Embarrassed Naked Stories

Embarrassed Naked Stories


Embarrassed Naked Stories
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I wear pajamas when I go to bed but no underwear underneath. Last week I woke up, went down stairs and sat down to eat breakfast. Now the pajama pants I was wearing had one of those flaps on the crotch that the button had worn off of a while ago. I didn't realize at the time, but while I was eating, I shuffled my legs in such a way that my manhood fell out. Then proceeded to walk into the family room where my parents and sister were watching TV. I said something and when they turned and saw. Dad told me to cover up and it was only then I realized I had just unintentionally flashed my family. Ouch
Many years ago my ex and I were visiting my aunt and uncle on Martha's Vineyard. I've always wanted to find a shark's tooth, so my uncle gave us very specific instructions about how to find this particular stretch of beach where sharks' teeth could be found. It was a mile or two down from where one would access the beach and even though the teeth were not supposed to be found until a mile or two down the beach, we both started walking with our eyes glued to the sand, excited to see who would find one first. A good while passed and neither of us found anything, so I finally looked around to see if we were in the right spot yet. I noticed two things: 1- we were in the right spot, and 2- we were surrounded by naked people. My uncle thought it would be funny to direct us to a nude beach.
Have an upboat for Iowa and a warm winter log, seriously NEGATIVE 5.
Is it your ex because you decided to propose, then and there? You know with Martha's Vineyard being so romantic and all.
And I'd like to meet your uncle. Sounds like a cool dude.
When I was in college, I housesat for people in my hometown during breaks. This one time, I was home from the bar, half drunk and walking around the house naked, just lookin at shit. The guy who lived there and his wife were both in vietnam. He was in the Army and she was a nurse. I opened a closet door and there was a rack of all sorts of firearms and machetes and knives, all vintage but in perfect condition. I grabbed a bush machete and started walking around the house, twirling and swinging it. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen when i hear the patio door begin to open. I look through the door and see this scrawny little teenager sneaking in, probably trying to find something to sell for video games or drugs. He seriously had glasses on and severe acne. Naked and drunk me decided the best course of action would be to burst into the dining room, completely naked and brandishing a machete. I did so, Bellowed a war face roar, shook the machete over my head and flopped my junk back and forth like HardGay , only without the leather jockstrap. He screamed, ran out the door, tripped on the way out and faceplanted into the grass.
The morning, I found his cracked glasses in the yard and a pair of loose sweatpants and whitey tighties on the op of the fence where he had apparently failed at jumping. I never heard from the police.
That's not embarrassing, that's AWESOME.
I need to know how he explained to his parents why he was returning home without his pants.
I was at sleep away camp when I was younger (maybe 11 years old). I was taking a shower in the bath house. Everything was going great but when I turned off my water I heard someone crying in the shower stall next to me.
I asked who it was and ended up being this girl from my cabin who was the bully of the camp. She was larger then the rest of us girls and I guess she liked to take it out on us. This girl had been mean to me in the past but I genuinely felt bad for her when she told me somebody had stolen her towel and clothes.
I decided to take the high road and told her we could share my towel and make the trek back to our cabin (probably 100 feet or so away). She reluctantly agreed because hey, she didn't really have another option and we awkwardly shuffled out of the bathroom together with nothing but a towel.
There was a boys soccer game in front of the bath house and I was extremely flustered and nervous. At about the half way point and in direct view of a majority of the male camp population I got distracted and tripped over my feet taking the towel with me.
I looked into her eyes as she stood there... naked in front of the entire camp. People started yelling and pointing and I quickly got up and started to wrap the towel around her. I had no idea what hit me when she ripped the towel from my scrawny body, wrapped it around her self and ran away.
Oh how the tables had turned, there I was, naked on the wood chip path infront of probably 50 people. I screamed (only drawing more attention) and ran the rest of the way to my cabin as people laughed. It was the most mortifying moment of my life.
To add insult to injury, I was now covered in wood chips and dirt and had to walk past everyone a second time to shower it off.
TL;DR: Tried to be nice to the camp bully and ended up being naked in front of my entire camp
I'm so sorry this turned out as badly as it did, but good for you for reaching out to someone who was hurting. She probably looks back on it with a great deal of regret. I really hope she able to deal with her issues.
Ahh, childhood, how filled with crapulence you can sometimes be...
Why didn't you just leave and come back with another towel?
I had stayed over my girlfriend's house and took a shower in the morning. I get out of the shower, grab a towel and at the moment when my arms are behind me, stretched out, prewrap the door flings open.
There's her 10 year old autistic son, even more naked than I. "GOOD DAY SIR" I said in a proud voice and he briskly walked away, door still open.
-- Mom had told him to take a shower and instead of using the kids shower he went to hers. Dunno, he's a funny kid.
At least you were both gentlemanly.
There's her 10 year old autistic son, even more naked than I. "GOOD DAY SIR" I said in a proud voice and he briskly walked away, door still open.
For some reason, I switched the words "naked" and "autistic" in my head.
One time in preschool, the teacher yelled at some kid to come out of the bathroom because he'd been in there too long. He didn't bother putting his pants back on and he came out into the main area naked from the waist down. His weiner was hanging out and all the girls laughed at it.
Okay, here's the least embarrassing nudity story ever. I used to know an awesome guy, we'll call him Al. Really classy, suave guy. He was my roommate at one point. I'd just gotten out of the shower and was adjusting my towel. I'd taken the towel off, and right then Al walks in, saying something. He stops, turns around, and starts counting down. "Five, four..." I quickly wrap the towel around me before he gets to "one". Then he turns around and continues what he was saying like nothing happened.
This is a friend's story, but fuck it.
This friend of mine caught crabs. Hid first instinct was to shave his junk. When this didn't help he used the internet to determine how to get rid of the fuckers.
The internet suggested that shaving was a bad idea, as it wouldn't get rid of the crabs, and would only make the itching worse, as you have shaved junk.
The same site suggested vinegar as a home remedy. So he padded to the kitchen in the middle of the night and poured vinegar on his junk. In the act of shaving however, he had nicked himself a few times.
He starts yelling in pain, waking up all of his housemates.
TLDR: My friend was found naked and screaming, holding vinegar, in the kitchen in the early hours of the morning.
Saw this on reddit a long time ago:
Shave on one side. Douse the other side with lighter fluid. Light the fluid and stab the crabs with a tooth pick when they run to the other side.

What was your most embarrassing and naked moment in public or in front of a group of opposite gender?
Has any boy remained naked in front of a girl?
Ladies, have you ever had an ENF (Embarrassed Nude Female) moment. If yes, what happened?
Has any girl been forcefully strip naked by her friends?
What was your embarrassing naked experience as a teenager?
Have you slept naked in front of your Indian family (in case you're a teenager)?
Has any boy remained naked in front of a girl?
Ladies, have you ever had an ENF (Embarrassed Nude Female) moment. If yes, what happened?
Has any girl been forcefully strip naked by her friends?
What was your embarrassing naked experience as a teenager?
Have you slept naked in front of your Indian family (in case you're a teenager)?
Has any girl remained naked in front of boys?
Have you ever been naked in front of female friend (as an Indian boy)? Was that embarrassing for you?
As a boy, were you ever given naked corner time in front of girls? Did they end up touching your penis?
Has any girl experienced a CFNF (cloth female naked female) moment?
Has any girl been naked in front of multiple boys?
As a teen girl, what was your most embarrassing nude moment with a younger boy?
As a young boy, were you ever naked in front of girls?
Which is your most embarrassing childhood “shame shame” (naked) picture? What is the story behind it ? How do you feel if someone sees it now?
What is your embarrassing naked moment? Can you show your picture?
As a girl/teenage, were you ever forced to be naked in front of the opposite sex?
Has any boy remained naked in front of a girl?
Ladies, have you ever had an ENF (Embarrassed Nude Female) moment. If yes, what happened?
Has any girl been forcefully strip naked by her friends?
What was your embarrassing naked experience as a teenager?
Have you slept naked in front of your Indian family (in case you're a teenager)?
Has any girl remained naked in front of boys?
Have you ever been naked in front of female friend (as an Indian boy)? Was that embarrassing for you?
As a boy, were you ever given naked corner time in front of girls? Did they end up touching your penis?
Has any girl experienced a CFNF (cloth female naked female) moment?
Has any girl been naked in front of multiple boys?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
I'm a 19 year old male from india and it happened 4 months before. I went to visit my aunt(father's sister) to a village in malkangiri, orissa. My aunt family consist of aunt, cousin brother and his wife and a son. They don't have bathroom at home but thank god they have toilets made by government of India. So first 2 days i bathed in the backyard in underwear and it is normal for me to be in underwear in front of family members.
But on day three my bhabhi( sister in law) was going to nearby canal to wash clothes and she took me with her. When i reached there saw almost 10-12 ladies and girls w
I'm a 19 year old male from india and it happened 4 months before. I went to visit my aunt(father's sister) to a village in malkangiri, orissa. My aunt family consist of aunt, cousin brother and his wife and a son. They don't have bathroom at home but thank god they have toilets made by government of India. So first 2 days i bathed in the backyard in underwear and it is normal for me to be in underwear in front of family members.
But on day three my bhabhi( sister in law) was going to nearby canal to wash clothes and she took me with her. When i reached there saw almost 10-12 ladies and girls washing clothes and bathing. Some boys also bathing but all were younger out of curiosity i asked my bhabhi why boys do not came here she said all boys used to work in field so generally they come in evening. My bhabhi started washing clothes and i was gossiping with her.
The ladies were didn't bothered about my presence there some of them were bathing topless and one girl 13-14 years old in her panties. I tried to not look there in front of bhabhi but all in vain my bhabhi started to tease me “what are you looking at haa” and i just blushed. After washing all the clothes she removed her saree and wrapped her petticoat around breast and removed her blouse to wash and then bath. Then she asked me to give my clothes to wash and get bath i was hesitant because I didn't have extra pair of clothes but she said i can go home by wrapping the towel and i agreed to that because i also wanted to bath.
I removed everything and went to bath in my jockey when i came out first to apply soap my erection can be clearly seen to this my bhabhi smiled after applying soap i jumped in water. My bhabhi also came in water to bath and started playing with me. I saw her boobs when she was applying soap.
Now coming to the main part after bathing i wrapped my towel and pulled down the underwear and washed it. My bhabhi did not saw me doing that she was busy bathing now the situation is like i was standing there just wrapping the towel and my bhabhi was coming out of water. Then suddenly she pulled the towel while saying"first let me wipe myself “ by seeing me naked she screamed in shock where is your underwear i was just embarrassed and trying to hide my pride with my hand. Everbody attention was on me i saw them laughing and teasing me, all this happened really fast. Then to add to the misery my bhabhi said just wait 2 minutes i will wipe myself quickly. I was stark naked with a erection because of those semi nude aunts between 15 people. Then bhabhi gave me the towel and I quickly wrapped it.
Long time back, in our school we have these naked punishments. One day, in science class, two boys were found playing book games in last bench, teacher found that and caught them both. he asked few questions to those boys about that lesson, they didnt answer. Then teacher asked those boys to stand up on the bench. They stood. Later, he ordered them to remove their pants. After 10min of conversation, boys were forced to remove their pants with only underwear and shirt. Teacher took those pants and threw those near class entrance, and teacher asked to remove underwear. Boys started crying. Teach
Long time back, in our school we have these naked punishments. One day, in science class, two boys were found playing book games in last bench, teacher found that and caught them both. he asked few questions to those boys about that lesson, they didnt answer. Then teacher asked those boys to stand up on the bench. They stood. Later, he ordered them to remove their pants. After 10min of conversation, boys were forced to remove their pants with only underwear and shirt. Teacher took those pants and threw those near class entrance, and teacher asked to remove underwear. Boys started crying. Teacher beat them with ruler scale and then boys removed underwears. Teacher threw those underwears towards girls side, and it fell at one corner just side of girls row. Now the boys only have shirts, but those shirts didnt help them to save their junk. Those shirts are small enough so their penis are clearly visible. Then, Both guys are embarrassed and covered their penis with their hands. Teacher ordered them not to cover their penis, and asked to lift their hands up and stand still. Boys started crying sadly. After 30min, class finished and teacher asked them to take their underwears back. But, as the underwears are near girls row, they are clearly ashamed to go there. Somehow, girls closed their eyes and then boys took their undies and took their pants too and left school immediately.

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As much hype and attention as we give it, sex is just another normal function of the human body — which can only mean it has the potential to get pretty darn embarrassing. While everyone has had at least one sex slip-up before, these cringe-worthy-but-totally-true stories might make you feel better about some of your more forgettable sexual encounters.
“One evening after a few drinks, this younger boy and I were lying on the ground with our pants off and making out. We removed our undies and he starts moving his hips back and forth, slowly and then faster and faster,” recalls Laura. “His breath got heavier, and then he collapsed on top of me. Mind you, this whole time I just laid there in fear of saying something that would embarrass him because he was a virgin .”
“He looked up at me sweetly and asked, ‘How w-w-was it for you?’ I replied, ‘What? You were between my thighs.’ He laughed it off, but was super embarrassed. When we finally did get around to actually [doing the deed], it was fantastic.”
It was 1969 and Dana was a senior at UCLA. “My girlfriend and I were looking for a place to make ‘nookie’ since my roommate was in my room studying. It was a few days before classes started and the room next door to her room was still vacant, so we went in there and proceeded,” Dana explains.
“Then, there was a knock on the door. We froz
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