Embassy comment on the misleading statements by UK officials regarding Russia’s Special Military Operation

Embassy comment on the misleading statements by UK officials regarding Russia’s Special Military Operation

Russian Embassy in London

We deplore the apparent willingness of prominent UK officials to uncritically reproduce the vile and primitive anti-Russian propaganda of the Kiev regime. On a daily basis Kiev invents and dishes out all kinds of falsehoods to Western media, seeking to dehumanize and vilify Russian servicemen participating in the Special Military Operation. A number of its methods seem to have been lifted wholesale from the textbook of Joseph Goebbels’s Nazi accolytes. These self-evident lies with their raw intensity and brutality are deliberately focused on alleged sexual misconduct and violence directed towards vulnerable groups – the elderly, women and children. They serve to further amplify the already rampant Russophobic sentiments in some Western countries, including the United Kingdom, which prides itself on its self-perceived tolerance.

Regrettably, in his speech to the Lord Mayor’s Banquet on 28 November Prime-Minister R.Sunak chose to repeat these fabrications, alleging that Russian soldiers would stoop to booby-trapping toys and installing some sort of “torture chambers”. Earlier that day the Foreign Secretary, addressing the “Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative” conference, seemed to imply the responsibility of Russian Armed Forces in committing “atrocities” of a sexual nature. No evidence to prop up these grotesque allegations was forthcoming, as none could be, given the absence of such evidence. Yet the British media remains awash with such delusions, excitedly falling over themselves to reprint, retweet and repost almost anything that conforms to the prevalent anti-Russian stereotype. 

Questions arise. What is the reason for the apparent inability of UK officials and media outlets to publicly denounce the Ukrainian military and its neo-Nazi paramilitary detachments that over the preceding eight years subjected the civilian residents of Donbass, their families and children to an uninterrupted reign of terror and oppression? 

Why have London and its NATO allies failed to respond to a documented fact of Russian servicemen, having surrendered to Ukrainian armed forces, being gunned down? Their cold-blooded murderers, having opened fire upon unarmed prisoners of war, who were lying on the ground, were so confident of their impunity that they videotaped their criminal offences. Other shocking videos are available online of Russian inhabitants of Kherson being subject to torture, while tied to lampposts. Instead of proliferating unsubstantiated and morbid fantasies of the Kiev propagandists, perhaps, the UK should unreservedly condemn these and other self-evident crimes of the Kiev regime.

Are UK decision-makers and state-enabled UK media aware of the curious case of Ms. Lyudmila Denisova, the former Ombudsperson of Ukraine, who spread lurid sexualized rubbish about Russians with such fervour that even her Kiev employers ultimately felt compelled to dismiss her from her post? Finally, is it not the case that anti-Russian propaganda uncorroborated by facts constitutes exactly the kind of hate-speech the West alleges to be fighting?

We leave these questions in the hope that they may some day be answered. As for the Special Military Operation of the Russian Armed Forces, it continues in full compliance with international humanitarian law, guided by the noble goal of ensuring Russia’s national security and the safety and well-being of our people.

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