Ejaculation Faciale

Ejaculation Faciale


Ejaculation Faciale

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Rebecca Reid Friday 23 Feb 2018 4:35 pm
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The first time a man came on my face, I assumed he’d missed. 
‘It’s fine!’ I said blithely, as I rubbed my face on his sheets. ‘Don’t worry about it! You missed my eye!’
It was only when I spoke to my friends at school on Monday morning that I realised it hadn’t been an accident, he hadn’t pulled out of my mouth because he’d had a cramp or been trying to hold back. He had, in fact, wanted to come on my face.
‘That’s called a facial’ one of my more worldly friends told me, ‘It’s actually good for your skin.’
‘But why?’ I remember asking. Despite being a D cup and having been one of the first people in our year to have sex, the worldly friend wasn’t able to answer that question. And, as it turns out, not many other people I’ve spoken to have been able to either.
The rise of popularity in facials is often attributed to porn. But then, any change in human sexual behaviour that came around the same time as the internet is automatically attributed to porn.
Broadly speaking, the moment when fellatio became a central feature of sex was the 1972 film Deep Throat, a film which features a woman who had a clitoris in the back of her throat, therefore derives sexual pleasure from giving oral sex.
It’s a pretty rough film, and not at all in keeping with the kind of porn we’re used to seeing today, but it does feature an early example of a ‘money shot’ – when the male star finishes over the female star’s face. From then on, the ‘money shot’ became a central and extremely common aspect of porn.
The popularity of the facial was then cemented by the AIDS crisis. According to Charlie Glickman, speaking to Jezebel, ‘cum on me, not in me’ was a popular sex education slogan right in to the 1980’s.
You can kind of see why – semen was suddenly dangerous, something to be afraid of, and with HIV a very different diagnosis back then, people were scared. So if ejaculating over someone rather than inside them could keep you safe, it seemed like a great idea.
This created some issues in terms of porn production, though. Ejaculating on a woman’s or chest made it difficult for the camera to capture the co-star’s expression. By filming the ejaculation on her face the viewer got to see her reaction, as well as the ‘money shot’.
Forty years later, STI testing is faster and more reliable within the adult entertainment industry, but there’s no doubt that facials are common.
In the Metro.co.uk survey of 90 people, 89% of respondents said that they had experienced a facial.
The popularity of this sex act has left me asking the same question I was musing on ten years ago, the first time a man came over my face. Why?
Experts seem to share a consensus that part of the appeal of a facial is the humiliation. What they disagree about is whether that humiliation is a problem.
Dr Ruth Westheimer describes facials as humiliating in Sex for Dummies, and urges people not to consider them a normal part of intercourse.
Explaining to teens that "facials" are not the norm is as important as telling them how babies are born.
— Dr. Ruth Westheimer (@AskDrRuth) August 11, 2011
Writer Dan Savage, however, takes a different stance, saying that the humiliation aspect of a facial is entirely real, but not a problem, writing: ‘Facials are degrading—and that’s why they’re so hot’. Savage seems to suggest that a little consensual humiliation isn’t going to do anyone any harm.
While the conflation of humiliation and pleasure might sound contrary, human beings are complicated creatures and a quick search for ‘humiliation fetish’ will lead you to 712,000, most of which are people confessing to having one.
Even so, humiliation can’t be the entire aim of the game, otherwise actresses wouldn’t adopt expressions of bliss during a facial in porn films, instead they’d be making faces which implied humiliation and unhappiness.
58% of people said that their sexual partner did not ask permission to come on their face 
It’s old fashioned and disrespectful to assume that no woman would want to have come on her face – that it’s the kind of hideous shame which women put up with in order to please a man. That kind of sentiment does women a disservice. Of course there are women who will be aroused by it, who will find it a raw and arousing experience. Alexa, 23* told Metro.co.uk that she loves facials, saying:
‘When a guy comes on my face I feel like it’s the mark of a job well done. I like that he finds looking at me so arousing, and I’m proud that he wants to look at me when he has his climax.’
Sophie, 31, shared Alexa’s sentiment, saying: ‘It makes me feel really sexy. Maybe it’s because of porn, but I just find it really hot. I like being the center of attention.’
Personally, I find Alexa and Sophie’s stances on facials tricky to comprehend (much as I respect them). As I’ve written before, I have a phobia of semen. It’s bad enough on my body, but on my face? Enough to make me properly sick.
Even aside from my phobia, I find the experience of having something which isn’t supposed to go in your eyes that close to your eyes a stressful one.
48% of respondents said they did not enjoy the experience of getting a facial
8% said they did not enjoy the first experience but did subsequently enjoy it
48% of women said they had always enjoyed the experience
I’m not alone in finding a facial deeply unpleasant. Katia, 27 told Metro.co.uk: ‘I find it disrespectful. It’s not arousing to lie there waiting for him to finish, and of course I don’t get any sexual pleasure from it – there are no pleasure receptors in my face. It’s boring, and it makes me feel stupid. And then I have to clean up.’
Katia’s point resonated with me. While, once again, I am not in the business of shaming other women for what they get off on, it does seem strange that such a central focus of porn films is an action which has literally no physical pleasure for women.
Our survey found that 25% of people who received a facial felt either disgusted, queasy or angry afterwards, that’s compared to 41% who said they were aroused or pleased by the experience. 
Similarly to when you see a woman in lesbian porn give a blow job to a dildo, the expressions of ecstasy on a woman’s face during a facial are a little confusing. Are men being hoodwinked into thinking that women really get pleasure from these things? Or when you’re lost in sex or porn, is it very difficult to care?
The thing about facials is that they’re not inherently wrong, or bad, or problematic. Just like any other sex act, as long as it takes place between two consenting adults, it’s a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
But, given that it’s only sexually gratifying for one partner physically, it must either be something that the receiver puts up with, or it must be tapping into the receiver’s psychology.
The fact that the adult film industry has managed to tap into our sexuality and mold it around what is safest and fits best with production values is both terrifying and enormously impressive.

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I wore this pink shower-cap during my first session with a dominatrix.
The version with lace would have been greater, the fuchsia-colored seems nice
One of the most abundant and widespread carnivores that is very versatile and adaptable and has successfully colonized urban areas. When mating the male and female will lock as the fox semen is very slow moving and the male's penis needs to expand to stop the pair separating before ejaculation as seen here.
Today I am going to talk about Hazel's sex life! Oh yes, and fascinating it is too. The Hazel tree is monoecious, i.e. it has different male and female flowers on the same plant. The male catkins dandle down full of pollen ready to explode in a crescendo with the tiny delicate female flower receptive and all sticky ready to receive. In woods of birch and hazel if you are lucky you may see the spectacular ejaculation, a thick mist of pollen is released in synchronicity looking like fog enveloping the forest. The female ovaries then swell over the summer until autumn when the ripe fruit is ready to be plucked. So, here is the male catkins...................
Angle Tarn is a lake in Cumbria, England, about a mile north-east of Hartsop. Located at an altitude of 479 m, with a maximum depth of 9 m. The lake is very distinctive in that it resembles a fish hook in shape.
It was forecast to thunder storm in the night. A severe weather warning had been issued. I decided to brave the elements and camp out anyway, I was after all a man of danger, right?
Only my second wild camp I had pushed myself and chosen an ambitious location. A friend had joined me late on and set up her tent just over the nearest hillock. We had said our good nights and bedded down for an early night after the arduous trek with the heavy bag. Tiredness shrouded my memory of the storm forecast and I ambled along into a dreamless slumber.
I woke suddenly, very late, in the inky dark facing my tent doorway which I had left open facing the tarn.
Flashes of an electrical storm sizzled all around and to my eyes widening shock lit up a tall shadowy figure seemingly stood right outside the fucking tent!
Wearing a wide brim hat and bandaleroes, he was stick thin and cut an intimidating figure.
Discombobulated from waking into the storm.. A definite tremble in my voice accenuating my spike of fear..
I shouted this time. An escalating spiral of terror and unproportionaly intense desperation spuring my overly confident ejaculation..
He turned, way too slowly, almost creakingly, like a Sinbad skeleton, to look at me..
I woke with a start. Just before those eyes found mine.
I was facing the other way, in my vulnerable sheath of a tent.
The eerieness of the dream figure and isolated setting combined to deeply unsettle my soul. A sigh of relief involuntarily escaped my frozen lungs.
Far away the single crack of thunder left me with the hair on my arms fiizzling.
I worried, had I shouted out in my sleep. Had my nearby compatriot heard my dream cries?
Too vivid to be a regular dream, what had the spirit wanted to communicate?
Humbled by a real man of danger. These hills hold such secrets.
A Single Sperm Has 37.5 MB Of DNA Information In It. That Means A Normal Ejaculation Represents A Data Transfer Of 1587.5 TB.
That's A Lot Of Information To Swallow.
Yes, they're in a reproductive mood. But differently than you might think.
In flies, the female pokes her ovipositor into the seminal organ of the male; female is on the left in the photo, the male right. Once there, sperm ejaculate is forced into it, and she stores it until her eggs are ready to be ovideposited.
The Act is quite a feat: it usually takes at least 20 minutes and can last up to two hours. Ejaculative Time by the male is about 9 minutes. It has been claimed by entomologists that the time between those 9 minutes and those two hours shows that these Beasties enjoy what they're doing.
But I'm as much fascinated by the colors!
He will have an even bigger ejaculation problem now lol
Go check my new free to view website for more.
I'm a young Crossdresser, T-gurl, Tranny, CD, Transvestite, what ever label you want use. I'm not Transsexual or Transgender and have no desire to live my life as a woman 24/7.
Only 70's I've been cross dressing in secret only for a short time.. My first memory of girly feelings was one night when my parents were going out.
I was fascinated to try my mom's makeup, eye shadow, lipstick etc. . I was excited about the outcome . When I looked in the mirror there was a pretty young girl looking back. I was hooked. As with many cross dressers I started young. Sneaking into my moms room and wearing her lingerie. I got caught once wearing her girdle, stockings and longline bra. Everything was resolved by her understanding behavior....
My need to dress has changed over the years, good old times, when the urge is very strong.
I love the feeling of women's tight pants, girdle, stay-up, panties long bra and being girly, even if it's just for a short time.
I also quite like being a sissy whore or leather mistress at times.
70's — I'm not sure where my pants and leather fetish came from but I do remember it was from a fairly young age. When I was in junior school (10 -11 yrs old) I became interested in women who wore the fashion of that era, long tight women’s trouser. I imagined funny, that they were using them to arouse them sexually. The style of dress was resent, I suspected that something forbidden was associated with their use... my home, seamstress mother one by a customer zipper repair, blue stir-up long trouser and curiosity woke up and I dared to secretly dress. I tremble with emotional turmoil, what an exciting thing happens when I pull women pants in my feet ? I looked at myself in front of a large mirror and felt a strong erection after taking a few steps in high heels......quickly the pants got wet from ejaculation, only soft stroking (virtual masturbation) leads to an adequate amount of arousal and production of pre-ejaculatory fluid. The moment made a big impression, the world had changed for me since then and fetishism was born.
this is from my art series named: "Jokers, fools, Freaks, Mutants and other humanoid Creatures"
This one is Goes by the name: "The Premature eruption of the camel and the volcano hidden in the ancient pyramid building just a normal Day in Danny Hennesy´s life"
the Medium ballpoint and acrylic paint and more
Street sign: ¨Masturbation produces: physical and mental exhaustion, headaches, nervous problems, sleep loss, premature ejaculation, impotence and aging. Come and we´ll teach you conscious and wise sex in order to have physical vitality and conserve your youth. Central Anael, Free courses¨. (street sign in Barranquilla, Colombia)
Police Lieutenant Freya Vilulf seethed quietly, as she walked through the museum crime scene. The statuesque blonde’s face betrayed no emotion as she cursed her lot pretending to be a mortal police officer assigned to ‘smooth’ over supernatural events to the humans. As one of the Valkyrja or Valkyrie as the legendary choosers of the slain, she would rather be in the thick of battle than navigating mortal city politics with the supernatural community. Alas, she thought, it was her duty that brought her here and her devotion to duty meant she would excel at it, regardless of her desires. The Supernaturals tried to keep a low profile, but someone or something threw around enough magic last night, that even the ‘normals’ noticed the event.
Freya turned her attention back toward Detective Marcus Strong, who was jotting notes down as he examined the crime scene. For a human, the tall black man was a superlative detective with a talent for investigation and an honest desire to help others. Detective Strong experienced enough inexplicable situations and events to be aware of the supernatural, or as he put it ‘spooky shit’ but he was unaware of what Freya truly was.
Freya stepped up to the detective, “Got any theories Detective?”
Marcus glanced at his gorgeous boss, with only the hint of a rakish smile as he knew the woman was a ball buster with uncanny skill at unarmed combat. “Yes, but it doesn’t make sense. We have missing Egyptian mummies, several priceless artifacts and one missing professor Malinda Aeon. We have evidence on the altar of multiple sex acts with both male and female ejaculation. So, Professor Aeon has an orgy at work and then runs off with the exhibit?”
Marcus walked around the altar, “The professor was having a very good time, so I don’t see her motivation to rob the exhibit she was working on and have an orgy in the middle of the heist.” The detective pointed at the debris around the room. “My gut tells me the professor was interrupted, in flagrante delicto by whoever pulled the heist. As no one has heard from her, we assume she’s been taken captive or worse.”
Freya nodded as the detective briefed her on the scene, glancing up with a frown as a patrolman ushered in an unlikely pair. The tall man she knew well and by many names. Both hero and boogeyman to the supernatural world, his involvement did not bode well for keeping a lid on this mess.
“Morgan Talbot…” She announced with a hard edge to her voice. “What brings you to my crime scene?”
The tall man brushed a snow-white lock on his forehead and smiled wide, “Lieutenant Vilulf, always a pleasure to see you too.” His green eyes glanced around the scene before returning to Freya, “Looks like quite the party happened here.”
Detective Strong stepped forward, “I don’t need a civilian contaminating my crime scene. You’ve got two seconds before I have my officers book you for tampering with evidence.”
Freya lifted a hand and interrupted the Detective, “I’m sure Mr. Talbot was about to explain why he’s here.”
Morgan nodded at Freya, “Of course… Detective, the Egyptian government is understandably upset about the loss of their national treasures. They in turn contacted the State Department, the US Ambassador and the President of the United States. Which all trickled down to the FBI, who in turn contacted me as I have experience in artifact recovery.”
“Oh, hells no! The Feds?” Marcus exclaimed.
“Exactly, so as the jurisdiction is a little fuzzy around the edges. We’re more than willing to work with you on this case. But let me be clear, it IS a federal case.”
Lieutenant Vilulf had a pained look on her face, “Detective Stron
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