Enema Before Anal

Enema Before Anal


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Male Q / Sex / How to / How to Use an Anal Enema – 10 Easy Steps: Douching Before Sex
So you want to use an enema but don’t know where to start? We are here to give you the low-down and teach you how to use an anal enema for the very first time.
If you learn how to use an anal enema and practice proper hygiene before having anal sex then you will be in for some of the cleanest sex you have ever had!
I cannot emphasize how much using an enema can improve anal sex. So my advice is to give douching a try!
It is important that your enema is comfortable and safe to use. Look for materials that are body safe. There are a lot of different enema types and sizes, and choosing the right one comes down to personal choice. For this guide we will be using a standard, medium bulb enema which works for most people. You can view a list of recommended enemas at the end of this guide.
Before you use your enema, you want to get rid of as much as you can naturally. When using the bathroom, be sure to take your time and try not to strain yourself.
You can easily cleanup in the shower with a finger and some warm water and mild soap. You want to make sure the entry area is clean before you use your enema.
To fill your enema, remove the enema tip to access hole at the top of the bulb. Be sure the water is not too cold or too hot – room temperature water works best. When the enema is filled, reattach the tip.
A bit of lube will help make insertion smoother and more comfortable. We recommend using an anal lube maximum lubrication and comfort.
Gently slide in the tip of the enema so that it is about an inch inside. Remember to go slowly and apply more lubrication if needed. When inserting, it is best to do this over a toilet.
As you compress the enema bulb, the water will begin to flow inside. This may be a very strange sensation. It is best to relax the abdomen and remain over the toilet for the duration of this step.Depending on how deep you want to clean, you can do multiple bulbs of water per flush. The more water you use, the deeper you will clean.
It is very important that you DO NOT release the enema bulb after it is fully pressed. The pressure difference will cause dirty water to rush back into the pouch. That would be bad.
With the bulb still compressed, remove the enema. This will likely be a strange sensation, as you slide the tip out. Try to relax and move slowly.
Giving the water enough time to sit will allow any leftover residue soften. Be patient and allow the water to do its work.
Over the toilet, release any water and remaining residue, just as you would use the bathroom normally. Take your time and evacuate any remaining water.
Try to limit your self to 3 flushes a session to avoid irritation. It is smart to wait 30 minutes to an hour after douching before having sex. This will allow any tissue irritation to subside, and give your body time to regulate.
With practice and patience, using an enema is pretty simple and effective. For those of you reading who don’t have one already, you might be wondering…
The best anal enema for most people is the Pros Enema (pictured above) because it has a simple design that is safe, convenience, and easy to fill and clean.  
Most importantly, the narrow tip is comfortable to use, and a bulb made of medical grade silicone.
The 4 different sizes range fro beginner to more heavy duty situations. For most people, the Medium size will do the job.
Shower head enemas are better suited for more advanced users. These work by attaching to your bathroom faucet or shower head and shoot water directly inside.
Check out BlindJaws full visual douching guide here.
Shower enemas can be much better at cleaning deep inside to flush everything out. If you are looking to use one of these, just be sure to take extra care about water temperature, flow, and pressure.
But for the brave hearted, shower enemas are a great douching companion!
You need to have an anal lube for lubricating and inserting your enema. Otherwise you can risk painful fissures.
For most people, Pjur Analyse Me Comfort is a great pair with your anal enema. It is slick, long-lasting, and safe to use with toys and for sex.
For anal sex first timers you can also check our complete guide, How to Have Anal Sex For the First Time Here.
In this guide, we go into depth about preparing, practicing, and having anal sex for beginners.
If you want to practice anal sex on your own, then the Anal Sex Starter Kit has everything you need to get started including:
Douching is a great way to clean up before sex. Although it is useful you should limit yourself to doing it a few times a week.
It can cause irritation to the colon wall if used too often and can also make you rely on it. This can make going to the bathroom naturally more difficult.
Remember to follow the above steps on how to use an anal enema closely and soon it will become second nature. You will notice an improvement in the quality of sex almost immediately.
We cover all types of anal sex supplies below.
If you have any questions about how to use an anal enema or would rather ask us directly feel free to email us at info@maleq.org or write them down in the comments below!
I'm Mr. Q. I started MaleQ with the goal of answering the questions about sex, dating and relationships for people just getting stated. If you have a question, suggestion, or are just looking to chat, feel free to message us at: info@maleq.org, check out our YouTube page or Facebook.
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How do I prepare for my first time at anal intercourse?
I actually wrote an article on just this topic! You can check it out here.
How much time before intercourse should I allow myself after douching?
Assuming you only use water you can start as soon as you feel comfortable.
I used an enema once and it made me constipated. How can i avoid this annoying effect?
Usually constipation happens if you over-use an enema. Make sure that you are limiting use to a few times a week at most. Otherwise your body can become reliant on it.
If that isn’t the case, remember to only use room-temperature water and limit the amount of cycles you use per clean-up.
hello there, I really enjoyed your article, especially the part you said “we should all enjoy anal sex, espeically botttoms”
I do have a serious question, i dont know if its just me, or it happens to all bottoms
today, i used fleet enema 4 hours before sex, i took a dump before i used fleet enema, and it felt better and cleaner after flteet enema, then 2 hours later, i was too nervous, wanted to make sure i was clean, so i used soap and water enema again, and surprisingly, i still saw those yellow ish stuff, i just keep repeating enema, and keeps seeing yellow watery stuff comes out, what the heck is going on? i have really havent had sex in months because of this “shit on dick” thing i am so scared of . let me know what you think, thank you very much.
Thanks for checking out the site! Generally, I would say douching once is enough to do the trick – using an enema too much can actually remove the beneficial bacteria your body uses for digestion and can lead to diarrhea, skin irritation, and even prevent you from going to the bathroom naturally.
There is no such thing as “100% clean” be it a dick, vagina, or your butt. My guess is that this yellow residue was natural mucus, or some other waste that the enema didn’t get to. I can’t say 100%, but my recommendation is that if you are truly worried about hygiene, then simply wear a condom. This, along with proper clean up before hand is the best solution.
If you haven’t already, take a look at my other article “Sometimes Shit Happens“.
Really impressed with article and questions this let to. I have had similar experiences to others, is there a specific amount of water I should be using. For example I had a 150 Mls and 250 so I would use one 250 or two 150’s. Can result in doing it over and over quite annoying.
So how much should I be looking at and how many times, also the leaving it in for 3-5 min didn’t ever do so will try.
You said that one or two more shots are enough to be cleaned. How much wanter is the appropriate quantity for one shot?
If you are using an enema, then the bulbs are typically between 100ml and 150ml. This in most cases should do the trick!
My top is quite large and I find I have to “deep clean” which has irratated my rectum. Any suggestions on homeopathic enemas to restore a natural ph balance in my rectum?
As far as enema irritation I recommend using only room temperature water, and trying to limit yourself to two or three flushes at most per session. Additionally, it is best to use your enema only a few times a week. Overuse is almost always the cause of irritation and your body can actually become reliant on it douching. So the best thing to do is to keep a balance.
Going to the bathroom naturally, and washing up properly in the shower in many cases can have a similar effect as using an enema as well.
Also, I do not recommend using fleet enema’s or anything other than plain water for sex because although these solutions are more effective at flushing, they can cause more irritation and in many cases are not necessary.
Unfortunately there is no solution that I am aware of to treat irritation, and if your side effects are frequent and bothersome it is best to talk to your local physician.
Ashley jay Granger 5 Apr 2017 Reply
I tried this and my question is should my penis feel weird , like a sharp pain on the out side of my head on the side
Do you mean when inserting the enema? If you are having pain inserting it I recommend always using lube on the enema tip.
I would also recommend using room temperature water to avoid any discomfort. For pain on your penis I can’t say for sure. If it continues I would recommend speaking to a doctor to medical professional.
The best thing you can do is go to the bathroom naturally first and really make sure to empty things out as much as possible before using the enema. After that, it is best to wait about 30 minutes before using the enema to avoid to much stress on your body.
Another tip is to limit your food intake 24 hours before sex. This can also help to clean things out naturally.
Generally, you should only need to use the enema 2 to 3 times to get fully cleaned up.
thanks for your lovely and invaluable tips on douching and enemas and anal sex I am a bottom who is rather elderly at 69 and though I havnt had a lot of sex of any kind in the last three or four years I am always looking for ways to improve my anal skills and cleanliness just in case ..so I am very grateful for all you wonderful advice..thank you
I am really glad you found this post helpful!
I do not eat 10-12 hrs before anal sex. About 4-5. Hrs before I take a 2 qt plain warm water enema I do this every time I go out on a date. I have 97% of the time never had a problem. If need be we shower.
I’ve read that during anal sex….some might feel like they have to poop…right then. I’m getting ready to try anal for the first time and this is the only thing that concerns me. I plan on limiting my food intake and using an anal enema beforehand. Lots of good info in this article!
I am a fetishist who is into enemas so I know a lot about them. As everyone says, relax, that’s the key. It is a lot easier if you get your partner or someone to help you. Even as I’m writing this, my partner is in the bathroom preparing. It can be a fun, erotic time for many.. I recommend trying an actual enema bag. STAY AWAY FROM THE FLEETS They’re harsh, dehydrating and I don’t know about you all, but after having one of those Anal sex isn’t in the cards for a bit.
A few large volume enemas (1 to 3 liters) will clean you out pretty good. remember, the more water you can take and the longer you hold it the better it works. (don’t go over 2 liters for a beginner)
Another thing that is f’un is a mineral or vegetable oil enema. 8 oz (~250ml) should be enough, don’t go over 16 oz. The oil is thick so it will take a bit of time to take it. Also because it’s thick, it doesn’t even feel like anything is happening. you often won’t even feel an urge to go. Now you have a dilemma, Should you expel that enema and start the soapsud enemas to cut the oil. or keep.it in because Guess what
Your ass is now full of a great but messy lube.
WARNING: any type of oil or fat will dissolve a latex condom so only do this with a monogamous partner and you have both been checked for HIV, Hep, etc,)
I forgot to mention, use plain water in the enema, not soap which irritates the rectum. If you are taking several large enemas, put a teaspoon of salt in each’ liter, it will prevent electrolyte imbalance (water intoxication) It’s scary I’ve had it once.
Dont let that turn you off, one time out of the thousands of enemas I”ve taken isn’t too bad.
Thankyou for sharing this valuable information. I’ve been douching now for over 10 years. And quite honestly I love it. But I’ve been doing it wrong. . I can’t wait to see how this will feel. Most every time I douche I usually shoot a couple loass of cum when I would push the water out.. is there a trick that I can use that will assure me to cum like that all the time, and is it ok to put a little bit of vinegar inwirh the water to help flush.
As both a medical specialist and writer, I wanted to “chime” in on this particular article. I am a single gay professional, in his mid-30s. I am responsibly active sexually and will receive anal from my partner.
One thing we as men need to remember- our anus, rectum, and colon are what they are. Their primary purpose is to expel waste and then seal up the opening (anus) to protect the mucus-lined walls of the rectum and colon. This mucus lining produces the natural “jelly” that provides a lubrication to defecate. Without it, it would be hell to pay just to eat. We would be living on clear, liquid diets. Anal sex is not as glamorous as Pornhub makes them out to be. There’s a high risk that you will encounter fecal matter in your partner’s rectum. Stimulating the inside of the rectum triggers the colon to begin contracting, which expels.
When you douche, you can’t expect to reach a point when you see crystal-clear water run out of your rectum. If you do, then you’ve overdone the process and need to stop! Your only goal with douching is to provide a liquid medium to void any fecal matter from the rectum- not the colon. Deep cleansing (anus up to and including the colon) is reserved for more professionals that engage in fisting. To clean out the colon, you need to be on a prep-diet and extreme reaching to get the colon purged. This is not atypical for simple anal sex. You will land yourself into gross and negligent health issues, especially as you lapse into your 50’s or older. It’s not the Olympics! You’re simply having a bowel movement, then rinsing out your rectum of any potential remaining matter.
Lastly- the hyper-sensationalism videos online depicting men having hours upon hours of anal sex is both staged and takes hours to prep. Anal sex is to be enjoyable but within reason. Get in your partner’s ass and give him some slow, stimulating enjoyment then get out. If your sex life is about nothing but long, endured periods of anal sex, you’re missing the point to what it’s all about, guys.
I noticed a couple of concerns about yellow staining, I’ve had conversations with my doctor about Bally Rubens, a Liver and digestive thing. I’ve heard the theory about peeing clear, doesn’t always happen
As a Prostate Cancer survivor I have become Hyper aware of the multiple sphincters
in the anus, any thing more than 5 inches gets some fecal matter which a few of my partners find objectionable. What kind of enema/douche would clear that matter?
For a more deep clean you can simply use more water per douche. There is a really great visual guide on deep clean enema usage on our site as well! You can check it out here.
I’ve developed a unique douching procedure.
1. Cover the bottom of a 5-oz plastic cup with salt.
2. Half-fill the cup with hot water.
3. Stir the saline till the salt is dissolved.
4. Almost fill the cup with cold water.
5. Add a few squeezes of antibacterial soap.
6. Stir the mixture.
7. Pour some of the mixture into an empty Fleet enema.
8. Shake.
9. Insert the enema into the rectum while sitting on the toilet.
10. Squeeze the Fleet bottle.
11. Wait for the material to be ejected, preferably with fecal matter.
12. Repeat until ejected material is clear.
This works fine so long as my feces are not too soft. Sometimes a mess is a mess, and I can’t seem to stop things. Then I give my partner a WARNING: Yellow Flag (oil on the track!).
One issue I’ve been having is that, usually within an hour of preparation, my rectum suddenly expels a portion of fluid, usually without any feces. It smells very clean. I figure the rectum withholds the last enema and expels it later. This is annoying. I’m going to start reducing the amount of salt and soap, which I figure are causing irritation, and the irritation is causing the delayed action.
When everything works fine, my partner’s penis is so clean after he barebacks me that I can suck it and not taste anything. And he can go for hours without getting any fecal matter on his penis. This is heaven for both of us!
Comments appreciated.
The shower is best! Use the hose on full on and flush it out! I sometimes add shampoo in the hose. My girlfriend will munch on my asshole for hours because it smells great.
Best sex I’ve ever had! And, I do the same to her! So good!!!
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