Emily Ratajkowski Gone Girl Scene

Emily Ratajkowski Gone Girl Scene


Emily Ratajkowski Gone Girl Scene
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Here are some photos of Emily Ratajkowski out and about in NYC yesterday, promoting Gone Girl . Her dress is David Koma London – she’s the kind of woman who looks good in just about anything, so the dress is cute on her. She could wear a burlap sack and still look sexy though.
As I discussed yesterday, I went to see Gone Girl over the weekend and I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it mostly for Rosamund Pike and Carrie Coon, but the film as a whole was full of strong performances. I felt a little bit like I needed to reread the book though, but I seem to remember the Andie part – played by Emily – was a lot bigger in the book? SPOILERS: I seem to remember that Andie and Nick managed to find several moments away from everybody else, but Andie was relegated to four scenes, by my count, and three of those scenes were minor for the character.
I’ve read some stuff about how Emily was a weak point in the film and she can’t really act, blah blah. I don’t think she’s going to set the world on fire with her acting skillz, but as I’ve said before… I could totally see Emily following a Megan Fox-like trajectory. She was hired to play Nick Dunne’s mistress because she’s sexy (and maybe Ben wanted to have an excuse to make out with her) and she delivered. But mostly Andie is a cipher, to be seen almost exclusively through Amy and Nick’s eyes. She did show her boobs in her big scene with Affleck, just FYI. There was a surprising amount of equal-opportunity nudity actually. I enjoyed that.
Anyway, here’s Emily’s short little interview on Today yesterday. Regarding making out with Ben Affleck, “the whole experience was a little surreal…I have to be honest. Obviously Ben Affleck is one of those – you know his face. I grew up with his face. Not sure if he would love that. I went into an audition and there’s this really tall handsome guy. And I’m like, ‘Oh my god. That’s Ben Affleck.’” She’s 23 years old, by the way. Ben is 42.

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She has a great body, but her face is really weird. Not in like a good way either. During her scenes in Gone Girl all I could think is that she looked like an ugly frog.
It’s the lips. Sometimes they look good (as far as botox goes), sometimes they look totally plastic. But I do find her pretty more often than not.
I agree. In the movie I found her lips distracting, because it seems to affect the way she speaks. I do think she is very pretty, though, but I think her face would look better untweeked.
Are they real? She seemed super cheap in the film because of her breasts and lips. I just hope that she’s a good actress.
I think it’s the lack of bone structure around the jaw line. She has a great body, lovely hair and eyes, but when she speaks…ugh. She wasn’t awful in the movie-I just felt like she was there to just be herself. Some boobs, a few lisped lines, etc. And LMAO about Ben being someone she grew up with. I’m sure that will be fun for him to read.
Wow. Her lips are so distracting. Not nice at all. Hmmm. I wonder if they’re real??
She looks so much older than her years.
Agreed. And there’s a real disconnect when she speaks, because she SOUNDS her age.
are her lips real? because they sure don’t look it…
I hope they’re not real, because then I’d feel really bad about thinking about how awful they look.
It’s very rare, esp. for a white person to have the upper lip as big as the bottom one… even Angelina Jolie’s lips are fake (she had a pretty big size disparity as a child and even is her earlier films until she reduced the bottom lip)
Ben Affleck is no fantasy of mine, but I can understand her point. If I was getting paid to make out with Lenny Kravitz in a music video I’d… well… you know.
The trailers for this film do make it seem intriguing. But I’m not entirely sold based on Goodnames’ critique of the book.
4-must run to the theater now, blew my mind
3-see it in the theater, take your time, good but not earth shattering
2-Wait to pay for streaming or On Demand service
1-Wait for it to hit TV, for free
I agree that she has lip enhancements and as I said before, I think she has implants.
I considered Gone Girl somewhere between a 3 and 4, Kiddo. I enjoyed the fact that it was an ADULT movie. It was dark and f–ked up and there are a lot of great performances.
I agree. This was a 4 for me, but I loved the book. I thought the movie was a great mash of source material and director and cast. I really like it when authors take a chance. This author took a risk and I loved it.
It is polarizing, though. I can see why some wouldn’t like it, but it was totally up my dark and twisted alley.
Also, Kiddo, remember I didn’t finish the book because I hated it. I might see the movie based on Kaiser’s review.
Decent film I thought, all good performances, including the often derided Affleck, though about as believable as…a really unbelievable thing…
Most actors describe love scenes as being uncomfortable ,almost clinical. I suppose she’s just saying that to be nice.
Let me try it with a few actors and I will get back to Celebitchy on it. LOL
they do it to not be judged by us. back in the days it was also more prudish so people had to pretend even more to dislike it.
nowadays though more and more actors and actresses come out and freely state that they enjoy it. Pierce Brosnan said “its legal cheating with beautiful women”, Ethan Hawke talked at length about how good it felt to kiss Angelia Jolie (obviously thinking the kiss wasnt between their characters but between him and her) and Amada Seyfried said “Sex scenes are great. A lot of my costars have been sexy guys my age who are really respectful and cool. So, why not? I’m not going to pretend it’s not fun.”
lots of actors or the directors chose their co stars based on chemistry, meaning they are very attracted to each other. thats why so many actors and actresses cheat and hook up with co stars.
they just have to say its not good to not make their spouses and partners suspicious and to not give the gossip press any material or ideas for stories.
Wait, 23?!
Wow! I would have never guessed that. She looks older (not in a bad way).
I think it’s because she has ‘harder’ features, which usually will translate into sexiness (maturity) versus ‘softer’ features which translate into innocence. She does, however, have very youthful skin, looks young (to me, anyway), but as said before, her looks veer more toward being a woman than a girl.
She must be one of those people who has been “23” for like, 11 years.
I agree she has a killer body and face and I think she looks her age in my opinion
What did she do to her face? It looks awful. The lips are a mess. But way too much filler in her face and far too young to be screwing with her face. It face looks painful and like it can’t move. She was cute before in the Blurred Lines video, but is not attractive at all in these photos.
She did a fine job in the movie. It was only a few scenes.
Her 15 minutes of fame will be extended to 30 and she will be over.
Frig man people are such harsh critics on the appearance of other people. I would hate to be in the public eye.
I guess I have a wider view of beauty or something cause so many people I think are beautiful people in comment section rip apart like they are the ugliest people ever.
People are way too hard on other people.
I pretty much see lovely skin and I’m like your beautiful.
I saw her on Kelly and Michael and she came across as very immature. She pointed out that she didn’t consider a mistress a “mistress” but a “girlfriend” and told Kelly to “get it right.” When Kelly introduced the clip, she said it was andie and her “married boyfriend” rather pointedly.
Really? My impression was opposite. I didn’t remember the details, but I found myself liking the girl a little more because of the interview. I think she was eloquent, and she has a rather deep voice. I had earlier pictured her to have a high pitched, little girly voice which I don’t really care about (and at times I find annoying).
In Cosmopolitan she described the typical mistress’ fantasy while talking about her character; “In my mind, she’s just a girlfriend who really loves her boyfriend and has been taken advantage of and doesn’t realize that.”. She completely erased the wife from the picture. It makes me wonder if she is/was dating someone married in real life.
UGHH………..I can’t wait for her 15 minutes of fame to end.
BTW in that ridiculous blurred lines video, the other 2 chicks were better looking……..just saying.
Call me jealous or whatever, but she can’t act IMO…….and beauty wise and intellectually speaking she isn’t a standout. (her surname is the only thing that stands out to me)
Sure but their boobies arent as nice as Emily’s soooo….
Her lips look RIDICULOUS, they are SO FAKE!!! I have REAL big lips, that’s not what they look like. You don’t look like a damn duck, she looks like a SILLY DUCK. Lol
Oh my this woman is gorgeous. Just heard of her the first time here in a previous article, but she is really stunning.
She’s so pretty and did a decent job in the film IMO.
I said it before and I’ll say it again–it grosses me out that Ben Affleck hand-picked her for the role (if that actually happened). Look, Dude, if you want to hook up with someone, don’t do it behind the guise of a role in a film. Just ask her out (and no, this isn’t a commentary on relationships outside of marriage). The whole I-want-to-make-out-with-this-person-so-I’ll-offer-them-role-in-a-film-so-they-say-yes-because-they’ll-want-to-further-their-career thing is a major abuse of power and absolutely sexual harassment in my book.
I know, this sh-t is rampant in Hollywood. But it is just so disgusting.
Please don’t make up stuff. Fincher said in an interview (Entertainment Weekly) he was talking to ben about wanting to get an actress who women (but not men) would take a dislike to. He thought of this woman and he was right, she constantly seems to rub other women the wrong way.
I also said “if that really happened” because we know we have to take these reports with a grain of salt.
She was decent in GG, and her body is amazing. However bigger that character’s role is in the book, it needed to be trimmed for the movie.
The movie is so great! But I was in knots the whole time bec Nick and Amy have a pet cat who gets a fair amt of screen time. I was terrified the kitty was going to come to a grisly end! Nothing giving anything to happily report he does not!
I was terrified something was going to happen to that cat too! Something usually does to animals in mystery/horror films (the American version of the girl with the dragon tattoo). Thankfully, as you said nothing does happen to the cute kitty.
She’s like an alien of some sort. Very beautiful! But a bit off. And Ben Affleck is a bloated douche.

Emily Ratajkowski Hot Scenes in Gone Girl (2014)
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