Egg freezing: why thousands of women found it as the best way to preserve their fertility?

Egg freezing: why thousands of women found it as the best way to preserve their fertility?

Goral Gandhi

With medical science touching new horizons every other day, we get to see some bigger and better innovations almost every other day. Yet, Infertility has been that one issue that didn’t get a feasible cure up until this minute.

That said, there are some treatment options available that has helped millions of couples to get blessed with their most awaited happiness. In addition, egg freezing has come up as the most ideal approach for most of the women that prefers to delay their pregnancy due to various reasons.

 Goral Gandhi, one of the most prominent embryologists and IVf expert around, further confirms Egg freezing as a blessing for every woman around. As per her, no matter if you want to delay your pregnancy to achieve your career ambitions or else, Egg freezing always comes as the best option in similar regards.

How Egg freezing works?

Goral Gandhi says that once women decided on freezing her eggs, she can visit any expert embryologist or Goral Gandhi IVf for the same reason. The expert will then carry out several blood tests and diagnosis prior to the extraction of the eggs from the ocytes.

The patient then gets injected with a hormone called FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) to create different eggs for recovery. The Women is needed to take FSH injections herself once per day for the next 10 days. Additionally, a doctor will at that point be observing the women’s eggs by checking it through ultrasound and affirm the best time for their extraction.

Once the procedure is through, the women patient is then recommended with a rest of at least 1-2 hours. She can leave afterwards and can carry on with her daily routine while taking the required precautions.

Despite the fact that you need to begin a family later on yet not currently, you can take up the choice of protecting your fertility by Egg Freezing process. Dr Goral Gandhi Mumbai says that egg freezing doesn't confirms pregnancy but still provide a perfect opportunity for every young women around to preserve their fertility for future.

Why Egg freezing is the best option to preserve your fertility?

Egg freezing can be considered as the most ideal approach to preserve the fertility of yong women. As per Goral Gandhi, the women can opt for preserving 8-10 eggs with this process and use them for any future conception requirements..

Additionally, Women which are inclined to several health risks or diagnosed for Cancer at an initial phase can decide on getting their Eggs preserved. According to Goral gandhi , cancer treatment process may put a big dent in women’s fertility while destroying the eggs. Hence, Egg freezing comes as the best option for them in same regards.

At what age you can opt for Egg Freezing?

Dr Goral Gandhi Mumbai confirms that a lot depends on person’s overall health and wellbeing. Still, the best age for Egg freezing, according to random medical experts around the world is between 28-34 years.

Yet, a person must visit the best embryologist like Dr Goral Gandhi Mumbai to get the desired results from their egg freezing process. Over the years, she has helped thousands of women in achieving motherhood in their own desired ways.

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