Educational Resources

Educational Resources

Students now have many choices on how to consume the textbooks they need. If you are a college student, or if you know a college student, you should know about the possibility of renting your textbooks. I was shocked recently as I tried to purchase eTextbooks for the upcoming college semester. I thought I had it all figured out when I purchased a well-known brand name eReader. Remote and international students may not have unlimited internet access or download capacity.

Over the period from 2012 to 2016, the factors that typically encouraged students to use an e-textbook have all decreased . Colleges find privately-run bookstores a great risk-free alternative to operating their own store. A student can print, but it is up to the PDF college books publisher how much of the ebook can be printed. Since publishers dropped their prices, both VitalSource and RedShelf have seen their sales increase. Scotty said that in 2016, RedShelf sold 3.7 times more than in 2015, and 2.6 times more in 2016 than in 2017.

As its name suggests, a forex e-book is simply a type of electronic book that deals with foreign exchange trading. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. Books on paper are difficult to carry around, especially hardcovers. If you're an avid reader and you're going on a trip, or if you're just stepping out to a coffee shop, an e-reader or iPad is a far lighter burden than a book or a stack of them.

Why formatting is an issue needs to be clarified and discussed within the confines of the format used (EPUB, PDF, HTML, etc.). This is a good example of HTML eTextbook formatting and we might also cite exemplars for EPUB and PDF. With the merger of IDPF and W3C, the differences between EPUB and HTML will lessen or disappear but, right now, we need to hew to one context or another as we discuss these matters. Your mileage may vary, but the average savings per title for the 2019 calendar year is $104. In all cases, Wolfpack Outfitters secures pricing below direct from publisher price.

The text includes current issues in learning which are very relevant to today’s students. Topics include including critical thinking about information gathered from the internet, teachers using podcasts, and online learning. Later on, they are more directly addressed as readers/learners. Each chapter has similar components, e.g., Key Takeaways, Checkpoint Exercises, Outside the Book links, and so on, that enhance the core text and learning experience. The issues addressed in this textbook are time-worn yet ongoing, hence the core learning material will be relevant for the foreseeable future.

Element 1 came the third order and at a very high level, with an average of 4.24. In addition, Element 3 also came in fourth order, with a very high level and an average of 4.22. Elements 19, 10, 12, 20, 2, 6, 9, 21, 18 and 8 also had a "high" ranking with the corresponding mean for each of them being 3.92, 3.90, 3.64, 3.63, 3.62, 3.50, 3.49, 3.49, 3.46 and 3.41.

The challenge of a college success type book is to able to reach and engage students at various levels. Chapter One set the tone and provides a sound foundation for the chapters that follow. I have used pieces of the text before for a class instead of using the whole, and they divide up well . The final three chapters, for instance, are outside of the scope of my 10-week college success class, and it was easy to work without them. There are some links to other chapters in most of the chapters, but the references are rarely critical. Chapter 2 is probably the most difficult to work without -- if it is included, then the basis for goal-setting and time-management and organization that it provides scaffolds the rest of the content.

The $1,000 SuperCollege Scholarship is open to students planning to enroll in college or are currently in college or graduate school. Awardees can use the $1,000 scholarship for education-related expenses such as textbooks. Renting and buying old textbooks using BigWords guarantees “the cheapest textbooks, saving up to 90%”. The site is the only one of its kind to consider buyback pricing so that you can assess whether you save more by renting your textbook or buying and selling it back when the semester ends. Many colleges and universities in the country encourage textbook owners to make some money off of previously used textbooks through a buy-back program. You can sell your textbook to a student who will be using it, or use other online platforms where interested buyers can see it.

I question whether college students will read the book in its entirety but thankfully, the book is well organized and readers can easily access relevant sections. I feel the textbook is not insensitive or offensive in any way. I really like the social chapter in dealing with the social aspect of college.

I think the takeaway section is good for students who may not read the entire chapter but would at least review this section. In general students will find this book easy to read due to the conversational style and word choice of the authors. However, there are some words used that will require checking with faculty or other sources to assist in determining meaning. I believe some of the content and chapters would be helpful for these students as well, especially those who may have graduated from a... Those who are familiar with student retention issues understand that a wide variety of factors may prevent students from progressing towards graduation.

The search feature of the website allows you to search using either the title of the book or ISBN. With PDF Grab, you get access to digital books of different categories including Business, Law, Medicine, and so on. Many students say they would switch from one textbook format to the other if the alternative format was cheaper. Direct Textbook is a free service that instantly compares prices from more than 200 bookstores to help students save up to 90% on textbooks. Today, 55 percent of all college students rent textbooks, according to a survey by CampusBooks, a website that allows you to buy, rent, and sell textbooks. To submit their course materials in advance of each semester.

It’s helpful to have a resource like Wiley that can help you overcome your textbook troubles. Give faculty the freedom and flexibility they need for teaching and give all students easy access to vital course materials. Higher Education Leaders Reduce textbook costs for all students.Dual Credit Programs Reduce costs for your academic library.Academic Librarians Reduce costs for your academic library. Rented textbooks from Chegg may be new or used books although most of the time books will be used, in good condition. Our team removes any textbooks that are damaged or too marked up from our inventory to ensure they are all suitable learning tools.

It touches on subjects including students who have childcare responsibilities for their siblings, students who are parents, and student athletes. I found the section on preventing sexual assault to have some gender stereotypes and victim blaming but did not find this bias in other sections of the book. The book’s chapters could be used independently and in different courses. Because of the number of topics that the book covers, an instructor might well only want to use half the chapters in a course and I think the book lends itself well to that purpose. I did not notice insensitive language but the book could have done more to proactively address the first time in college student as well as issues of power and privilege. There is enough material available to have robust sections reaching out to underrepresented groups as well as addressing class, gender, and sexual identities.

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