Embarrasing Spanking Stories

Embarrasing Spanking Stories


Embarrasing Spanking Stories
What was your most embarrassing spanking as a child?
Did you have any bare bottom spankings as a child or teen? Was it ever in public or in front of other people? What was your most embarrassing spanking?
What was the most painful bare‐bottom spanking you received as a child?
As a child, did you ever get spanked in public where your parents pulled your pants and underwear down and spanked you on the bare bottom?
What was your most embarrassing spanking? How old were you? Did you agree that you deserved a spanking for your actions? Can you go into explicit detail of that experience?
What is the most embarrassing spanking you've had?
BS Communications in Journalism , The University of Tennessee · Author has 940 answers and 1.7M answer views · Updated 3 y ·
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Did you have any bare bottom spankings as a child or teen? Was it ever in public or in front of other people? What was your most embarrassing spanking?
What was the most painful bare‐bottom spanking you received as a child?
As a child, did you ever get spanked in public where your parents pulled your pants and underwear down and spanked you on the bare bottom?
What was your most embarrassing spanking? How old were you? Did you agree that you deserved a spanking for your actions? Can you go into explicit detail of that experience?
What is the most embarrassing spanking you've had?
When was your worst spanking you ever received as a child? What implement/implements were used? How did it feel? Was it over pants or bare bottom? How many swats did you receive?
How did your parents spank you when you were a child/teen?
What naughty thing did you do as a child that got you spanked the hardest?
What's the most embarrassing/humiliating corporal punishment you have seen, heard or experienced?
What was your position to be spanked when you were a child?
What's the most brutal spanking you ever got as a child or watched a child get?
Have you ever spanked anyone as a child?
What is your most embarrassing spanking you got as a child? Why did you get it from whom?
Were you spanked as a child, and do you spank as a parent?
Did you have any bare bottom spankings as a child or teen? Was it ever in public or in front of other people? What was your most embarrassing spanking?
What was the most painful bare‐bottom spanking you received as a child?
As a child, did you ever get spanked in public where your parents pulled your pants and underwear down and spanked you on the bare bottom?
What was your most embarrassing spanking? How old were you? Did you agree that you deserved a spanking for your actions? Can you go into explicit detail of that experience?
What is the most embarrassing spanking you've had?
When was your worst spanking you ever received as a child? What implement/implements were used? How did it feel? Was it over pants or bare bottom? How many swats did you receive?
How did your parents spank you when you were a child/teen?
What naughty thing did you do as a child that got you spanked the hardest?
What's the most embarrassing/humiliating corporal punishment you have seen, heard or experienced?
What was your position to be spanked when you were a child?
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I was spanked with a belt most of the time. I was a small girl (5’2” maybe 100 lbs, small puffy pointy breasts with triangle tan lines, super small waist, little very round small but strong butt, with perfect little tan lines, and long brown hair) When I was 13 I had small blond hairs on my arms, legs, and butt that I was very self conscious about. I know most of the girls and my friends all shaved their pubic hair off as soon as it started to grow. I was different, I liked looking older because the rest of my body looked so young. When I was just starting puberty I had peach fuss down there.
I was spanked with a belt most of the time. I was a small girl (5’2” maybe 100 lbs, small puffy pointy breasts with triangle tan lines, super small waist, little very round small but strong butt, with perfect little tan lines, and long brown hair) When I was 13 I had small blond hairs on my arms, legs, and butt that I was very self conscious about. I know most of the girls and my friends all shaved their pubic hair off as soon as it started to grow. I was different, I liked looking older because the rest of my body looked so young. When I was just starting puberty I had peach fuss down there. Then a small triangular patch of dark hair. As It grew larger I had to take action. I decided to keep my woman hair and just shave enough to keep it from showing in my bikini and from coming out of the top of my jeans. I did shave around my butt hole and trim around my lips so it was more sanitary. The girls now a days in 2020 wear these STUPID pants that are high in front and back? I think they wear them just because they are in style? They look horrible! I like my pants as low as possible! Like a surfer girl. I like to wear short tops and make it so you can almost see the top of my dark pubic mound. I like my blond hairs on my tan stomach. I like the attention from the boys and the perverted men. I wear a small bikini in my friends backyard and when we wash her dad’s car for money. Her dad is always very straight and professional, but for some reason I like to see if I can get him to look? So, when he brought us some lemon aid by the pool I lower my bikini bottoms down so I make a little bridge with my two pelvic bones. If you stand behind me you can see my dark full bush underneath my bathing suit that has about a one inch gap just over my belly button. I caught him looking more then once! Back to my answer, sorry I get side tracked, ADD. I will try to add a couple photos to explain my bikini. Back to my spankings. Before 13 I was spanked with my fathers hand over my underwear and over his knee. When I was 10–12 it’s arted puberty early, but he allowed me to leave my underwear on for punishments. After I was 13 he started using his belt on me. He also made me lower my pants and underwear! Most of the spanking went down like this. I would screw up and my dad would find out. He would tell me to go upstairs and wait for him in his room. When he came in he would tell me what I did wrong. Then he would tell me to stand in front of him and pull down my pants and my underwear to bellow my knees. This was a little embarrassing because like I said I had a full bush at 13. Then he would tell me to lie on the bed with a couple pillows under my tummy. I would hear him unbuckling his leather belt. He told me. “Relax and breath, and this will all be over with before you know it”. Then the slow swats would start. Not overwhelming, but I felt it sting pretty bad. Slow and methodical. Then about half way through he would tell me to hold onto the sheets! “We need to finish this up now” I knew what that meant! The tempo of the belt started up and the swats got harder and harder. I started kicking and squirming. I would usually kick my jeans and underwear off. I didn’t care what he saw at the time but later I realized this would give my father a full view of my butt hole and vagina .I would kick my legs up and down and spread them in and out. I am 100% sure he saw as much as my doctor. From the back you could see my small dark vagina hairs and my clean shaving butt hole just inside my dark tan lines. I wish I secretly video taped my whipping from behind so I could see what he saw. I did take some cell phone photos after to see how bad it was. Well thank you for hearing my story and letting me get this off my chest. Tell me if you would like to hear more of my childhood. I don’t mind telling you. Also, I am a firm believer in Gods laws over man’s laws. So, a girl is a woman when she is old enough to bleed and have a baby. Just because some guy probably in the 1800’s decided 18 was a woman ! That’s just stupid!
Yes, I am over 18 now and ALL my photos are of me when I was over 18! So, no modern day predictors perving out here! Go to another dark website or something. I hope you get caught. Adults ONLY. If you are a girl commenting, feel free, but please no underage photos and no sex talk for anyone’s gratification. Thank you
My son, as a teenager, lived to embarrass me and my mother.
We would be shopping at Walmart and when an announcement came over the intercom, he would drop to his knees, with his hands covering his ears, and say something like “Oh no, the voices are back! Make them stop!”
He and my mother were at a grocery store. He was almost all the way across the store from her when, holding a package of adult diapers, he yelled “Hey, Nana, is this what you were looking for?”
He would walk up to entire strange...



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kelyannsmith ( kelyannsmith ) wrote, 2005 - 11 - 18 14:25:00
kelyannsmith kelyannsmith 2005 - 11 - 18 14:25:00
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The most embarrassing corporal punishment I ever got was when I was 11. My mother was just starting to prepare me for my spanking, which had been coming both for sassing her and for playing ball in the house which resulted in a broken window.
When it came to administering the spanking, Mom always took my pants down herself. She said naughty boys were not allowed to do it. Anyway, just as her fingers were starting to unzip my short pants, the door bell rang.
My mother looked up. “That must be the babysitter – don’t you dare move!” I was so embarrassed when she returned with Sarah, my babysitter. Sarah was only four years older then me and I had a huge crush on her. She was wearing a pencil skirt, stockings and high heel pumps. She looked at me and smiled. 
To my utter shame, my mother told her: “Bobby has been a very naughty boy and I was just about to administer his spanking when you arrived. I didn’t realise how late it was, and I won’t have time to whip him. Would you do me a favour and administer it for me?” Sarah looked at me and smiled, then said: “I would be happy to.” Mom told her to pull my pants and underwear down and spank me over her lap, then she left.
When my mother had gone, Sarah looked at me and said knowingly: “I think this spanking will do you a lot more good with me giving it to you. I know you have a crush on me!”
She sat down on the straight-backed chair previously occupied by my mother and called me over, then her fingers slowly finished unzipping my pants. Sarah took down my underpants and looked down – she smiled as she gazed at my growing erection. My embarrassment was complete. Then it was over her lap for my spanking. I felt her stocking-clad thighs under me and rubbed myself against them.
Sarah raised her hand and began to spank me slowly, pausing between spanks to let each one sink in. The fire built up steadily in my bare bottom but at the same time, I also felt something else as my penis rubbed up and down against her stockings as I wriggled. With hindsight, I was on the point of coming. However, just before I did, Sarah stood me up, told me to pull up my pants and go to my room until I could be a good boy.
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