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Barraclough, N. Butler, G. ISSN print Unpublished. Economica , 68 , pp. ISSN print Project Report London, U. Costanza, Rino M. Psychopharmacology , 2 , pp. Coyle, Adrian and Rafalin, Deborah Jewish gay men's accounts of negotiating cultural, religious, and sexual identity : a qualitative study. Esgate, Anthony E. In: Roberts, Ron and Groome, David , eds. Parapsychology: the science of unusual experience. London : Arnold Hodder Headline. ISBN Felisberti, F. Felisberti, Fatima and Derrington, Andrew M. Visual Neuroscience , 18 2 , pp. Gelepithis, Petros A. Cognitive Systems , 5 4 , pp. ISSN print X. Hewer, C. PhD thesis , University of Surrey, uk. Husain, M. Brain , 5 , pp. Jipson, Jennifer L. Moran, Patricia M. British Journal of Clinical Psychology , 40 4 , pp. Mueller, Antje and Roberts, Ron Dreams. Oehlmann, Ruediger Perspective changes affect attentional access to conscious experience. No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of toward a science of consciousness : fundamental approaches Tokyo Amsterdam, Netherlands : John Benjamins Publishing. Prior, Jessica Children and psychology. A history of ideas in developmental theory. Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave. Roberts, Ron Gateways to the mind: society and the paranormal. Roberts, Ron and Groome, David , eds. Roberts, Ron Science and experience. Roberts, Ronald Parapsychology and postmodernism. The Skeptic , 14 4 , pp. Tenenbaum, H. Psychological Science , 12 3 , pp. ISSN online A meta-analysis. Tenenbaum, Harriet R. Journal of Vocational Behavior , 59 3 , pp. In: Mowrer, R. Handbook of Contemporary Learning Theories. Mahwah, N. ISBN x. Vandrevala, T. Atom RSS.

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KAZAN, Russia AP — Boats in the Volga River blew a long and melancholy blast on their horns at noon Tuesday in a sign of mourning for the victims of a cruise vessel that sank while crowded with holiday-makers. The year-old double-decker boat, the Bulgaria, was carrying people when it sank, a load of about 75 percent more than it was licensed to carry. But whether the overloading was a factor in the sinking remains undetermined. Investigators say survivors report that the boat was listing to starboard and having engine trouble even as it left the town of Bulgar en route to Kazan, about kilometers miles east of Moscow. President Dmitry Medvedev declared Tuesday a national day of mourning for the disaster. Flagstaffs were hung with black ribbons, vessels on the Volga blew their horns and dropped wreaths into the waters and officials made somber statements. Everything is the same as it was a long time ago … one should build new, not use the old. Divers continued to search the wreckage at a depth of about 20 meters 65 feet Tuesday. News reports said they were approaching what is likely to be one of the most heart-wrenching parts of the operation, searching the entertainment hall of the vessel where survivors said some 50 children had gathered shortly before the Bulgaria sank. Associated Press writer Jim Heintz in Moscow contributed to this story. There has been a rise in alcohol -related deaths in Ireland , according to a new report. The first national report on trends in alcohol-related deaths and those who were alcohol dependent shows there were alcohol-related deaths during the period to Half of all of the alcohol-related deaths also involved another drug, mostly tranquillisers like benzodiazepines. Dr Suzi Lyons, senior researcher at the HRB, said many of those who died were still in the prime of their life. She said the rise in alcohol-related deaths was probably due to a true increase in deaths, as well as improved recording practices. The per capita consumption of alcohol in Ireland is among the highest in Europe and the majority of Irish people drink in a harmful manner, it says. Play Video. Police have come under attack from crowds of rioters who threw petrol bombs, stones and bricks at them in west Belfast overnight. The Police Service of Northern Ireland said a bus was also hijacked and driven at a police cordon, but crashed nearby. More than 20 officers were injured during the violence. Four were taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Water cannons were used in efforts to disperse crowds of between and people who began throwing stones and missiles at police lines in the Broadway area of the city. Petrol bombs were thrown at officers in North Queen Street and the bus was hijacked on the Falls Road before being driven at police. The trouble came as loyalists prepared for the traditional Twelfth of July celebrations to mark the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne. Tens of thousands of Orangemen and bandsmen are due to march later on Tuesday for the annual event, which signals the height of the marching season. It is feared sectarian tensions could continue to boil over in flashpoint areas of Belfast and Craigavon, Co Armagh. Every available police officer will be on duty at 19 separate demonstrations, with the largest expected to be in Belfast. Loyalist violence flared late on Saturday night and the early hours following the controversial police removal of Northern Ireland and Union flags in Ballyclare, Co Antrim. Crowds of up to nationalists threw over 40 petrol bombs and masonry at officers in riot gear. At the peak of activity, they were processing one call every 75 seconds with the majority of these from within the greater Belfast area. Fire crews from the Springfield Fire Station also came under attack in west Belfast from stone throwing youths but escaped injury. Meanwhile, thousands of Orange Order members are expected to take part in the annual 12 July parades. The majority of thye demonstrations are expected to pass off without incident, although a major security operation is in place in north Belfast where a controversial parade passes near the republican Ardoyne area. North Belfast hoax. A number of people had to leave their homes for a time early this morning in north Belfast following reports of a suspicious vehicle in Ballysillan. Police fired plastic bullets and used water cannon to control crowds of up to people in Roman Catholic areas of West Belfast, a police spokeswoman said. Rioters hijacked a bus during the disturbances and burnt a van and motorcycle. Tens of thousands of Protestants were due to take part in marches on Tuesday to mark the victory of King William of Orange over Catholic King James at the Battle of the Boyne, which helped ensure Protestant supremacy in Ireland. Many Catholics regard the marches as provocative, and violent protests often erupt as they pass Catholic suburbs. A peace agreement paved the way for a power-sharing government of loyalists and nationalists. Violence has subsided over the years, but small dissident armed groups are still active in the province. The clashes erupted overnight as Protestant groups lit hundreds of bonfires across the province to mark the July 12 holiday. In North Belfast, a bomb alert, which eventually proved to be a hoax, forced the evacuation of a number of homes for several hours. Police said at least seven officers were injured during street clashes that gathered pace after Protestants lit scores of towering bonfires at midnight, the traditional start to one-sided Twelfth celebrations that for decades have inspired bloodshed and destruction. Tens of thousands of members of the Orange Order, a Protestant brotherhood dedicated to celebrating 17th-century military victories over Catholics, planned to march later in the day. In one of the worst clashes, police confronted a strong crowd of men and teenagers in the Broadway section of Catholic west Belfast. The police lines formed a barrier preventing the Catholics from reaching Protestant bonfire celebrants on the far side of the M1 motorway that bisects the city. The rioters tossed Molotov cocktails, masonry, bricks and stones at police, who donned visored helmets, shields and head-to-toe flame retardent suits. At one point rioters hijacked a bus at gunpoint on the nearby Falls Road and apparently tried to drive the vehicle at police lines, but it crashed into nearby fencing instead and was set ablaze. At Broadway and two other Belfast flashpoints, police contained the rioters with sporadic volleys of British-style plastic bullets — blunt-nosed cylinders designed to deal hard blows to their targets — and heavy doses of blasts from mobile water cannon. Police could offer no estimates of civilian casualties, which is typical amid the confusion of nighttime Northern Ireland riots. Unless seriously injured, Belfast rioters try to avoid hospital treatment because police investigate those who have suffered wounds apparently suffered during riots. On both sides of the overnight trouble, many members of the youthful crowds were visibly drinking heavily. Often the just-emptied bottles joined the salvo of objects being thrown at police positioned to keep the two sides apart. Northern Ireland remains a deeply divided society despite the broad success of its two-decade-old peace process. The conservative society planned to ask its members to back resolutions lauding the th anniversary of the King James version of the Bible; the recent wedding of Prince William and the former Kate Middleton; and the predominantly Protestant members of the locally recruited British army regiments in Northern Ireland. Police are bracing for potential violence Tuesday night as Orangemen marching back to their lodges will pass Catholic districts. British authorities have tried to minimize such confrontations by restricting the routes of Orange parades over the past 15 years, but several potential flashpoints remain on the Belfast map. Rioters attack police lines from behind a burnt out car as a large crowd of Nationalists …. Several hundred Catholic men and youths threw about 40 Molotov cocktails during overnight assaults on police lines. A hijacked bus was driven at one police position but crashed into a fence. Police said they fired 51 plastic bullets and doused rioters with blasts from mobile water cannons. British army experts also dismantled a fake car bomb abandoned in a Protestant district of north Belfast. The annual Protestant demonstrations always raise community tensions and often inspire rioting. McDowell calls for national holiday on 12 July. Gonorrhoea is one of the most common causes of sexually-transmitted disease in the world, accounting for an estimated , new infections each year. Experts fear the new strain could turn an easily treatable infection into a global threat to public health. Since antibiotics became the standard treatment for gonorrhoea in the s, this bacterium has shown a remarkable capacity to develop resistance mechanisms to all drugs introduced to control it. Symptoms include a burning sensation when urinating and pus discharge from the genitals. If left untreated, the infection can lead to serious and irreversible health complications, including infertility. For the first time, international researchers have identified a strain of gonorrhea that is resistant to treatment with antibiotics, scientists announced at a sex disease research conference Monday. Details of the discovery were to be released by Unemo and colleagues at the 19th conference of the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research, on from July in Quebec City, Canada. Since the finding is so new, scientists are unclear how widespread the resistant strain may be in the world population, but concerns are mounting that it could spread quickly. As many as , people in the United States are believed to get gonorrhea annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Up to half of infected women experience no symptoms, while men usually see signs of infection within two to 30 days. People who suspect they may be infected should see a doctor in order to obtain a prescription and should not attempt to treat the problem themselves, experts say. The current treatment recommended by the CDC is an single dose pill of an antibiotic called cefixime, or a single dose of azithromycin Zithromax for people who are allergic to penicillin, ceftriaxone or cefixime. Penicillin is no longer considered the standard treatment because it was previously found to be ineffective in some cases. Gardai have issued an appeal to trace a year-old woman who was last seen in Ardee, Co Louth yesterday. When last seen she was wearing a brown top, grey tracksuit bottoms and Asics trainers. The usage levels of synthetic drugs in Ireland is the highest in Europe , a new survey has shown. Last year 41 new drugs were notified to the authorities compared to just 24 in There have been new notifications in total since The findings come despite legislation last year banning the sale of many of the products and the resultant closure of many of the head shops that sold them. The EU barometer survey of 15 to year-olds, conducted in May of this year, also suggests that all drugs, including heroin, are much easier to obtain here than in most European countries. Young people in Ireland also attach much less risk to using such drugs than do their counterparts in the rest of the EU. According to the report, the number of synthetic drugs coming on the market is increasing at an alarming rate as laboratories spring up and internet sales grow. Manufactured mostly by criminal gangs, these so-called legal highs mimic the effect of illegal drugs like cocaine, ecstasy and LSD and have been blamed for many deaths and serious illness throughout Europe. We must now look at tackling the online sales market. The survey also revealed that young Irish people are the most tolerant of legal highs, with just one-third saying they should be banned outright. More than half appeared to think they may be safe and said they should only be banned if they posed a health risk. One in five said the best way to get rid of the problem was to legalise the drugs. Danish youngsters were the only group whose attitudes to alcohol were more relaxed. The report also revealed that last year, 41 new synthetic drugs were notified to EU authorities compared to just 24 in At least 31 children died in Bangladesh when a truck carrying schoolboys back from watching a football match crashed and flipped over into a water-filled ditch. District official Sayeed Kutub said many victims — mostly from local Abu Torab Primary School — had drowned after being stuck under the truck when it turned over into the ditch by the side of the road. It took us some time to turn it over. As a result, most died because of drowning in water. He added that the toll might increase because some badly injured children had been taken by their parents to nearby health centres before being counted by rescuers. The boys were returning from a trip to support a team playing in a local football tournament in Mirershorai. Road accidents are common in Bangladesh and kill thousands of people each year. Hasina ordered a quick rescue operation and proper treatment of the injured children. The accident happened at Mirresarai, km miles southeast of the capital Dhaka , police said. Forty-one bodies had been recovered and the death toll may go up as some passengers were feared trapped. A group of about 80 children was returning from a soccer tournament in an open truck when it skidded and fell into a canal, they say. Officials said the toll is likely to rise as more bodies are feared to be trapped inside the sunken vehicle. They say that the number of dead may be higher than officially recognised because the rescue operation is still ongoing and relatives of the dead may have taken away the bodies of their loved ones before an official count took place. Earlier a senior police officer in Chittagong district, Ruhul Amin Siddiqui, told the BBC that 40 bodies had been recovered from the accident site. Road accidents are common in Bangladesh where an estimated 12, people die in various traffic-related accidents every year. The blast occurred in the early hours of the morning when a brush fire approached dozens of storage containers holding gunpowder that had been confiscated in from a ship which had been heading from Iran to Syria. Petros Tsalikides, resigned over the incident, Cyprus government spokesman Stefanos Stefanou said. The spokesman said investigators had ruled out sabotage as a cause for the blast. Fifty of the 62 people injured had been treated and released from hospitals, Stefanou said. Two of those still hospitalized had suffered serious injuries. President Dimitris Christofias had asked Tsalikides and Papacostas to remain in their posts until replacements were found. Authorities appealed to the public to limit their electricity consumption, which has spiked amid a three-day heatwave that has led to temperatures of about 40 degrees Celsius Fahrenheit. Airport authorities said both Paphos and Larnaca airports were reducing power consumption to the minimum possible and had turned on their generators. The Agriculture Ministry also urged the public to reduce water consumption as much as possible because desalination plants had been taken offline due to power problems. MARI, Cyprus AP — A huge explosion sparked by a brush fire that set light to containers of gunpowder tore through a Cypriot National Guard naval base Monday, causing widespread damage and leading to extensive power cuts, the Defense Ministry said. At least 10 people were feared dead. Opposition leader Nicos Anastasiades said all 98 containers, which held about 2, tons of gunpowder, had exploded. State radio said the dead included two Cyprus navy sailors, two soldiers and five firefighters. State broadcaster CyBC said 59 people had been injured, including two who were seriously hurt but whose lives were not in danger. There was no official death toll. Hours after the blast, white smoke continued to billow from inside the base as a police helicopter flew overhead. Dozens of personnel from rescue crews, police, the fire department and the national guard were at the site. A Defense Ministry official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was not complete, said the blast appeared to have been caused by a brush fire that broke out nearby and spread to the base. The fire ignited gunpowder stored in containers that Cypriot authorities confiscated in February from a ship sailing off its coast. The ship, the Cypriot-flagged Monchegorsk, had been suspected of carrying the gunpowder from Iran to Gaza. Fire department spokesman Leonidas Leonidou said firefighters received a call at a. The physical damage will be repaired, but the lives lost … nothing can bring them back. Meanwhile, the Agriculture Ministry also urged the public to reduce water consumption as much as possible because desalination plants had been taken offline due to power problems. Cyprus Electricity Authority official Yiannis Tsouloftas said the power station would remain offline for at least the rest of the day. CyBC footage showed numerous damaged cars stopped along a stretch of highway near the base. The broadcaster said the explosion also caused extensive damage to homes in villages near the naval base. Greek Defense Minister Panos Beglitis said Greece stood ready to provide any help that might be needed. At least 10 people have been killed in a huge explosion at a naval base in Cyprus, it has been reported. The Cyprus News Agency said dozens of people have been injured at the Evangelos Florakis base in Zygi , between the southern coastal cities of Limassol and Larnaca. It is believed the blast happened in an area where munitions seized from a vessel heading to Syria from Iran in had been dumped. The blast caused damage to neighbouring communities and windows and doors of beachside restaurants were blown out. A relative embraces a survivor upon the arrival of the Arabella riverboat with dozens …. Divers are searching the sunken wreck of the Bulgaria, a double-decked boat built in , that listed to its side and sank within minutes Sunday about 3 km 2 miles from shore during stormy weather with nearly people on board. Nine people were confirmed dead, but more than 90 remained missing. Exactly how many people were aboard the two-deck Bulgaria when it set off for a cruise on Sunday remains unclear but it was certain to be carrying more than its licensed maximum. Officials say anywhere from to people were aboard the ship that should have carried no more than The cause of the disaster has not been determined. Igor Panishin of the regional Emergencies Ministry was quoted by the state news agency RIA Novosti as saying survivors reported the ship was leaning to starboard as it made a turn and a wave washed over the deck. It sank within about eight minutes, he said. The ship sank about three kilometers two miles from shore in about 20 meters 65 feet of water, officials said. National Emergencies Ministry spokeswoman Yelena Smirnikh on Monday said nine people are confirmed dead and 80 have been rescued. A ministry list of the rescued shows all were Russians; it was unclear if any foreigners were aboard. River cruise boats such as the Bulgaria are highly popular among Russian holiday-makers, conducting cruises ranging from a couple of days to two weeks. One survivor told the national news channel Vesti 24 that other ships refused to come to their aid. He held another man, who was weeping desperately. Emergency teams and divers from neighboring regions rushed to the site of the tragedy, miles kilometers east of Moscow. The river is a popular tourist destination, especially in summer months. The Bulgaria was built in in Czechoslovakia and belongs to a local tourism company. It was traveling from the town of Bulgar to the regional capital, Kazan. A tourism expert said the lack of partitions inside the Bulgaria made it vulnerable to breaches. Dozens of children were believed to be among the people missing, as two bodies were recovered. Two of those rescued were taken to hospital and a helicopter and rescue team are searching for survivors. There were believed to be passengers, 22 crew and 35 other staff aboard the vessel, the emergencies ministry said. Cruises on the Volga, which cuts through the heart of Russia and drains into the Caspian Sea, are popular among Russians as well as foreigners. State television said the year-old two-deck Bulgaria had dozens of cabins and two restaurants. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has demanded checks on all transport services after an overloaded boat sank on the Volga River, leaving people missing and feared dead. Around 80 people were rescued on the River Volga in Tatarstan, about km miles east of Moscow. At least 50 children are feared to be among the dead. A survivor said children had gathered in a play area on deck just before the boat went down. The double-decker Bulgaria was caught in a storm on Sunday while sailing from Bolgary to the regional capital, Kazan. The bad weather, mechanical failure on the year-old vessel and overcrowding have all been cited as possible reasons why the boat sank. Unfortunately, none came. The Russian authorities have launched a criminal investigation, amid suspicions that negligence contributed to the tragedy. Emergencies Minister Sergei Shoigu said the boat was overcrowded, carrying people, of whom 25 had not been registered as passengers. Investigators quoted by Itar-Tass news agency said that even before the boat had set sail on Sunday one of its two engines had malfunctioned and the vessel had been listing. The 80m ft boat sank several kilometres from the shore near the village of Sukeyevo, about 80km south of Kazan. Phenazepam is a psychoactive also used to treat conditions like insomnia and alcohol withdrawal syndrome. The drug is not controlled in the UK, most of Europe or the US — so can be purchased legally over the internet. Phenazepam is available on prescription in Russia and many other CIS states. Reports from Sweden, Finland, and the US suggest it is being used illicitly in place of similar drugs like diazepam. The Dundee team said they had found nine cases since January where postmortem blood samples had contained phenazepam. Dr Peter Maskell, a lecturer in forensic toxicology at Dundee, said the discovery suggested use of the drug was on the increase in the UK, but stressed that it could not be directly identified as the cause of death in any of the circumstances. Concern over illicit use of the drug in the UK was raised in , when three people in the East Midlands and six people in Scotland were admitted to hospital after phenazepam overdoses. These cases and increased seizures of the drug by police led the Scottish government to issue warnings about phenazepam. The Dundee team began screening postmortem blood samples for phenazepam from the end of January In each of the nine cases detected, the victims had a history of drug use. There is a key difference between this drug and other legally available substances which have hit the headlines in recent years. Phenazepam originates from Russia and is used for neurological disorders like epilepsy and insomnia. However if mixed with other substances and taken without a medical need, it can cause restlessness, anxiety, seizures, and death. Drugs Awareness. Archive Uncategorized RSS feed for this section. But such sentiments sounded disingenuous to many Russians. Alcohol — First national report on trends in related deaths. There has been a rise in alcohol-related deaths in Ireland, according to a new report from the Health Research Board. Two thirds of those who died were men and most were under 50 years of age. Also 3, non-poisoning deaths of people who were alcohol-dependent were reported. Over a third of the deaths in the year age group were due to alcoholic liver disease. Plastic bullets were fired at rioters in the nationalist areas of Broadway and Old Park. Other vehicles were hijacked or set on fire. There were reports of gunshots in the Broadway area, but no injuries, police said. Politicians and clergy on all sides have appealed for a day free of violence. Twenty police officers were injured in serious overnight rioting in west Belfast, with four of them being hospitalised. A water cannon was deployed during the disturbances at Broadway. Police are investigating reports that gunshots were fired in the area. The trouble flared during loyalist celebrations to mark the height of the marching season. North Belfast hoax A number of people had to leave their homes for a time early this morning in north Belfast following reports of a suspicious vehicle in Ballysillan. British army bomb experts were called to the scene at Glenbryn Parade at around The alert was later declared a hoax and local residents were allowed to return home. Police said no officers were seriously injured in the overnight clashes. The bug, known as H, is impervious to all currently available antibiotics. Babies born of infected mothers can suffer serious blood and joint infections or blindness. NEWS UPDATE: For the first time, international researchers have identified a strain of gonorrhea that is resistant to treatment with antibiotics, scientists announced at a sex disease research conference Monday. Gardai have issued an appeal to trace a year-old woman who has been missing since yesterday. It is thought that Ms McArdle could be in the Drumcondra area. Anyone with information is asked to contact gardai at Ardee on or any garda station. Headshop drugs — High usage levels found in Ireland. Ireland has registered the highest level of usage of new synthetic drugs among young Europeans, according to a new survey by the European Commission. The driver lost control of the vehicle, which was overladen with about 50 boys aged between 10 and 15, at Mirershorai, which is km from port city Chittagong. Keywords: mirershorai , chittagong. At least 26 school children died after their vehicle crashed into a canal in south-east Bangladesh, police say. Derek Gatopoulos in Athens contributed to this report. The cause of the tragedy is unclear. The Bulgaria was overcrowded and sank rapidly during a storm, officials said. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Blog at WordPress. Write a Comment Email Required Name Required Website.

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