Emily Is Pro Runescape

Emily Is Pro Runescape


Emily Is Pro Runescape
who is that emilyispro and what did she do to get permabanned on twitch? im not a runescape player but im just curious
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Hey, I legitimately never played runescape, but I just stumbled upon her twitch just now, and there was some sob story that shes leaving twitch and suddenly she gets permabanned from twitch.tv
then I typed this username into google and I saw million topics about how people begged to ban her.
What you saw was probably a phisher using the streamer's identity in an attempt to take account details of people watching.
As for the streamer's drama, I don't know what went on.
As /u/_Manks said, thats 100% a phishing stream to get players to click a link and "log in" to compromise their accounts. Afaik Emily isn't banned.
As for the drama, from what I recall besides being a typical "girl streamer" she (alleged) to have cancer, and built up following based on that, people donated etc etc.
Also, one of the oldschool mods (alleged) had a thing for her, which lead to an ingame npc being added named Emily and had an examine text referring to her. The same mod also (alleged) pays attention to people "harassing" her and very loosely dishes out punishments for it.
All of this is very unclear to what extent this stuff actually happened, and in no way am I expressing any view over what did or didn't happen, this is just what people are/were upset about as far as I know.
so it wasnt her stream, it was some new account created and people fell for it?
woa shit I just checked, it wasnt her stream indeed.
Thought that was awkawrd, it had +4000 viewers at once :o
Cam slut that saddled over to gaming to milk horny teenagers on twitch.
I have never watched her stream, so I couldn't care less about her. But I'm still quite sure that whether she faked cancer or not is still unconfirmed. To be honest I'm not even sure how a person with cancer could prove they had it, without releasing a bunch of other personal information. It's not like you get a certificate saying you had/have cancer. Either way if she really did fake cancer than she should be perm banned on Twitch, no questions asked.
Fake phishing stream, they happen all the time impersonating every streamer.
As for who she is she's an OSRS and CS:GO streamer who's pretty entertaining. Years ago she faked cancer for attention and whilst I don't think that's a big deal the osrs sub circlejerked it until the point they're screaming for her blood.
There's also been lots of incidents of people being banned by mods after appearing in her stream.
Generally, I wouldn't say that they all were harassing her in game because she streamed. But she definitely got a ton of preferential treatment by white knighting mods.
Luckily op asked, ppl still fall for this in 2017... thsts why they still there

Who is Emily in Runescale, and why do people get banned when playing near her?
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She streams runescape content on twitch.tv.
Essentially, she faked cancer for attention and (understandably) nobody will let her live that down. So now they are following her around, dressing up as her (In-game Cosplaying) to harass her.
Also, The admins (Jagex Moderators) of the game have refused to comment on the entire situation at this point, hence the surrounding hysteria.
Hopefully this answers your question. Cx
also important to note that the moderators seem to be defending her/sticking up for her by banning people who "harass" her in game (attack the monster she's attacking, attacking her in pvp zones) which contributed to the outrage as well
edit: here's a 48 second video of someone getting banned for following her and donating shit to her in game.
edit 2: Worth noting that the most recent outrage regarding Emily had to do with the people in the video I posted above getting banned for doing nothing but the "cry" emote. They didn't even talk.
edit 3: The Jagex Moderators have commented on the situation for the first time about an hour ago on the old school runescape subreddit here . TLDR of the post: The players that were banned for emoting spent a majority of their time in game harassing "numerous people", spreading "racism, hate, and abuse". They didn't release chat logs because "[They] can't bring [themselves] to publicize something so horrendous".
The admins (Jagex Moderators) of the game have refused to comment on the entire situation at this point, hence the surrounding hysteria.
To add to this, they posted on r/2007scape a "here are the facts" post with the post not containing any facts.
What is Cx? I've seen it on a bunch of the posts on 2007scape and in usernames today.
As petty as this "retribution" is, and as little interest I have in Runescape, I really hope that we can all agree that people who fake cancer for money on any kind of platform are worthless pieces of shit who don't deserve to be happy.
Emily is a streamer and she streams Runescape.
Some while ago she did something, which was she faked having cancer. People followed her around and would dress up as her in game and harass her. People got banned for it. People weren't really mad at this.
The thing that really pissed off the community was when she Real World Traded. She used real world currency to buy in-game currency from a 3rd party. This is a Permanent Banable offence in the game. Well, she only got a 2 week ban, which as you see the sub-reddit state it is now, is what it was then too.
What is happening now is some guy named Bazinga_Cx followed her, donated to her, said nothing to her, no trading, and got banned. Another was a person bald, doing the crying emote next to her, literally not saying anything and got banned.
The Moderator that banned them is known to have feelings for Emily, and people are calling it streamer favouritism. The Mods came out with a response today about why these people were banned, to which they said "The players whose accounts we took action against spent their time spreading racism, hatred and abuse throughout the game ." They said it was harassment. Well, a player showed their previous bans, which were literally 6 years ago, and the recent ban reason was bug abuse, not harassment.
People are really pissed that random people doing nothing wrong at all and playing the game are getting banned for bullshit reasons, for now because there is no evidence of them harassing the player at the time, i.e. chat logs. People are also pissed that bots, real world traders, and scammers don't get banned, even with piles of evidence, but kill a streamer, donate to them, cry next to them, you get banned. Last week a player, who was known to scam people with literal video evidence from last year, didn't get banned until last week until a popular Runescape Streamer and YouTuber, A Friend put out a video of him on his channel. People are mad that the moderators are taking steps in the wrong direction and that it's affecting the game as a lot of people are starting to leave again.
Edit: If I have missed anything, let me know and I will update accordingly after doing some research upon it.
UPDATE: So the moderator accused of banning for the wrong reason just released a thread. Found out the Bazingas guy had multiple different accounts and was harassing people. Chat logs were released also. Can read about it here
How would anybody find out she was faking it anyways? Did she admit it?
The thing that really pissed off the community was when she Real World Traded. She used real world currency to buy in-game currency from a 3rd party. This is a Permanent Banable offence in the game. Well, she only got a 2 week ban, which as you see the sub-reddit state it is now, is what it was then too.
According to other comments , buying gold generally receives a 2-week ban for the first offense. It's selling gold that gets a permaban even for the first offense. /u/ModMatK confirms this here .
You forgot to mention Bazinga was lying and that he was banned for botting.
Yeah I noticed when it was too late

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So I'm not sure if you guys will know who I am but my name is David, I am Emilyispro's Ex-Boyfriend. I'm a daily visitor of this sub and I know most of you hate her, but I saw a post she made on facebook saying that she was going to stop streaming because of all the hatred she has received. Over the past month or so it has gotten apparently unbearable for her so that she has quit. It's very upsetting to me that she has quit something she loved so much because of someone making fake accusations about her. I have lived with her for over 3 months so I think I, if anyone, would know how much validity she has. I can't go into much detail because I want to respect her personal life but I am here to say that she never faked anything. We no longer live together or speak but I just wanted to let you guys know that she is not a bad person. At the end of the day I know this is the internet and you guys love to troll and make people feel shitty, but you have to remember that this is a real person we're talking about here. Anyone who takes this much abuse will eventually break down. I will provide pictures confirming I am who I say I am. If any more are needed let me know and I will provide more.
I don't really understand what this is about. You title the post as "Clearing The Air..." but I don't understand what needs to be cleared or what has been cleared?
Sure, she's a person and doesn't deserve to be bullied, but you just don't fake having cancer. Whatever the reason be for her doing that.. that's as low as a person can go.
Uh. I'm not touching this one with a 10 foot pole. But @OP, if you want people to believe who you say you are, I'd suggest taking a photo while holding up a time stamp. Other than that I'm getting out of this thread before this one goes full shitstorm.
Indeed, pic with timestamp or bust.
So does she have cancer or not? I don't see what you are trying to prove with this thread.
Puts a bag of popcorn in the microwave
Streamers hating train! CHOO CHOO! All aboard!
As if she would stop streaming, there is easy money to be made off thirsty boys
'Anyone who takes this much abuse will eventually break down' Provide me a time and date and i'll make it a party.
Care, you deserve to fade away if you fake cancer.
Hey Bucktooth, all of those pics are accessible via the Internet, and the exact ones she's shown on stream.
The one of us on the bench has never been seen by anyone. You can reverse image search it if you'd like.
I feel bad for your dentist M2.8284271247461900976033774484194 ²
If this is fake I'd just like her to know my grandpa recently passed from cancer, It's not alright to joke about such things, he suffered for three years before he passed wile he fought for his life.

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