Emily Clark

Emily Clark


Actress |


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British actress Emilia Clarke was born in London and grew up in Oxfordshire, England. Her father was a theatre sound engineer and her mother is a businesswoman. Her father was working on a theatre production of "Show Boat" and her mother took her along to the performance. This is when, at the age of 3, her passion for acting began. From 2000 to ...
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October 23 ,


London, England, UK



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Filmography (by Job)

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updated 26 Feb 2020

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updated 18 Sep 2019

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updated 13 Sep 2019

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created 29 Dec 2017

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created 05 Jun 2018

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created 5 months ago

How Much Have You Seen?
How much of Emilia Clarke's work have you seen?

Nominated for
Primetime Emmys.

8 wins & 43 nominations.

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Игра престолов
Daenerys Targaryen

Терминатор: Генезис
Sarah Connor

Хан Соло: Звездные войны. Истории

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The Amazing Maurice
( post-production )

Malicia (voice)


Инструкция по убийству

Malu (segment "Shackled")

- The Iron Throne
... Daenerys Targaryen

- The Bells
... Daenerys Targaryen

- The Last of the Starks
... Daenerys Targaryen

- The Long Night
... Daenerys Targaryen

- A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
... Daenerys Targaryen


Прелести главной героини
(TV Short)

Emilia Clarke

- Rigged for Disaster
... Doyle (voice)


The Only One


- Joel Hurwitz Returns
... Bridget (voice)


Терминатор: Генезис

Sarah Connor


Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series
(Video Game)

Daenerys Targaryen (voice)

- Stench and Stenchibility
... Marianne (voice)


Атака из Триасового периода
(TV Movie)


- Empty Nest
... Saskia Mayer

Archive footage (7 credits)

Other Works:
(3/13) Stage: Appeared (as "Holly Golightly" in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" on Broadway, directed by Sean Mathias .
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Publicity Listings:
4 Articles |
3 Pictorials |
89 Magazine Cover Photos |

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Official Sites:



Official Fans Comunity

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Clarke, Jenny
| Clarke, Rick

Personal Quote:
I told my parents I wanted to be an actor and they were getting ready for a life of unemployment so they're just happy I'm in work!
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Named "Sexiest Woman Alive" by Esquire magazine in 2015.
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Eyes with central heterochromia. Both irises of her eyes are greyish blue coloured on the outer rim and hazel coloured on the inner rim.
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Here's your guide to the movies coming to theaters and streaming this fall.
Here are some of the most anticipated movies and series based on Marvel characters and comics.
Emilia Clarke rose to fame as Daenerys in " Game of Thrones ," but she still had to compete for roles on her way to stardom. Let's look at the parts she nearly landed.

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Emilia Clarke - IMDb
Emilia Clarke - Wikipedia
Emily Clark - YouTube
Home - Emily A. Clark
Emily Clark - Team Canada - Official Olympic Team Website
Emily Clark – BookSweeps
Emily Clark « Canada's NDP
Emily Clark (ice hockey) - Wikipedia
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