Effective Nail Fungus Treatment Options

Effective Nail Fungus Treatment Options

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is not only unsightly, but quite painful as well. Fungal infection of the toenails (onychomycosis can occur anywhere on the nail, but is more common in the toenails surrounding the nails. It is particularly prevalent among people with dry, sweaty fingers, or those who wear tight fitting nail shoes, such as sneakers. If left untreated, a toenail infection can spread from toe to toe and even across toenails and fingernails. Nail fungus can even spread through shared personal items such as shoes and socks.

Candida onychomycosis is caused by fungi called dermatophytes. The disease begins when these fungi feed on keratin, the protein that make up the outer layer of the nail, and then break through the skin to enter the body. This results in the skin infection, often referred to as a ringworm infection. While fungal nail infections are not necessarily caused by other types of skin diseases, they can be mistaken for them because many of the symptoms are similar to other skin-related problems, such as sunburn or acne. Here, will explore the use of laser toenail treatment as it pertains to nail fungus prevention and infection, as well as efficiency and possible side effects.

In order to determine if you have an infection, a medical professional must take a sample of your infected toenail. This sample will be sent to a lab, which will perform a number of tests in order to determine what type of fungi are responsible for the disease. Once it is determined that you are infected, your physician will likely prescribe a specific medication, either a topical cream or oral medication. Your podiatrist or dermatologist will likely suggest to you which type of medication he or she would most recommend in terms of effectiveness and side effects.

If your infection is at the beginning stage, you may choose to simply treat your toenail fungus with an antifungal cream. Many of these creams are available over the counter, and work fairly quickly in getting rid of the infection. Your podiatrist or dermatologist can also give you oral medications to treat your fingernail fungus, in combination with the cream. While these medications do not eliminate the fungus entirely, they help relieve the discomfort associated with the infection, allowing you to continue your daily activities while waiting for the nail to grow back.

Many people prefer to treat their infections using over-the-counter antifungal creams and medications. These treatments are available at many different stores and can be purchased without a prescription. Best products from BestReviews.Tips Canada Some popular over-the-counter topical medications that are used as nail fungus treatment include Nizoral, Undeclylenic-D and Miconazole. Many other topical solutions, oral medications and homemade remedies also exist.

Many of these topical treatments are applied directly to the affected area and left for several hours or overnight. The medications work to fight the infection by drying up excess moisture that allows fungal growth to occur at an accelerated rate. For this reason, they may help to relieve symptoms such as pain and itching. Although some of these products may cause side effects, they are usually not dangerous and generally mild. A few side effects may include minor redness, swelling and possible skin irritations.

Several natural home remedies exist to help get rid of toenail fungus. A mixture of vinegar, bleach and tea tree oil has proven effective in treating cases of fungal toenail. Another option is to use pure coconut oil, which can be applied directly to the infected nails. Some people have also reported successful results using Vicks Vaporub on a recurring infection.

Most medical practitioners will recommend that you consult with your doctor before trying any home remedy to treat your onychomycosis. This is because not all treatments are equal and there are some that are more effective than others. If you are suffering from onychomycosis, you may want to try over-the-counter nail polish, Vicks Vaporub, or tea tree oil. You may find that the best treatment is to simply keep your feet clean and dry.

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