Enema Kink

Enema Kink


Enema Kink

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This group is dedicated entirely to the enema procedure. It maybe a prat of medical fetish or a BDSM punishment. I want to gather people who are interested in this kink for sharing ideas, roleplaying, art trading and so on. Artists: feel free to submit, as many works you like. Lurkers: you may suggest any art which is enema related.

This group is dedicated entirely to the enema procedure. It maybe a prat of medical fetish or a BDSM punishment. I want to gather people who are interested in this kink for sharing ideas, roleplaying, art trading and so on. Artists: feel free to submit, as many works you like. Lurkers: you may suggest any art which is enema related.
All of us (I mean - guys and girls who have enema kink) know these watersolor pictures, drawn by unknown artist. I know two versions of who did this: Julie Delcourt or Gert Gagelmann. The most reliable version for me is about Gagelmann: he was an artist who lived in WW2 time and did some awesome postcards in the same style (I think you agree it looks similar - the last picture in gallery is the postcard).
The serie of erotic pictures is not too big, but I love them all and I would like to draw more pictures in the same style and with same characters. So if you have any good ideas about the story can be drawn on my new pictures - you are welcome to suggest.

Julie Delcourt or Gert Gagelmann enema art tribute
January 12, 2021
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Oct 29, 2021

An old girlfriend used to occasionally put me over her knee for an enema spanking treatment. It would start with a spanking and then a bulb full of water and then more spanking while the bulb was refilled and so on until I had about 4 bulbs full and a very sore bottom.

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Aug 2, 2022
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Jan 16, 2021

Enemas have been a kink for me since I was a kid. I love to see what wonderful things folks with talent produce that include enema references. Over-the-lap bulb enemas are my favorites

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Feb 18, 2021

I have an old picture with an enema bulb but it's a f/m picture, I dont' know if that works for you. It's not one of my best works but if you want to see it send me a note.

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Aug 8, 2022
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Feb 20, 2021

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Jan 16, 2021
 Professional Digital Artist

Always a good idea. Maybe i will draw a picture of over lap bulb enema specially for you!

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Jan 17, 2021

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Mel Brooks was once on Michael Parkinson’s chat show sometime in the early 1980s where he described the opening scenes to his proposed next movie. Brooks explained he wanted his film to begin like Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey —but instead of apes he wanted to show a neanderthal standing upright for the first time. His spiel went something like this— I’m gonna paraphrase so deal with it :
It’s early morning—just before dawn. The sun is slowly igniting the horizon. A band of gold appears as the theme from Thus Sprach Zarathustra begins to play under the picture. As the sun rises a group of neanderthals huddle together fearfully watching this magical giant disc rising up like a god. As the music swells a beam of pure golden light radiates across the landscape.
The neanderthals are scared and cower away form this approaching light—all except one who climbs on all fours towards the top of the mountain. As this inquisitive figure moves forward the sun rises. The sky is now fire bright.
The golden orb continues to rise—the neanderthal reaches out to grasp it. He begins to rise up on two legs. First one then the other arm reach out towards the sky. As the music reaches its dramatic climax—the neanderthal is standing teetering on tiptoe arms raised. The neanderthal looks up at the sun. Then slowly at his arms—at his hands—then down at his feet. He has risen up like the sun and now stands upright for the very first time . This creature has liberated his arms to create, to produce and to help him shape a new world. His fellow neanderthals scurry away in fear. As a new day begins the first homo erectus looks at his hands—mesmerized by his fingers, by their potential to grip and move, to adapt and change. He lowers his arms and looks down at them contemplating his new power and the potential now opened to him. The music finishes as this first proto-human looks down considering the significance of his actions. It’s a powerful moment in human evolution. He looks again at his hands—he’s free to use them to help others—to change the world.
And that’s when he starts masturbating.
Human evolution—the progression towards self-gratification.
Which brings us—in roundabout fashion—to these historic and seemingly erotic images depicting the use of the enema in medicine and sex. What begins as a series of etchings often satirically showing women and men seeking much-needed relief for their “night soil” evolves into more recent imagery where the enema is used primarily for sexual gratification. It is apparent that humanity has an unbridled ingenuity for finding gratification from almost anything—vegetables, furniture, house hold appliances and even medicinal treatments.
The drawings and paintings from the twentieth century were produced by various artists who made small change producing illustrations for various editions of erotica. Some names are aliases—most notably Julie Delcourt who may or may not be the pseudonym for Richard Hegemann—a German artist who also worked under the names A. Hegemann, A. Hegener and P. Rollmann. Hegemann excelled in depicting matronly women thrashing supplicant men and badly behaved boys and girls in sailor suits who seemingly relished the whack of their teacher’s belt. Many of Julie Delcourt’s other paintings (not included here) are decidedly NSFW and rather questionable.
An individual who derives pleasure from receiving enemas is called a klismaphiliac . The term klismaphilia was only coined fairly recently by Dr. Joanne Denko in 1973—which tends to make it seem as if klismaphiliac is only a modern practice. But as can be seen by these illustrations from the the 18th century and more recently the 1920s and 1930s— klismaphilia has a much longer history.

‘A fashionable lady being given an enema by a charming young man’—Dicuelt 18th century.

‘A peeping-tom spying on a fashionable lady receiving an enema’—Pierre-Antoine Baudouin.

‘A Frenchman receiving an enema from a Hungarian apothecary by order of a Dutch doctor’ (1742).

‘Miss’—Louis Malteste.

Louis Malteste.

Illustration from ‘Jacinthe’—P. Beloti

Illustration from ‘Jacinthe’—P. Beloti

‘Humiliations Cheries’—Dumoulin.

Eugene Reunier.

Margit Gaál.

N. Carman.

Julie Delcourt.

Julie Delcourt.

Julie Delcourt.

Julie Delcourt.

Julie Delcourt.
Via Wellcome Images , WikiCommons , Retroguy .

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Hey Buddy!, I found this information for you: "3 Strange Enemas: Are They Good Or Dangerous?". Here is the website link: https://www.thealternativedaily.com/are-strange-enemas-good-or-dangerous/. Thank you.

They likewise have their place in established medicine and are proven to be an effective solution to constipation. However, today there are numerous forms of the age-old enema. If you can name it, someone has probably tried putting it up there. From coffee to olive oil, and even a bottle or two of sherry, enemas are a weird and wild bunch. But are they actually safe?
We’ve taken three of the most popular unusual enemas and put them under the microscope. Are they really all they’re cracked up to be? 
“I love the way it makes me feel,” Trina told ABC at the time. “It gives me a sense of euphoria.” Trina said that along with the elevated caffeine hit, the coffee enemas put an end to a range of chronic health issues.
“I had a lot of stomach problems, digestive problems with my kidney and my liver,” she explained. “I started research. It led into coffee enemas. I really started to feel the benefit. I felt like I was living for the first time in years.”
Another advocate of the coffee enema is pop medicine star and former pharmacist Suzy Cohen. She believes the practice can help with everything from sleep problems to constipation. “After you get over the initial discomfort and awkwardness (and the idea of it), these enemas may allow for relaxation, a better mood, more energy, refreshing sleep and greater mental clarity,” she stated .
Advocates of Gerson Therapy , a non-toxic form of cancer treatment, say organic coffee enemas are not only safe, but a powerful tool for detoxification that can even help eradicate cancer. This approach, founded by Dr. Max Gerson, recommends that cancer patients use up to five coffee enemas per day to help clean out harmful toxins in the body, along with a healthy diet of organic fruits and vegetables.
“The moment a patient is put on the full therapy, the combined effect of the food, the juices and the medication causes the immune system to attack and kill tumor tissue, besides working to flush out accumulated toxins from the body tissues,” said Charlotte Gerson, in the book Healing The Gerson Way. “This great clearing-out procedure carries the risk of overburdening and poisoning the liver — the all-important organ of detoxification, which, in a cancer patient, is bound to be already damaged and debilitated.”
That’s where coffee enemas come in. The Gerson Institute says that coffee enemas assist the overworked liver with their essential tasks in order to complete the detoxification process and heal the body. In some cases, toxins are permanently removed from the patient’s system, according to the recovered patients who have succeeded with the program.
Coffee enemas have some critics. Dr. Roshini Rajapaksa, assistant professor of medicine and a gastroenterologist at NYU Medical Center, warned that these enemas could cause a range of health issues. “If it’s a warm liquid you are using, then it can cause internal burns and some of the caffeine can be absorbed and those sensitive to caffeine, like pregnant women, have to be careful,” she said.
Medical studies have also linked coffee enemas to cases of rectal perforation , electrolyte issues and septicemia . The latter is a serious condition caused by the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream. As far back as 1980, researchers had already suggested the practice may have been related to the deaths of at least two people . So for now, maybe stick with your flat white.
If there’s one thing weirder than putting coffee where the sun doesn’t shine, it’d have to be cooking oil. Vegetable oil, and even olive oil, has been used by some enema enthusiasts to treat constipation. Unlike coffee enemas, however, oil enemas are widely recognized by medical practitioners as being effective in reducing constipation . As enema manufacturer Fleet Labs explained, an oil enema basically “coats the stool mass to keep moisture in, thereby helping to soften the stool mass and make it easier to pass.”
There are a few caveats worth noting. First, to avoid problems like septicemia, it’s best to use medical grade, diluted mineral oil that’s specially made for enemas. Using cooking oils from around the home is not best practice — not to mention unhygienic. Save that olive oil for your pasta!
Even when done correctly, oil enemas can lead to issues like stomach pain, vomiting and nausea . Doctors do not recommend them for children or long-term use by adults.
Need a drink after a long day? Enema enthusiasts have you covered. Like the coffee enema, advocates of the alcohol enema say they get a stronger, faster rush by bringing the goods in through the back door.
One alcohol enema enthusiast said they were getting an “intense rush” from their use of the practice, but warned others to be careful with the amount of booze they put up there. They went as far as calculating how much alcohol per kilo of body weight to put in the enema. They also warned too much of a good thing can wreak havoc on the intestines. “If you are not good with the math or are unsure of your results, don’t do it . And even if you are, start small, go slow and learn your capability,” they warned others.
Indeed, experts have linked alcohol enemas to numerous deaths, including that of Texas man Michael Warner. He secured himself a Darwin Award after downing two 1.5-liter bottles of sherry in a single session. He died with a blood alcohol level of 0.47. To put that in perspective, a blood alcohol level of 0.20 will render most drinkers unconscious, while 0.35 can kill an adult .
Part of the reason why alcohol enemas are so dangerous is because the grog bypasses the stomach, according to Dr. Preston Stewart. Stewart told CNN the stomach contains an enzyme that breaks down ethanol, thus softening the blow the liver normally receives during a hard night out. Without the stomach filtering the alcohol, the liver is left to fend for itself during alcohol enemas. “It’s extremely dangerous,” Stewart concluded.
If you’re not feeling that adventurous, and you’re in need of some quick relief, try a classic warm water enema to get things moving in the right direction. These enemas usually come with a saline solution that you’ll need to mix in. Always make sure to use distilled water — if you wouldn’t drink it, don’t put it in your rectum!
There are many opinions on how often people should use water enemas, with no concrete answers. Some experts warn that using water enemas too often (more than once a week) could lead to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body , which can cause more serious side effects. B efore trying any type of enema, it’s best for you to check with a practitioner you trust.
Have you tried any unusual enemas, like probiotics, apple cider vinegar or red raspberry leaf? Tell us what your experience was like in the comments below!
[This article was updated on Jan. 11, 2017]

Plus: My mother can’t find her clit!

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I am a married 54-year-old postmenopausal woman. My libido has diminished significantly, and it takes me much longer to climax. My husband gets tired sooner and is unable to maintain an erection as long as he used to; this makes it even more difficult for me to climax. I have taken up an activity I did in my 20s when I was single: giving myself enemas. The enema-induced orgasms are fantastic. It’s not an obsessive habit. I’ll sometimes do it four times in one week and then go a month without one. Am I doing any harm to my body by doing frequent quart-size soapy enemas using a retention balloon nozzle and holding it as long as possible and then masturbating as I expel? Will a doctor be able to tell what I’ve been up to when it’s time for a colonoscopy? I would die if a doctor figured it out.

—Frustrated Lady Earnestly Enquires Today

“Women need to understand that our sexualities change throughout life,” says Dr. Leah Torres, a general obstetrician/gynecologist with a special focus on family planning. “What once was will not always be. That said, menopause can be tricky, but one can adapt to changes that may occur. There are medications and lubricants and all sorts of tricks.”

Yeah, yeah—but what about the freakin’ enemas, doc?

“The enemas are not harmful as long as they are not painful, though this practice may change the balance of bacteria that normally live in the colon and may make one more susceptible to changes in bowel movements,” says Dr. Torres.

As for your fear of being discovered, FLEET, Dr. Torres says you should be able to rely on your doc’s professionalism. “I have not seen many colonoscopies, so I would not know a physician’s ability to determine a person’s level of enema activity,” says Dr. Torres. “But as a physician who prides herself in building trust with patients, I would never disclose my knowledge of sexual activities that may make my patient uncomfortable or embarrassed unless there is a concern for her health or it directly affects her care.”

If it would really and truly kill you if your doc figured it out, FLEET, how about a face-and-rump-saving white lie? Mention the fact that you’re administering enemas to yourself, leaving the masturbate-as-you-expel bit out,
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