Edu-Action app

Edu-Action app


Application privacy policy "Edu Action" (mobile app for iOS, Android)

This Policy sets features +the collection and processing of the company the limited liability company "Action Group" (hereinafter – the Action Edu) data of persons - users of the Application "Edu Action" (which includes mobile apps for iOS, Android, hereinafter – the "Application").

This document (the" Policy") is an integral part of the Public Offer for the use of the Application. This Policy applies exclusively to information that was obtained by Edu Action as a result of the use of the Application by Users.

When downloading, installing the Application, the User fully accepts the terms of this Policy and expresses his / her voluntary definite consent to the processing of personal data in the manner and for the purposes described in this Policy. If the User does not agree with this Policy, Edu Action asks you to refuse to download the Application.

Edu Action has the right to unilaterally make changes to this Policy.

1. The information received and used by Users, as well as the purposes for which it is used.

In the framework of this privacy Policy under User information refers to personal information that the User provides Paycom ™ when creating an account, registration, adding Bank cards, etc., and also in the process of using the Application (name, gender, email address, phone number, etc.); and automatically transmitted data is in the process of using the App, including, but not limited to: IP address, information about your mobile device, from which you access etc.

When using the App, the following information may be requested and received:

Information about the User. When creating an account and/or registering and adding a bank card, Edu Action requests information about the user, such as full name, gender, date of birth, email address, phone number, as well as bank card details or other electronic means of payment. Paycom may also request additional information.

In some cases, the additional functionality of the Edu Action Application can be used to obtain information about the User's contact data (phone and / or address book, contacts in the mobile device).

Information about the mobile device. Edu Action collects data about Users ' mobile devices, such as the mobile device model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, as well as mobile network data and mobile phone number. In addition, the device ID and mobile phone number can be linked to the User's account.

Location information. The App's services that support the User's mobile device's geographic location feature allow Edu Action to receive information about the User's actual location, including GPS data sent by the mobile device.

Information about the operations performed. When making payments for goods and services, money transfers, etc., Paycom collects data on the place, time and amount of the transactions performed, the type of payment method, data about the seller and / or service provider, descriptions of the reason for the transaction, if any, as well as other information related to the execution of the above operations.

The information received by Edu Action from the User may be used by Edu Action to provide the User with personalized services, to target ads of Edu Action partners within the Application, for statistical and research purposes, as well as to improve the Application and related Edu Action services.

When using User information, Edu Action is guided by this Privacy Policy, the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the norms of international law.

2. Providing User information to third parties

Edu Action does not transfer the information received from Users to third parties, except in cases stipulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan or arising from the technical features of the services provided to Users through the Application. At the same time, persons who lawfully receive information about Users due to the technical features of the services, undertake to comply with this Policy, the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and international law.

3. Security measures used to maintain the confidentiality of information

Edu Action takes all possible measures to ensure the security and protection of User information from unauthorized attempts to access, modify, disclose or destroy, as well as other types of improper use. In particular, Edu Action is constantly improving the ways in which data is collected, stored, and processed, including physical security measures, to counteract unauthorized access to Edu Action systems. Edu Action also restricts the access of employees, contractors and agents to User information, providing for strict contractual obligations in the field of confidentiality, for violation of which there are strict liability measures and penalties.

The security of using the App also depends on the User's compliance with the following security recommendations:

• Keep account information, such as username and password, secret from third parties.

* Install anti-virus software on your computer (or mobile device) and regularly update it and update other software products used (operating system and application programs), this can protect against the penetration of malicious software.

• It is recommended to make purchases only from a trusted device in order to preserve the confidentiality of personal data and / or information about the bank card (s) (account). If the purchase is made using someone else's device, it is not recommended to save personal data and other information on it, and after completing all operations, you need to make sure that personal data and other information are not saved.

The User's compliance with the recommendations of Edu Action will ensure the maximum safety of the information provided by Edu Action, including the details of the User's bank card.

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