Eliana Rose

Eliana Rose


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Just received a call from Rady’s. 💗Some of the results came back and so far no signs of malignant cells or any signs of cancer. Thank you all so much for your love and prayers. 💗God is so good and all the time. 🙌🏼
Another year, another bone marrow biopsy. Praying for the best possible results. She is such a trooper. As soon as she woke up she asked for an orange popsicle 💗
Margaret Devlin Praying for your little. Girl
Finally got our referral approved for Ellie to be seen at Rady Children’s Hospital 🙌🏼! I’m so relieved.
Joe Dale That’s awesome all the best for her
Some pictures I forgot to post from her last admission. She's such a brave little girl.
Shirley Diane Dryden Shes beautiful
Richard Alan Such beautiful and strong young lady!
This poor little girls legs have so much scar tissue from all the shots. It hurts her much more now than it used to. My heart hurts so much for her. I wish she would let me give her shots other places but her options aren't that great. She's a skinny little thing and not much loose skin.
Prayers that her little legs will heal and the shots will be painless.
Brittany Broussard Poor baby. Prayers sent!
It’s been a little while since I’ve posted an update on Ellie. We have moved to the West coast and just getting settled in. So Ellie has been receiving her medication through a Neupogen registry that in return receives all of her medical records for research.
They have recently discovered that she does not have Kostmanns Syndrome but Congenital ELANE Neutropenia . Kostmanns Syndrome has a mutated HAX1 gene. She has a mutated ELA2 gene. Which makes it even more rare. I know God continues to work for her complete healing.
She is doing a good as she can be. She is more aware of what she can and can’t do. She takes pride in cleanliness and keeping away from sick people. She knows where to find her masks and hand sanitizer in the case that she needs it. I’m so proud of this little warrior. #tinybutmighty
Cynthia Smith Auntie Cici Loves you boo boo !
Super Eliana received her cape!! Thank you all that made it happen 🤗 #tinysuperheroes #kostmannssyndrome #teamelianarose
THANK You friends! Ellie and 3 other kids are getting their Super hero capes because of you!!
TinySuperheroes is much more than a cape, but it’s where we start! Our Waiting List is full of amazing kids waiting to receive their cape and join the Squad!
TinySuperheroes is much more than a cape, but it’s where we start! Our Waiting List is full of amazing kids waiting to receive their cape and join the Squad!
TinySuperheroes is much more than a cape, but it’s where we start! Our Waiting List is full of amazing kids waiting to receive their cape and join the Squad!
Thank you to Mosquito Authority for keeping our home free of annoying biting bugs!! It’s made a world of difference! Ellie said thank you Auntie Mei Mei and Uncle JC for keeping me protected. We love you !
X-ray of Ellie’s break. It’s not displaced so that’s good Doctor said it should heal nicely. They got her into a smaller sling That fit her tiny arm. She said no more playing with the big kids totally broke my heart. We try to let her be as normal as possible but we need to remember how fragile she is. Lesson learned.
James D. Willeford Sorry to hear about this, but it’s understandable. She sure is a beautiful young lady!
I think I just realized this sweetheart isn’t a baby anymore. She has grown so much this year! Her 4th birthday is right around the corner! Thank you for all your love and prayers. God has kept her safe and healthy as she can be. He is working everyday for her complete healing.
Melissa Istre Angie Olberding We love you!
Kim Roman Cianci Awww she is so precious!!! Miss yall so much!
Update on Ellie: She is doing SO good! We are discussing with her doctor to possibly giving her shots every other day vs every day. Of course that means 2 blood draws a week to see what her lowest counts would be. If that doesn’t work we are able to at least lower her dosage 👏🏼. God is so good! We thank him for his continuous healing for Ellie. We know his hands have always been in everything.
Brittany Broussard So good to hear! #fightlikeagirl
Katie DeNardi Grant Wow that’s awesome!!!!
She said she won’t be afraid cause Dr. Schwartz will take care of her. 😭😭😭
Lori Ann Wait! Who is that big girl?! ❤️❤️
Roshonda R. McGowan Punch those cheeks and give them kisses you for me. Love you all!

Функционирует при финансовой поддержке Федерального агентства по печати и массовым коммуникациям
35-летняя Элиана Феррейра Сиолин обладала завидной фигурой, которую не стеснялась показывать в соцсетях. На "Тикток", где она размещала откровенные видео в белье, было подписано около 60 тысяч человек. Однако контент девушки не устраивал её мужа — Алехандро Антонио Агилера Канталлупи.
Когда семья организовала барбекю во дворе загородного дома в муниципалитете Понта-Поран, Бразилия, между супругами возникла ссора якобы из-за пикантного видео девушки, которое та выложила в соцсеть. Взбешённый мужчина схватился за пистолет и выстрелил в жену не менее 14 раз, пишет Daily Mail.
Когда на место прибыли правоохранители, они обнаружили не только тело Элианы с огнестрельными ранениями и сломанной рукой. Неподалеку также был найден труп самого Алехандро — 41-летний мужчина покончил с собой.
Предварительно, трагедия разыгралась на глазах у шестилетней дочки пары, которую сейчас забрали родственники. Правоохранители проводят расследование трагического инцидента.
Блогерша показала в прощальном видео тайный жест, обозначающий, что её жизнь в опасности
Под Петербургом в мусоропроводе нашли тело новорождённого
Жена на седьмом месяце беременности отбила мужа от огромной акулы, когда та вцепилась ему в плечо
В Киеве 13-летнего подростка подозревают в изнасиловании семилетнего племянника-инвалида
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