Elsa - Global Banhammer [EN]

Elsa - Global Banhammer [EN]

@ggbanbot is a bot from @TheWNetwork

Elsa - Global BanHammer is a bot that allows you to report and ban users who search or publish illegal content.

Elsa does not have specific settings for a channel or group, she always has all the possible protection activated, thus facilitating the incorporation of Elsa to a channel.

Elsa allows you to report comments or messages sent by other users so that the user can be reviewed and a global ban is carried out.

Relations with other services

Elsa has access to report lists from Spamwat.ch and Combot CAS, so any user reported on these platforms will also be banned on the Elsa ecosystem.


User reports are based on a confidence level to facilitate the handling of reports by Elsa moderators and administrators. Trust is a hidden value, so neither a user nor a moderator can see someone's trust level.

  • Making a valid report increases Elsa's trust in the user.
  • Making an invalid report drastically reduces Elsa's trust in the user.

It is not recommended to "test" by reporting someone or yourself to Elsa, as this may incur a loss of trust.

Levels and grounds of Sanction

Elsa has two levels of sanction:

  • Alert. A user has multiple alert opportunities (5). This type of sanction is more of a warning than a sanction itself. It is usually used for actions that are punishable but do not deserve a global ban in the entire Elsa ecosystem.
  • Global Ban, where the user is removed from the entire Elsa ecosystem and in those groups or channels with Elsa is administrator. The reasons for receiving this sanction usually refer to the publication of child pornography content or any suggestion about it, it also applies to any form of searching or insinuating. Other reasons such as massive spam or scams are also punishable.

Report Flow

  • When a report is created using / report or / new, the report starts as Pending.
  • Then a moderator filters the request if it is punishable or if it is not a valid report. This will be automatic in the near future when TM is available.
  • An administrator can then execute a global ban, warning the user or close the report if she thinks it is not enough to warn the user.
  • When a user has been warned 5 times (this number may change), Elsa will automatically veto the user for accumulation of warnings.

Global ban claim

Claiming a global veto is possible using the ticket system available at the following link


Otros artículos

Estás dudando si usar Elsa porque no sabes como funciona? Te lo explicamos brevemente en https://telegra.ph/Elsa---Global-Banhammer-ES-08-25

Other TheWNetwork Bots

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Report Page