your learning.

Watch authentic media to simultaneously immerse yourself in the German language and build an understanding of the German culture.

By using real-life videos, the content is kept fresh and current. Topics cover a lot of ground as you can see here:

Vocabulary and phrases are learned with the help of interactive subtitles and full transcripts .

Hovering over or tapping on any word in the subtitles will automatically pause the video and instantly display its meaning. Interesting words you don’t know yet can be added to a to-learn list for later.

For every lesson, a list of vocabulary is provided for easy reference and bolstered with plenty of examples of how each word is used in a sentence.

Your existing knowledge is tested with the help of adaptive quizzes in which words are learned in context.

FluentU keeps track of the words you’re learning and gives you extra practice with difficult words. It'll even remind you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned.

This way, you have a truly personalized learning experience.

Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or practice anytime, anywhere on the mobile app for iOS and Android.

So, uh, did that answer your question?
I think a better question, in the end, is whether or not it’s fun to learn, because that’s a guaranteed yes—and if you love the learning process, it will never get too hard for you!
You’re going to encounter challenges and super easy spots in the German language, and that’s what makes it so intriguing. There will be ups and downs, and you’ve got to love them all.

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