Enfold theme is the best WordPress theme in 2020

Enfold theme is the best WordPress theme in 2020

Things to Consider When Choosing WordPress Themes in 2023

If you are currently looking for the best WordPress theme, there are many things you should consider. As you might know, we have plently of experience with themes as we have built one of the most successful WordPress themes of the last century. While this indeed makes us a little bit biased if you ask us which theme is the perfect choice, this article will be your guide to several themes that meet our strict quality guidelines. And while our own theme will always be our first choice, we understand if you pick a different one as long as you pick one that provides everything you need. There is a lot to keep in mind when choosing a WordPress theme, and that's why we've created this article to guide you into the right direction.

Since we have been building WordPress themes for several years now (2023 marks the 10 year anniversary of our first theme), we have gathered quite a bit of experience as to what customers need when building their sites and what are true game changers in terms of speed and workflow. While theme building can be a challenging process, some features enhance the productivity tremendously. Every WordPress page builder has a learning curve, but the main difference is how workflows are built out and if there are mechanics that make repeating tasks automated. This can save time and lead to much higher productivity.

One of the most important factors when selecting a WordPress theme is whether it's optimized for performance and whether the company provides regular updates. Only frequently updated themes can give you the security and reliability you’ll need to run a solid performing website.

Nowadays it’s all about WordPress page building. Wether it’s the header or footer, there is no generally no coding involved anymore (unless you want to...more on that in a minute) as most themes offer a drag and drop interface with the most advanced ones have a live preview so what you see your live site as changes are being made. This is tremendously helpful and gives you an edge when designing as there is no clicking back and fort between an admin panel and your live site.

The Ultimate WordPress Theme

We're Themeco and our main goal from day one is to help customers build better websites. We're proud of the fact that several hundred thousand customers have bought one of our award winning WordPress themes, including the prestigous recognition for having ThemeForest's fastest selling theme of all time! ThemeForest is the undisputed king of WordPress themes, and their marketplace has the most authors and buyers of any WordPress marketplace in the world. We count it a great privlege and honor to to be recognized in this way, so without further ado, let's take a look at how we are redefining WordPress websites.

Meet Pro


Pro is unlike any other theme on the market. As a matter of fact, just calling it a "theme" is missing the point. Yes it is a WordPress theme (and yes we think it's the best one on the market), but it's also a site builder (built natively into the theme), design tool (think Sketch or Photshop) plus so much more.

Most builders are clunky, not very intuitive, and have limitations left and right. Our approach is to provide you with the ultimate all-in-one tool that is built for performance and ready for anything you throw at it. It doesn't matter if you are a complete beginner or seasoned pro, you'll be able to use the theme and build stunning layouts. Want to see what we mean? Check out this 65 second video that gives you a quick overview of our WordPress website builder (aptly named Cornerstone). The main difference to other WordPress themes is the depth to which you have granular control over all aspects of your site. This enables you to tweak things without touching code and to build exactly what you're envisioning.

One of the most exciting developments in 2023 is our release of Components and Parameters. These incredible features will help you take site building to the next level with industry-first control over WordPress in some truly remarkable ways.

Getting started with Pro is incredibly easy thanks to a collection of over 100 templates and design assets including our Starter Site. When you install the Starter Site, it gives you example pages, blog posts, and more so you can quickly start building and customizing. Want even more templates? Check out our Design Cloud library that is included with every theme purchase. What's more, you can save your own Templates and re-use Elements throughout your site.

We also recently launched Max — a collection of expert training and templates from leading website experts delivered directly to your website builder. This is a great way to learn about the latest in website building while you're building!

When starting with a new theme, there is always a bit of a learning curve, and that makes product support incredibly important. Giving our customers an award winning WordPress theme is one thing. Supporting them every step of the way is another. With hundreds of articles and nearly 100,000 online forum posts covering all aspects of the theme — no other product comes even close to the suite of support services at your disposal. Need one-on-one help? Just post in our support forum, and a member of the team will be happy to assist.

Want to give Pro a try? Give our award winning website builder a spin with this free demo, and see for yourself why Pro is the most powerful WordPress theme on the market today. Ready to get started? You can buy Pro here, and get instant access. We look forward to welcoming you into the Themeco family!

Other Great WordPress Themes

This article is about the best WordPress themes and yes...we are biased (you need Pro) but yes...there are others :) We do feel we've built the best WordPress theme, and that's why we are recommending it. Still, there are other great options, and we'd like to help you find the top theme for your needs.



If we had to pick just one other theme that you simply have to own, it would be Divi. As a matter of fact, we've been proud paying customers for over a decade. Divi is a versatile multi purpose theme that comes with a big collection of pre-made layouts that can speed up the process of creating your website. Every design and element is fully responsive and looks good on any device.

While Divi might not be the most complex theme on the market it is very user friendly and gives you just enough tools and features to make any design come to life.



While Pro is our ultimate powerhouse, there is also X which offers less functionality but is a great choice for anyone starting out with WordPress themes. You can upgrade X to Pro at any time which makes this an even better choice for when you are ready to take things to the next level with features like our header and footer builder which only comes with our Pro theme. Generally speaking, X and Pro have quite a lot of similarities so by choosing a demo and building your site with Cornerstone you can be up and running in no time.

The "InFold" template is a term that doesn't have a specific meaning in the context of web development or design. It's possible that you may be referring to a specific template or framework named "InFold" that is used for creating websites or applications. However, without further context or information, it is difficult to provide a specific definition or explanation for the term "InFold template."

I apologize, but I couldn't find any specific information about an "InFold" template or its advantages. It's possible that the term you mentioned refers to a specific template or framework that is not widely known or documented. Without more details or context, it is challenging to provide specific advantages of an "InFold" template. If you have any additional information or if there is another topic I can assist you with, please let me know.

I'm sorry, but I still don't have any information about a specific template called "InFold" and its use case. It's possible that the term you mentioned is either very specific to a particular industry or not widely known. If you can provide more context or details about the enFold template, I'll do my best to assist you further.

I apologize for the confusion, but since I couldn't find any specific information about an "InFold" template, I'm unable to provide a list of use cases for it. It's possible that the term you mentioned is not widely recognized or has a very niche application. If there's any other topic or question I can assist you with, please let me know and I'll be happy to help.

I apologize for the inconvenience. Based on the information available, it seems that there is no widely known or documented use case for the "InFold" template. It could potentially be a unique or specific template developed for a particular purpose by an individual or organization. Without more information, it is difficult to provide further details about its specific applications.

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