Emona Durmati

Emona Durmati


Song Name: Emona Durmati

Official Name: Dainya Song 7

Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Book Name: Saranagati

Language: Bengali

Audio by HG Jai Sacinandana Prabhu


(prabhu he!)

emona durmati, saḿsāra bhitore,

poḍiyā āchinu āmi

tava nija-jana, kono mahājane,

pāṭhāiyā dile tumi


doyā kori’ more, patita dekhiyā,

kohilo āmāre giyā

ohe dīna-jana, śuno bhālo kathā,

ullasita ha’be hiyā


tomāre tārite, śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya,

navadwīpe avatār

tomā heno koto, dīna hīna jane,

korilena bhava-pār


vedera pratijñā, rākhibāra tare,

rukma-varna vipra-suta

mahāprabhu nāme, nadīyā mātāya,

sańge bhāi avadhūta


nanda-suta jini, caitanya gosāi,

nija-nāma kori’ dān

tārilo jagat, tumi-o jāiyā,

loho nija-paritrāṇ


se kathā śuniyā, āsiyāchi, nātha!

tomāra caraṇa-tale

bhakativinoda, kāńdiyā kāńdiyā,

āpana-kāhinī bole


1) Oh Lord! Such a wicked mind has brought me into this world, but one of Your pure and elevated devotees has come to bring me out of it.

2) He saw me so fallen and wretched, took pity, and came to me saying, “O humbled soul, please listen to this good tiding, for it will gladden your heart.

3) “Sri Krsna Caitanya has appeared in the land of Navadvipa to deliver you. He has safely conducted many miserable souls such as you across the sea of worldly existence.”

4) “To fulfill the promise of the Vedas, the son of a brahmana bearing the name Mahaprabhu of golden complexion, has descended with His brother the avadhuta Nityananda. Together They have overwhelmed all of Nadia with divine ecstasy.”

5) “Sri Caitanya, who is Krishna Himself, the son of Nanda, has saved the world by freely distributing His own holy name. Go also and receive your deliverance.”

6) O Lord, hearing those words, Bhaktivinoda has come weeping to the soles of Your lotus feet and tells the story of his life.

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