Elongated Clits

Elongated Clits


Elongated Clits
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Pseudo-phallus" redirects here. For penis-like appendages in female non-human animals, see Pseudo-penis . For the pipefish genus, see Pseudophallus .

^ " Dorland Medical Dictionary " . Archived from the original on 2006-10-22 . Retrieved 2006-10-18 .

^ Jump up to: a b c Copcu E, Aktas A, Sivrioglu N, Copcu O, Oztan Y (2004). "Idiopathic isolated clitoromegaly: A report of two cases" . Reproductive Health . 1 (1): 4. doi : 10.1186/1742-4755-1-4 . PMC 523860 . PMID 15461813 .

^ Senaylı A (December 2011). "Controversies on clitoroplasty" . Therapeutic Advances in Urology . 3 (6): 273–7. doi : 10.1177/1756287211428165 . PMC 3229251 . PMID 22164197 .

^ Perovic SV, Djordjevic ML (December 2003). "Metoidioplasty: a variant of phalloplasty in female transsexuals". BJU International . 92 (9): 981–5. doi : 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2003.04524.x . PMID 14632860 . S2CID 11836091 .

^ Meyer WJ, Webb A, Stuart CA, Finkelstein JW, Lawrence B, Walker PA (April 1986). "Physical and hormonal evaluation of transsexual patients: a longitudinal study". Archives of Sexual Behavior . 15 (2): 121–38. doi : 10.1007/BF01542220 . PMID 3013122 . S2CID 42786642 .

^ PRADER A (July 1954). "Der genitalbefund beim Pseudohermaproditismus femininus des kongenitalen adrenogenitalen Syndroms. Morphologie, Hausfigkeit, Entwicklung und Vererbung der verschiedenen Genitalformen" [Genital findings in the female pseudo-hermaphroditism of the congenital adrenogenital syndrome; morphology, frequency, development and heredity of the different genital forms]. Helvetica Paediatrica Acta (in German). 9 (3): 231–48. PMID 13201003 .

^ "Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia(CAH), Prader Scale" . Archived from the original on 2008-05-09 . Retrieved 2008-09-28 .

^ Beischer NA, Cookson T, Sheedy M, Wein P (August 1992). "Norethisterone and gestational diabetes". The Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology . 32 (3): 233–8. doi : 10.1111/j.1479-828X.1992.tb01954.x . PMID 1445134 . S2CID 19741452 .

^ van Haelst MM, Scambler PJ, Hennekam RC (December 2007). "Fraser syndrome: a clinical study of 59 cases and evaluation of diagnostic criteria". American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A . 143A (24): 3194–203. doi : 10.1002/ajmg.a.31951 . PMID 18000968 . S2CID 25053508 .

^ Mukhtar I Khan, MD. "Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome" . Retrieved 2008-09-28 .

^ Horejsí J (June 1997). "Acquired clitoral enlargement. Diagnosis and treatment". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences . 816 (1): 369–72. Bibcode : 1997NYASA.816..369H . doi : 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1997.tb52163.x . PMID 9238289 . S2CID 85705035 .

^ Linck D, Hayes MF (May 2002). "Clitoral cyst as a cause of ambiguous genitalia". Obstetrics and Gynecology . 99 (5 Pt 2): 963–6. doi : 10.1016/S0029-7844(02)01967-1 . PMID 11975977 . S2CID 43432622 .

^ Freberg, Laura A. (2009). Discovering Biological Psychology . Cengage Learning . p. 300. ISBN 978-0-547-17779-3 . Retrieved November 7, 2012 .

^ "A Dangerous and Illegal Way to Seek Athletic Dominance and Better Appearance. A Guide for Understanding the Dangers of Anabolic Steroids" . Drug Enforcement Administration . 2004. Archived from the original on April 9, 2004 . Retrieved November 7, 2012 .

^ Dickinson, Robert Latou (1949). Atlas of Human Sex Anatomy . Williams & Wilkins Co. p. [ page needed ] . ISBN 0-88275-014-3 .

^ "Female Sexual Anatomy: Clitoral and Labia Size" .

^ Holmes, Morgan . "Is Growing up in Silence Better Than Growing up Different?" . Intersex Society of North America . Retrieved 2016-08-26 .

^ Bastien-Charlebois, Janik (August 9, 2015). "My coming out: The lingering intersex taboo" . Montreal Gazette . Retrieved 2016-08-26 .

^ Méndez, Juan (February 2013). "Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Juan E. Méndez, A.HRC.22.53" (PDF) .

^ Council of Europe ; Commissioner for Human Rights (April 2015), Human rights and intersex people, Issue Paper

^ Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (June 2016). Promoting and Protecting Human Rights in relation to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Sex Characteristics . Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions. ISBN 978-0-9942513-7-4 .

^ Fénichel, Patrick; Paris, Françoise; Philibert, Pascal; et al. (June 2013). "Molecular Diagnosis of 5α-Reductase Deficiency in 4 Elite Young Female Athletes Through Hormonal Screening for Hyperandrogenism" . The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism . 98 (6): –1055–E1059. doi : 10.1210/jc.2012-3893 . ISSN 0021-972X . PMID 23633205 .

^ Jordan-Young, R. M. ; Sonksen, P. H.; Karkazis, K. (April 2014). "Sex, health, and athletes". BMJ . 348 (apr28 9): –2926–g2926. doi : 10.1136/bmj.g2926 . ISSN 1756-1833 . PMID 24776640 . S2CID 2198650 .

^ Pūras, Dainius; Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health (April 4, 2016), Sport and healthy lifestyles and the right to health. Report A/HRC/32/33 , United Nations

Female congenital anomalies of the genitalia, including intersex and DSD
Clitoromegaly (or macroclitoris [1] ) is an abnormal enlargement of the clitoris that is mostly congenital or acquired, though deliberately induced clitoris enlargement as a form of genital body modification is achieved through various uses of anabolic steroids, including testosterone . [2] [3] [4] [5] Clitoromegaly is not the same as normal enlargement of the clitoris seen during sexual arousal .

The different grade of genital ambiguity is commonly measured by the Prader classification , [6] which ranges, in ascending order of masculinisation, from 1 : female external genitalia with clitoromegaly through 5 : pseudo-phallus looking like normal male external genitalia . [7]

Clitoromegaly is a rare condition and can be either present by birth or acquired later in life.
If present at birth, congenital adrenal hyperplasia can be one of the causes, since in this condition the adrenal gland of the female fetus produces additional androgens and the newborn baby has ambiguous genitalia which are not clearly male or female. In pregnant women who received norethisterone during pregnancy, masculinization of the fetus occurs, resulting in hypertrophy of the clitoris; [8] however, this is rarely seen nowadays due to use of safer progestogens . It can also be caused by the autosomal recessive congenital disorder known as Fraser syndrome . [9]

In acquired clitoromegaly, the main cause is endocrine hormonal imbalance affecting the adult person, including polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) [10] and hyperthecosis . Acquired clitoromegaly may also be caused by pathologies affecting the ovaries and other endocrine glands . These pathologies may include virulent (such as arrhenoblastoma ) and neurofibromatosic tumors. [11] Another cause is clitoral cysts. [12] Sometimes there may be no obvious clinical or hormonal reason. [2]

Female bodybuilders and athletes who use androgens , primarily to enhance muscular growth, strength and appearance (see Use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport ) , may also experience clearly evident enlargement of the clitoris and increases in libido . [13] [14] For transgender men taking testosterone as part of transgender hormone therapy (female-to-male) masculinization of the clitoris may be a desired effect. Women who use testosterone for therapeutic reasons (treating low libido, averting osteoporosis , as part of an anti-depressant regimen, etc.) experience some enlargement of the clitoris, although the dosages warranted for these conditions are much lower. Pseudoclitoromegaly or pseudohypertrophy of the clitoris "has been reported in small girls due to masturbation: manipulations of the skin of prepuce leads to repeated mechanical trauma, which expands the prepuce and labia minora, thus imitating true clitoral enlargement". [2]

In Atlas of Human Sex Anatomy (1949) by Robert Latou Dickinson , the typical clitoris is defined as having a crosswise width of 3 to 4 mm (0.12 - 0.16 inches) and a lengthwise width of 4 to 5 mm (0.16 - 0.20 inches). [15] On the other hand, in obstetrics and gynecology medical literature, a frequent definition of clitoromegaly is when there is a clitoral index (product of lengthwise and crosswise widths) of greater than 35 mm 2 (0.05 inches 2 ), which is almost twice the size given above for an average sized clitoris. [16]

Early surgical reduction of clitoromegaly via full or partial clitoridectomy is controversial, and intersex people exposed to such treatment have spoken of their loss of physical sensation, and loss of autonomy. [17] [18] In recent years, human rights institutions have criticized early surgical management of such characteristics. [19] [20] [21]

In 2013, it was disclosed in a medical journal that four unnamed elite female athletes from developing countries were subjected to gonadectomies and partial clitoridectomies after testosterone testing revealed that they had an intersex condition. [22] [23] In April 2016, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on health, Dainius Pūras, condemned this treatment as a form of female genital mutilation "in the absence of symptoms or health issues warranting those procedures." [24]



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By henjenny | 400 posts, last post 16 days ago

Dr. Judith Mairs-Levy
answered this
What To Do About A Protruding Clitoris (Clitromegaly)? And Should You Hide It?

So as a little girl I had this little thing sticking out in the front of my vulva, but it grew alot in my teens and my pubic hair was not long and dense enough to cover it so the girls in my gym class called me "weenie woman"
and I was the only girl the boys ignored. I have ever since felt like a freek.
Did finally date a guy in college and we later married. He was patient and agreed to never look or touch my vulva. I told him I had been traumatized
before and needed more time before I could let him see my private area. After we had been married 4-months we had intercourse our first time in a position which he was not able to see my vulva. It was that night that I concieved and three days later he went off into the military service and we lost him to war. I wanted to understand or correct my body before he returned so I went into studying and found my clitoris is actually just enlaged. I've read about a surgery of amputating the clitoris and I don't want that. When the news of my husbands death came I didn't care much,but 9yrs have past and I'm in love again and I wonder if I should just hide it from him too or get some medical changes or treatment done?
And is there some new way to fix my clitoris so it is smaller? Is it bad for me to get sexually aroused because it makes my clitoris get even larger?

Hey, dear! You are perfectly normal! The clitoris can be of all shapes and size. I can understand your concern and i can tell you one thing- do NOT hide from the one you love! He loves you for who you are! Would you prefer to have it surgically removed or reduced and lose all sensitivity?Don't be embarrassed by getting aroused- i have a big clitoris too and i can tell you one thing- most men love big clits! They are easier to find and it is even considered that women with bigger clitorises get more pleasure from sex. My advice is to talk to your sweetheart and tell him about your concerns. It will lift a great burden off your chest, cos it's not easy to live with a secret like this one.

In reply to henjenny on 2008-12-04 - click to read

I think you are lucky. It is the only part of a woman's body that only has one purpose - to give her pleasure. You will find a lucky guy that absolutely loves it so don't worry about it. (I am a guy)

I'm a guy who find big clitori extremely erotic. and in my experience, the larger the clitoris, the more likely that female orgasms during copulation.

such women also have the tightest p***y.

any guy who cannot come to appreciate what your big clit is doing for him is not open minded.

so drop him.

Hopefully the poster intended to say, "When the news of my husband's death came, I didn't care much about having the surgery or not, but 9 yrs have..."

Bisexual female here, so perhaps my opinion is null for the original poster; however, I think a large clit is absolutely beautiful and SEXY. Surely there are men, such as the guy who already commented, who feel the same way. Our society is too critical about "size" anyway. What is normal? Average? And what is average? Mundane? Boring? Who wants to be boring? Love yourself, girl.

I am a foster parent to a 7 year old who has an enlarged clitoris. She complains of it hurting since it rubs in her panties, dries out, and becomes irritated. The pediatrician said she needs to learn to tuck it up in and has recommended applying vaseline when needed. Are there any other tips out there for hygeine and healthcare for her precious gift? I don't want her to be self-conscious or ashamed of being a little different from the rest of us females in the family.

Reading several of these posts about being ashamed of this wonderful gift I must add my opinion.

I see no reason to be ashamed of it at all. Is there such a thing as "clit envy" among girls? We hear about penis envy. If any girls are giving you a hard time about it, how about that possibility?

Personally I would love to have a large clit to make love to (worship?). I can't even find one on my wife. Sometimes I think I can feel a grain of sand under the skin but then I think it's just wishfull thinking. It would be sooo nice if she had a large love button for me to devote my attention to.

For fostermomma I like your "precious gift" attitude, just convey that to her and she should be fine.

I don't know about the vaseline thing though. I'm thinking how that would feel on my sensitive glans. I think it would make it stick to clothing even more. I use hydrocortisone cream on most everything I have that gets irritated. That works well for me.

Thinking about "tucking it up in" under her hood, I think that's akin to me trying to make my foreskin take a position that's not normal for IT. It just ain't gonna stay there. If a guys foreskin isn't long enough to cover his glans, he can't make it do it. In my case mine covers it completely and my attempts to make it stay uncovered so I could experience what it's like to be circumcised, never worked. It just goes back to where it wants to be. So if her hood isn't long enough to cover it I don't see how tucking it up under will do much good. It may cause her a lot of stress trying to keep it that way.

YOU should be really proud of what you have. I, as a man, wished I came across someone who had a big one.
I just love em.
So PE PROUD of what you have.

I've been married almost 25 years and we are still both in good shape and sexually active. My wife began lifting weights about 3 years ago, and something about the hormones have changed her body make up. My wife's clit has grown to about the size of my pinky. I've always been very attracted to her, but this is a huge turn on. I love it when she gets aroused and it gets erect. So, don't worry about it and feel self conscious. He may have the exact opposite reaction to your large clit than you think.

Well I'm 16 nd my clit kinda big not that huge . I hate it /: icing feel normal nd makes me think after having sex he'll laugh or say something bad :/ I'm to young to have sex I know I'm still a virgin (: but my clit is the only thing stoping me from having sex with my bf

You should be proud of your clitoris. The girls that bullied you was probably just jealous.There are so MANY men who think it is very exciting with a large clitoris. Take Bebi oil on it and play with it. We men love to suck on it and play with it. The fact is that; it is a great advantage to have it like you.. Enjoy and laugh at those who are not as fortunate as you are. :-) <3

The vast vast majority of men will have one of two responses are a woman with a large clitoris. They will absolutely love it, or not care either way. Why try to change or feel down on yourself over what a very small minority of men might think?

to have a large clit that protudes is soooooooooooo hot!!!!!


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