End Game 第四工業革命:將人類從靈魂和造物主中分離出來

End Game 第四工業革命:將人類從靈魂和造物主中分離出來

Pandemic Truths

克勞斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab) 是世界經濟論壇的創始人和主席,他談到了 #基因編輯 和 #大腦神經技術增強,這些技術正以指數級的速度躍進中。(通過註射和5G技術)


『第四次工業革命』——是關於人類與機器和人工智能的融合。你認為他們為什麽要用99%的氧化石墨烯納米粒子來推動 mRNA 死亡針劑呢?

因為議程是關於:『將人類從他們的靈魂、宇宙、他們的更高自我和造物主中分離出來』。 他們用所謂的疫苗直接操縱DNA,把人變成變“非人類的超人类”。

Klaus Schwab founder and chairman of the world economic forum talks about gene editing, neuro-technological brain enhancements which are happing at exponential speeds. (via the jab and 5G technology) This is why they don’t want you to know, but the info is available directly on this website.

The fourth industrial revolution is about merging human with machine & artificial intelligence. Why do you think they’re pushing mRNA death jab with 99% Graphene oxide (Nanotechnology) so hard?

This agenda is all about separating humans from their souls, the universe, their higher self & the creator. They are changing humans into #transhuman, with DNA manipulation directly using the so called #vaccine.

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