Egg Enema

Egg Enema


Egg Enema

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Tara Barnett

Last Modified Date: June 03, 2022


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Many different enema recipes exist for a variety of different purposes. While many people find that a simple water enema is sufficient to cleanse the colon, there are a variety of other substances that can be used to achieve different effects. For instance, a coffee enema is thought to be detoxifying, whereas a chamomile enema is thought to be relaxing. It is very important to verify that any enema recipe used is safe because the body can absorb liquids and other substances from the colon.
One of the most popular enema recipes is the coffee enema. Most people use organic unflavored coffee brewed in purified water. The coffee should be brewed as normal with the grounds strained out, then allowed to cool completely. It can then be used just like water in the enema process.
The use of herbal teas is also popular for enemas. It is thought that the properties the tea would normally have when taken orally are also true of the tea when taken rectally. As such, chamomile tea enema recipes are thought to be relaxing, whereas green tea enemas are considered stimulating and detoxifying. The tea should be steeped in purified water and allowed to cool completely. It is very important to strain out any solids, and then the resulting liquid can be used for enemas.
A lemon juice enema may be mildly irritating to the intestines, but it is thought to balance out the pH of the colon. It may cause cramping, which is often considered desirable for enemas. A lemon juice enema is prepared by juicing and straining two organic lemons, then mixing the juice with enough warm water to fill the bag. If the mixture is too harsh, it is a good idea to expel the liquid early rather than face extended discomfort.
In extreme cases, some people use cayenne pepper enemas for a variety of health problems. This recipe will almost certainly burn, but cayenne pepper enthusiasts claim that it relieves arthritis , lowers cholesterol , and even heals wounds. A cayenne pepper enema often consists of several heaping spoonfuls of cayenne pepper mixed with warm water, although a milder solution may be used as well. There are no official recommendations for a cayenne pepper enema, but it is never a good idea to use an enema that hurts.
Many things that can be beneficially consumed orally can be transformed into an enema solution. It is very important to modify the quantity of the substance being taken when making an enema recipe, because the intestines absorb these substances faster than the stomach. When including alcohol or other potentially dangerous substances in an enema, the quantity should be very small and care must be taken to avoid accidental poisoning. For the purposes of cleansing the intestines, it may be best to stick to simple water enemas to prevent accidental illness.
Has anyone tried a vinegar enema? I've heard that this is the most effective and cheap enema recipe for detox. As far as I know, it only needs a tablespoon or two of vinegar in warm water. I wonder if vinegar will irritate the colon though.
@simrin-- Some cramping and bloating is to be expected with all enemas since that's how they work. But some recipes do cause more cramps than usual and milk and molasses is one of them.

Try a milk of magnesia, Epsom salt or a mineral oil enema recipe. I do Epsom salt enemas frequently. I add one ounce of Epsom salt to four or five ounces of water in an enema bag. It works well and doesn't cause too much cramping or bloating. Mineral oil enemas are also great and usually gentle.

I've also heard good things about baking soda enemas (baking soda plus water), but I think baking soda will cause a lot of bloating so I've avoided it.
I've only tried a molasses and milk enema recipe before. I just added molasses to warm milk and used that. It worked but caused a lot of bloating and cramping. This is why I haven't tried this enema again.

Can anyone give me an enema recipe that's milder than the molasses one? I'm looking for gentle cleansing with little to no cramping if possible.
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Hey Buddy!, I found this information for you: "3 Strange Enemas: Are They Good Or Dangerous?". Here is the website link: Thank you.

They likewise have their place in established medicine and are proven to be an effective solution to constipation. However, today there are numerous forms of the age-old enema. If you can name it, someone has probably tried putting it up there. From coffee to olive oil, and even a bottle or two of sherry, enemas are a weird and wild bunch. But are they actually safe?
We’ve taken three of the most popular unusual enemas and put them under the microscope. Are they really all they’re cracked up to be? 
“I love the way it makes me feel,” Trina told ABC at the time. “It gives me a sense of euphoria.” Trina said that along with the elevated caffeine hit, the coffee enemas put an end to a range of chronic health issues.
“I had a lot of stomach problems, digestive problems with my kidney and my liver,” she explained. “I started research. It led into coffee enemas. I really started to feel the benefit. I felt like I was living for the first time in years.”
Another advocate of the coffee enema is pop medicine star and former pharmacist Suzy Cohen. She believes the practice can help with everything from sleep problems to constipation. “After you get over the initial discomfort and awkwardness (and the idea of it), these enemas may allow for relaxation, a better mood, more energy, refreshing sleep and greater mental clarity,” she stated .
Advocates of Gerson Therapy , a non-toxic form of cancer treatment, say organic coffee enemas are not only safe, but a powerful tool for detoxification that can even help eradicate cancer. This approach, founded by Dr. Max Gerson, recommends that cancer patients use up to five coffee enemas per day to help clean out harmful toxins in the body, along with a healthy diet of organic fruits and vegetables.
“The moment a patient is put on the full therapy, the combined effect of the food, the juices and the medication causes the immune system to attack and kill tumor tissue, besides working to flush out accumulated toxins from the body tissues,” said Charlotte Gerson, in the book Healing The Gerson Way. “This great clearing-out procedure carries the risk of overburdening and poisoning the liver — the all-important organ of detoxification, which, in a cancer patient, is bound to be already damaged and debilitated.”
That’s where coffee enemas come in. The Gerson Institute says that coffee enemas assist the overworked liver with their essential tasks in order to complete the detoxification process and heal the body. In some cases, toxins are permanently removed from the patient’s system, according to the recovered patients who have succeeded with the program.
Coffee enemas have some critics. Dr. Roshini Rajapaksa, assistant professor of medicine and a gastroenterologist at NYU Medical Center, warned that these enemas could cause a range of health issues. “If it’s a warm liquid you are using, then it can cause internal burns and some of the caffeine can be absorbed and those sensitive to caffeine, like pregnant women, have to be careful,” she said.
Medical studies have also linked coffee enemas to cases of rectal perforation , electrolyte issues and septicemia . The latter is a serious condition caused by the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream. As far back as 1980, researchers had already suggested the practice may have been related to the deaths of at least two people . So for now, maybe stick with your flat white.
If there’s one thing weirder than putting coffee where the sun doesn’t shine, it’d have to be cooking oil. Vegetable oil, and even olive oil, has been used by some enema enthusiasts to treat constipation. Unlike coffee enemas, however, oil enemas are widely recognized by medical practitioners as being effective in reducing constipation . As enema manufacturer Fleet Labs explained, an oil enema basically “coats the stool mass to keep moisture in, thereby helping to soften the stool mass and make it easier to pass.”
There are a few caveats worth noting. First, to avoid problems like septicemia, it’s best to use medical grade, diluted mineral oil that’s specially made for enemas. Using cooking oils from around the home is not best practice — not to mention unhygienic. Save that olive oil for your pasta!
Even when done correctly, oil enemas can lead to issues like stomach pain, vomiting and nausea . Doctors do not recommend them for children or long-term use by adults.
Need a drink after a long day? Enema enthusiasts have you covered. Like the coffee enema, advocates of the alcohol enema say they get a stronger, faster rush by bringing the goods in through the back door.
One alcohol enema enthusiast said they were getting an “intense rush” from their use of the practice, but warned others to be careful with the amount of booze they put up there. They went as far as calculating how much alcohol per kilo of body weight to put in the enema. They also warned too much of a good thing can wreak havoc on the intestines. “If you are not good with the math or are unsure of your results, don’t do it . And even if you are, start small, go slow and learn your capability,” they warned others.
Indeed, experts have linked alcohol enemas to numerous deaths, including that of Texas man Michael Warner. He secured himself a Darwin Award after downing two 1.5-liter bottles of sherry in a single session. He died with a blood alcohol level of 0.47. To put that in perspective, a blood alcohol level of 0.20 will render most drinkers unconscious, while 0.35 can kill an adult .
Part of the reason why alcohol enemas are so dangerous is because the grog bypasses the stomach, according to Dr. Preston Stewart. Stewart told CNN the stomach contains an enzyme that breaks down ethanol, thus softening the blow the liver normally receives during a hard night out. Without the stomach filtering the alcohol, the liver is left to fend for itself during alcohol enemas. “It’s extremely dangerous,” Stewart concluded.
There are many opinions on how often people should use water enemas, with no concrete answers. Some experts warn that using water enemas too often (more than once a week) could lead to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body , which can cause more serious side effects. B efore trying any type of enema, it’s best for you to check with a practitioner you trust.
Have you tried any unusual enemas, like probiotics, apple cider vinegar or red raspberry leaf? Tell us what your experience was like in the comments below!
[This article was updated on Jan. 11, 2017]
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One thing I found fascinating though… enemas have been around for YEARS! Like, many many many years. History, baby! When you do some checking, you’ll see that this is nothing new and people have been using them to get healthy for a very. long. time.
Oh, let me back up… what’s the difference between enemas and colonics? Well, I’m a newbie writing here, but enemas are done at home and you typically use either a small (1.5 quart bag generally) or a large (4 quart bag) for the water. You, or a loved one I suppose, will administer it. For colonics, you venture out to a medical clinic (or even some spas have them nowadays… bizarre? maybe not… maybe just a sign of the times) and there is a colon hydrotherapist who administers it. The reason to go for a colonic is because much more water is used, going farther into the darkness of your colon, and getting more clean.
When I decided I wanted to do them, I had no idea where to begin. So, I found a couple of websites that gave some details, I bought a 1.5 quart bag , and I went to town! After I cleaned the bag when it arrived, I grabbed my iPhone (might as well have tunes or texting, right?), walked into the bathroom, put some towels on the floor, rolled up a towel for under my head, undressed, filled the bag with warm filtered water, hung the bag on the towel rack, let out some water to make sure there’s no air in the tube, clamped the hose shut, sat on the floor, put some Andrea’s oil on my bum and on the speculum part that goes into my bum, laid on my back, knees raised (sometimes I even put my feet on the wall), inserted the speculum thing (no big deal at all, like the size of an eraser on top of a pencil if that), unlatched the hose lock, and the water flowed.
If you have emptied the bag (therefore you’re done with the filling phase), then some people let the water stay in them a bit. I haven’t done that. I fill up and release. The release can take awhile. So, it might mean sitting on the toilet for a bit, massaging your belly clockwise this time to help push the water to release. Then, I get up, lay on the floor, roll around, stretch, etc. This moves more water around and prompts me to get up and release more.
What are the results? Well, with my new clean, effortless diet I’m on til April, enemas on a weekly (or twice weekly) basis has been AWESOME! The immediate improvements I’ve noticed… clearer skin, dry lips gone, I feel amazing, and more. One day I had a headache and doing an enema helped. Some days I feel less hungry. And, I had heard that they help with cravings. I’d have to agree in a way. I find that when I do them, I feel more in control of my life and food choices,
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