EmpireHotel (EMPC): Next-Gen Solution of Hotel Booking on Blockchain

EmpireHotel (EMPC): Next-Gen Solution of Hotel Booking on Blockchain



On the global travel industry market, the hospitality sector continues a run of strong performance and is projected to sustain strong growth. It is the second largest contributor to the global travel industry and it is currently dominated by online travel agents. OTA’s generate around 70% of online hotel bookings and this has impacted hotel’s direct bookings, profit margins, and loyalty programs.

EmpireHotel (EMPC) aims to change the scenario by putting hotels and customers first. Using blockchain technology, EmpireHotel plans to benefit hotels and customers by cutting out commission for third parties, accepting payment through fiat and cryptocurrency.

About EmpireHotel

EmpireHotel is a travel tech company utilizing blockchain technology to build a hotel booking platform. Using blockchain technology, EmpireHotel objective is to make hotel booking industry decentralized and more transparent by making it possible for hotels to associate with their clients without any middlemen involved in the process.

EmpireHotel's goal is to contribute to an efficient crypto experience of customers and eliminate the excessive fee systems created by online travel agencies by diminishing the payments hotels make to third-party booking platforms.

EmpireHotel aims to create a new symbiosis where hotels maintain control over their brand while unlocking unprecedented value for consumers on its platform. EmpireHotel’s vision for the future of the travel industry is a supportive online ecosystem where all businesses are allowed the opportunity to thrive and benefit from providing the best goods or services to travelers.

Blockchain Implementation on EmpireHotel

All transactions on the App will operate on smart contract. The smart contract acts as a communication layer between the platform and the blockchain. All transaction data will be sent to the smart contract to execute its terms, and the transaction will be stored in the blockchain. This removes the need for a middleman and facilitates lower transaction costs throughout the platform.

The platform utilizes the widely-used Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum’s smart contracts provide multiple language implementations that will facilitate future integration. An audit of all transactions on the platform will be kept on the blockchain each time the smart contract is executed.

How it Works?

EmpireHotels is creating a mobile app which offers features such as checking in and out, spending bill updates, room temperature control, hot-tub heating and more – with the aim of increasing efficiency in spite of cultural or language differences. Another is the ability to facilitate cross-border hotel booking and payment transactions.

Hotel owners install the app and add their properties to the platform. By doing so, they become available for business immediately. While, users can browse for hotels and experiences nearby. They can place bookings using both fiat and EMPIRECASHs (EmpireHotel native currency).

This app is currently in beta mode for a select number of participants with plans for continuous improvement post-launch based on customer and hotel feedback – as well as data insights.

Company Roadmap

  • First Draft of the Idea (November 2017): The first idea for the app and the platform was designed. Even though this idea has changed over time, it was in November 2017 that we first discussed the development of this project.
  • Smart-Contract Design (March 2018): The smart-contract development and audit is a crucial stage in the process of an ICO. During this stage, the crypto-economics, figures, and supply were defined.
  • Whitepaper Development (March 2018): The whitepaper describes the technology and the features of our apps and platform, as well as the plans for the future.
  • Website + Dashboard Development (June 2018): The website and dashboard for the wallet was developed using the most modern technologies, and was repeatedly tested on many different devices.
  • ICO Phase (Commenes in January 2019): The ICO Phase will commence in January 2019 and will be split into three parts: Pre-ICO (pre sale), Phase 1, and Phase 2.
  • App Launch for Android and iOS (April 2019): The first version of the app will not be beta; it will be fully operational. This version will have all the features enabled from day one and will be updated over time.
  • EMPIRECASH Pay Launch (July 2019): This feature, scheduled for July 2019, will provide a tool for users to pay via contactless using their phones, whilst withdrawing from their available EmpireCash coins.

EmpireHotel Token: EmpireCash (EMPC)

The EMPC Token is a digital token or virtual currency designed to facilitate transactions on the platform for the purchase of room nights, hotel services, and other internal processes and payments within the EmpireHotel infrastructure. Out of 367,200,000 EmpireCash tokens that exist, 85% of which (or 312,000,000) will be sold via a series of pre-sales and public ICO offerings. All unsold tokens unsold tokens will be burnt at the end of the ICO. However, if all of the 600 m tokens are sold out in any round, the ICO will conclude and the subsequent rounds will be discontinued.

Token Information

Token Name: EmpireCash

Token Ticker: EMPC

Platform: Ethereum

Standard: ERC20

Total Supply: 900,000,000 EMPC

Token price: 1 EMPC = 0.000036672 ETH = 0.0000011616 BTC

Accepting: ETH, BTC, LTC

Token Sale Website

EmpireHotel Team

Cloverdex is led by Leung Lau, Co-Founder and CEO. Leung is an experienced software engineering, corporate finance and budgeting, business planning, and financial analysis. Leung has worked at IBM specialising in enterprise-level system architecture, frontend design, Java and .Net programming. Having a passion to serve the public and better understand corporate finance and governance, Leung then sought experience within the Australian Commonwealth Government and have held management positions in a number of departments and agencies. 

To bring Ethos to life, Leung has assembled a team of engineers and executives, including Shing Lau (Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer), Sasha Dordevic (Operations Director & Chief Financial Officer), Christopher Andrew (Product and Platform UI/UX Director), and Siris Kunwar (Communications Director).

Advisory Board

For more details about the project, you can visit the following links:

Website: https://empirehotels.io

Whitepaper: https://www.empirehotels.io/docs/en/whitepaper-en.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/empirehotelsapp

Twitter: https://twitter.com/empirehotelsapp

Telegram: https://t.me/empirecash

Join the token sale HERE!


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