Edging Games

Edging Games


Edging Games

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First time i ever really figured out what "bathing in the afterglow" really meant. Poggers

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Less than 3 inches

Less than 3 inches
811 ( 2.04 % )

3 to 4 inches

3 to 4 inches
1539 ( 3.88 % )

4 to 5 inches

4 to 5 inches
4813 ( 12.13 % )

5 to 6 inches

5 to 6 inches
12292 ( 30.98 % )

6 to 7 inches

6 to 7 inches
11776 ( 29.68 % )

7 to 8 inches

7 to 8 inches
5942 ( 14.97 % )

More than 8 inches

More than 8 inches
2509 ( 6.32 % )

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This is beneficial for men who experience premature ejaculation. You will have better control over your orgasms and be able to stop yourself from climaxing in certain cases.
The name edging was given because you are taking yourself to the very edge, and then stopping all stimulation so that the orgasm is never reached.
This method is more effective with men due to their longer refractory period. Women can try this too, but it will not be as beneficial.
Before starting, one must learn about the different stages of arousal in order to know the best time to pull back.
For beginners, it is recommended to pull back at level 7. However, the goal of edging is to be able to pull back at level 9. After about 6 months of edging correctly, you will be able to skip PONR and experience dry orgasms.
Before you begin edging, you will need a quiet place, lubricant, and a timer. This can also be performed during masturbation or foreplay.
Step 1. Edging is best done while lying down with your eyes closed. Stimulate yourself until your penis is hard. Make sure to focus on how you feel so you are aware when you reach a certain level of arousal.
Step 2. Stroke your penis similar to masturbation. You may use a lubricant to do this. In this step, avoid touching the penile frenulum (the skin located under the center of the head) and the entire head. It is important not to stimulate them too soon as they are the most sensitive parts of the penis.
Step 3. For beginners, you may stop stimulating yourself when you reach level 4. This is when you start to feel really aroused but still feel it is easy to hold back your orgasm. On your next sessions, your goal is to stop yourself beyond level 4, gradually reach level 9, and still be able to stop and hold back your orgasm.
Step 4. If it becomes too difficult to hold back, stop completely and think of something different. It is helpful to inhale and exhale a few times to help yourself cool down. Make sure you are feeling all the sensation and not ignoring them (unless you are at your edge avoiding an orgasm). This is the key to becoming better at edging.
Step 5. When you start to feel that you are no longer going to orgasm, you can start stimulating yourself again. Some men are more sensitive, and will need to take a longer break. Repeat these steps for at least 20 minutes in every session. In some steps, you will be closer to orgasm than in others.
Step 6. It is up to you if you want to let yourself ejaculate. When you are ready to ejaculate, it is ok to stimulate the frenulum and head. Your orgasm will be much stronger and longer than usual. You will also more force when ejaculating (be careful not to take anyoneโ€™s eye out ). This can lead to cramps, so make sure to eat something and drink water before hand.
Every session, keep in mind that the goal is to be able to reach a higher level of arousal before stopping yourself.
It is okay not to reach level 8 or 9 in your first few weeks. Edging at a higher level may take more time for some, and becoming better comes with a regular practice.
When you feel that you have mastered edging, you may start doing the exercise by stroking the head as well.
When stopping right before an orgasm, you may experience strange orgasm variations. You may ejaculate without feeling the orgasm or you may feel the orgasm without ejaculating.
Those are normal and will allow you to learn more about yourself throughout the process.
Kegel is a pelvic floor muscle exercise that is very helpful when holding back your orgasm. This exercise involves flexing your pelvic floor muscles as if you are holding back your urine.
This article discusses the steps on how to perform Kegels properly.
Ballooning is a more complicated exercise where you stimulate yourself without ejaculating. It is also helpful with premature ejaculation.
With ballooning, you are supposed to stroke a specific part of your penis while doing reverse Kegels, then do some Kegels when you feel like you are about to orgasm.
This exercise must be done for 30 minutes to one hour. Not allowing yourself to ejaculate will result in a bigger flaccid penis and a much harder erection.

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Climax (Expulsion phase of ejaculation)
PONR (Point of No Return). A phase where it is impossible to hold back an orgasm.
Extremely aroused, close to ejaculation (Emission phase)
Aroused, but still able to hold back orgasm easily

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