Enf Stories Interactive

Enf Stories Interactive


Enf Stories Interactive

Content written on May 10, 2020 by anonenffan

Content Type :
Embarassment/Humiliation, Naked in School

8,607 words (~48 minutes reading time)

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Originally posted on Deviantart, November 25 2015, and as an interactive on CHYOA, September 28 2015
At first, it seemed like an ordinary day at the High School for eighteen year old Anna. She had a standard uniform on. The clothes themselves were new, but the look of the uniform was not. Not that she cared. In class, it was time to focus on lectures.
Currently, it was algebra, which Anna was talented at. In fact, she tended to read ahead on the lessons. Anna was a couple of chapters ahead of the class.
A consequence of this, however, was that there wasn’t much new for her to learn that day. So focusing on the lecture wasn’t exactly easy.
There was something else bidding for her attention. Anna could feel it on her backside, underneath her skirt. Something was causing an irritating, almost itchy sensation.
She tried not to think about it, and adjusted the way she sat. But the feeling persisted. Anna gave her skirt and panties a light tug, thinking that would send the irritating itch away, but to no avail.
Anna tried to think what it could be. Was it some kind of tag? Why would a tag be so annoying? Maybe it was something else.
She put her gaze to the rest of the class in thought. She was currently in the back, and well ahead of the lesson. Anna had the time to figure this out.
Anna wouldn’t be able to reach whatever was causing the discomfort very quickly. No doubt it was going to involve some adjustments to her clothes. Adjustments that might not seem so subtle in the classroom.
“Excuse me, Mister Smith?” Anna asked.
“Of course,” he replied, as he took out a pen and paper and jotted out the hall pass. “Try not to take too long. I know you’re a few chapters ahead, but even you could miss something!”
Anna nodded with a smile, took the hall pass, and made her way out of the classroom. With each step, that little tag in the back of her panties was irritating her skin. It was going to have to go.
She strode forward, planning on heading to the restroom to deal with it. But that scratch, that tickle, that brushing that that cursed little tag did! It was quickly wearing down Anna’s patience.
As irritating as that little tag was, Anna wasn’t about to take some unnecessary chance. A little patience could take her a long way. So, she continued down the hallway. After a short walk, she had made her way to the bathroom.
Once inside, Anna stepped into a privacy stall and locked the door. That nagging little tag was about to meet its end!
Anna took her hands under her skirt and found her panties underneath. Without much thought, she pushed them down her ankles and stepped out of them. She then held them up and inspected them.
It was on the back where she spotted the offending tag. She smirked and reached to the little tag, expecting to pluck the small piece of fabric. It would be torn off, she’d slide those panties back up, and return to class.
At least… that was the plan. Once Anna pinched the fabric between her fingers and pulled, the tag didn’t tear off. Anna tugged a little harder, and it still wouldn’t give.
“Oh come on,” Anna said. She looked annoyed and gave it a harder tug. This pull was the hardest, and the effort earned a ripping noise. Although it was a fair bit louder than Anna expected. And that was because the tag didn’t tear.
The tag never let the fabric go. Instead, the result was a long, clean tear down Anna’s panties. The rip started at the back and went straight down to the bottom.
“Really?” She rolled her eyes in annoyance. It was then Anna realized, this tear had rendered her panties unwearable. Her intimates between her legs and shapely rear were covered only by her skirt. That loose, fluttery skirt.
Anna was worried now. It wasn’t immediately evident to who would walk by, but she was very aware that she had no panties. Her heart rate picked up a little as she tried to think of what she could do.
There had to be a way to fix her panties. Anna couldn’t just abandon them. Currently, however, she didn’t have the means to do that. She had the rest of her clothes and a hall pass. That little slip of paper could buy her time, but not an answer.
Anna thought about what she could do. She remembered there was a cloth and textile class on the far side of the school. Most of the day the teacher wasn’t in there. She could sneak in, and do some quick stitching. Odds are she’d be in trouble for being away from class for so long, but Anna would rather deal with that instead of being panty-less.
Anna stuffed the damaged panties in the pocket of her class jacket. She took a deep breath, knowing she had a bit of a walk ahead of her.
She stepped out of the restroom, and looked around the hall. Class was currently in session, so for the moment, the hallways were clear. Anna was thankful for this, as she was walking down the hallway, feeling a draft underneath her skirt. It was more noticeable without the thin cotton in place.
As Anna walked down the hall, she blushed and put a hand on the front of her skirt. She needed to keep that in place. She didn’t want to show off her front to the whole school. Though at the same time, holding her hand there would draw suspicion if anyone saw her.
She had to keep her pace slow, as much as she wanted to run. Running would mean that skirt would flutter all over the place. So Anna continued her path, thinking about how her lower half was at risk.
Although there were a few people in the hallway, Anna managed to push herself past them. There was no hiding her blush, as she knew how vulnerable she would be if something happened to her skirt.
Anna arrived at the sewing classroom, and the light was off, indicating nobody was inside. She smiled and reached for the door handle. It opened, and she was able to push in. However, Anna forgot about something.
Pushing the door required a bit more effort than other doors at the school. It was soundproofed, and therefore, heavier. Anna didn’t think it was a big deal, and pushed the door shut, giving a little click. She then hit the light switch, illuminating the room.
Anna had only dabbled with cloth and textile one time, but she was confident she could fix her panties. She took a step forward to choose a machine but felt resistance. Upon turning to look, she saw her skirt get caught in the door somehow.
“Oh come on,” Anna said. She pulled the door handle, which only clacked a little. It was locked somehow. “What in the…?”
Now her skirt was caught in a locked door. Anna would have to be careful, as she could overstrain the fabric of her clothing. She pulled and tugged and heard little ripping sounds, which made her cringe.
Anna couldn’t believe that this door somehow only locked on her. What kind of lock was this? Whatever the case, Anna’s skirt was caught, and she didn’t want attention from opening the door.
So she tugged, pulling on it with her hands to try and limit ripping. She tugged again, only harder. Anna gave a frustrated sigh and gave one more firm pull.
“Gah!” Anna lost balance as she jerked backward. The result of her tugging ended up with her being free. However, Anna quickly noticed something. Her skirt was off her body. It refused to leave the door.
Anna blushed and put her hands between her legs. She had no clothes on between her waist and her ankles. Two pieces of clothing were now damaged and would need repairs before they were wearable. Anna couldn’t just go back to class anymore. She wasn’t decent, and would likely get suspended if caught.
She took a deep breath and slowly approached the door, and did what she should have done in the first place. A shaking hand slowly opened the door, while the other pulled the torn skirt. Anna then silently shut the door.
“Okay, stay calm Anna,” she said to herself. She looked to the sewing machines in the classroom. The bottomless girl had limited experience with sewing. But all she needed was simple a simple repair. It couldn’t be too hard.
So Anna took her torn pieces of clothing and sat on a stool by the sewing machine. A small shiver went up her spine, as the chair had an unfamiliar texture to the exposed part of her body. It was cold and firm, a stark contrast from her warm and soft legs and shapely tush.
Anna shook her head, knowing she had to focus. Her clothes needed repairs!
Anna cautiously tried to repair her panties. The stitches started off uneven, and she wasn’t sure if they could ever fit right again. As this happened, her hand slipped, making disaster strike. Her panties were suddenly pushed the wrong way.
“Noooo! No no no no stop it!” Anna tried to tug her panties away from the machine. But it was too late. The stitching had gone awry, and the panties were stitched to themselves as a crumpled, unwearable mess.
Anna frowned at her ruined panties. She pressed her legs together, thinking about how she wouldn’t be able to cover between her legs any longer. Nervousness was setting in. And once a whirring motor started making more noise, panic began to set in. Her eyes widened as she realized the results of her sewing “skills.”
“My skirt!” Anna shrieked, trying to pull it away. Somehow, it too was caught in the sewing machine. “Stop it you stupid thing, let go!” She tugged, and the reward was another loud ripping noise. In her hand was a torn piece of a skirt, and the sewing machine ensnared the rest.
“Oh no,” Anna said with worry. She had come in hoping to fix her cover, and the way things were going, she was going to leave with less!
With her skirt and panties ruined beyond being wearable, Anna was forced to think of a new plan. Her bottom half was exposed, so going back to class wasn’t an option. And given that her skirt was technically part of a uniform, she couldn’t just make one.
Red-faced, she put her hands over her womanhood while sitting on the stool. She wasn’t entirely naked, but with her bottom half on display, it felt like it. Having to take clothing off made her feel vulnerable, but losing that clothing felt worse. Anna squeezed her legs together as if it somehow made her more hidden. If anyone were to walk in, they would see her, and that she was bottomless. Anna couldn’t take that chance.
She got up and slowly walked around the main sewing table so that the table would be between her and the door. If someone walked in, they wouldn’t immediately know she was bottomless. Every second involved with planning counted. Anna looked down at herself, seeing how much skin was on display. The thought of how much was on show made her heart flutter and caused a bit of warmth.
Anna shook her head. “Gotta focus.”
There was only one thing Anna could do in this situation. She was going to have to make it to the gym locker room, and use the shorts from her gym clothes. At least then, asking for help would be far less embarr
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