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How to build a mini-EMP generator to disrupt electronics

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How to build a mini-EMP generator to disrupt electronics

You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser or activate Google Chrome Frame to improve your experience. Learn more about Electronic Products Magazine. For a defense unit, you will need a lot more than the V that is used for flash tubes. I have an old flash gun somewhere Is there a simple way to make it directional? Game Boy finally got rid of Spinach and made a color platform? I bought the kids a pair of Sega Game Gear units lo these many years ago, back when the Sega TV ad said, 'If you only see in one color, you probably drink from a toilet' and showed a green-and-white photo of a dog next to a toilet bowl. Meticulously troll your household Tired of obnoxious neighbors blaring obnoxious music to obnoxiously keep you up at night? Yes, me too; so much so, that I sometimes fantasy about firing an RPG into their apartment and permanently ending their midnight crescendo. The electro-magnetic pulse generator, or EMP generator, is a device capable of generating a transient electromagnetic disturbance that radiates outward from its epicenter, disrupting electronic devices or frying, depending on its capacity. The following step-by-step guide documents how to construct a rudimentary EMP generator using commonly available items: Soldering iron, solder, disposable camera, small toggle button, insulated thick copper cable, enamel-coated wire, and a high-current momentary switch. We do not condone illegal behavior. Obtain a disposable point-and-shot camera Purchase a cheap disposable camera such as the Kodak variety sold at the local drug store. Put on a pair of rubber gloves and open up Don your rubber gloves to avoid the possibility of receiving a painful shock when opening up the camera; its flash capacitor carries volts or so, when fully charged. Bear in mind that the side of the capacitor with the markings represents the negative terminal. Next, we press the shoot button and immediately remove the batteries to prevent the capacitor from charging again. Use the voltmeter once again to ensure full discharge. If a residual charge persists, place a ohm resistor across the leads. Some suggest using a screwdriver to discharge the capacitor, but I advise against this as this technique creates an ugly spark. Peel this off and solder a push button in its place on top of the solder pads to reduce the risk of electric shock. The high current momentary switch can easily procured from the Internet. Leave the other end unattached for now. Form the load coil Wrap the enamel-coated wire 7 to 15 turns around a circular object with a diameter of 2 inches. Ensure the wire lines up precisely with no crease or overlap. Place double-sided tape around the diameter of the circular object to help with this. Now bind the coil with adhesive tape but leave two protruding leads to connect the terminals. Connect coil and the switch Use sandpaper to remove the enamel coating off the tips of the two wire leads protruding from the coil before attaching one to the other terminal of the capacitor. Do not simultaneously hold down the charge button while firing the pulse or you may damage the circuit. Bonus Experiment with different capacitor value and wire diameter for different results. Add Comment Text Only character limit. Please login to comment on the article.

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How to build a mini-EMP generator to disrupt electronics

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