Ejaculation During Spanking

Ejaculation During Spanking


Ejaculation During Spanking

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Subject: re Jonathon gets the ruler - Jonathon's first spanking
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Date Posted: 11:56:36 04/05/12 Thu
In reply to:
's message, " Re: The ruler for Jonathon " on 11:47:52 04/04/12 Wed

Last night I gave my 15 year old stepson Jonathon his first ever spanking. I married his father 6 months ago and he has been very disrespectful and uncooperative. I talked to his father who is a traveling businessman about giving his son some strict old fashioned discipline and he backed me up. I showed the boy the posts on this forum and his eyes were opened to a whole new world, not one he particularly liked. We talked about pants down spankings and I told him the first one would be in his bedroom with just my bare hand. He agreed to this, but when the fateful hour arrived he was extremely nervous. I sent Jonathon to his room and told him to strip down to his underpants. I made him wait about a half hour before I entered. I went in and there he was sitting on his bed in just his socks and underpants. He seemed to be sweating and was moving his legs in an anxious motion. I went and sat in the chair in the corner and called Jonathon over to me. He arose and walked over taking little baby steps. I explained to him that this particular spanking was for all the disrespect he has heaped upon me since we've lived together. He said he was sorry and put his head down. I told him that then he knows he deserves his punishment. He said "Yes, maam". I reached over to grasp the elastic waistband on his boxerbriefs. Jonathan pulled back and grabbed them with his hands instinctively, but let go when I told him to. I slowly lowered his underpants revealing a semierect penis, some pubic hair and two average size testicles. He was quite ashamed and quickly covered, though I then ordered his hands on his head. He complied. I pulled his briefs to his ankles and had him step out of them. I then made him give me each foot while I removed his socks. After this he was standing in front of me as naked as the day he was born and tears were coming down his cheeks like a baby. I pointed to his penis and told him he needs to get his thing down before his spanking could proceed. Jonathon said he could not control it so I told him I could help him. I picked up the ruler and lifted up his penis a little further. I then lifted up his testicles and made him spread his legs widely. He was crying, his face was red and he was biting his lip. I then gently hit his penis with the ruler three times and it quickly retracted. In fact it shrivelled up to a smaller than normal size. I told Jonathan that this is the type of penis he needs to present to me when he has a spanking. I explained that the hard one is for girls his own age, not his stepmother. I told him that even showing that to me is a sign of further disrespect and I am sure that if I tell his father what he did he may get more than a spanking. I then had Jonathan kneel before me while I explained to him the ways that he has been disrespectful in our relationship. I told him that he needs to recognize me as his boss and seek my permission before he does things. He agreed with me. I then allowed Jonathon to stand up and placed his bare bottom over my lap for his spanking. I grabbed each cheek in my hand to inspect it and told Jonathon to relax his muscles. I praised Jonathon for keeping himself nice and clean and told him how some boys are dirty in certain places. I then began slapping his bottom very harshly with my hand. I did ten slaps on each side, then ten down the middle and then ten more on each side. Jonathon began crying more profusely, though laid in position and did not struggle. I then allowed him to get up. His penis was still shriveled up as before he was placed on me. I then had him kneel before me again and critiqued his performance during his spanking. I told him (1) no pulling on his underpants the next time I pull them down, (2) no trying to cover his genitals, (3) no erect penis like I am his girlfriend - just his little boy dinky in front of his family and (4) no clenching of his buttocks. I explained from now on his spankings will be in the living room in front of my daughters and whatever company we have. They will also involve the strap going across his bare bottom. He stated he understood. I then allowed the boy to get up and gave him back his socks, first the right, then the left. I then returned his underpants which he quickly got into. I then had him thank me for his spanking and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I told him to go to bed and I wanted his light out in two minutes. I left his room and his light was shut off in less than thirty seconds

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: re Jonathon gets the ruler - Jonathon's first spanking

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Date Posted: 02:37:19 04/06/12 Fri

Well done, Mona.

Have you shown Jonathon the strap yet? What is it like?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: re Jonathon gets the ruler - Jonathon's first spanking

Mona to Melanie-Jane
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Date Posted: 05:59:44 04/07/12 Sat

>Well done, Mona.
>Have you shown Jonathon the strap yet? What is it

It is the Canadian prison strap made by London Tanner. It's made from oak birch tanned leather and I believe will leave quite the sting. I don't know if they're still in business because I got this on Craig's list, but I did notice they have a 17in. paddle ruler which may be good for Reno's penis. Go to the London Tanner website and you can find a lot of stuff.

Jonathon has seen the strap as I hung it in the living room. This way if he's bad or disrespectful, I can immediately have my daughter get the strap while I take the boy's pants down. I did study some psychology in school and all behaviorists tell you that you must have the naughty boy make the immediate connection between his negative behavior and the painful, shameful consequence. Then in the future when he even thinks of being bad these shameful painful feelings will overwhelm him and he will behave. Or if not another bare bottom session to help teach the connection once again.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: re Jonathon gets the ruler - Jonathon's first spanking

Date Posted: 20:37:29 05/29/12 Tue

That's called sexual abuse! Simple! A spanking is one thing, making a young man strip in front of an adult woman and then hitting his penis with a ruler is called SEXUAL ABUSE! If you don't believe me, look it up elsewhere!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: re Jonathon gets the ruler - Jonathon's first spanking

Mona to that's abuse
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Date Posted: 09:48:22 06/06/12 Wed

I don't believe that's sexual abuse. If you yourself were abused as a child, I feel empathy for you.

When I take down Jonathon's underpants for his spanking, he has an erection. I used the ruler to help him as he could not control himself. The last time I spanked him I did not use the ruler, but the boy ejaculated while over my lap. He was extremely embarassed by his inability to control his own penis. In the future I do not plan on using the ruler as I do believe he should be able to manage himself. However I'm not sure he wouldn't want me to use it, if it shrivels his penis up so he doesn't ejaculate in front of his sisters.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: re Jonathon gets the ruler - Jonathon's first spanking

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Date Posted: 10:40:10 06/07/12 Thu

I congratulate Mona on her use of the ruler.

She wrote here before that she had warned Jonathon he is not to be erect in the presence of his sisters and his mother when she pulls his underpants down to spank him. She also wrote that he agreed with her. He took his three whacks with the ruler and that took care of his problem.

So I agree with Mona that the boy probably wants and expects the ruler to subside his embarrassing erections. In fact Jonathon wrote to Danny elsewhere on this forum when he was expecting his first spanking that he was embarrassed about the likelihood of having an erection and recognised that he might need the ruler.

However, Mona now writes that the last time she spanked him she did not use the ruler on his penis, and Jonathan ejaculated during the spanking. I'm sure he was very embarrasssed by that and would probably appreciate having the ruler next time.

What does Jonathon say himself? Does he think it would help him to have the ruler at the start of every spanking? Does he think three is enough? He may think he needs more, so his penis is sore enough to get through a good spanking without the embarrassment of erection or ejaculation.

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Date Posted: 06:15:10 05/20/15 Wed
In reply to:
Ruth to Margaret
's message, " Re: Spanked standing " on 12:51:13 05/15/15 Fri

Hi Ruth,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have been wondering about how I should answer you.

So the first time my boys ejaculated I think were being spanked over the knee by me. The girls were watching both times & I think one of the girls were being spanked also. The girls were astonished both times I recall. The boys sustained their erection through the spankings & with the rubbing against my thighs, came to 'lose it'. Each time there was lots of crying but then came the loud moans as they 'lost it'. The girls knew that the boys were erect & saw the ejaculation dropping to the kitchen floor. There were no words from myself when it happened but I saw the girls expressions & the pointing to the floor. They were quickly warned that they were not allowed to say anything or tease the boy.

There was a discussion with the girls shortly after each time without the presence of the boy.

They have both seen them ejaculate during corner time basically standing next to them with their own red butts. Again they were stunned with what was occurring but I had mentioned to them in discussions that it was possible that it could happen. Again, I never said anything or my husband when it happens.

When the boys are to be spanked, they are always undressed before everyone. The same happens to the girls. They are then given lectures which might take a few minutes. All lectures are given before anyone is spanked. Sometimes the boys are erect from the start & others the erection would grow in front of every ones eyes. Nothing is ever said by us during this process. If one of the girls is being spanked as well, she is more concerned about what is about to happen to herself & not on the boy/s. They have seen the boys 'erect' so many times they are used to it.

It is not uncommon that when the boys shower that they go to their room naked to get dressed. Nudity has never been an issue in the house with all of us. Growing up the family did a lot of camping & showering was done all together. A few times also at home, we had problems with the hot water system & all the showers had to be done very quickly. So one would use the shower with the others waiting. If they were not fully naked before getting in, they would be down to their briefs/panties but would pass the other person naked. They have never been shy about their bodies. Especially after a spanking, doing 'the dance'. Their butts & thighs sometimes were what they are concerned about.

The thing in the spankings is that after corner time, they have to walk back to their rooms without getting their clothes back. This could be very effective for your boy. Not allowed to dress straight away. In corner time, you could have him face the room instead of the wall. That is up to you of course. It is not something that happens a lot here but it was frequent when they were younger.

In your situation you want to discuss what is happening with the boy with your girls. I have never been a fan of that myself. I would maybe explain it to the girls before a spanking is to take place as to what 'could happen'.

I would definitely undress the boy completely in front of everyone. You would take his briefs down last & do it slowly. Then give the lecture & just watch & see what happens from there. Maybe he should have his hands on his head or folded behind his back. Whilst giving the lecture you might want to stroke his behind a little bit or even give him a few hand slaps. He might well react at this stage if he hasn't already. From there, it is up to you as to how you approach the situation.

Beyond that, I cant advise you any more. I would not point anything out at all to the girls. The boy has suffered enough already & he still has the spanking to happen & the corner time. The only other thing that I could suggest is that he gets naked corner time before the spanking is to occur, maybe 15-30 minutes with the girls in the room. Then brought out of the corner & given the lecture.

On the Saturday just past, the 2 girls here & the elder boy got a right royal spanking for smoking. The boy only got erect in corner time with the girls standing nearby. I have a feeling that he took 'precautions' before the spanking to avoid getting erect.

I hope I havn't bored you with all this Ruth.

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Re: Spanked standing -- Margaret to Ruth, 17:04:22 05/20/15 Wed

Re: Spanked standing -- Ruth to Margaret, 14:31:12 06/01/15 Mon

Re: Spanked standing -- Margaret to Ruth, 05:47:52 06/03/15 Wed

Re: Spanked standing -- Ruth to Margaret, 12:09:07 06/03/15 Wed

Re: Spanked standing -- Ruth to Margaret, 12:45:07 06/03/15 Wed

Re: Spanked standing -- Ruth to Margaret again :), 12:55:12 06/03/15 Wed

Re: Spanked standing -- Margaret to Ruth, 06:49:00 06/04/15 Thu

Re: Spanked standing -- Ruth to Margaret, 12:06:57 06/04/15 Thu

Re: Spanked standing -- Margaret to Ruth, 17:20:21 06/04/15 Thu

Re: Spanked standing -- johnny, 14:53:36 06/05/15 Fri

Re: Spanked standing -- Ruth to Margaret, 17:48:47 06/05/15 Fri

Regard age play & child discipline accounts as fiction & fantasy. -- FS Forum Moderator, 21:34:53 06/05/15 Fri

Re: Regard age play & child discipline accounts as fiction & fantasy. -- e.j. to FS Forum Moderator (concerned), 04:31:48 06/06/15 Sat

Re: Regard age play & child discipline accounts as fiction & fantasy. -- Ruth to moderator, 06:18:56 06/06/15 Sat

Re: Regard age play & child discipline accounts as fiction & fantasy. -- Margaret to Moderator, 22:00:44 06/06/15 Sat

Re: Spanked standing -- Margaret to Ruth, 05:20:25 06/08/15 Mon

Re: Spanked standing -- Ruth to Margaret, 08:32:21 06/08/15 Mon

Re: Spanked standing -- johnny, 10:04:43 06/08/15 Mon

Re: Spanked standing -- Ruth to Johnny, 11:16:03 06/08/15 Mon

Re: Spanked standing -- Nora to Ruth, 17:03:46 06/08/15 Mon

Re: Spanked standing -- micheleFFS, 17:53:49 06/08/15 Mon

Re: Spanked standing -- Margaret to Ruth, 05:31:54 06/09/15 Tue

Re: Spanked standing -- Tara, 07:56:14 06/09/15 Tue

Re: Spanked standing -- Ruth to Margaret, 15:32:21 06/10/15 Wed

Re: Spanked standing -- Ruth to Margaret again, 16:51:22 06/10/15 Wed

Re: Spanked standing -- johnny, 16:09:27 06/11/15 Thu

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The predominate theme of this site is spanking and submissive women. This blog is intended for adults 18 years and older. The purpose of this site is to promote criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Before and after her spanking. June 11, 2022 With 3 comments
Lovely pictures of girls faces as they are being spanked!!
Especially if a girl has never been properly spanked before, the experience of having her bottom bared and turned up for warming and reddening is bound to be completely overwhelming. To me, that’s the sheer genius of over-the-knee, bare bottom spanking. Shame & pain.
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