Eliteclub Spanking

Eliteclub Spanking


Eliteclub Spanking
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From the front page of the Los Angeles Times 70 years ago today, Jan. 26, 1938:
SIOUX FALLS (S. D.) Jan. 25 (AP) — Wives of Spanking Husbands’ Club, organized in Sioux City, Iowa, and parent organization of fifty-nine such clubs throughout the nation according to its own figures–reached out for another slice of territory today.
The Iowa housewives who consider it a mark of esteem for their husbands to wield a disciplinary hairbrush once in a while, announced plans today for a junior auxiliary–Daughters of Spanking Parents.
A letter received here from Sioux City and signed “Rita Rae, general delivery,” told of plans for the new organization for which she claimed an initial membership of seventeen. Any girl above the age of 11 years is eligible to join, Mrs. Rae wrote.
“We think all parents should spank their daughters when they don’t behave,” Mrs. Rae wrote. “Some girls won’t admit it, but the really know it is better to get spanked than scolded and nagged. Spanking creates a better understanding between parents and daughters.”
Mrs. Rae is the president of the Wives of Spanking Husbands, which was organized last June 26 under the broad-minded slogan “Spare the hairbrush and spoil the wife.”
“Our husbands don’t beat us,” the Sioux City woman was careful to explain. “They just turn us over their knees and give us a good sound spanking.”

I am a spanking husband, I started spanking my wife soon after we married and on the advise of my father in law. It came about when I complained to him about his daughter, about her over spending, staying out late and behaving as if she was still a single girl. He turned around and told me that I was not being firm enough with her and that I should take her across my knee take her panties down and give her a good sound spanking because if I did not she was going to make my life difficult and unpleasant. I took his advise and 21 years later I am still spanking my wife when the need arises.
We have a very happy,loving and caring marraige and all thanks to my father in laws good advise
do you use the 3 D’s or you have your own set of rules to be followed . My husband biggest would have to be attitude and putting myself in any danger . So when he caught me sitting in the dark by the lake by myself he felt that was a warrant for my Ass to be spanked and he thinks as well heat to the sest is the best
I am 25 and spanked by my husband, we married a little over a year ago, he is older than me by 20 years. When I have broken one of his major rules (overspending, lying, disobedience) he escorts me to his study with a firm hand on my bottom. He bends me over his desk, causing my panties to show, lifts my skirt out of the way and “warms my bottom” with his hand. Then he pulls my panties down and spanks my bottom, HARD. After that he removes a large wooden school style paddle from his desk drawer, pulls my panties back up for the first few swats and then lowers them again all the way and gives me at least ten wallops with the paddle completely bare until I literally fall into the corner clutching my behind. Later he takes me in my arms and gently rubs my sore bottom and helps me get my panties back up smoothing them with is hand over my swollen ass and patting me very lightly on the rear as we leave his study.
I am a spanking husband and spank my wife when she needs it. I really enjoy the posts from the womens poiint of view.
I enjoyed the posts here. I’m 52, divorced and live in Happy Valley in Utah and I gotta tell ya, it isn’t easy finding someone who is safe and sane to spank you. I used to have a male spanker who was very good, but he’s in a serious relationship and his girlfriend isn’t into discipline/spanking, so I won’t see him again because I don’t want him to jeopardize his relationship. I’d sure love to find someone again…married or single for spankings only. If any of you on this board live in Utah County, or close by, and are open to spanking someone else (provided your spouse is okay with it), please contact me here first. I both like to be spanked with the hand, paddle, ruler, etc. and I’d like to get some real discipline spankings too. I need the focus on the homefront. You’re never to old for a spanking. Thanks.
Go to spankfinder.com to find someone in your area. It’s free to join and contact other members. You could also try groups, such as on Yahoo!.
Jeannie….I dream of Jeannie…I may have already met you on the web…maybe I could help you. We should talk more. Contact me if you can…
I live in Chicago, am a happily married lady at 42. My husband spanks me and I will be honest, when he travels out of town for extended periods of time, I cannot wait until he gets home. Luckily I have not had another man paddle me but I have come very close!
i’m a german girl, 24yrs, and my girlfriend and me like to spank each other very much => i dont like bloody asses, but red ones => so we us our hands, paddles etc !
I was spanked all weekend because, i would not learn to just say ok and do what was aske of me. I am still wearing a sore bottom, but i dont question what my boyfriend says to do. When i know what he is saying is for the good.
I am totally controlled by my wife.
It all started when we were a couple before marriage.
She took control in bed almost every time.
I was never spank´t before my wife, and i thot it was fun to play.
Won day she got angry at me and we started to argue.
She did not like it at all and we had an argument for days after.
In the end i asked her how we can stop this and she sad “i want to punish you”. Technically it was my fault but as a man i had a had time saying that i was wrong. I agreed because i loved her so much.
We had many arguments but never as long.
She told me to go to our bedroom and wait for her. She came and spank´t me over her knee. And paddled me over the make up table (man it heart). The same day she gave me all the rules of the house and from that day she control´d me and the house. Every time i did something wrong i was punished, most of the time in the same way.
I realized that this is what i need. And we never argue´d agen.
Mostly i get spanked twice a week depends on how i´ve been. But ad least wons a week. That is 1 of her rules even if i did nothing it keeps me strait.
She tried less it dose not work.
Now we have been marred for ten years and i love her more then ever.
I love being spanked by my boyfriend. He usually spanks me OTK. I just love it.
I got spank for punishment many times by my daddy and now by my husband. Daddy uses belt and canes. Husband uses cable as well. He spanks whenever and wherever I am naughty (atleast 4-5 time per month). Of cause, very painful. I hate it but I agree that it is needed for me to be good woman.
I am a very attractive woman, 26 years old. My parents used to spank me growing up but not enough to be effective. I was a true brat, dressed like a slut, and men dropped at my feet. After dating about 4 years with about 15 guys, I realized something was missing. I began to think I was a lesbian. It just seemed that every guy I met was a wimp. Then when I was in college, I got really drunk one night and barfed everywhere then fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning I was on my belly with my wrists and feet tied to the bed. My roomie beat the living s— out of my ass with a hairbrush, paddle, thick leather belt and a tree branch. I can’t describe the pain. No matter how much I begged her for mercy she just told me to shut up and take my punishment like a “woman.”
My butt was bruised and I couldn’t sit but I will say one thing—-I will NEVER get that drunk again…. EVER! That punishment was VERY effective, because I will NEVER forget the pain unlike my parents who used to give me a few swats +and the next day I forgot all about it. When I apologiged to my roomie the next day, she told me that she was spanked by her boyfriend quite often and he would never stop until she was crying and begging. NOW to the point about DD relationships. About 2 years ago, I met a handsome dude, who treated me like a queen, but before the marriage ceremony, he had already whipped my but with his belt numerous times and told me that I could expect the same treatment forever. We have been married almost a year now, and I have never been so happy. So what, stop bitching about being “abused” obey your husband and save your ass. My hubby has spanked me very hard for DUI, telling my boss that he was a neele-dicked, fat, bald, worthless piece of meat. I got caned for that one. The moral of this story is, wait for the right man who has a pair of b–ls and sets reasonable rules, and thank him for punishing you. One last example. Last week I told hubby that I needed to be punished. I admitted that I had started smoking again, after having quit for 2 years, and that I wanted to be punished so that I would be afraid to do it again.
I agree with your roommate. She taught you a very valuable lesson that you will never forget. Now you are also right when you say stop saying abuse and just obey your husband and save your ass. That is very good advice and the women’s lib movement needs to hear that and feel that.
I spank my wife whenever she is overtly disrespectful towards me or is disobedient. She usually gets paddled only about once every month or so, since she is an excellent wife. I’m blessed!
My husband spanks me when I am bad. He uses his hand, cane & riding crops. He punished me last night, which I did deserve. It was hard to sit down and I can still feel it today. I am glad he does spank me – some times I am desperate for a good spanking. It makes me feel much calmer and loved afterwards.
My husband and I have been married 2 years now and I was the one that recently brought this lifestyle up. I firmly believe this has made our marriage so much better on so many levels. I have always thought of him as the hoh. I am glad we practice spankings and corner time because I need it, and I also know he loves me that much to want to do this. I will be receiving my maintence tonight and believe it or not I am looking foward to it because my behavior has been poor.
Before I got married, my fiance’ introduced me to spanking. One night I came home like real drunk, and he whipped my bare bottom with his belt about 50 times. Then he made me stand in the corner for one hour. That was 1 1/2 years ago and I have never driven drunk since. I hafta say it worked much better than a fine. He has whupped my bottom many times, and doesn’t stop until I am crying and begging. Believe me it works!
i would love to have a man to spank me when i did wrong. I live in tulsa ok if there is one please let me know.
I think I am in BIG trouble today.
This morning a loan company decided to run the check that was 1500.00 because I never paid it in full. Needless to say, I am now in a bind to pay the bills my husband thought I was paying.
I becane so angry that I went to the loan company and slammed the lady onto the counter! Yes the police came and they chose not to arrest me.
Mother and wife pretty innocent looking but needless to say, I am thinking that my husband is going to punish me.
I am divorced now but once I had accumulated some bills he did not know about. He answered a collection call n found out about one of them. After a long talk I confessed about all of them. He came up with a solution to take care of them. Then he said to me “you know I have to punish you” and I knew I deserved it. He told me to strip down to my panties. He put me over his knee and began with a panty spanking. After awhile he pulled down my panties and spanked my bare bottom until it was cheery red all over. Then he made me get a wooden paddle he used to spank me with when I was naughty. He put me back over his knee and paddled me til my bottom we covered in bruises. When the spanking was over he told me to leave my panties down n stand in the corner. I stood there for the rest of the day. My ex spanked me whenever I was naughty over the 39 years we were together. That’s the only thing I miss about our marriage. Not that I am into pain but the spankings kept me grounded
You must give your wife loving discipline (as in the Obey part of the vows) and swatting her bottom sure does the trick in my house. I spank my wife daily, OTk and panties down, a bare bottom spanking is a must. My wife has an ample backside and I find a paddle is the best way to “get through to the other end”. i think she should feel the seat of the chair zapping her pantied behind when she tries to sit or I have not done my job in reminding her who is in charge. I love my wife and patting and rubbing her well spanked behind is just one way to enjoy my handy work if you know what I mean. When in doubt give your wife’s ass a big smack, you won;t be sorry you did, but she might, and isn’t that the whole point? Applying a little heat to the seat works everytime.
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Straightforward. In most “vanilla” porn the sex is legit evidently. But what about BDSM/Fetish/Spanking? I cannot imagine that the performer would be expected to endure the punishment to the extent shown especially when you could put a blush on on somebody’s ass and be done with it.
No I don’t watch porn, what makes you think I do.
Who says the performer doesn’t enjoy it?
As someone who has been caned; for real and as a punishment, I am pretty sure that after about 6 strokes they only thing you will be enjoying is the session ending. (I got 17; threw a guy out of a window at school, what can I say, he was annoying me)
I’d say it’s both. Some are real, some are fake, depending on the performer and the production.
There is most definitely a real subdivision to BDSM videos. Some of the models do it because they are into the lifestyle; some do it purely for the money. Flynn writes that she didn’t like the pain specifically, but had some need to be dominated and spanked, although that’s oversimplifying things. Actual sex was rare in these videos, incidentally.
As said above, this is a huge industry with I’m sure every possible variation from totally fake to serious damage. One firm, Elite Pain, was closed down for a while when the actresses complained that their safe words were being ignored but it seems to be operational again. NSFW to Google.
I cannot imagine that the performer would be expected to endure the punishment to the extent shown
(I got 17; threw a guy out of a window at school, what can I say, he was annoying me)
Of course they get it for real, there’s nothing lamer than pretend CP (um, that’s Corporal Punishment for you Yanks. I got into trouble once for saying I was really into CP, apparently it means Child Porn in some quarters. Yikes!)
I associate with several young ladies who can take a hell of a beating, far more than I can, and I’m a big gruff geezer, and they LOVE it. Some “like” thuddy sticks, some prefer thin whippy canes, I can take a leather strap all night long, everyone has different preferences and different tolerance of pain. I even know one woman who must have an arse made of rhino hide, she can be on the receiving end of an energetic, full-on thrashing, whilst strapped down, and will carry on a conversation with someone like she is hanging out her washing, punctuated by the odd “Ooh” or “Ah”. Absolutely hilarious to watch!
If you are well into the scene you are participating in, mentally, you can handle a lot more pain than you think, in fact it stops hurting, it’s like being high. It’s down to Endorphins, all the cliches about breaking through “the wall” are true, it’s difficult to describe how fantastic it feels.
Of course, some people can get to that “sub-space”, some people will simply hate being beaten and nothing will change that.
The aftermath might look dramatic, but once again, some people bruise easily, others need to be beaten very hard just to get to a nice rosy glow. Looking at the ravaged bum that’s been caned, flogged and strapped, it might seem impossible that anyone would go through that for anything, let alone fun. But, with a good application of Arnica, it will be unblemished in a couple of days for some. Some people develop “weak spots” and have to be careful, their skin will break if they get struck there. I guess this might be an advantage if someone wants to see somebody else “beaten till they bleed”, but it does nothing for me, I prefer a nice crimson backside, with the odd cane stripe!
My backside takes a couple of weeks for marks to fade, but then I’m just a kinky old dog, I’m not indulging in it all the time like some of my friends who are Pro-Subs ie. they get paid by people who want to give someone a damned good thrashing.
And although it’s sexually arousing for many people, no, there’s no sex on offer either - there’d be different kinds of beatings going on if anyone presumed that. The norm when seeing a Pro-Sub is that it’s not on the menu in any way shape or form, you pay to beat them, nothing more. I imagine it’s simply a job then, which is easier than working in a factory, and there may be the odd tingle of arousal with certain people or scenes.
Obviously, in different situations, say, for couples, or between people who have agreed that sex is the ultimate result, there will be that element to the play, but I know of no-one who mixes this with casual, paid-for beatings.
I know one or two that have made films, but they know the people who make them, know they aren’t going to be in any danger at all, and in fact they will end up having a laugh, a good day, a beating that might look dramatic but will probably be enjoyable and certainly bearable, and best of all, THEY GET PAID! A win for everyone, I say.
There seems to be a certain etiquette, or snobbery, as I see it, that BDSM and Sex are distinct and separate activities, and this is reflected in CP movies, very few feature Sex & Spanking (there, that’s the name of one company that does exactly what it says on the tin). Personally, I think it’s just pretentious BDSM tossers trying to be superior, they’ll be denying they masturbate next!
If it’s your thing, that which presses your buttons, watching a woman’s nicely beaten bum wriggling about should be arousing, no use denying it, or why watch it?
I’ll finish by saying that there is a market for the Extreme end of CP and BDSM films, generally made in Eastern Europe, but personally, they are not that appealing to me. There seem to be the same faces appearing, so I would imagine that there is no coercion, though it is possible that women in poorer nations will subject themself to beatings for absolutely nothing more than the money, with no interest in CP at all. That, to me, is exploitation, and I don’t think that’s acceptable at all, not when there are plenty of women who really do enjoy being beaten.
Then again, perhaps the companies involved deliberately play up to the image of them being harsh, severe beatings, which are not being enjoyed by the girls, to cater for the viewer who doesn’t like to see some of the well-known CP Starlets pretending they are getting a good hiding, when everyone knows they
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